The Lame Daoist Priest: The six hundred and eighty-sixth day of Yujia’s destination, the fastest update of the latest chapters of the Taoist priest!

Lin Mo was silent again, thinking for nearly a minute before asking: “What do the great gods say?”

“The God of Space has announced your matter. The God of Creation was furious and rebuked the God of Destruction. Knowing that time jumping is a forbidden move, he still allows you to use it. Then the gods fought again. Fortunately, no one was injured… …Later, the Transfiguration God said that he would destroy our big interface, but was stopped by the God of Prophecy. The God of Prophecy said that he had given you five hundred years and warned you that if you don’t find those two women, you will be destroyed. Drop our big interface. Between the big interface and the woman, he thinks you will choose the big interface.”

After listening to my description, Lin Mo sighed: “Why don’t I want to find them.”

“If you find them, you can’t do it.”

At this time, seeing our truce, Chen Nuo and others flew over from a short distance. Chen Nuo clapped his hands and said, “Brother Dragon, you are really powerful!”

Suddenly clutched his belly and laughed, “Haha, Brother Long is so funny, why didn’t I find it before.”

Chen Nuo was taken aback for a moment: “What’s wrong with this name?”

“Brother Dragon, breast augmentation.” The **** almost rolled on the floor laughing.

But Chen Nuo still didn’t understand and was confused. I glanced at Jiannan: “I like to laugh so much, I will make you laugh enough when I go back.”

Hearing this, the **** closed his mouth quickly…


The sixth world, a forest.

Chen Nuo said: “How about Brother Mo, Xiaolong’s strength is good? When rebelling against God’s Domain, if he is willing to take action, our winning rate will increase a lot. Brother Xiaolong, what do you mean?”

I leaned on the tree and said calmly, “God’s Realm, how easy is it to resist? Maybe Lin Mo now has the power of a high-level rule-god, but he can only deal with one at most. And God’s Realm still has one. There are 5 high-level rule gods, not to mention the two great gods of creation and destruction. Lin Mo and them are not at the same level at all, so your ideas are too naive.”

Chen Nuo asked: “Brother Xiaolong, what do you mean?”

“It’s not impossible to help you, but everything depends on what Lin Mo means. If you find Lin Xixue, Lin Mo can not take action, but it can’t stop the great gods from taking action. Can he do this? “

Lin Mo shook his head: “Impossible, don’t say it! I don’t need your help, let’s go. Brother Nuo, according to the original plan, you will go back to the wide world to set up the killing formation. Five hundred years later, we will fight for Catch the great gods in one go!”

I smiled: “Do you want to protect women and the big interface? Sometimes, even if you have the strength, you can’t have both fish and bear’s paws. Since you want to go your own way, then… if you want to see you again. Jiannan, we Go.”

After finishing speaking, I will fly away first, and the **** hurriedly said goodbye to his cousin, and followed along…

Back to Netherworld, the **** asked: “Brother, I have probably figured out the ins and outs of the matter, but there are still some things that I don’t understand. Why did you tell Lin Mo that there is only one choice between a woman and a big interface? Yes. Is something big going to happen?”

“This is not what you should ask. Go back. The sky is falling and I will bear it. As long as I am not dead, you will live comfortably. Um… you can take your family to see Chen Nuo for three hours. Inside, he will not leave the earth.” After speaking, I walked slowly towards home.

The **** whispered in the same place: “Why are you so pulling for breast augmentation?”

A space crack appeared out of thin air, cut it to the bitch! The **** shivered with fright, and quickly dodged to escape! But the ground has suffered! The bluestone slabs 100 meters nearby were all shattered by space cracks! The soldiers near the teleportation formation were also shocked! A calm voice sounded out of thin air: “Notify the commander, repair the floor…”

Back home, Ningrou greeted him: “How about Xiaolong, did the meeting go smoothly?”

“Fortunately, um, yes, the cousin of the **** is Chen Nuo, you know?”

“Know, what’s wrong?”

“His wife was the eldest daughter of the Zhang family among the eight big families.”

Ningrou gently shook her head: “I don’t know her.”

I held her shoulders and looked at her affectionately and said: “Ningrou, all this is about to end, if nothing happens, I will end the battle of the big interface five hundred years later, and then We can find a beautiful place to live and have many children, how about you?”

Ningrou gave me a hammer on my chest, then gently hugged me: “Husband, do you need my help?”

“No, although you work hard to cultivate, your talents are limited, and your strength belongs to the normal realm master class. In the battle five hundred years later, at least the **** class strength is required to be eligible to participate!”

Ning Rou suddenly raised her head: “That…isn’t it dangerous?”

Flicking her long hair, I smiled and said, “Believe in my ability.”

At this time, Feng Nianke walked out of the house: “I hate ghosts, I only hug sister Ningrou.”

I lifted Feng Nianke over with my mental strength, held her in my arms, and said with a slight sigh, “Suddenly I found that my shoulders are not wide enough. It would be nice if I had a giant figure. “

“It’s so ugly.” Feng Nianke said.

I smiled: “Sangjiao Kucha still thinks we are ugly…”


After playing with my family for three years, I entered into an intense practice again.

In addition, I have to say that Yu Jia found a boyfriend in the first world, but the man didn’t know that Yu Jia was a master class powerhouse! He is just an ordinary cultivator, and his character is not bad after being appraised by his parents.

Although I haven’t seen that man, I know that he is sincere to Yujia.

Yujia left, feeling a little empty in her heart. For her boyfriend, Yu Jia had to elevate her appearance to the level of 17 or 8 years old, with fiery red curly hair. Although she did not look cute, she became a beautiful girl.

After seven years of cultivating, I walked out of the house and just happened to Nian Ke walked to the door of my room, holding my arm and saying: “Husband, I just wanted to wake you up, Yujia…”

“Yujia is getting married, right?” I asked with a smile.

“Well, the rules of fate are so powerful, everything can be expected. To be honest, husband, you already knew it?”

“I knew it before the retreat. Although I need a lot of time to understand, I will always be there for Yujia’s wedding. But then again, Yujia is also considered an old cow to eat tender grass…”

Feng Nian reproached and said: “How can I say that, when Yujia knows, she must be unhappy.”

I smiled: “Then don’t let her know, let’s go, **** are all ready.”


The first world, Xuan Yucheng.

A wedding is being held in a certain square. There are not many people attending the wedding, only more than 400 people.

Just as the officiant was about to preside over the wedding, he was interrupted by a voice: “Stop!”

Then, a handsome man with an energy cannon walked into the square and looked at the bride and said, “Yujia, you can’t marry him, only I can make you happy.”

“Reid, don’t ruin my wedding with Victor.” Yujia said in a dress.

Reid laughed: “I knew you would say that! Actually, there is one thing you never knew, my grandpa is a super strong! Don’t think you can be brazen with your parents’ support, they are just prefecture-level cultivators , And my grandpa is heavenly! Come out, grandpa!”

As soon as the voice fell, an old man with white hair and beard flew into the square!

Everyone knows that if you want to fly in a city, you must have the strength above the prefecture level! Flying into the square is enough to explain everything! The bridegroom Victor blocked Yujia behind him, and solemnly said: “Yujia, wait for something, you go first! I will protect you!”

Reid walked to the side of the old man and said triumphantly: “I would like to introduce you, this is my grandfather, Li Gang!”

Li Gang looked at the girl in the dress and asked: “You are Li Yujia? I don’t know why, my grandson is obsessed with you. Go back with me obediently, otherwise I will kill this junior named Victor.”

At this time, Mom and Dad stood up: “Go away, or you won’t be able to leave after you wait.”

“Two prefectures, dare to talk to the old man like this?”

The old man shook his head slightly, and sat back on the chair again, looking at the sky-level old man with pity in his eyes…

Just as the old man wanted to say something more, he suddenly found a number of silhouettes across the horizon and quickly landed on the square! A group of more than two hundred people, headed by a black windbreaker, looked indifferent, as if everything could not escape his eyes!

The groom Victor was a little silly. He naturally understood what it meant to fly into the city. Although his face was nervous, he still stood firmly in front of the bride.

That’s right! These people who have flown here are exactly our family, including the Xu family, the big family of bitches, Jason, Angela, Luohua Duo, etc., and even old folks! This group of people are all above the prefecture level! So flying into the city is normal!

However, we suddenly had more than 20 world masters! As soon as it fell on the ground, another figure appeared! It is the master of the first world, Zeni Luofeng!

He was still dressed like before, ordinary casual clothes, with a smile on his face that has remained unchanged for thousands of years: “Little dragon, long time no see, I was shocked when I sensed the breath of so many cultivators just now. It turned out to be You guys.”

I smiled and nodded, then looked at Yujia: “Sister, happy wedding.”

“Unhappy.” Yujia pointed to the old man named Li Gang: “Because of him.”

“Oh?” I looked at the old man: “Are you here to celebrate my sister’s wedding?”

“No, no, we just passed by.” The old man’s cold sweat has come down. As a heavenly cultivator, he has participated in the battle of the big interface and has also seen the master of the world. The strength of the world master is not a joke. He waved He can be wiped out in time! And the attitude of the landlord…

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