The Lame Daoist Priest: The 334th Activating Potential Energy, the fastest update of the latest chapters of the Taoist priest!

For some reason, the monsters nearby seemed to evaporate overnight. Since the mysterious man in the silver mask scared the monster beast back, our family ran for five hours, and we didn’t even see the shadow of half of the monster beast!

This also makes me doubt the identity of the mysterious man, and what is the trick he used? They even let the monsters run away immediately, and didn’t dare to stay any longer.

I leaned on the entrance of the hole and thought for a long time, but still didn’t have a clue.

When I was thinking about it, Xu Xiaoling carefully bandaged my whole body wound. Although I said that the wound had healed, she still insisted on bandaging it. This moved me very much, and she allowed her to treat the wound carefully for me. .

Because there are too many places on my body, I almost became a mummy after the wound was bandaged. Xu Xiaoling couldn’t help chuckles when he looked at me, and asked gently: “Is it tight? Will it? Does it feel uncomfortable?”

“No, you tied it well.” I smiled, and then said: “Ningrou, you must be very tired after running all night, so take a good rest.”

“What about you?”

“Me? I want to sneak back now to see if the master has come back. If his old man cannot find us after he comes back, he will be very anxious.”

Xu Xiaoling helped me tidy up my collar: “Then you go quickly.”

“Not now.” I shook my head and said: “Yujia’s injury has not healed. I can’t leave. I want to protect your safety. After Yujia’s injury is healed, I will go back and see.”

She pressed her face to my chest and babbled: “You are so kind…”


Two days later.

The fox demon’s injury recovered 90%, and my body was no longer in serious trouble. I left the cave and ran towards the yard.

The distance between the cave and the yard is not very far, only a dozen kilometers, but the spiritual power of the fox demon and I can’t extend so far, so I can only run back to check it personally.

Along the way, I didn’t even see the shadow of half of the monster beast. It seems that since the night before, all the monster beasts on the nearby mountain have evaporated. Even the call of the monster beast is not heard at night, and the whole mountain is quiet. It’s weird.

Coincidentally, just about three minutes after I returned to the yard, the old liar came back. He was full of flames and fell from the air. He saw me covered in bandages, and hurriedly asked:” , What’s wrong with you?”

“It’s hard to say, Master, I can only say that Akiya Fate is too powerful.”

“What the **** is going on?” the old liar asked, looking at the signs of fighting on the ground around him.

I smiled bitterly: “Master, let’s talk while walking. I moved my family to another place.” Then, I took the old liar to the cave and told him about what happened recently. When I talked about the appearance of the mysterious person, the old liar stopped and said: “Wait!”

“What’s the matter, Master?”

The old liar thought for a while: “Something’s wrong, I suspect that there was another master nearby!”

I was shocked and said: “What? In addition to the mysterious person in the silver mask, there is another master? Why?”

The old liar said: “According to your description, you were badly injured and exhausted. A wolf-shaped monster attacked you, and you were unable to dodge. At this critical moment, you and the wolf-shaped monster A stone wall suddenly rises in between! Afterwards, the wolf-shaped monster is knocked into the air, and you find that a mysterious person with a silver mask suddenly appears not far away. Since you can’t even capture his movement speed, then It shows that he is very strong and can easily hit the flying wolf-type monster. In that case, is it too much to create a stone wall?”

“No, maybe he wants to give me more protection, right?”

The old liar shook his finger: “If I were a mysterious person with a silver mask, I wouldn’t do it again. So I think there was another person who wanted to save you at the time, but you didn’t know who that person was. I didn’t even see the person’s shadow.”

In addition to the mysterious person, is there a more mysterious person who wants to save me? I feel a little confused in my mind.

Not long after I arrived in Netherworld, no one knows anyone, who will come to save me? And two of them appeared all of a sudden. The heads were big enough. After the analysis of the old liar, I feel that the heads are even bigger.

The old liar may also be analyzing it blindly. I still don’t want to think about this headache. The mysterious man scored a small ball of light into my body before he left, and this matter must be resolved first. So I said: “Master, don’t think about it, I have more important things to tell you.”

Speaking, I will continue to describe the situation that night. After all, the old liar said with a serious face: “According to your description, the masked man is unfathomable. Since he has such a strong strength, it is of course easy to kill you. , But he didn’t kill you. Instead, he scored a small ball of light in your body. He figured your money? You are cleaner than your face. Picture you look? You haven’t looked handsome when you were a teacher…”

Too J8 shameless! ! I hurriedly said: “Wait, Master, I agree with the first point, but I am not the same on the latter point…”

The old liar glared over, and I quickly closed my mouth, saying that you are the best, you are the best, are you handsome? My head doesn’t fight with you. I smiled and said: “Master, then you continue to analyze, why did he score a small ball of light in my body before leaving?”

“Well… I don’t know how to be a teacher, but according to my estimation, the possibility of him cheating you is relatively small. I will take you to check in the last few days, and I will know what is going on.”

“Thank you, Master, you are so kind to me, Master!” I said with a touch of emotion.

The old liar nodded in satisfaction: “Actually, I have considered your family’s affairs and have come up with countermeasures. Now there are two ways to choose. First, I use secret methods to treat them. Become the same existence as you. As long as the pupils have small gray dots, they can go out normally, without worrying about the secrets leaking. Second, give them strength! Use the hidden energy test machine to activate their hidden energy, and then after the strength improves In the case of the previous night, even if they can’t beat the enemy, their escape speed can be greatly increased. At the same time, bring them something similar to contact lenses, which will form false small gray spots on the pupils. It can be fake, and the enemy will not be found unless you look carefully.”

“Good way!!” I said in surprise: “Just choose the second one! But…if you activate the hidden energy, you need an invisible energy test machine…”

The old liar smiled: “Don’t worry, I stole the machine again for my teacher.”

I praised from the bottom of my heart: “Master, you are so handsome and great!”

The old liar showed a face that everyone knew, and he used the facial expression you said…


Back to the cave, the old liar took out the hidden energy test machine, which is exactly the same as the one I used last time.

After testing, Dad’s hidden ability is ‘run fast’.

As the name suggests, this hidden energy will move faster and faster as it increases! But don’t think that this hidden energy can only be used to escape. In fact, it is also very powerful for attacking. When the speed is so fast that the enemy can’t catch it, you can easily kill the enemy.

My mother has been tested, and the hidden energy is actually ‘strength enhancement’!

I asked the old liar somewhat speechlessly: “Master, can you find a way to change the hidden energy of the two of them? My dad runs fast and my mother’s strength increases. This seems to be reversed, right?”

The old liar reprimanded: “Fool! Do you think this is a supermarket shopping? If you want to change it?”

My **** attitude is so arrogant, you can’t change it, you can’t change it, what do you yell at me……

The old liar said: “Xiaolong, let your wife try it too.”

I said to Xu Xiaoling next to me: “Ningrou, you should try it too to see what kind of hidden energy you are. If it is the same as your mother’s hidden energy, it will be fun.”

Xu Xiaoling glared at me with an anguish, and walked to the machine. The invisibility testing machine projected a light on Xu Xiaoling’s body, and saw her right hand fingers suddenly become longer! After the light of the hidden energy testing machine disappeared, her hand returned to its original shape.

Xu Xiaoling looked at her hand in surprise, I hurriedly helped her off the machine and patted her back for comfort.

The old liar was surprised and said: “Her hidden power turned out to be transfiguration!”

I saw the old liar showing this expression, and I hurriedly asked: “Master, what do you do with this expression? Is it good to be illusionary?”

“No.” The old liar said: “It’s not bad, but great! Transmogrification is very rare, powerful, and can be transformed into other people’s appearance at will, and transformed into various objects at high depths. , Or turn yourself into a dust, do you say it’s amazing?”

“72 changed?”

“Greater than 72!” the old liar corrected.

Our whole family is very happy for Xu Xiaoling’s transfiguration. I said: “Master, let Yujia try it too.”

The old liar said: “The hidden energy of monsters does not need to be activated, because their abilities are already activated by nature. The ability of little monsters is light, which is the kind of light attack from the eyes. This hidden energy testing machine It’s not valid for monsters. Okay, after the hidden energy test is over, I should put the machine away.”

I called the old liar: “Wait, Master, don’t worry, let me test again.”

“Didn’t you test it three years ago?”

I smiled and said: “Anyway, the machine is stolen back, so let me try again. Anyway, I will test the hidden energy without destroying the machine.” Then, I walked on the hidden energy with a smile on my face. Test machine.

The old liar operated a few times, and the invisibility testing machine projected a light shining on me. At this moment, my figure suddenly disappeared out of thin air for an instant, and then appeared on the invisibility testing machine again!

The old liar showed a shocked look: “Space hidden energy? How can you have space hidden energy?!”

I was stunned for a moment: “Wh, what? What kind of space? Master, am I not Huo Yinneng?”

“Why do you have space for hidden power?!” the old liar asked harshly…

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