The Lame Daoist Priest: The six hundred and ninety-ninth festival Lin Mo’s choice, the fastest update of the latest chapters of the Taoist priest!

The next moment, Lin Xixue appeared in my original position, and the three wind blades had already arrived in front of her! She was shocked, and hurriedly swung the rapier, hitting three wind blades again! Reluctantly offset the attack! Then he looked at me incredibly.

“The rules of space, how can it be possible to cultivate to this level?” Lin Xixue asked in shock.

Among her five rules, there are also spatial rules. In other words, she has a certain degree of resistance to the rules of space, but was successfully transferred by me, which also proves that I have a deeper understanding of the rules of space than her!

In addition, she is now in a state of fusion of the five rules, and is more resistant to the rules of space, so she is so shocked.

Lin Xixue looked at Du Xiaoxiao: “Xiaoxiao, he has become stronger than 300 years ago, so let’s leave it to you.” With that, Lin Xixue retreated back.

I didn’t pursue it because Lin Mo hadn’t considered it well. After he made a decision, I won’t be too late.

Du Xiaoxiao instantly merged the six rules, creating an extremely strong momentum! Black cracks appeared in the space, and the ground cracked! Compared with 300 years ago, her strength is even more terrifying! The integration of the six rules is even more perfect!

It’s really an existence that breaks the balance. This strength is almost stronger than me…

Du Xiaoxiao didn’t talk nonsense, and rushed straight up! Swing the sword of destruction and slash at me! I dodge left and right, always predicting her next move, so her slashes were all in vain. She attacked hundreds of times, but none of them hit me!

Everyone was stunned, because they couldn’t see clearly when we were fighting just now! It’s not a level at all!

Although hundreds of attacks have been made, only one second has passed. Lin Mo still has a long time to consider…

Du Xiaoxiao moved away from me and stood out of thin air with the Destroyer Sword. She didn’t hit me for a few hundred times. Not only did she not get angry, but laughed, she said something similar to Lin Xixue: “It’s really interesting. I haven’t encountered a strong enemy for many years, and I hope you can let me play for a while.” With that, she instantly separated into three clones! Each clone is holding the sword of destruction! However, among the four Du Xiaoxiao, only the real body of the Destruction Sword has the strongest momentum, and the other three clones of the Destruction Sword are not like gods, but they are empty but have no momentum.

Du Xiaoxiao sighed: “The Ring of Creation God claims to be able to copy everything, but for the original Supreme Treasure, it still cannot be copied perfectly…Unfortunately, when my six rules are merged, there is no original Supreme Treasure to come down, otherwise it should be with the Destroyer Sword. The strength is the same.”

Of course, things like the creation of the ring of the gods and the destruction of the gods sword, if I want to, can also summon a second one. How can this kind of thing perfectly copy the original treasure?

Although Du Xiaoxiao’s three clones are not perfect copies, each clone has 70% of her attack power! And this kind of clone, even if the God of Destruction is at its peak, is definitely enough for him to drink a pot!

Under Du Xiaoxiao’s order, the body rushed towards me with three clones! One after another fierce attacks blasted at me! How powerful is the attacker of the six-rules fusion? The surrounding space collapsed instantly! Even the **** and others have to hide away a bit, because of this level of attack, they will be affected and injured!

Lin Xixue rushed to the **** and the others, trying to kill the **** while I was dragged down. After all, those primitive treasures were a fatal temptation to her.

Among all the people present, whoever can best play the power of the original treasure, it must be Lin Xixue and Du Xiaoxiao!

When the two of them are in danger, they will throw out the original treasure without hesitation, and resist the deadly attack! This is called making the best use of everything, in order to save your life, anything can be discarded!

Because of this, they are eager to get the original treasure! Especially after Lin Xixue has seen my strength!

And I’m not going to save the bastards, let them go through some battles, always under my protection, how can they really grow? Now that he has become a god, he will deter the existence of one party in the future, and strength is a must!

Everyone was involved in the battle, except for Lin Mo and his two wives below. Lin Mo was still thinking, his eyes hesitant. People are inferior. When he was desperate just now, he was ready to die with the two girls, but at this time, seeing the support from us, he became indecisive…

Du Xiaoxiao has a real body, three clones, and a total of four Destruction Swords attacked me at the same time, but they still couldn’t hit me. I flicked my fingers on a clone’s Destroy Sword at will, the copied Destruction God The sword splits in two instantly! Moreover, the one that was bounced off stabbed at the head of the other clone!

The avatar couldn’t dodge, and was pierced in the head, bursting with a bang, and instantly turned into a rule of creation between heaven and earth.

At the same time, it sends out a lock of truth, freezes another clone of her, and then sends out a flame ray, which instantly cuts it into two parts! That clone also banged, turning it into a rule of creation between heaven and earth!

Du Xiaoxiao snorted, and the ring of the creation **** on the little finger of his right hand shined brightly. Another 15 clones were created in an instant!

All the clones surrounded me, and powerful attacks came from all directions! No mercy!

This level of attack may be powerful in the eyes of **** and others, but in my eyes it is not to be feared. The rule of fate is the top and most mysterious rule. I know where Du Xiaoxiao’s next attack will appear in advance, so it’s strange that she can hit me.

In other words, in fact, the strength of Du Xiaoxiao and I are not much different, but because of my ability to predict in advance, I can easily kill her!

The attack struck, and I was imprisoned by Du Xiaoxiao, but I was not ready to escape. My body was wrapped in the fog of destiny. The next moment, 17 attacks collided in the fog of destiny, causing a strong explosion in an instant!


Space collapsed! The strong wind spreads around!

However, my figure is still floating there, as if unharmed in the slightest!

Du Xiaoxiao coldly snorted: “The Ring of Creation God can create unlimited clones. Since so few clones can’t help you, then continue to create!” With that, the Ring of Creation God shines again! Two hundred more Du Xiaoxiao clones appeared out of thin air! It’s dazzling!

However, it is still possible to instantly determine which is the real body, because only the Destruction Sword held by the real body is the true original treasure! Everything else is a copy.

Of course, Du Xiaoxiao can’t be so against the sky. She has made more than two hundred clones, and her face is also a little pale, obviously showing excessive mental energy consumption.

Next, more than two hundred clones rushed towards me overwhelmingly…


21 seconds later.

Kill all clones and return to the rules of creation between heaven and earth. Looking at Lin Mo below, I said lightly: “The time is up, tell me your decision.”

“Do you have any good suggestions?” Lin Mo asked back.

“Yes. Remember the past, cherish the present, and grasp the future.”

Lin Mo whispered: “To remember the past, can the past only be used to remember?”

Hearing Lin Mo’s mutter, I said: “It seems that you have already made a decision.”

“I can’t watch them being killed.” Lin Mo replied in a deep voice: “No matter how much trouble they cause, it will always be my wife.”

I smiled slightly: “Sure enough, you still choose this way. If so, you go to die!”

My figure disappeared in an instant, and I appeared behind Lin Mo the next moment, the sword of destiny had pierced his heart! At the same time, the Pearl of Control was wrapped in the mist of fate and floated into my hands, while Lin Mo had already lost his soul fluctuation! After all, the Sword of Destiny is the supreme artifact! How can people who are hit by it have room to breathe?

This sudden change caught everyone off guard!

The two wives of Lin Mo gave a heartbreaking cry, and then attacked me instantly! Chen Nuo, Zeni Luofeng and others who fought in the distance also flew over at an extremely fast speed! Chen Nuo even threw a beam of light at me while flying!

I drew away slightly, and the beam made a bottomless hole in the ground!

I took out the Sword of Destiny, and I teleported to a farther place.

Chen Nuo, Zeni Luofeng, and Lin Mo’s two wives held Lin Mo and couldn’t believe what happened just now.

Lin Xixue and Du Xiaoxiao also stopped attacking, and the atmosphere was very heavy for a while.

Chen Nuo looked at me angrily: “Why kill him?”

“Because the jewel of control is in his hands, his hesitant character will endanger the entire world. Compared with hundreds of millions of creatures, I will naturally kill him this unstable factor without hesitation. “I replied faintly, and then looked at Du Xiaoxiao: “You came here today to kill Lin Mo? Now that I have helped you achieve your wish, it is better to erase your memories and send you back to the original time. Stream it.”

For a long while, Du Xiaoxiao asked: “Lin Mo… is he really dead?”

“You should have learned the power of the Sword of Destiny. With such a sword, he will never survive.”

“No, I have one more thing to do.”

“What’s the matter?”

Du Xiaoxiao whispered: “Avenge him.”

A glance at the corpse below, I asked: “Don’t you hate him?”

“There is a saying on the earth that you can cherish the loss. Although I hate him, after all I have been a husband and wife for five hundred years. Looking back, he still treated me very carefully during those five hundred years. I know I am not your opponent, but I still have a seed of rules here. After fusion, it may explode and die, but it is also possible that the seven-rule cultivator will die at that time.” Du Xiaoxiao said with moist eyes.

I looked at Lin Xixue a little further away: “So, you mean the same as Du Xiaoxiao?”

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