The Lame Daoist Priest: The 382nd section is under house arrest!, the fastest update of the latest chapters of the Taoist priest!

Xu Xiaoling’s face became solemn, obviously, she also heard the faint sound of weapon collision!

Why is there a sound of weapon collision in the wilderness? !

The sound is faint, that is to say, it is far from here, but it will never exceed five kilometers! Damn it! I am in a very poor state. If a master makes a move, it is likely to be affected here! I quickly took out a loose pair of trousers from the space ring and put it on, then pulled Xu Xiaoling out.

Standing at the door, I found 14 small black dots in the air in the distance!

“Ningrou, put the house away first.”

Xu Xiaoling was very obedient, quickly put away the house, and then stood beside me and asked in a puzzled way: “Xiaolong, you seem to be a little jealous. With such a distance, can you feel the strength of the other party?”

“My eyesight is better than yours. I can barely see their clothes. 12 of them are wearing purple striped trench coats. What do you think?”

Xu Xiaoling frowned slightly: “Could it be from the Adeline Association? Their entrusted location is also here? What a coincidence, isn’t it?”

“Yes, I also think it’s a coincidence, let’s go, lest you get burnt.” I took Xu Xiaoling and flew out of the mountains.

However…we didn’t fly far, the people in the purple windbreakers chased up, very fast, Xu Xiaoling and I stopped in the air and turned to look at them.

There were 12 people wearing purple trench coats, nine men and three women. One of the women asked: “Who are you? Why are you following us? Is your life too long?”

“You may have misunderstood.” I said in a flat tone: “Although we came out of Coors City together, we are one step ahead of you. Besides, on the road, your floating car has already surpassed us. We arrived at this mountain earlier than us. My wife and I just happened to want to come here. Besides, my wife and I have only seven levels of strength, so we can’t follow you at all.”

“Can I use the “Smart Eye Detection” to check it?”

Netherworld has a custom. It is very impolite to use the’intelligent eyes’ to detect the strength of others. It is like peeking at others in the bath, so when you want to detect the strength of others, you must seek their opinions in advance. .


The woman said to the long-haired man behind her: “Neil, check it out.”

The long-haired young man named Neal put on the’intelligent detection eyes’, looked at us a few times, and said, “Captain Angela, the man is 7th grade and 6th grade, and the woman is 7th grade and 9th grade. They are indeed 7th grade. , Can’t keep up with our moving speed.”

“Really.” The woman looked at me again: “Two, we are carrying out a very important commission. Even if you are only at level 7, I have to be cautious. I feel wronged for the time being and let us go. When we complete the commission, we will let you go, do you agree?”

“Oh, do I have a choice?” I asked indifferently.

The woman also smiled: “I like talking to smart people. Since you are a smart person, you should understand your current situation. Don’t do anything that makes me suspicious, otherwise I can’t guarantee yours. It’s thorough. But if you are safe and secure, you won’t be embarrassed when we complete the commission. The credibility of my Adeline Association is still very good.”

I shrugged my shoulders and did not answer.

The group of women turned and flew into the valley. Xu Xiaoling and I followed behind. Of course, I wouldn’t use full speed, only a speed similar to that of a seventh-level cultivator. Simply, their speed is not very fast. Although Xu Xiaoling and I are flying at the end, they are not worried that Xu Xiaoling and I will run away.

Xu Xiaoling asked in a low voice: “Xiaolong, isn’t the woman in the lead called Adeline?”

“Ah, it doesn’t seem to be the case.” I replied in ghostly language: “Someone called her Captain Angela just now, maybe the president of the Adeline Association did not participate in this commission.”

Xu Xiaoling asked me in Chinese at first, but I answered in ghostly language. Xu Xiaoling immediately understood that I was afraid of causing the other person’s suspicion, so she stopped talking. She also understood that we are not in a situation at this time. That’s great, it’s better to say less.

None of the 12 opponents is weak! According to my judgment, there should be two to three sixth-level cultivators in this team, one or two fourth-level cultivators, and the woman named Angela must be a fourth-level cultivator! The rest are all five levels! In the team of 12 people, there are at least 9 cultivators above level 5! Strong lineup and waiting? !

Moreover, this is not all the members of the ‘Adeline Association’. It can be seen that the ‘Adeline Association’, as one of the best organizations in Coors City, really deserves its name! It is totally different from the Brotherhood!

However, what really worries me is that they are here to perform what tasks they have to dispatch so many masters! !

Could it be…their target is the innermost part of the mountain, the 2,000-kilometer dangerous area? What exactly is there?

In addition, after they complete the commission, will they kill us? To be honest, I am not sure to escape in their hands.

Although my legs can explode at a speed of about four levels, it can’t last for a long time! Can only last two minutes at most! At the same time, I can only run on the ground. If I fly, my speed will be greatly reduced, and I can only reach the strength of level 6.

This place is full of rolling mountains. Running on the ground, up and down the mountain, there must be a lot of detours, not to mention the fourth-level cultivator, even the fifth-level cultivator can catch up with me!

If you fight, I’m not sure to kill them!

If you want to let me kill a fifth-level cultivator with my legs, I am sure. If I were to sneak an attack and kill two fifth-level cultivators, I also had a high chance of doing it, but there were more than one or two fifth-level cultivators in front of me! There are even four levels of existence! I want to ensure the safety of Ningrou and be foolproof!

Flying at the speed of a seventh-level repairer, advancing at a speed of about 150 meters per second, and flying for 14 hours. Xu Xiaoling has long been exhausted. She can only continue flying for about four hours. After she was barely exhausted, I flew with her on her back.

At this moment we finally landed on a mountain, and the woman named Angela glanced at me and said: “You have something unique. You are obviously a seventh-level and six-segment cultivator. You can fly continuously for 14 hours, and I also recite a person.”

“Just hold on, I don’t want to abandon my wife or be killed by you.”

“Very well, you are very smart. Don’t worry, as long as you are in peace, I won’t do anything to you.” After saying that, she looked at all of her men: “Okay, it’s time to make a battle plan. These monsters are not stupid. The method of distracting them and destroying them one by one is no longer available. Just now they almost caught their way.”

Another woman asked: “Captain Angela, what kind of treasure is the’Spirit Gathering Ghost Flower’? The high-level monsters nearby were attracted. It really didn’t work. We used a trick to grab the flower directly. Forget it.”

“It’s not that simple.” Angela said: “Those monsters are tricky, and they are not so easy to be fooled. As for the’Gathering Ghost Flower’, it is said that it can regroup souls that are on the verge of dissipating. It is said that hundreds of years ago It was auctioned once in the main city of our southern region’Filo Mina City’, which attracted the attention of the whole Nether, and finally sold for 3 first-level demon pills! This value, don’t I need to say more?”

“God! No wonder…” The woman covered her small mouth with a face full of surprise: “If we succeed in getting it, we will make a profit.”

A big bald man sneered and said: “Innocent, huh, if it’s so easy, why should we come so many people?” This big man looks a bit hideous, and feels a little out of tune with the purple trench coat he is wearing.

“Stop arguing.” Angela stopped: “This is not the time to quarrel. I will direct this action. I hope you will listen to my orders. If you have any personal grievances, I will talk about it after this action is completed.” /

Okay, I finally understand. They came here not to execute any commission at all, but to get news from nowhere. They knew that there was a strange treasure called “Gathering Ghost Flower”. They were here to look for it. Of treasure.

However, there are more advanced monsters guarding here, and it is not so easy for them to grab them.

I also know why they want to ban me and Ning Ruan. They are afraid that the news will leak out. Just in case, they will definitely not let us go before we get the treasure. Xu Xiaoling and I looked at each other. She was smart and careful, and of course she understood the reason for being under house arrest.

However, there is still a question. Those monsters are entrenched here, definitely for the treasure. In that case, why didn’t they kill each other?

Soon, Angela said the answer to this question, and she said to her opponents: “Everyone, I usually do research on flowers and plants. Looking at the appearance of the “gathering ghost flower”, it will take up to three days. It is in full bloom. At the moment of blooming, all the monsters nearby will start to **** them. If that time, our chance of getting flowers is less than 30%. Neil, wait for you to control the trees to disturb those monsters, and the rest. Wait for the opportunity to act, don’t try hard, our goal is to consume the number of enemies.”

The long-haired young man named Neil agreed: “Okay Captain Angela, I will stand here to control the trees, and look at them, everyone, pay attention to safety, I will cover you with trees.” , He closed his eyes, drooped his hands, and shouted in a low voice: “Secret Technique·Ghost Seal!”

As his voice fell, all the trees in the distance moved! The sturdy rhizome came out of the soil! Run fast on the ground like an octopus! Rush forward! Thousands of big trees moved at the same time, and the whole mountain was trembling slightly!

And the young man named Neal still had his arms drooped and stood there with his head drooping. Angela glanced at me and said, “Go!” As he said, a group of people flew forward quickly. Soon it disappeared from our sight.

Looking at the unmoving young man with his head drooping, I hesitated in my heart, do you want to run away now…

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