The Lame Daoist Priest: The twenty-seventh day of the heroine is here!, the fastest update of the latest chapters of the Taoist priest!

I took out my phone and checked the time, and found that it was not the best time to draw a symbol, so I sat quietly on the ground and waited.

The wallpaper of the phone is a photo of Xu Xiaoling. It looks very comfortable now. This girl is mature and stable. It is a pity that she is five years older than me. Otherwise, she is really the best choice for a girlfriend. Xu Xiaoling seems to have a good background, but her personality is docile. When she came to my house, she never had a big lady’s role. He even helped his mother to work in the kitchen together, and he was also good to me…

Xiao Hui raised her head, just saw my phone screen, and asked: “Is this your girlfriend?”

“Huh, isn’t it pretty?” I replied against my will.

“Congratulations, Xiaolong, and thank you for taking care of me these days.”

“Don’t be so polite, we are good friends!”

We were silent again.

After a long time, Miss Jiang suddenly said, “Brother Chen, I like you. I heard that Chen’s parents are not as good as the second son, so I didn’t get the key training, but after meeting you, I found out that you just don’t want to express yourself. In the bat cave, you saved me again, so I like you. But I know that I am not worthy of you. Although I come from the Jiang family, I am not a direct descendant. Anyway, I am dying. If you don’t say these things, I won’t have a chance to say it. “

Chen Haotian said in a low voice: “Ms. Jiang is serious, there is nothing worthy of it. In fact, I also like Ms. Jiang’s character very much.”

When I heard the conversation between the two, I suddenly thought of a way to get closer to Chen Haotian, and to build a good relationship with him. After going out, Xia Chaoran absolutely did not dare to touch Zhou Huiqing and me. So I smiled and said: “Since the two men are in love with concubines, let’s hold the wedding on the last day of their lives! Isn’t it a shame that you died before getting married? How about? Brother Chen? Sister Chen. “

When I heard my name, Miss Jiang buried her face in her arm socket in shame.

“Brother Chen, take the initiative.”


So he, under my auspices. They held a simple wedding in a silly way. I am the master, witness, emcee, driver and chauffeur. As for the ceremony, it is nothing more than asking some questions, which they all learned on TV: Chen Haotian, are you willing to marry Jiang Ruoxue? Miss as a wife? Whether it is prosperity or adversity, wealth or poverty, health or disease, happiness or sorrow, you will love her unreservedly and be loyal to her forever?

Chen Haotian: I am willing to…

Okay, next I announce that Chen Haotian and Jiang Ruoxue are officially married! Guests applaud!

Papa. . Several poor applause rang out.

I squeezed my hands: “Well, the guests today are in high spirits, Brother Chen, congratulations to you, my sweet wife, do you have anything to say to the bride?”

Chen Haotian looked at Ms. Jiang and said apologetically: “I owe you a formal wedding. If there is an afterlife, I hope that the media will marry you back home.”

“Brother Chen, I am already very happy to be a couple with you for a day.” Girl Jiang said, snuggling in Chen Haotian’s arms.

Chen Haotian looked at me: “Brother Xiaolong, listening to you, it seems that the teacher has a little power in the underworld. Can we be a husband and wife after reincarnation?”

I smiled mysteriously: “Isn’t it better to be a husband and wife in this life? Brother Chen, I might have a way to escape.”

“There is really a way to escape? What conditions do you want? As long as I can do it, I will definitely satisfy you!” Chen Haotian said excitedly.

“Brother Chen said this is too far-fetched. After being in contact for several days, you should know who I am. You and I were born and died together, fighting side by side. I admire Brother Chen’s personality, character and skill, and Miss Jiang is also Knowing and versatility, there are few good girls in the world. It is my honor to witness the marriage of two people. I do not have any thoughts of personal gain in doing so.”

Chen Haotian and Ms. Jiang are not fools, knowing that I just want to have a good relationship with them, so Chen Haotian nodded and said, “Well, anyway, Xiaolong, I’m sure about you brother. If you have any trouble in the future, mention me Chen Haotian. You can remember my personal phone number, this number will never change, you can find me at any time.”

I happily said: “Is there any use to the younger brother in the future, despite the orders of Brother Chen, the younger brother will never mention half a word, but the younger brother did suddenly think of a way, maybe he can escape.”

Xia Chaoran also cocked his ears to secretly sound.

“Xiaolong, what is the solution? Can you tell me?” Chen Haotian asked.

“This is a Taoist secret, but now that Brother Chen has recognized my brother, if I hide it again, I won’t consider my eldest brother as my own. That’s the case, I am going to use the spell to summon a strong Taoist man Ghost, this ghost may help us get out of here.”

“Ghost? Is it reliable?” Chen Haotian asked.

“Reassured, absolutely reliable, this ghost is considered to be my half-master, and the ghost is kind. Okay, Brother Chen, I’m about to start drawing amulets. There are only three hours a day suitable for drawing amulets. I hope I can draw them as soon as possible.” Then, I walked back to the corner, picked up the black backpack, took out the props, mixed the chicken blood, ink, and cinnabar according to the proportions, took a deep breath, laid the yellow paper on the ground, and drew the brush quickly!

Fail, fail, fail…

Fortunately, I am interested in this character, and I have already written down the strokes and the order of pen strokes.

When the ninth picture was drawn, it turned out to be a success! Even I didn’t expect it to succeed so soon! This unscientific! Lao Tzu is so deadly!

But anyway, there is indeed a success spell in front of me.

No longer verbose, I made a fist with my left hand across my chest, my right hand knotted a sword finger, clamped the spell, placed it on my left arm, closed my eyes, shaking my head, stomping my right foot, and whispering in my mouth: “Murong Daiyu…Murong Daiyu…Murong Daiyu…”

Twenty minutes passed.

“Murong…Daiyu, Mu…Rong…” I stomped weakly and whispered. Suddenly I felt that my body was not listening. Although I was conscious, I couldn’t control my body anymore! After a few seconds, this state eased, and the heroine appeared in front of me.

Seeing the heroine again, I was so touched that I almost cried, and said with joy: “Woman hero, I will die if you don’t come again!”

“Where is this place? Why are you here?” Murong Daiyu asked softly.

“It’s a long story, heroine, since you left, your heart has been haggard, and the white tung tree has been flying in the wind…”

Just as I was about to sing a few more words, Chen Haotian interrupted me and asked tentatively: “Brother Xiaolong, the reinforcements are here? Why didn’t I see it?”

“Oh, Brother Chen, you can’t see her, Xia Chaoran should see her.”

And Xia Chaoran’s eyes straightened up a long time ago. The heroine is a very beautiful classical beauty. Who looks at her eyes, but is Xia Chaoran a brute… I said to the heroine: “Woman, remember Is this scumbag? Is it good to scare him?”

The heroine glanced at Xia Chaoran, and turned into a horrible look, drifting towards Xia Chaoran. Xia Chaoran let out a strange cry, and her body backed back again and again. There was a sound of water, and she was so scared to pee her pants!

The heroine took a sip, floated back, and asked, “Where is this?”

I probably explained what happened after the heroine left, saying that when he came here to the tomb, the heroine slapped her! Angrily said: “How can you be a tomb-robbing an orthodox heir to Taoism?!”

I escaped the attack of the heroine, and said softly: “Female hero, don’t hit me first, I can’t help myself.”

“Okay, then you continue to say, is this tomb really Liu Bowen’s?”

“No, it seems to be a general named Long Chen. Oh yes, he is from the Song Dynasty like you. He has a portrait of Tianxi in the first year…Ah!” Before I can finish, Woman Xia Yi He slapped my chest and said angrily: “Do you even dare to steal the tomb of General Long?! Today I have to beat you to death!”

Wow a slot! destroyed! Hit the gun! It seems that the hairtail knows Na Laoshizi Long Chen!

The hairtail slapped my chest with a palm, and I flew backwards and hit the wall, my internal organs were rolling! The hairtail was really angry this time, and it put such a heavy hand! She grabbed my collar and threw me on the other wall.

Xia Chaoran’s heart is secretly refreshed, your uncle, retribution! This is retribution! Thinking about it, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Seeing that Xia Chaoran was actually watching a joke, the heroine waved her arm in the air, and Xia Chaoran’s head tilted and fainted.

Chen Haotian and others are all confused by the second monk, and said to the heart that Xiaolong is asking for reinforcements? How did it become beaten?

I hurriedly begged for mercy: “Women, don’t fight! I was wrong! I’m still young, and the master didn’t teach me anything, so the immortal passed away. I’m the only descendant of the Niu family! I’ll be lost if I’m killed! I promise never to do this again!”

The heroine finally relieved her anger and said: “I have not recovered my strength yet. It’s still unknown whether I can take you out. Forget it, let’s go out and have a look first.”

The heroine penetrated the stone gate and floated out.

I clutched my chest, coughed a few times and said, “Brother Chen, we are saved.”

Chen Haotian supported me: “Brother Xiaolong, what did you just do?”

“Housework, housework.” I said with a dry cough.

Although the heroine is very heavy, I know that she hates iron but not steel, so I will not hold it in my heart. As an orthodox heir of Taoism, I really shouldn’t do such things as tomb robbers.

But the last few hits have been terrible. When I breathe now, I feel pain in my chest. There may be a fierce battle later, I first wiped the tears of the bull’s eyes on my eyes.

About ten minutes later, I saw the female hero floating in with a male ghost, and that male ghost turned out to be Long Chen! I almost didn’t exclaim.

I saw Long Chen salute the heroine: “Thank you, Miss, for your rescue. If it weren’t for Miss, I’m afraid I would be trapped in the mirror forever.”

Murong Daiyu asked softly with complicated eyes: “Don’t Uncle Long remember me?”

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