The Path Toward Heaven Chapter 1: Lower civilization

You don’t know what that means.

You can’t start again, the circles have spread again and again

If there is a scenery like a fish cruising, you may be the other you

When the butterflies explode, burn, and die like metal one by one

And what you see is only a trace of you

——Excerpt from Zhang Zao’s “Water in October”



Tens of thousands of warships ignite again, turning into tens of thousands of burning flying swords, heading toward the depths of the distant universe.

The flames glowing with faint blue luster are not the burning of real things, but more like a stream of light. It didn’t take long for those burning flying swords to disappear without a trace. I don’t know where they went. Around the huge red fireball, there was nothing but the dust of the corpse of the demon outside the domain.



“The brood! That is the real brood! The defense is extremely strong, and the strength of the pulse attack can pass through the thickest alloy plate. It takes at least one squadron to destroy it, and I don’t believe it. Will be killed by one person!”

“I have said that many times, he is a liquid metal robot, not a real human being.”

“I have also said many times that this is impossible! Spectroscopic analysis shows that his body is not metal at all, but is composed of an unknown element, and look at his skin and hair…Where is such a good bionic material? The biggest logical question is, if it is a liquid metal robot, why should it simulate the appearance of human beings and even the distribution of internal organs? This does not make sense. In addition, where is his microprocessor? You have scanned more than 700 times and have seen it. Does a processor find an information channel?”

“After receiving the information, the Academy of Sciences believes that he is most likely the remains of an ancient civilization.”

“Please, how long has the ancient civilization been ruined for many years? Even if our ancestors had reached this level of civilization, how could it be possible to preserve a robot so well?”

The blue sky scatters uniform light outside the window, which has an unreal feeling, but it is enough to brighten the empty laboratory. Two scientists stood outside the transparent protective shield, watching what was constantly arguing inside. I don’t know how long it had passed. The male scientist among them suddenly said: “Did you apply for it last time?”

They tried all types of cutting tools in the planetary base, but the body of the experiment target was so tight and hard that it was impossible to take samples. They had to report to the Academy of Sciences, hoping to transfer a power field separator.

The reason is unavoidable because the Academy of Sciences will definitely agree to their request, but there must be many colleagues with the power field separator.

Faced with such an amazing discovery, no scientist wants to miss it.

The older, gentle-faced female scientist shook her head and gave an unexpected answer.

“The dean was worried that it would damage the internal structure of the experiment target, so he sent the application back…but don’t be happy too early. The dean will take the spacecraft and it may take another twenty days.”

The male scientist sighed, not knowing whether it was regret or fear. He looked at the experimental target on the stage and said: “To be honest, I can’t bear to even cut off one of his hair.”

The female scientist was a little puzzled, and asked: “What do you mean?”

“This is a work of art.” The male scientist retracted his gaze, looking at her and said very seriously: “This is the most perfect work of art in the universe, the smallest damage to him-even if his nails are cut off- —All crimes.”

The female scientist looked at the experimental target for a long time, and acquiesced to the opinion of her peers, and said: “So he can’t be a human being. It might be so perfect.”

“He is the most perfect artwork, but not perfect. The true perfection is incomplete. The most precise scan found a very small fine line on the corner of his eye, probably at the atomic level. I know how beautiful the fine lines are under the lens of the electron microscope.”

The male scientist talked endlessly, his eyes could not help falling on the stage again, and he said with emotion: “If he were a living person, I would love him hopelessly.”

The female scientist said: “No matter from which point of view, if he is alive, he should be a male.”

The male scientist spread his hands and asked innocently: “Is this important?”

There is metal everywhere in the laboratory, and under the warm light from the blue sky outside the window, it glows with a white color, but it doesn’t feel cold.

There is a metal platform in the middle of the transparent protective cover. On the platform lies a **** man, whose appearance and body are perfect.

Suddenly, the man opened his eyes and looked at the two scientists outside the protective shield. There was no emotion in his eyes and said: “Huh?”



The retreat room of Xinshi Academy is as quiet as its name.

A dozen students sat cross-legged on the ground, closed their eyes, and remained motionless for a long time, but their eyelids kept trembling slightly. It was obvious that their eyes were turning from time to time, as if they were looking at something.

I don’t know how long it has passed, a student opened his eyes, fell back on the floor somewhat boringly, and said with his legs folded: “If it weren’t for Zhong Lizi’s book, I would definitely not be able to read it.”

Another student opened his eyes, rubbed his sore neck, and said: “But don’t you say, she can update one hundred thousand words in a day, at least she can see the fullness?”

The previous student made a cut and said: “Catch with consciousness, I can write 600,000 characters a day!”

“There is no typo or spoken language, and there is no trace of intelligent modification. She obviously used manual input.”

Students opened their eyes one after another and joined the discussion.

“Manually input can write 100,000 characters? When did she break the boundary? No, even if her realm is raised by three levels, her hand speed cannot be so fast.”

“Her family is in a bad situation, maybe she is in a hurry to earn money, otherwise she won’t be so young and she will turn her head…”

“She and I are first class classmates. It is said that she had a problem during the second genetic development.”

“It’s a long way. Don’t talk about 100,000 characters every day. The key is to look at the content of the story. What age is it still writing Xiuxian, it’s really clichéd and boring, just like the title of the book. “

“Yes, the name Dao Chaotian is too common.”

“The title of the book and the plot are good to say, the giant is very cute, ten-year-old is very inviting, and the childlike face is so pitiful…The male protagonist is too boring, he has a dead face all the time, the character is flat, and has no character!”


With a clear drink and the sound of a door slamming, a young girl walked into the retreat room.

The young girl is about fifteen or sixteen years old, wearing a plain uniform with silver hair tied behind her, looking extremely sassy, ​​and shouting annoyedly at the classmates: “Where is Xiuxian so old-fashioned! What is it! A hundred thousand words still can’t stop your mouths! And you, what does it mean to have no character? If you look back, you will give an explanation, and that explanation is very good. I almost watched it… and cried. “

A student couldn’t help but said: “But this story is easy to forget the front when you see it later, even if you explain it later, what’s the use?”



The silver-haired girl Zhong Lizi was walking down the campus road, a little dejected, and the robes that fluttered in the wind had lost a lot of spirit. Coming to the edge of the cliff at the end of the path, she looked up at the high-speed rotating stars in the night sky and the high platforms hidden in the clouds, her small face showing envy and yearning.

I don’t know how long I watched, but yearning and admiration turned into exhaustion and helplessness. She jumped down the cliff, her robes rose with the wind and turned into a dandelion.

After floating for a long time, the light in the sky gradually dimmed, and her speed gradually slowed down, and she fell on the ground.

Compared with the cliff where the college is located and the world hidden in the clouds, the world here is always gray and the lights in the building are so dim, but fortunately it is not as wet and dirty as those described in the apocalyptic movies. Dirty is also dangerous.

She walked into an ordinary apartment building, scanned and returned to her home, reached for a glass of water and drank it, and then she collapsed on the sofa.

Looking at the closed bedroom door, thinking about what the classmates said about the novel today, she couldn’t help but exclaimed: “Everyone says your novel is boring, even if you spend money to buy permission to put it online. May make money, don’t expect me to pay!”

Nothing happens in the bedroom, it’s still so quiet, as if there is no one. She walked to the door and knocked hard twice, and said: “Now the college network has been updated to Tongyan to see Jing Jiu and Liu Ci and let them steal Qingtianjian. The response is still very ordinary. What should I do next? You will write later. I’ve seen all of them, and I haven’t had a climax! Even when March died, I was a little sad, but I was still crying, and the final ascent was so dull, you didn’t have enough pen skills! After the ascension, you have to write seriously!”

The door was still the people inside ignored her.

She couldn’t help it anymore, and slammed the door open.

A teenager is wearing sportswear and a hat sitting at the window, not knowing what he is looking at.

She thought to herself that she was really a weird person. She even wore a hat at home and said: “I ask you, you tell me first, where did he go after he ascended?”

The young man was silent for a while and replied: “He has come to this world.”

Hearing this answer, Zhong Lizi was startled for a moment, then hugged his head and screamed.

“What’s the mess! This way no one will look at it! Do you think that the connection between the world of immortality and the interstellar age is very new! I don’t know how many people have written about it! This so-called fusion of themes is the worst choice! Like a deformed freak! How dare you write that! I don’t care! You must change it for me!”

After saying this, she slammed the door shut.

The teenager ignored her reaction and still looked out the window quietly.

It is very low here, far away from the starry sky, only a tiny corner of the universe can be seen, and the starlight shining outside the window is extremely tiny.

Those stars fell on his face, and it became a bit brilliant and beautiful.

Jing Jiu came to this world for 1.6 million breaths.

Using the time here, it should be twenty days.

He hasn’t fully figured out what is going on.

The only certainty is that this is a lower civilization compared to Chaotian Continent.

However, he only learned the word civilization when he came here.



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