The Male God’s Favorable Impressions Are Difficult to Farm Chapter 55: City, the fastest update to the latest chapter of [Quick Wear]!

[One Hundred Questions about Husband’s Affinity] (By the way, the wild goose sells cuteness and 004 sells stupid plugging houses~)

Hello everyone, I’m An Yue (An Yue has a paralyzed face), the host of today’s “One Hundred Questions about the Sexuality of Saint Difu”. Since today is the first anniversary of the marriage of the two presidents, the senior leaders of the two major guilds specially invited me to host (continue to face paralysis), so now, let’s start.

1. What is your name?

Ye Junge: Yun Xiyu, the name of the game 弑情.

Qi Hao: Qi Hao, the name of the game is Zhu Jun. (Ye Junge pinches him, the name is really inexplicable.)

Ye Junyan: (๑·.·๑) the nickname is Yaner, and the big name is Ye Junyan. (Huh? Why does my brother say his name is Yun Xiyu?)

004: Silly goose, they didn’t ask you!

Ye Junyan: (๑·.·๑) Yeah, but I heard a problem.

Anyue poked Yan’er’s little face calmly, oh oh oh, this boss’s pet(?) is so cute!

The ignored 004:…

2. What is your age?

Ye Junge (green veins raised, smiling): I refuse to answer.

Qi Hao: Probably… less than thirty?

Ye Junyan: (๑·.·๑) I don’t know, my brother didn’t tell Yan’er.

004: I said I didn’t ask you!

3. What is your gender?

Ye Junge: Male.

Qi Hao: Male.

Ye Junyan: (๑·.·๑) The Lun family is a girl.

004: …not made.

The vice president who popped up suddenly (nodding in understanding): Unknown creatures, I understand, I understand.

004: = dish=!

4. What is your personality?

Ye Junge: Sinister? Black belly?

004: He is sick!

Ye Junge (smile): Shut up.

Qi Hao: Domineering.

Ye Junyan: (๑·.·๑) cute.

004: Moe is not a character, right?

Ye Junyan: (๑·.·๑) Isn’t it? But my brother said they were cute.

004:…well, my character is…

An Yue (interrupting 004): Without asking you, let’s continue.


5. The character of the other party?

Ye Junge: Wife slave, loyal dog, luscious, shameless

Qi Hao: _(:3」∠)_My dear, how can you say that I am shameless? My baby is of course cute, pretty, very attractive…

Ye Junyan: (๑·.·๑) This is not a character, right, brother?

Ye Junge: Yes.

Qi Hao:……

Ye Junyan: =w=My brother is very gentle.

004: Ha ha.

Ye Junyan: (๑·.·๑)004 is stupid and cute, my brother said.


6. When did the two meet? where is it?

Qi Hao: I’ve known each other since I was a child, at parties

Ye Junge: When I was in the game that day, I saw him being stupid, ran to the headquarters to make noise, and then ran away shyly (when did I meet, do you want me to say that we met in the previous life?)

Ye Junyan: (๑·.·๑) My brother and I have been together for a long time!

004: Refuse to answer, you don’t know after that.

An Yue: It doesn’t matter, I didn’t ask you.


7. What is your first impression of the other party?

Ye Junge: Stupid (If you say that at the beginning, it is, there is no impression→_→Who would have the first impression of the shriveled little boy saved from the boiling hot pot?)

Qi Hao: Beauty (the most beautiful baby!)

Ye Junyan: (๑·.·๑) My brother is so scary.

Qi Hao: How can it be!

004: You weird freak scared little Lolita, hahahahaha

8. What do you like about each other?

Ye Junge: Domineering and strong, and then think that I am the center, everything is my first.

Qi Hao: My baby, I like everything. (Hehehe, he likes his attractive look on the bed the most →_→)

Ye Junyan: (๑·.·๑) I like my brother so gentle.

004 (Nympho face): My male **** is the most handsome when he is serious!

9. What do you hate about each other?

Ye Junge: The love is endless when it comes out

Qi Hao: Nothing to hate!

Ye Junyan: ╭(╯^╰)╮ I hate my brother, I hate it

004: Sometimes the host is too inhuman!

10. Do you think you have a good relationship with the other party?

Ye Junge: Very good

Qi Hao: Can’t be better

Ye Junyan: (๑·.·๑) What is that?

004: You are young, so don’t ask anymore

Ye Junyan: 0_0 oh

11. How do you call the other person?

Ye Junge: A Hao

Qi Hao: Baby

Ye Junyan: brother, brother

004: Stupid host (fly by pia)

12. How do you want to be called by the other party?

Ye Junge: This is great

Qi Hao: Actually, I prefer my baby to call me always attack

Ye Junyan: (๑·.·๑) Yan’er is cute

004:…what the hell

13. If you use animals as a metaphor, what do you think is the other person?

Ye Junge: Wolf

Qi Hao: How can I use animals to describe my family. Baby? ! No one can compare my baby!

Ye Junyan: (๑·.·๑) I like bunny paper, kittens, puppies, small…

004: I didn’t ask what you like

14. If you want to give a gift to the other party, will you give it?

Ye Junge: I have already given it away, my personal jade pendant

Qi Hao: Can you give me to him?

Ye Junyan: (๑·.·๑) Huh? gift? I think about it…

004: Don’t think about it, the next question

15. So what gift do you want?

Ye Junge: I have everything I want, right?

Qi Hao: I want him to give himself to me

Ye Junyan: (๑·.·๑) This should also be thought about…

004: Next question!

16. Are you dissatisfied with the other party? What is it normally?

Ye Junge: This guy is dissatisfied with desires

Qi Hao: My baby is good everywhere, no dissatisfaction, it would be better if he didn’t look at others and just stared at me.

Ye Junyan: (๑·.·๑) I…

004: Next question!

Ye Junyan: qwq you bully others, they hate you! People still hate my brother! I hate it!

Dark Moon:…

17. What is wrong with you?

Ye Junge: Heartless?

Qi Hao: Too possessive

Ye Junyan: 0_0 I have no problems

004: Sometimes it’s stupid…

18. What’s wrong with the other party?

Ye Junge: He has problems all over his body

Qi Hao: The baby is so perfect, what’s wrong with it

Ye Junyan: (๑·.·๑) Brother is right

004: You all have problems! (Flyed by pia again)

19. What does the other party do that make you unhappy?

Ye Junge: Too much control

Qi Hao: Too close to others

Ye Junyan: I hate everything I do.

004: When the host bullied me

20. What do you do to upset the other party?

Ye Junge: Too close to others

Qi Hao: Too much control

Ye Junyan: Brother won’t be angry with me

004: I refuse to answer!

An Yue: Then you can shut up.


21. To what extent is your relationship?

Ye Junge: Old Man Old Man

Qi Hao: Newly married Yaner!

Ye Junyan: (๑·.·๑) Huh?

004: …I don’t speak

22. Where was the first date for two people?

Ye Junge: In the game, when I did a task, he suddenly rushed out to help?

Qi Hao: I think we are dating all the time

Dark Moon: Answer the wrong question

23. What was the atmosphere of the two at that time?

Ye Junge: Okay, this guy is pretty stupid anyway

Qi Hao: I think I was pretty handsome at the time, a flower protector or something

004: Haha

24. How far did it progress then?

Ye Junge: He hugged and ate a lot of tofu

Qi Hao: Hey, he got his dress size, what do you think?

An Yue (= 紅=#) can’t bear it! Bastard!

25. Where do you go to date often?

Ye Junge: A place with good scenery in the game

Qi Hao: I said that every moment is a date

26. How will you prepare for the other party’s birthday?

Ye Junge: Wash and go to bed?

Qi Hao: Make a great meal

Ye Junyan: (๑·.·๑) birthday?

004: It’s none of my business

Dark Moon:…

27. Which party confessed first?

Ye Junge: He

Qi Hao: Should it be me?

28. How much do you like each other?

Ye Junge: I like to die with him. If he dares to make me unhappy, I will kill him first and then commit suicide.

Qi Hao: I can die for him

Ye Junyan: (๑·.·๑) I like my brother too!

004: It’s about the degree! Silly goose!

29. So, do you love each other?

Ye Junge: Nonsense

Qi Hao: nonsense

30. What does the other party say will make you feel bad?

Ye Junge: To be very gentle, let’s do it again, baby, just once

Qi Hao: With tears in the corners of his eyes, he said in a weak tone, I am so tired and want to sleep

004:…Fuck. Slot. You are so dirty!

An Yue (= 紅=#): Everyone copy guys! Kill that hostile guild president!

31. If you feel that the other party is suspected of changing his mind, would you?

Ye Junge: Kill him, then commit suicide (Dear, we will love each other again in the next world)

Qi Hao: I will not let him have a chance to change his mind, I will kill all men and women who walk too close

Ye Junyan: (๑·.·๑) What is change of mind?

004: Don’t ask so many kids!

32. Can you forgive the other person for changing his mind?

Ye Junge: What do you think?

Qi Hao: Yes, as long as he falls in love with me again (so sad_(:3」∠)_)

33. What if the other party is more than one hour late for the appointment?

Ye Junge: There won’t be such a situation. He pesters me all day long, and it’s hard to separate for a minute

Qi Hao: Then go find him yourself

34. Who do you think is your rival in love?

Ye Junge: I don’t have a rival in love, and the protagonist is not a rival in love at all.

Qi Hao: I think there are a lot of rivals in love, and the men and women around me all have plans for my baby!

Dark Moon: = Dish = Mud Dirt

35. What is the expression of the other’s sex?

Ye Junge: Domineering look

Qi Hao: I think my baby is always sexual. Feeling! He must have been seducing me

Ye Junge (kick): Going rough

36. When two people are together, when do you think your heart beats most?

Ye Junge: When he got on me

Qi Hao: Lying on the bed, eyes slantingly squinting over

37. What do you think is the most sexual?

Ye Junge: Whatever I do is sexual to him.

Qi Hao: …maybe when I showed my abs?

Ye Junge: Haha

38. I feel the happiest when I do something

Ye Junge: He was happy when he guarded me carefully

Qi Hao: He shrank in my arms and ate the meal I fed.

Ye Junyan: (๑·.·๑) Yan’er is very happy

Ye Junge (touching his head): Be good

004: I am not happy!

39. Have you ever had a fight?

Ye Junge: Not in this life

Qi Hao: Why am I willing to fight with him?

Ye Junyan: (๑·.·๑) What is a quarrel?

004: Don’t talk when you don’t know

Ye Junyan: (๑·.·๑) Okay

40. What are the noisy contents?

Ye Junge: Regarding his care too much

Qi Hao: No quarrels

004: I will quarrel with the host about his disrespect for my problem, and always say that I am stupid and make me shut up!

Dark Moon: Oh.

004: Oh what’s the reaction!

41. How to reconcile afterwards?

Ye Junge: Seeing that they are so affectionate and forgivable, I will forgive him

Qi Hao: _(:3」∠)_I really haven’t quarreled before, even if it’s quarreled, I am going to apologize distressedly

42. Do you still want to be a lover after reincarnation?

Ye Junge (chuckles): We have been in love for many lives

Qi Hao: Of course I do!

43. When do you feel loved?

Ye Junge: When he thought I was first

Qi Hao: When he wronged himself for me, he took the initiative to care about me

Ye Junyan: (๑·.·๑) Yaner has always been loved

004: The host must have never loved me!

44. How do you express your love?

Ye Junge: How can he come on the bed?

Qi Hao: Put him first in everything

45. When will you feel that the other person “does not love me anymore”?

Ye Junge: No, he has always loved me, even though he is stupid and crazy sometimes

Qi Hao: I always think he loves me not enough_(:3」∠)_

46. What do you think is the flower that matches your partner?

Ye Junge: He? Where can a big boss have flowers to match? Piranha or dog’s tail flower?

Qi Hao: No flowers are worthy of my baby!

Ye Junyan: (๑·.·๑) Brother is more beautiful than Huahua

004: Piranha must be the host!

47. Are there things that are hidden between the two?

Ye Junge: Too much

Qi Hao: I thought there was no (Ye Yiming: Actually there are many)

48. Does your inferiority complex come from?

Ye Junge: I am not inferior

Qi Hao: I feel that the baby is too perfect, and I am a bit unworthy of him

49. Is the relationship between the two public or secret?

Ye Junge: Public

Qi Hao: The whole world knows that the baby is mine!

50. Do you think your love with each other can last?

Ye Junge: What do you think?

Qi Hao: What do you think?

—————— Here are fifty questions that are humorous——————

51. Could you tell me the attacker or the recipient?

Ye Junge: Accepted

Qi Hao: Attack

Ye Junyan: (๑·.·๑) What is an attack?

004: Children should avoid the following questions

Ye Junge: (๑·.·๑) Okay, then I’m going to sleep

Ye Junge: Be Good

52. Why is it so decided?

Ye Junge: Because I am willing

Qi Hao: Because I can’t stand it

53. Are you satisfied with the current situation?

Ye Junge: Very good

Qi Hao: I can’t be more satisfied

54. Where was the first h?

Ye Junge (gritting his teeth): in the game warehouse

Qi Hao: =v=Game warehouse~

55. What was your feeling back then?

Ye Junge: Okay?

Qi Hao: Baby is so tempting! Can’t stop!

56. What was the other person like at that time?

Ye Junge: I closed my eyes and didn’t see it

Qi Hao: Very, very delicious, I can’t help but want to eat it in one bite

57. What is your first sentence for breakfast at the beginning of the night?

Ye Junge: We did it during the day, there is no early night in the morning

Qi Hao: If there is something I want to say, do it again

Qi Hao was kicked away by Ye Junge.

58. The number of h per week?

Ye Junge: I haven’t counted it, I feel he is in estrus all day long.

Qi Hao: I haven’t counted it, I want it when I see him

59. How many times a week do you think is the most ideal situation?

Ye Junge: Three or four times.

Qi Hao: It’s ideal whenever I want it

Dark Moon: =Mei=The leader of the hostile guild, I think it is necessary for me to launch the guild to fight with you

Qi Hao: →_→You come here

Ye Junge: Oh?

Qi Hao: No, no, dear, I was wrong, how could I fight you!

60. So, what kind of h is it?

Ye Junge:? ? ? What does this question mean? ?

Qi Hao: I don’t know, just skip it.

61. What is your most sensitive place?

Ye Junge: On the inner side of the thigh

Qi Hao: Pectoralis, every time I poke my pectoralis, I feel like I can’t hold it

62. The most sensitive place of the other party?

Ye Junge: Abdominal muscles, every time I touch here, he will be in estrus.

Qi Hao: I think the baby is sensitive everywhere. A deep kiss will make him soft, but the most sensitive is the inner thigh

63. Describe the other person at h in one sentence?

Ye Junge: Like a hungry wolf, I think I have never eaten meat in my life

Qi Hao: evildoer, you are very attractive with every frown and smile

64. Frankly speaking, do you like h?

Ye Junge: Like it

Qi Hao: I like it very much

65. In general, where is h?

Ye Junge: On the bed and in the game warehouse, you have to take off your clothes every time you log in to the game warehouse, which is convenient for this guy to get on.

Qi Hao: I think all places in the house are like

66. Where do you want to try?

Ye Junge: I think the bed is pretty good, no need to try it

Qi Hao: I want to try it in the game…

Annyue: Do you dare to come to the game to try to believe it or not to kill you? !

67. Is the shower before h or after h?

Ye Junge: It’s usually h…

An Yue:…this answer…

Qi Hao: Take a shower at or after h. I just want to see him take off his clothes. It’s impossible before h.

004: Damn, you are embarrassed to say…

Are there any conventions at 68.h?

Ye Junge: No, I just acquiesced in allowing him to come casually

Qi Hao: No, but he will do whatever I want to play with me

Dark Moon (sorrowful): boss! Can’t indulge him so much!

69. Have you ever had **** with someone other than your lover?

Ye Junge: No

Qi Hao: No, I only have feelings for my family. Baby

70. Do you agree with the view that “if you don’t get your heart, you must at least get *”?

Ye Junge: Yes, it doesn’t matter if your heart is mine or not, it’s fine if you are in my hands

Qi Hao: Yes, it would be nice to get *

Dark Moon: →_→How do I feel that the hostile president is not as bold as our boss?

71. If the opponent is raped by a mob, what will you do?

Ye Junge: Which mob can’t think about violating him so much? Is there an aesthetic?

Qi Hao: I’m strong. I can’t beat him, let alone other people, the rhythm of being killed in minutes

72. Do you feel embarrassed before or after h?

Ye Junge: How is it possible? I’m an old husband and wife

Qi Hao: No, but my baby will be shy in h, but he will definitely not admit it

Ye Junge: = Ware=#

73. If a good friend says to you “I am lonely, so only tonight, please…” and ask h, would you?

Ye Junge: What is a good friend? I have no friends

Qi Hao: What please? Invite us to dinner? No, my baby is not used to eating, he only likes to eat what I make

Dark Moon: Hostile president, be serious!

Qi Hao: Okay, are you asking me and Baoer to accompany him? Is he a single dog that can withstand our show of affection?

Dark Moon:…you won

74. Do you think you are good at h?

Ye Junge: How could I be good at that kind of stuff!

Qi Hao (touching his chin): Is it okay?

75. So is the other party good at it?

Ye Junge: He can’t be better at it, I don’t know where to learn

Qi Hao: My baby doesn’t need to be good, he just needs to enjoy it

76. What do you want the other person to say at h?

Ye Junge: I love you

Qi Hao: I still want it

Ye Junge: You don’t love me anymore

Qi Hao: _(:3」∠)_No no, what I want to hear most is “I love you”!

Dark Moon: Hmph, virtue!

77. What kind of expression do you like when the other person is h?

Ye Junge: The expression that arrogantly declares that I am his

Qi Hao: The eyes of the bullied are red and panting with expression

78. Do you think it’s okay to be with someone other than your lover?

Ye Junge: I haven’t tried it, but think about it, I think it’s very good

Qi Hao: How is it possible? I just want my home. Baby

79. Are you interested in □□?

Ye Junge: No

Qi Hao: I dare not have it

80. If the other party suddenly stopped asking for your body, would you?

Ye Junge: Is he withered? Give him a new body

Qi Hao: He doesn’t love me anymore, it seems he needs to use a strong one

An Yue:…change, change your body?

81. What do you think of rape?

Ye Junge: I think every time I do it with him, except for the first two times, he rapes me in the back.

Qi Hao: I especially like the rape-rape of my baby. Me, but he rarely does this.

What is the more painful thing in 82.h?

Ye Junge: He is too big and has to expand for a long time every time

Qi Hao: He won’t let me eat enough

83. In the h so far, where do you feel most excited and anxious?

Ye Junge: Haha

Qi Hao: Why should I tell you?

Anyue: …who wrote the question? !

Vice President: I…

84. Have there ever been cases where the recipient took the initiative to lure?

Ye Junge: Yes, there are many times

Qi Hao: Yes, it makes me want to stop every time

85. What was the attacking team’s expression at that time?

Ye Junge: Hungry wolf in the color, I have been hungry for a few times

Qi Hao: flattered

86. Has the attacker ever acted violently?

Ye Junge: I said, every time except for the first two shots, the latter is considered strong. violent

Qi Hao: No, I am afraid of hurting him

87. What was the response of the recipient at the time?

Ye Junge: Powerless to refuse, I’m already running out of strength

Qi Hao: I have never said it

88. What is your ideal h object?

Ye Junge: Let him be like this, domineering and strong, I am very satisfied

Qi Hao: Baby, I don’t like other people

8.9. Does the current partner meet your ideals?

Anyue: Okay, skip this question, I have already answered it

90. Are there any props used in h?

Ye Junge (Ghostly): Yes, I am the one being used

Qi Hao (laughs): Baby, don’t you like it?

Ye Junge: Humph

91. When did you first happen?

Ye Junge: I was with him

Qi Hao: Same as above

92. Was the object at that time the lover now?

Dark Moon: Okay, skip this one too

93. Where do you like being kissed the most?

Ye Junge: The corners of your mouth

Qi Hao: I am happy wherever he kisses me

94. Where do you like kissing each other best?

Ye Junge: Chin

Qi Hao: Forehead and lip corners

What was the most pleasing thing about 95.h?

Ye Junge: Call him softly to attack, praise him as great, and say I want more

Qi Hao: Kiss him tenderly

What would you think about 96.h?

Ye Junge: When will he be full?

Qi Hao: I think my baby is too tempting

97. What is the number of h in a night?

Ye Junge: When he is having fun, I will be unconscious, who knows

Qi Hao: It depends on the situation

At 98.h, did you take off the clothes yourself or did the other party help you take off?

Ye Junge: I have no chance to take off my clothes, sometimes I help him to take off his clothes

Qi Hao: I took off my baby’s clothes. Sometimes I would let him take off my clothes for me.

99. What is h for you?

Ye Junge: The process of enjoying, come when you want it

Qi Hao: The process of confirming the possession, the baby is mine from the inside out

100. Please say a word to your lover.

Ye Junge: Don’t want it tonight.

Qi Hao: why qwq

Ye Junge: My waist is sore.

Qi Hao: =w=Then tomorrow will be fine, baby, I love you

Ye Junge: Nonsense, I still use you to say it

Qi Hao: _(:3」∠)_Don’t you love me?

Ye Junge: Don’t you know?

Qi Hao: Okay, I know

Anyue: …showing affection is enough!

Single dogs: The torch is ready!

Ye Junge (raising eyebrows): Huh? What do you want to do?

People: Ahaha, nothing, we are going to have a barbecue!

Ye Junyan: (๑·.·๑) I heard that it was irritating to eat

004: …just know to eat

[Silent cold night outside]

For Silent Cold Night, love is a new thing.

The silent cold night is stubborn and cold, and people often want to break his mind to see how he grows, so there are not many people who can tolerate the silent cold night.

Just when Silent Hanye thought that he was an orphan, Chu Si appeared.

Isn’t there a saying that chasing an iceberg is to have the smashing consciousness, the stalking skill, and the dedication to show the face? Chu Si is such a person.

In a sense, Silent Hanye is innocent, of course, provided that the other person’s approach is not greedy for any other purpose.

Ye Junge was missed, so Chu Si was completely defeated.

Chu Si’s guild was completely disbanded, and he rebuilt it a month later, but not many people were willing to come back, and those who came back were also for money.

The high-paying studio hired by the Chu family simply left with someone. Chu Si couldn’t help it. The other high-level talents did not have the status of Chu Si, and these days they put their minds on fighting for power and profit. Don’t Saying that the guild has been revitalized, it is good not to delay.

The departure of the professional studio gave Destiny the final blow. Even if Destiny is rebuilt, I am afraid that he can only linger on the 13th line, not to mention that he still has time to clean up his holy realm and imperial career.

Chu Si once came to Silent Hanye and wanted to ask him for help.

Siran Hanye didn’t listen to what he said at all, and immediately refused, and then turned around and left to continue the task.

Chu Si stayed in place by himself, unable to believe that his charm was useless.

It shouldn’t be, why does Silan Hanye hate him so much?

It must be Yun Xiyu who said something!

Chu Si gritted his teeth and cursed a few words, and then went down the line. He couldn’t deceive himself anymore. He had no chance to make a comeback. There was a meeting inside the Chu family a few days ago to discuss how to make Chu Si follow. The heir eliminated and quit this holographic game, and he could only have a position in the corner, and he was not qualified to say anything.

After Silent Hanye left, he turned his head and forgot Chu Si behind his head, a clown, not worthy of his attention.

Recently, I met a professional female player in a silent cold night. The operation is great. Although the appearance is only medium to upper, but the whole body is beautiful and cold.

This one is also an iceberg.

Two people met while doing the same task. I thought that the task could only be completed by one person, so they fought for a while, regardless of the outcome, when the two sat down to discuss how to solve the matter, they found unexpectedly This task can be done at the same time, so we shake hands and make peace, and we work together to finish the task.

Mo Ran Han Ye has a cold personality, and the other party is even colder. She finds that Mo Ran Han Ye is very strong, and she just lacks a partner to do tasks together, so she often invites Mo Ran Han Ye to do tasks together.

Silent Hanye didn’t know about emotions, but after experiencing Chu Si’s things, she suddenly became aware of it.

A girl asks herself out from time to time. Does she have a good impression of herself?

After all, Silent Hanye only touched feelings. She didn’t dare to jump to conclusions, but she couldn’t help but pay more attention to her and gradually became attracted to her.

It’s only a matter of time before you want to fall.

It’s that the girl may be heinously low in EQ, which is still entangled with the iceberg.

Ye Junge smiled happily after listening to the report of 004. It was the first time he saw Bingberg like Bingberg. Generally speaking, most couples have complementary personalities, just like dark people who yearn for the sun. So Silent Hanye actually likes an iceberg, this is simply an interstellar anecdote.

The big iceberg has opened up.

“Easter Egg 1-Snow White” 17

The queen used witchcraft to transform herself into a kind old woman, dressed in a bloated hooded robe, and appeared in the forest carrying a basket. There are a few red apples in the basket, but they are not ordinary apples. They are poisonous apples specially made by the queen, which can kill you immediately after one bite.

The queen thought that the plan was complete, so she walked into the forest like an enclave.

She didn’t want to think, how could any old woman go to the forest to sell apples? Also, does she really know where the elf princess lives?

The queen didn’t know where the elf princess was, so she wandered in the forest hard for three days. She couldn’t cook and couldn’t tell which fruits could be eaten and what could not be eaten. Her hungry **** stuck to her back, almost tolerated. Can’t help gnawing the apples in the basket.

↑This is really a sad story.

Fortunately, she is still a little sane and didn’t really chew.

Then she was lucky enough to meet seven little fools. (What’s wrong)

The seven dwarves heard that the old lady was here to see the beauty of the fairy princess, and couldn’t help themselves: “What, there is a fairy princess here?! Why don’t we know?!”

Dwarf Six asked Dwarf Seven: “Have you heard of it?”

The little man shook his head honestly: “I haven’t heard of it.”

Dwarf IV poked Dwarf V curiously: “Is there really any fairy princess?”

The dwarf was thoughtful and ignored him.

The little man turned his head three times and asked the little man big: “Big brother! Where is the fairy princess! Let’s take a look!”

The little man looked at his brothers with contempt: “This rumor is a lie at first sight, do you believe it too?”

The six brothers who didn’t care about the teasing of Dwarf II hesitated: “Are they talking about the princess who lives next to us?”

The dwarf is a big three, four, five, six, seven:…it makes sense!

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