The Path Toward Heaven Chapter 109: Chill 10-foot signal

In a courtyard of Xishanju, the girls of Qingrong Peak are chatting about the Dao war.

They said with joy, the shells of melon seeds were flying everywhere, and the tea in the pot was changed.

Nan Wang walked in with frost on his face. ..

Qingrongfeng’s rules have always been lax, but looking at the appearance of the peak master, how dare the disciples neglect, quickly put down the tea cup and melon seeds in their hands, and salute in unison.

Nan Wang sat down in the chair, looked at these beautiful girls, and said angrily: “Look at what you look like, it’s no wonder that the sword test conference performed so badly that you couldn’t even get a place in the road war. What are you doing with me in Chaoge City this time, come to play?”

The girls thought that they were not qualified to participate in the Taoist war, and Qing Shan did not participate in the four items of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, isn’t it just for playing in Chaoge City?

They didn’t worry until they knew why Nan Wang was in such a bad mood.

Meihui Dao Warfare is already extremely dangerous. Young monks will die every time, but is it too early this year?

Besides, Master Jing Jiu is at the back, and it is logically the safest. Why did the Kunlun disciple who was with him died? The most troublesome thing is that the Kunlun disciple died just after he successfully killed a Snow Country monster. It is easy for people to have bad associations, especially for those conspiracy theorists.

“I heard that He Wei was very angry and asked us to explain.”

Nan Wang patted the desktop, and said in a cold voice, “Hand in his mother’s generation!”

The girls stood with their heads down, just as if they hadn’t heard this sentence.

He Wei is the name of the head of Kunlun.

It stands to reason that Nan Wang should give him some respect. But they have long been accustomed to the non-taboo style of the peak master. In the Qingrong Peak, the peak master gets angry and even the head teacher has to say a few words, let alone the head of another faction.

After visiting Qingshan for March, Nan Wang’s temperament has been reduced a lot, but she is surrounded by her own disciples. She doesn’t want to suppress her emotions anymore. She sneered and said: “Death is to lose, to live is to win. This It is Dao Zhan, what does he want to explain?”

A well-loved female disciple persuaded: “In this situation, it is inevitable that the little uncle will be talked about. When the news of the cold bird comes back, it will naturally be better.”

The cold bird is an exotic bird of the Kunlun school. It is naturally not afraid of the cold and yin. It usually rests in the Jiuyou Hantan on weekdays. It will only be invited out during the plum meeting for several years and is responsible for monitoring. The situation on the snowy field, to determine the location of those young practitioners, will personally take action at some of the most dangerous moments.

In fact, Nan Wang understands this. The Hanhao bird is Kunlun’s own ancestor. He Wei can never tell a lie, and even if it does not see the situation at the time, there are witnesses present. The problem is… now even she thinks this matter is a bit strange, she is not sure whether Jing Jiu is related to the death of that Kunlun disciple.

Just look at Zhao Layue’s unblinking energy to kill people on the journey in those few years, and then think about Shi Fengchen’s death the other day, who knows what Jing Jiu will do.

The mountain she once knew very well has now become very strange.



Chaoge City enters the night.

The peach blossoms in Jingjue Temple have long since fallen, and the peach blossom lamps on both sides of the passage leading to the deepest point are still on.

An old monk walked towards the end of the stone path, seemingly slow, but in fact it only took a few breaths to get to the door of the quiet room.

He adjusted his breathing, opened the door and walked in, looking at the scene in front of him with a relieved smile.

Today, Zenzi finally agreed to sit cross-legged.

Although he was only cross-legged, the main reason was that it was convenient for him to look sideways to see the pile of sticks.

“It’s not the ear, it should be the iron worm.”

The old monk knew that the matter was a bit urgent, and without any delay, he directly stated his own conclusion.

The old monk named Shi Hai, who served the Sword Sage in that small northern city for decades. When it comes to understanding Snow Country monsters, the entire Guocheng Temple is no better than him.

It is for this reason that Zenzi needs his advice.

The iron nematode is a kind of zerg in the depths of the Snow Country. It looks similar to the ears and lives in the bodies of various snow beasts. However, the carapace is so strong that even the sword of the Qingshan Sect cannot be cut open. As for the terrifying lethality, it is even more different from that of Ting Er Tian.

If the Kunlun disciple encountered the iron worm, he would be lucky to be unprepared.

Zhanzi raised his head, and asked a little puzzled: “Isn’t this kind of insects always by his side?”

Old Monk Shi Hai knew who Chan Zi was referring to, and said solemnly: “And the iron nematode hasn’t appeared for many years, even if there were so few that got in when the tide of beasts receded. Deep underground, but this time is early summer, and it should be a long sleep. Why do you wake up suddenly?”

Zhanzi opened his eyes wide, and said innocently, “Where do I know the answer.”

Old Monk Shi Hai smiled bitterly and said, “Could it be another wave of big beasts this year?”

When I heard the word beast tide, Chanzi’s expression became more serious, and he said: “I have asked Master Duhai to take a look.”

The monk crossing the sea is the chief of the Law Hall of Guocheng Temple. No one knows that this Zen monk has gone to the north quietly.

Old monk Shi Hai worried and said: “Do you want to end the road war ahead of time?”

This year’s May Fair will be hosted by Chanzi himself.

Only he is qualified to end this road war in one sentence.

Zhanzi looked at the pile of wooden sticks on the couch, stretched out his hand to hold one at random, and then pulled it out.

Old monk Shi Hai suddenly felt very nervous.

Hundreds of wooden sticks just collapsed like this without making much noise.

Zhanzi looked at the messy wooden sticks and didn’t speak for a long time, seemingly undecided.

Guocheng Temple is the best at two-hearted communication.

Chanzi’s cultivation in this area is even more unfathomable.

Such hesitation is very rare.

“Write to those who need to know and let them be prepared.”

Chanzi was quiet for a while, and continued: “We are waiting for Cao Yuan’s letter.”



The eyesight of the cold bird is extremely sharp.

The four small black spots on the snowy field seem to be in front of it.

It can see the dust on their clothes, the residual snow on their boots, the fatigue on their faces, and the blank look in their eyes.

What it doesn’t understand is, why is the young man walking in the front so clean?

There is no dust, no residual snow, no fatigue, no emotional ups and downs.

This is something that Yin Qingmo and the three didn’t understand.

Of course, they have more things they don’t understand.

After Dai Yin Jing Jiu, who had been sitting in that mountain for more than ten days, seemed to have figured out something suddenly and started to march into the snowy field.

The tragic death of the companion did not destroy the will of the three young practitioners, but it still made them feel a little confused, and naturally began to listen to Jing Jiu’s ideas.

Jing Jiu didn’t mean to take them to hunt the Snow Country monsters. He had encountered them two or three times on the road, but he didn’t even look at it.

He seems to be simply on his way.

Where is he going?

If he is in a hurry to go, why is he still walking as usual, not speeding up, and not risking his sword?



The sky dimmed, and the Cold Bird had already left.

Jing Jiu stopped.

The three people behind quickly stopped.

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