The Path Toward Heaven Chapter 23: Anyone from Qingshan

Looking at the figure that disappeared in the extremely distant night sky, the Master of Underworld suddenly felt a lot of emotion and said: “With us, this is called Feitian.”

There used to be many passages between Chaotian Continent and the Underworld, but the only creatures that can pass through the abyss, enter those passages, and reach the surface of the continent can only be the creatures that live in the passage and the weakest ghost.

Even if those weak Yin spirits go to the mainland, they are of no use except to cause humans to suffer a few illnesses and scare a few timid people to death.

If a strong man in the underworld wants to go to Chaotian Continent with his own strength, he will face extremely difficult obstacles, and the difficulty is not much different from that of a human practitioner.

This is where the name Tongtianjing by the East China Sea comes from.

It wasn’t until later that there were more and more powerhouses in the underworld, and those passages became stronger and stronger, and it became much easier to get to the mainland.

That was also the time when the relationship between Human Race and the Underworld was the most tense and the most wars.

During that period of time, there were naturally many human experts who passed through the passage to the underworld, directly destroying all hope in the underworld.

The underworld master said: “Those strong human races who come to us, we call them extraterritorial demon.”

The war between the human race and the underworld has long since stopped. Tong Yan didn’t have any emotion in this regard, and asked: “Are there many hidden passages like this now?”

Pluto Master will not answer his question, saying: “The sword of the true man in Liu Ci has changed the earth veins, and some ancient passages have been revealed again.”

Tong Yan knew that his words were not true, and did not break, and said: “I must confirm that the exit positions of those passages will not be problematic.”

The underworld master said: “We should first confirm whether those priests really have the courage to eat your bait and go to the upper realm. There are not so many ambitions like the twelve priests.”

Tong Yan said: “Have you seen my plan, do you think it is feasible?”

The Underworld Master was silent for a while, and said: “If you didn’t know your relationship with the real person in charge, even I would have thought that you really wanted to help the High Priest win the Seal of the Underworld.”

For those priests of the underworld to risk their lives to go to the heavens, only things like the Seal of the Underworld have enough attraction.

Of course, at the very beginning, the Seal of the Underworld could not be a direct target. Those decoys were only information and preliminary preparations related to the Seal of the Underworld.

The game designed by Tong Yan has a very grand situation and incomparably complete details. If the priests of the underworld follow suit, it is really possible to see the Seal of the Underworld.

The problem is that this bureau was fake from the beginning.

What Tong Yan has to do is to induce people from the high priest’s side to appear in Chaotian Continent at a certain time and at a certain place.

Pluto is responsible for determining the candidate and helping him to make the game.

As for what happened after the priests appeared on Chaotian Continent, it was naturally Jing Jiu’s problem.

Tong Yan said: “If those priests continue to hesitate, I want to meet with the high priest.”

A strange light flashed on the translucent face of the Underworld Master, and said: “Do you want to die?”

Tong Yan looked at his face and said: “I finally believe that rumor now…You are indeed a disciple of Taiping.”

The Underworld Master said: “It’s a student.”

Tong Yan said: “I am a disciple of the Zhongzhou School. As long as the high priest does not know that I have left Zhongzhou, it is fine to meet, but we must first confirm this.”

The Underworld Master said: “My people have been staring at him, and there is something wrong with his soul fire. He was washing himself in the Styx, and he has never contacted the Bai Zhenren.”

Tong Yan suddenly asked: “It is really difficult to connect with the upper bound here, so how did you connect with Jing Jiu?”

The Underworld Master said: “The real master trusts you so much, so don’t ask too much.”



The wind is blowing in Guocheng Temple. This time it is not a severe autumn wind, but a slightly salty and wet wind from the sea.

The Zhongzhou sent cloud ship slowly started and came towards Moqiu. This was the signal that the Meihui was about to start.

Yimaozhai, Baotong Temple, Dongyidao, Daze, Jingzong, Xuanlingzong… All sects eligible to participate in the Meihui have already arrived at Guocheng Temple a few days ago.

The cold bird came from the northwest. Kunlun head He Wei heard the news of the tragic death of his junior brother and rushed here with anger.

The small sedan chair from Shuiyue Temple stopped quietly in front of a certain Zen room.

Compared with the May Fair in the spring and the May fairs in previous years, there are not many denominations participating this time, but the level is obviously much higher. Because everyone knows that this May meeting is extremely important, the two great righteous leaders of the Qingshan Sect and the Zhongzhou Sect will move from a confrontational state to a more dangerous state.

For the entire Chaotian Continent, the various factions definitely want to persuade the two sides. If they can’t persuade them, and the two sides cannot reach a reconciliation, then they have to stand in line.

Guocheng Temple has no drinks, and there are not too many mountains and rivers to see. The monks of various sects gathered together to talk about these recent things.

“Master Huiyuan is the supreme elder of Tonghua Temple, how could he suddenly appear there? Isn’t he really a person from Lao Lin? The Lao Lin hides so deeply? What is there to say in Tonghua Temple?”

“The abbot of Tonghua Temple rushed to the East China Sea three days ago and asked to see True Man Bai, but Yun Chuan did not respond.”

“But after all, this matter has nothing to do with Liu Shisui. Isn’t anyone going to ask?”

“At that time, the elder Yueqianmen wanted to take Liu Shisui away, but was stopped by the people of the Qingshan Sect.”

“In those few years, the Qingshan Sect collected three natural Dao seeds at once, and I felt incredible when I thought about it. The younger generation is the strongest in his family, and I don’t know when Tongyan will come out of retreat.”

“Speaking of youth…The current head of Qingshan is really young.”

Hearing the words of a certain sect elder, the atmosphere in the room suddenly changed. Some people left silently, obviously unwilling or afraid to talk about Jing Jiu behind their backs, and some people’s discussions became more enthusiastic. .

Jing Jiu was so young that he actually became the head. This is a rare event in the history of the spiritual world, and the Qingshan Sect is not an ordinary sect.

“It seems that the momentum of Qingshan Sect is not as good as Zhongzhou, but I am afraid that it will still be Qingshan in the future. However, the more so, Qingshan should be more low-key at this time and wait for the future.”

“Yes, if you want to avoid head-on conflict, I’m afraid the Green Mountain Sect has to give way first.”

“The Green Mountain Sect is unreasonable, why not let it? Over the years How many rune-paper crystal magic weapons have been consumed by various sects in order to suppress the passage, and the Green Mountain Sect has killed several underworld monsters?” /

“Is that the Green Mountain Sect did not want to kill? There are really no underworld monsters to kill right now. How many Daoists died in the Green Mountain Sect back then?”

“That’s what it means. Since there are no underworld monsters to kill, and the Green Mountain Sect has no access to town, why do you have to divide it as six hundred years ago? You didn’t do anything, so why did you take things, and you took them? It’s a big head! Even if it’s a mortal, it doesn’t make sense to separate families, isn’t it?”

As the white clouds dispersed, the huge boat flew up again, and the Zhongzhou sent everyone into the hall.

The cultivators can see very clearly that apart from the young disciples Bai Zao and Bai Qianjun, the Zhongzhou faction actually came this time with three valley masters including Yueqianmen, all of whom are powerful in the Void Refining Realm.

As for the person at the forefront who seems to be covered with clouds and mist, and can’t see through…Naturally, he is the real Bai in the rumors.

How should the Qingshan Sect respond to such a big battle?

The real Guangyuan person must be there, and Fang Jingtian is afraid that he will have to leave the customs early, so he has to come and sit in the town personally to compete with the other party.

Suddenly, a bell rang, and it curled away like blue smoke in Tallinn.

The Guocheng Temple became very quiet. The practitioners of various sects stopped talking. They looked at Tallinn and found that several people had come out from there.

Zhao Layue walked in front holding the white cat.

Gu Qing is holding a sword that is bound by layers of cloth and expresses the sense of silence.

Zuo Rusui hugged herself.

Jing Jiu is behind.

So few people came to Qingshan.



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