The Lan Family’s Aid Chapter 70: What happens next

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In the past few years, more and more young people in Xijing Town have moved to big cities, and most of the people left in the town are elderly people.

What is strange to the villagers is that several young people in Hengguan are stubborn and backward in guarding the martial arts gym that has been abandoned by the times.

What’s even stranger is that the girl from the Yin family can bring back a handsome young man from the city. The color of his eyes is the same as the foreigners on TV.

This handsome young man is two years younger than the Yin family girl. He said he came to propose marriage.

The villagers thought that after the proposal of marriage, the handsome young man would have to return to the city. Unexpectedly, he actually settled in Hengguan and never left.

In the third month after the handsome boy arrived, the Yin family held a wedding.

The old-fashioned girl from the Yin family got married.

The village suddenly became lively.

Aunt Zhu from the village head said: “Oh, Yin girl can laugh.”

Butcher Zhang’s mother said: “It just doesn’t look natural when you smile.”

Tofu’s Xi Shi said: “The groom is so handsome.”

Zhu Chang, who repairs bicycles, said: “The bride looks so handsome.”

Although there are many customs in Xijing Village, the wedding in Hengguan did not follow the retro route, but a simple version of Western style, which was an eye-opener for the elderly.

The groom is wearing a suit.

The bride is still wearing a suit.

Only the color is different.

The groom is dressed in black and the bride is dressed in white. The groom is tall and straight, and the bride is tall. Together, they are handsome to a new level.

Yin Xiaodao would occasionally smile when facing Lan Yan. Most of the time, she still has no expression.

The groom Lan Yan’s eyes and eyebrows were all smiling.

As he turned around, Lan Yan saw a young man next to him holding a cigarette. At that moment, his body suddenly recalled the ecstasy he felt when he was taking drugs. Then his movements paused.

Yin Xiaodao noticed something strange about him almost immediately. She followed his gaze and called, “Silang?”

Lan Yan looked back.

Her eyes were cold.

He smiled and took her hand.

This is a lifelong addiction to drugs, a conditioned reflex from the body. Although he has been detoxified, during these days, the itching feeling of a cat scratching his heart attacked him countless times. Every time he coveted the pleasure he once had, a fool would appear in front of him and let him live in peace.

Lan Yan lowered his head and whispered in her ear: “Knife Guard, you must live a long life.” Once she is gone, he is dead.

“Okay.” Yin Xiaodao readily agreed, “Silang will also live a long life.”

“Okay.” Although Lan Yan said yes, he knew that he would not live longer than her. The years of drug abuse had cost him his life.

What he can do is try his best to extend his life and accompany her for a longer period of time.


Lan Yan settled down in Xijing Town.

The happy people in Hengguan finally raised their heads in front of the Huotang master and shouted everywhere, “From now on, we will have enough to eat every day.” The smiles on their faces were like those of turned serfs singing.

Junior brothers five and six were jumping and running from the beginning of the village to the end of the village:

“Our senior brother-in-law makes the best fried rice.”

“My senior brother-in-law can not only fry rice, but also cook vegetables.”

Yin Xiaorui felt that as a member of the Yin clan, he needed to remain restrained, but he also told Tofu Xishi, “My brother-in-law can make eighteen different dishes using only tofu as an ingredient.” There was pride in his words.

Gradually, even though most people in the village had never tasted Lan Yan’s craftsmanship, the title of “Xijing Famous Chef” was heard.

In response to this, Lan Yan just wanted to roll his eyes.

This family is all idiots! No exceptions!

Lan Yan’s original plan was to take care of the food. Who knew, they would even have to take care of the account books.

He originally thought that for such a large group of people to survive to this day, they should have a powerful butler.

Later, he understood that the reason why Hengguan remained standing was because of a miracle. Other than that, there’s no way to explain how this family of idiots managed to remain carefree for so many years.

It was a hot summer day and it was the lychee season. Grandpa Yin asked his senior brother and third senior brother to go to the county town to pick lychees. Senior Brother and Third Senior Brother acted quickly and got it done in one morning.

When I went out, I met Lan Yan.

Lan Yan saw that it was lychee and casually asked if there was any lychee fungus.

“Yes, the second senior brother is responsible for picking at night, and we will go tomorrow.” The third senior brother smiled and said, “The second senior brother is best at midnight operations.”

Lan Yan said calmly, “Yeah. In this year’s weather, it is estimated that the weight will be more than 200 pounds per pound.”

“Two hundred!” Senior Brother was surprised.

“Yeah, it’s been raining a lot this year, so the lychee trees don’t bear much fruit.”

“It can’t rise to two hundred.” The third senior brother carried a large basket, “We used to go out to the Lychee Fungus at thirty. It’s not a rare thing.”

“…Thirty?” Lan Yan suspected that he was hallucinating.

“Thirty.” Senior Brother replied.

“…” Lan Yan was speechless. What kind of fools are all in Hengkan? It’s not a strange thing. The market price of lychee fungus in Cangcheng is no less than 200 pounds. In the end, Lan Yan was too lazy to explain and sighed, “I’ll do it.”

Since then, Lan Yan has been working hard for Hengguan’s livelihood every day and has no time to think about drugs.

Then, Hengguan gradually became rich.

Grandpa Yin began to worry. When he had time, he taught his fifth and sixth brothers, “Money is the root of all evil.”

The fifth and sixth junior brothers repeated in unison: “Money is the root of all evil.” After saying this, they imitated Grandpa Yin’s heavy and serious expression.

“Little five and little six.” Grandpa Yin relaxed his brows, “You must remember that money is the root of all evil.”

Although there are so many words, Lan Yan’s road to wealth is very broad.

For example: A famous chef from Xijing comes out to open a restaurant.

In Xijing Village, there is little business in opening restaurants. Because they are all from their own village.

Due to the turmoil in the Lan clan, tourism projects in the town have been put on hold for a long time. Later it was developed by another company.

With this development, Xijing famous chefs became more prestigious.

Many people in the village have opened farms. The natural and ecological ingredients are very attractive to foreign tourists.

Lan Yan’s restaurant is located in three stores next to Hengguan.

Before the opening, he took Yin Xiaodao to look at it, pointed with his finger, and said arrogantly: “Knife guard, this is the country I have built for you.”

“Okay.” In this world, only Yin Xiaodao would unconditionally cooperate with his nonsense. “Shiro, you are so kind.”

Lan Yan smiled proudly.

The decoration of the restaurant is very simple, and at the beginning, it was very deserted. Those who come to eat are all villagers.

Lan Yan felt bored, so he only served one table every day and then rested.

The restaurant is open every day, but the chef goes to the kitchen in Hengguan to prepare meals for the family. The store has been open for two months and has made no money.

Lan Yan didn’t care.

Yin Xiaodao doesn’t care either.

The people in Hengguan eat and drink enough every day, so they don’t care anymore.

During the peak tourist season, the number of tourists in Xijing Town increased sharply.

Restaurants are finally making money.

Unlike other farm chefs, Lanyan’s dishes are new every now and then. What he cooks today depends entirely on his mood.

Yin Xiaodao is responsible for writing down today’s dishes every day, and from time to time he will say: “Silang, I want to eat this.”

Lan Yan glanced at the menu and said, “When the rest of the gang has left, I’ll start a small stove for you.”

“Okay.” Yin Xiaodao nodded.

Although the dishes are arbitrary, the cooking skills are superb and there are many customers.

After two years of operation, the restaurant became famous.

One day, a customer came. The time of arrival was about half past three in the afternoon.

There are no other customers in the restaurant. The customer said he came here because of its reputation.

Lan Yan raised his eyelids and said indifferently, “Oh. It’s not until dinner time.” Moreover, he hadn’t thought about what to cook yet.

The customer smiled and said, “Then I’ll just have some tea.”

“Whatever.” Lan Yan yawned and prepared to go to the kitchen.

The customer looked at him carefully and suddenly frowned, “Boss, how old are you this year?”

Lan Yan turned around, smiling, “Younger than you.”

“That’s natural.” The customer’s face turned serious, “To be honest, I know a bit about facial expressions.”

Lan Yan was too lazy to respond, “To be honest, I am a materialist.”

The customer shook his head and sighed.

At this time, Yin Xiaodao came out of the kitchen. She had a big belly, but her expression was still as plain as ever. Except for her protruding belly, the rest of her body was still very thin.

The customer looked over and was a little surprised.

“Silang, I’ve finished eating.” The potbellied Yin Xiaodao said, “It’s delicious.” She has never been stingy in praising her Shiro.

Lan Yan smiled, his blue eyes shining brightly, “When you are full, go to bed and I will wash the dishes.”

“Okay.” She nodded, “Shiro, you are so kind.”

Yin Xiaodao’s pregnancy came unexpectedly.

Lan Yan couldn’t help but suspect that there was something wrong with the quality of his newly purchased accidental interceptor. He has always planned the time to continue the family lineage, after all, he has a history of drug abuse. He also asked Yin Xiaodao half-jokingly, “Guard Dao, do you think my child will be deformed?”

“No.” She replied coldly, “Shiro and I will definitely be happy.”

Lan Yan hopes this is true. He was worried for a long time, and became even more worried after learning that Yin Xiaodao was pregnant with twins. He even dreamed that his child was looking for cigarettes as soon as he was born.

The customer looked at Lan Yan, then at Yin Xiaodao, and shook his head, “I don’t understand, I don’t understand.” Judging from their faces, the boss and his wife were both destined to die young. Being together is not a negative or a positive.

The customer couldn’t help it anymore and asked, “Boss, have you received any advice from an expert?”

“Expert?” Lan Yan smiled, “I used to be 182.5, and in the past two years I have grown one and a half centimeters, to 184. I am considered an expert.”

“…” Finally, the customer sighed, “I’m not very good at learning.”

The customer sat until night, studying Lan Yan’s face for a long time, but in the end there was no result. So he praised the dishes, but also regretted that Lan Yan’s talents were hidden. “Boss, if you go to a big city to develop your cooking skills, it won’t be a problem to make a lot of money every day. Don’t you want to leave here?”

Lan Yan snorted, “I am a commoner, so I am suitable for deep mountains and wild forests.”

“Yes.” Yin Xiaodao interjected: “Silang and I are suitable for deep mountains and wild forests.”


Lan Yan and Yin Xiaodao have stayed in this deep mountain and wild forest all their lives.

I gave birth to two sons and three daughters, all of whom are healthy and safe. In addition, two abandoned children without fathers and mothers were adopted.

As the signature says, generations are long and descendants are abundant.

Lan Yan has never touched drugs again in his life.

This is a miracle.


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