The Lan Family’s Aid Chapter 1: Cherish life and stay away from drugs.

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After Yin Xiaodao was invited to Lan Yan’s room, what he saw was such a psychedelic feast.

The men and women inside were confused and laughing and making trouble. There was also deafening music.

The waiter bowed slightly and pointed to Yin Xiaodao, the young man in the corner.

That is the second young master of the Lan family, Lan Yan.

As he puffed away, his face looked a little unreal.

Yin Xiaodao observed for a while.

The amazing thing is that Lan Yan looks a lot like her old friend. He looks very young, has a mixed-race profile, and is handsome and three-dimensional. I just don’t know what color those eyes are.

His expression was a little exaggerated at the moment. He was holding the woman beside him, and his eyes were out of focus. He suddenly buried himself in the woman’s chest and sipped a few times. After raising his head, he smiled charmingly.

Yin Xiaodao looked at his outline that overlapped with his memory, and wanted to remind him: Cherish life and stay away from drugs.

However, after all, he is not her old friend. So she doesn’t like to meddle in other people’s business.

She stood silently at the door.

Several men in the room glanced over and then continued their own fun.

Yin Xiaodao guessed that they should still be in the illusion at this moment.

She looked around the room, thinking to herself that with her current strength, she could kill all these scum.

The cruel reality is that Lan is her employer. And she succumbed to money.

The group of men was excited and noisy.

No one paid attention to her.

The waiter closed the door and left long ago.

After she stood for more than half an hour, a man seemed to suddenly notice her presence, “Who is this?” He spoke a bit loudly, and the men and women around him did not hear her clearly.

He frowned and looked at Yin Xiaodao, and yelled, “Who is this?” Then he pressed the remote control and turned off the music.

At this time, all the men and women turned their heads to look at the door in confusion.

Yin Xiaodao replied calmly, “Yin Xiaodao.”

The man was stunned, “Who knows this woman?”

“Yin Xiaodao…” Lan Yan looked over with drunken eyes. After a few seconds, he shook his head, seemingly dissatisfied, “It’s actually a woman?!”

“Second Young Master Lan, this is our first meeting.” Yin Xiaodao looked back at him, neither humble nor arrogant, “I, Yin Xiaodao, please give me your advice in the next three months.”

Lan Yan sprayed, and the wine in his hand spilled out, “What age are you still talking like this?”

He smiled very exaggeratedly, with deep sarcasm.

She looked over here, but thought of so-and-so through his face. She couldn’t remember that person’s real name, so she gave him the nickname So-and-so.

“Yin Xiaodao, you can tell from your name that you are a tomboy. Three months?” Lan Yan threw away the wine glass, pulled up the hair of the woman next to him, and his expression turned cold, “I hope you can live for three days.”

Yin Xiaodao lowered his eyes. “Thank you for your concern.”

He showed disdain and ignored her. He turned on the music again and played with the men and women next to him.

It wasn’t until 12:30 in the morning that Lan Yan seemed a little more awake. He pushed the woman in his arms away, walked over and picked up Yin Xiaodao’s shoulders, “Come, come home with me.” As he spoke, a burst of alcohol sprayed on Yin Xiaodao’s face.

She righted him. “Okay.”

“Damn.” He rubbed her shoulder and said disgustedly, “She is indeed a manly woman.”

Yin Xiaodao understood what he meant. Due to long-term training, she had long lost her feminine softness.

Lan Yan retracted his hand, opened the door and walked out.

Until the two of them got into the car together, he leaned on the back seat, half raising his eyes, “I advise you to be a good family to your daughter and don’t get involved in this muddy water.”

“Take people’s money and help them eliminate disasters.”

“If your life is gone, no amount of money will be of any use.” After he finished speaking, he suddenly paused and changed his tone, “That’s all I’m talking about. If you die in the future, it’s none of my business.”

Yin Xiaodao nodded, “Thank you for your concern.”

Lan Yan stopped talking after that. He leaned back in his seat and fell asleep, snoring.

The driver remained calm in the front seat.

Yin Xiaodao looked at the neon lights outside the window.

The air and atmosphere of this big city are much different from Xijing Town where she lives.


The place where Lan Yan lives is not a big villa. It is a house with three bedrooms and two living rooms.

He turned on the light after entering.

The living room is a mess, and there are a bunch of pots and pans on the dining table.

Yin Xiaodao was surprised. Lan’s property was one of the best in Cangcheng, so why was the second young master reduced to having no servants?

Lan Yan turned around and seemed to see through her thoughts at a glance. He showed a mocking smile, “Two servants died. The others ran away.”

She glanced at him slightly from the corner of her eyes, and soon looked straight ahead again.

When he saw that she didn’t reply, he just treated her like air. He does his own thing.

After Lan Yan took a shower, he came out wrapped in a bath towel and saw Yin Xiaodao looking carefully at something in the living room.

He was too lazy to pay attention to her, walked into the room, put on his clothes, and got ready to sleep.

As soon as I lay down, there was a knock on the door. He picked up the quilt and covered his head.

The knocking on the door didn’t stop.

“Damn, it’s so annoying.” Lan Yan jumped out of bed angrily, opened the door and opened the door without concealing his anger, “I hate it when people disturb me when I sleep.”

Yin Xiaodao looked calm, “I have the obligation to protect your safety 24 hours a day.” When she looked up, she was shocked. His eyes are actually… also blue. Same as so and so.

“Protect your grandma.” He punched her, as if he wanted to beat her up, “Go to bed and don’t bother me.”

“My grandma is very good at martial arts, thank you for your concern.”

Lan Yan’s punch seemed to hit cotton. And judging from her expression, she was very serious. What she said just now was not a joke at all.

He recalled what the old butler had said to him.

Yin Xiaodao was born in Xijing Village, Xijing Town. His skills are the best among the new generation in Yokodate.

As for Hengguan, Lan Yan couldn’t remember how awesome he was. Anyway, it was the top management of the Lan family who arranged a personal bodyguard for Lan Yan, who frequently wandered around the gates of hell.

Also, she is a woman.

An ordinary-looking manly woman.

Lan Yan scratched his hair and said, “You can seek death if you want. But I’m warning you, Beng wants to sleep in my bed.”

Yin Xiaodao glanced at the double bed and said, “I can sleep on the floor.”

“I hope you won’t be trampled to death by me tomorrow morning.”

After Lan Yan finished speaking, he fell back on the bed and pulled up the quilt.

Yin Xiaodao silently went to the next room to hug a quilt, and then lay down on the carpet.

She stared at the ceiling, considering the possibility of falling asleep.

Lan Yan started snoring again. The purring was regular and rhythmic, with a rising tone at the end.

Yin Xiaodao’s vigilance from years of training makes it difficult for her to fall asleep, not to mention the disturbing sounds next to her at this time.

She thought she might have to suffer from insomnia frequently in the next three months.


Lan Yan slept until midnight and suddenly woke up.

Yin Xiaodao jumped up instantly and glanced around the room coldly. Nothing unusual.

He was sweating and suddenly turned to her, “You didn’t take a shower last night?”

She frowned, “I washed it at six o’clock yesterday afternoon.”

“Go away, go away.” He pinched his nose and shouted, “I said it smells weird. Manly smell.”

“No clothes.” Yin Xiaodao’s luggage has not been delivered yet. She arrived in Cangcheng yesterday afternoon and was taken to Lan Yan’s entertainment venue by Lan’s assistant.

Literally not a minute wasted.

Lan Yan rolled her eyes and said, “Then go out and sleep. There is no room for dirty things in this young master’s room.”

“I’m clean.” She leaned forward.

“Don’t come here, it stinks.” He backed away, as if he disliked flies, “You can sleep on the floor if you like. But please stay away from me, the further away the better.”

“I have an obligation to protect your safety 24 hours a day.” Yin Xiaodao reiterated his mission.

Lan Yan smiled strangely, “You have the ability to protect me when I poop.”

“If you don’t mind, I will naturally accompany you.”

The corners of his eyes twitched and he stared at her.

Her expression was calm.

After looking at each other for about ten seconds, Lan Yan felt sleepy. “Go to the door and sleep. Don’t get in my way.”

“Okay.” Yin Xiaodao had no objection, picked up the quilt and moved to the door.

He lay on his side and looked at her back quietly.

When she was lying peacefully on the other side of the door, he pulled up the quilt and covered his head.

Yin Xiaodao felt that he might not be able to sleep.

Lan Yan not only stopped snoring, but after falling asleep again, he began to grind his teeth. The sound is very small. However, Yin Xiaodao’s hearing was sharp, so it was amplified several times in this silent night.

She sat up.

This Lan Yan is very similar to someone she knew before.

The similarity in appearance was already a coincidence. The pair of blue eyes are actually exactly the same.

This made her wonder whether they were similar or the same person.

The sound of Lan Yan grinding his teeth gradually became louder, gurgling. Yin Xiaodao simply got up and walked slowly around the room.

She walked silently.

She went over to Lan Yan and stood on the bedside to look at him.

He didn’t sleep well. Frowning, sweating.

She recalled her father’s words when she left Hengguan. “Just do it and do it.”

The land in Hengguan has been passed down from generation to generation and has a history of more than 100 years. The latest plan of Xijing Town is to expropriate and develop tourism projects there.

Yin’s father naturally refused and had been dealing with the town leaders for several months.

The purpose of Lan’s intervention in this matter is obvious. They need Hengguan’s military support. If Lan Yan can survive through the autumn, then Lan will be responsible for handling the disputes about the tourism project.

Yin’s father didn’t trust the Lan family at first, but it happened that there was a family of famous disciples at the table who had some friendship with the Lan family. With the disciple’s assurance, Father Yin reluctantly agreed.


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