The Path Toward Heaven Chapter 20: Killing without saying a word

   Takesuke stepped up to provoke the opponent, and it was Kiyotaji’s suggestion.

   Qingtianji had arranged for the God Guards to guard the surroundings of the solitary mountain, but was worried that the opponent would flee with the sword, so he decided to do it on the cloud platform. There are many strong cultivators here, and there are even more strong ones from the Xihai Sword School. The only thing that caused Qingtianji’s scruples was that the Xihai Sword Sect might be unhappy because the Four Seas Banquet was affected, so the best way is to find a way to provoke the opponent. As long as the other party takes the first shot, the Xihai Sword Sect will naturally not blame the court afterwards. , May even become the biggest boost.

   As for the best candidate, of course Takesuke, because he has a good relationship with the Xikai Sword Sect, and he can talk freely in the temple, and he speaks really hard to hear.

   “Or you look too ugly? When you were young, someone cut a few with a knife and disfigured your face?”

   “Of course it is possible that you have a beautiful birth, and you are reluctant to show it to others?”

  ”Hurry up and take off the hat. Uncle, I like pretty girls. If you can really get into my eyes, I will definitely cherish you.”

   Takesuke kept talking, and his words were extremely frivolous and humiliating.

  The cultivators in the hall felt a little strange, thinking how vulgar these words are. Even if you have a good relationship with the Xihaijian faction, wouldn’t you be afraid to make the master unhappy? To say that there is any confidence…Your brother is dead, and the concubine has no friendship with you.

   Zhao Layue was silent, no matter how humiliated the other party was, he did not refute.

   No one noticed that the two disciples of the Qingshan Sect looked very ugly. Yao Songshan, who was born in Liangwangfeng, narrowed his eyes, raised his sword eyebrows, and was about to kill.

  The seats of Xiang Wanshu of the Zhongzhou School and Moxi of Shuiyuean are adjacent to the Qingshan Sect. They noticed the changes in the aura of the pine and cedar, and their expressions were faint.

  ”Little girl…”

   Takesuke, with extreme malice and mockery, kept humiliating Zhao Layue with words.

   suddenly, his voice stopped abruptly.

   A bright red light suddenly appeared in the clear hall.

   There is a faint smell of blood in the air full of fragrance.

   Takesuke’s throat broke open, and blood sputtered out like a waterfall.

   Flying sword pierced through the air, came to Zhao Layue’s body, and disappeared in her palm.

   It wasn’t until this time that Takesuke realized what had happened, with a look of shock and despair in his eyes, and tightly covered his throat with his hands.

  Blood water flowed from his fingers, and the picture looked extremely tragic.

   No one can save his life. Takesuke’s face was pale, and he slowly fell to his knees, making a few bellows-like crying, so he lost his breath.

   The hall was shocked. Many monks stood up and looked around, wanting to see exactly what happened.

   Countless eyes fell on Zhao Layue, and there was a lot of fear besides shock.

   She was separated from Takesuke by more than a hundred feet, and she was able to kill them with a single sword, and the sword was hidden in the palm of her hand.

  According to the most popular Qingshanzong realm in the southern mainland, isn’t she already in the state of no manifestation?

   glanced at Wan Shu and Mo Xi, both of them could see the shock in each other’s hearts.

   This girl in a hat should be about the same age as herself, but she is actually higher than herself?

   Who is she? And what kind of sword is her flying sword? Have such a terrifying killing intent?

  ”In broad daylight, how dare you commit crimes in public!”

   An angry voice sounded outside the hall.

  The officials of Qingtianji finally appeared.

   Looking at Takesuke who fell in a pool of blood, Shi Fengchen’s face was blue and his mood was very heavy.

   Takesuke did what he wanted and successfully angered the opponent, but… he failed to prevent the opponent from violent killing.

   This made him feel an unprecedented sense of frustration and gave him great anger.

   Shi Fengchen took a deep breath, calmed his mind, and said to the monks in the temple: “It is good to teach all the immortal masters that this assailant wearing a hat is a key criminal pursued by the court. He has killed nearly a hundred people in the past two years. Do a lot of evil, don’t let her run away!”

   The ascetics who attended the Qingtianji meeting in Haizhou City a few days ago reacted quickly.

   They left the table, summoned their swords and magic weapons, and the hall was clear and full of killing intent.

   looked at Zhao Layue to Wanshu, raised her eyebrows slightly, as if she didn’t expect this girl to be a villain.

   Mo Xi’s gaze also fell on her body, and her eyebrows frowned slightly, revealing a feeling of disgust.

   To the surprise of the Qingtian Division officials and the ascetics, the two medical monks in Guocheng Temple did not move, the Zuo Yushi of Daze did not move, and even more surprisingly, Yao Songshan did not move either. , Isn’t this person the immortal master of the Qingshan Sect Liangwangfeng who is famous for his passion for fighting and hatred like hatred?

   Killing Zhusuke instantaneously with a sword separated by a distance of more than a hundred feet, Zhao Layue showed a realm of strength indeed, but at this time there are a lot of strong people in the temple, such as Kunlun elder He Zhichong, or Xiang Wanshu, etc. People, let alone the home of the Xihai Sword Sect, the elder who sits in the chief is a master in the wilderness!

   According to reason, it is impossible for Zhao Layue to kill Zhusuke in such a situation.

   Her sword is too Others kill people without saying a word, but she kills without saying a word.

   The most important thing is that no one would have thought that she would dare to kill someone with a sword in this place.

   This is the powerful Yuntai of the Xihai Sword Sect. Although the formation has been suspended due to the Four Seas Banquet, if you kill here, you will wait for the Xihai Sword Sect to initiate a provocation.

   The elder of the Xihai Sword Sect looked at Zhao Layue coldly, and his powerful sword consciousness had already fallen, covering her.

   Up to this time, Xi Wangsun still did not show up and did not speak.

  No one knows, this powerful man who mysteriously rises in the West Sea is watching all this quietly in the depths of the hall.

   Everything is in his grasp.

   He wanted to see how the two young men in hats would cope with the current situation, and then let them go.

  ”Sandu sent the blood debts of several teachers and nephews, today you will pay them all together.”

   Kunlun faction elder He Zhichuang slowly got up, looked at Zhao Layue and said.

  His voice fell, and an extremely sharp moon wheel whizzed up through the air, and with a fierce killing intent, it slashed towards Zhao Layue.

   Suddenly, a flying sword greeted him from below.

  The flying sword is superb and superb, and the speed is extremely fast, just like a straight blue line.

   There was a loud noise!

  The moon wheel was chopped from below by this flying sword, flew diagonally back in front of Elder Kunlun, hovering in the air, making a whining sound.

   Kunlun old elder’s complexion is ruddy, his beard and hair are stretched, and the corners of his lips overflow with blood, a little embarrassed.

  The flying sword is indeed tyrannical, but the realm of the sword master is not higher than him, but he was unprepared and suffered a sullen loss.

   He looked at the seats of the Green Mountain Sect, and exclaimed, “Yao Songshan, are you crazy!”

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