The Path Toward Heaven Chapter 108: Reason for short hair

When Zhao Layue took the sword out of the green mountain array, he could see the mangrove trees like fire on the ground.

The more you go north, the richer the color of the earth, and the more the forests are dyed.

However, further north, the colors gradually became monotonous, and the scenery gradually became desolate.

Autumn will deepen with it.

When we came to the edge of the snowy field, Baicheng had become a white city, covered with snow.

She didn’t land in the city, but went to the courtyard on the edge of the snowy field.

More than a hundred years ago, the Snow Queen was pregnant with a child, and the snowy field was in chaos. Many young practitioners who participated in the May Fair fell into it, including Bai Zao and Jing Jiu.

The powerful people from various sects came to help, and several courtyards were built here overnight, and these courtyards were left afterwards until now.

These courtyards will be repaired every other time, so they are not dilapidated. You can occasionally see plum blossoms and green pine in the snow, which is very beautiful.

Zhao Layue landed in a courtyard, He Zhan greeted her and smiled at her.

Having not seen for a hundred years, these former young geniuses have grown into true powerhouses.

Zhao Layue entered the realm of breaking the sea. He Zhan fought hard in the snowy field for hundreds of years, and also studied the techniques of Shuiyue’an and Guocheng Temple.

Suddenly the sound of broken dishes and chopsticks sounded in the kitchen room behind the courtyard, Zhao Layue’s expression was slightly different, and he glanced at He Zhan.

He Zhan covered his face and said, “She is learning to cook recently.”



The eldest lady of the Suspended Bell Sect like Se Se, cooking is simply the most difficult thing in the world, and it is countless times more difficult than refining Qingxin Ling.

But if you are making hot pot, you can barely eat it.

The steaming mist rose in the yard, and then was blown away by the cold wind.

The three people sat around the table. The plates were filled with ordinary mutton and tofu. On the contrary, the dishes that were really precious were the vegetables shipped from Juye City thousands of miles away.

Sese calmed down from the surprise of reuniting with Zhao Layue, watching her and asking: “How is he now?”

Zhao Layue lowered her head to finish the meat on the plate, then raised her head and said calmly: “I didn’t go to Chaoge City.”

Sese and He Zhan looked at each other, a little surprised, wondering what is going on?

For the love between Zhao Layue and Jing Jiu, she didn’t actually go to see him the first time after leaving the customs, but came to the snowy field. There are some questions about this.

There must be something hidden, this is not convenient to ask, and the atmosphere at the table becomes a bit weird as he lowers his head and starts to eat meat.

Zhao Layue knew that they had misunderstood, and asked: “How is the situation in Xueyuan recently?”

He Zhan said: “After that battle, the queen should have also suffered some injuries. She sent a large number of guard snow monsters to the south. The situation is much better than in previous years. There has been no animal tide for more than a hundred years. Now it seems that there should be nothing wrong in the next few decades.”

Zhao Layue asked: “How is the saint of swordsman now?”

He Zhan shook his head and said, “He was seriously injured. He hasn’t fully recovered after several decades. He still can’t make a move for a short time. In the spring of next year, Chanzi will come here from Chaoge City. “

After the death of Lian San Yue, a sharp blade of light rushed out of the small temple behind the white city and rushed into the deepest part of the snowy field.

The battle between the Sword Saint and the Snow Queen was directly fought for ten years.

This battle is truly earth-shattering and heroic.

Countless people have come to the periphery of the snowy field to watch the battle. Although they can’t see the real picture in the depths of the snowy field, they can see the collapsed black mountains, and they can see the snow and fog rising to the sky.

In those ten years, the earthquake in the snowy field has never stopped.

In this battle, the saint of swords showed a powerful and incredible combat power and almost crazy fighting intent.

Probably only Liu Ci and the last battle before Lian San Yue left the world can be compared with them.

The only difference is that the Sword Sage is not dead, dragging his severely injured body back to the small temple on the back mountain of Baicheng.



The commander of the Shenwei Northern Army was killed by Jing Jiu in the Imperial Palace of Chaoge City. The Zhongzhou faction still has a strong and deep influence in the military.

In the past few decades after the Sword Saint was seriously injured, the Wind Sword Sect has been under tremendous pressure from the Shenwei Northern Army, and the former control area has been swallowed a lot.

Especially, the Kunlun faction gained momentum with the support of the Zhongzhou faction. There were many conflicts with the Fengdaojiao in Lengshan, and it was temporarily unable to distinguish the victory or defeat.

The two parties agreed to conduct a competition at the former site of Lieyang Gorge next spring to determine the ownership of Lengshan.

This competition has five points. It is obviously the battle between the Qingshan School and the Zhongzhou School in Chaoge City a hundred years ago.

As for why it will be set for next spring, it is naturally because the Green Mountain Sect will choose a new head at that time.

This is also something He Zhan didn’t understand.

Jing Jiu hasn’t woken up yet, and the head of Qingshan is about to change hands. Why did Zhao Layue come to the snowy field?

“My realm is a bit unstable and I need some fighting.”

Zhao Layue gave her own explanation, but He Zhan and Se Se felt that the reason was more than that.



It is not the first time Zhao Layue has come to the snowy field, but this is the first time he has entered the snowy field.

Before entering the snowy field, she first went to the temple behind Baicheng.

Back then, she and Jing Jiu waited for a long time in this temple for the winter. After the winter, she waited for a long time until the pear blossoms all over the city were white, and then she cut off her hair and left.

She came to the temple, stood in front of the Buddha, her short hair was blown like weeds by the wind.

This Buddha was originally a golden Buddha. I don’t know if it was more than a hundred years later or some other reason. The golden paint was mottled and peeled off a lot, revealing the pale red mud embryo inside, looking a little bleak.

The three-foot-long iron knife in front of the Buddha is also a little bent, the most terrifying thing is that there is a huge gap in the middle.

You can imagine how fierce the battle between the sword saint and the snow queen is, and how terrifying the queen is.

She sat on the threshold of this temple for a year, and both of them were acquaintances, and asked directly: “How are you?”

The round but flawed voice slowly sounded: “I can’t die.”

Zhao Layue thought that the gap in this voice was obviously much larger than it was in the past.

The saint of sword asked: “You want to enter the snowy field?”

Zhao Layue repeated the reasons he said to He Zhan and Se Se.

“Don’t fight with her.”

The voice disappeared for a while before it sounded again.

Zhao Layue raised her eyebrows and said: “I don’t understand what you mean.”

“You have already broken through the sea at such an age. You are really talented and amazing. You will never be under her back then, but it is not something you can do alone to kill the Snow Queen and end the human race. , She can’t, neither can you.”

Sheng Dao said: “She insisted on doing this back just wanted to fight with Jingyang. Facts have proved that this is wrong. Let’s not fight with people, but with the sky.”

Zhao Layue said calmly: “I’m not that stupid, I don’t even want to be San Yue, and I don’t want to be her.”

The deep laughter echoed in the small temple, like the sound of a bell.

The sword saint understood what she meant.

She didn’t want to be the second consecutive March, even if she looked like it, because she didn’t want to be Jing Jiu’s substitute.

It is probably for this reason that she cut her hair short.

“Back then, she wanted to gather a group of powerful people into the snowy field to kill the queen. She even thought about Qingshan Yinfeng and Yunmeng Houshan, but no one cares about her except me and Pei Baifa.”

The saint of sword said: “Jingyang’s answer is the most amazing, that is, after that time, they have been strangers to this world.”

Zhao Layue asked: “How did he answer?”

The saint of sword said: “Don’t disturb my ascent.”



The small temple became quiet.

Even Zhao Layue felt that Jing Yang’s answer back then was too cold and boring.

The Dao Sheng sighed: “A person like Jingyang will work hard for her in this life. She should be very happy.”

Zhao Layue said: “But how is he happy when she is gone? You and I still have to live.”

The saint of sword said: “It’s worthy of being Jingyang’s true descendant, and they all have the same idea.”

“So don’t worry about me.”

After Zhao Layue said this, Yu Jian flew towards the depths of the snowy field.

Fusijian grabbed the blood, because she didn’t want to alarm too many people, nor did she want to alarm the one in the depths of the snowy field.

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