The Lame Daoist Priest: The 238th section of the hospital strange story (part 2), the fastest update of the latest chapters of the Taoist priest!

I hurried into the elevator and quickly pressed the close button, but the nurse was still squeezed in.

I said with a headache: “You are not on duty well, what do you run out to do? In case there is a patient who needs help, it would not be nice to find you. By the way, are the patients in that ward okay?”

“The patient is okay. Actually, I don’t want to leave, but Li Bo is a patient on our level. He ran away. I am obligated to find him back. By the way, do you know how many floors Li Bo went to? ?”

“The elevator he was riding in stopped on the second floor.”

“That’s the second floor.” Then, the little nurse pressed the button on the second floor.

I shook my head and said: “Not necessarily, it may be someone pressing the elevator on the second floor, or Li Bo deliberately pressed the second floor to confuse our sight, and then return to the seventh floor.”

“What are you kidding me, Bo Li is so old that he doesn’t know how to play this kind of prank woman.” The little nurse said naively.

I sighed in my heart, if it was a prank, it would be great…

Just as I was sighing secretly, the elevator suddenly stopped with a bang! It was suddenly dark all around!

What’s the matter? The elevator has broken down?

The little nurse screamed, and then quickly took out the mobile phone to illuminate. I also took out the mobile phone, but found that the mobile phone had no signal at all!

This elevator will shield the signal! Damn it, if you don’t catch up with the old man quickly, there may be something wrong. The elevator doesn’t break early or late. Why does it happen at this time?

The little nurse pressed the fault button a few times, then sat down against the elevator and complained: “The elevator is broken, it will break, forget it, wait, I have pressed the fault button, someone will come to rescue us .”

“This elevator is always broken? In normal times, how long can the maintenance staff come over?” I asked.

“It usually takes about an hour during the day. It’s midnight. The ghost knows how long it will take to come. Hey, don’t stand up, sit down and wait slowly.”

I didn’t sit down. Instead, I took out a strong light flashlight and a powerful magnet from the space ring. Like a light bulb.

The little nurse said in surprise: “Wow! Why are there so many things on you? Are you really doing magic? That’s amazing, can you make me a hamburger?”

“No.” I simply replied two words, and then I paced back and forth in the elevator while observing the elevator to see where I could get out. Some elevators have emergency exits, but this one does not, and the mobile phone has no signal, so I am a little anxious now.

Fortunately, I made a bright flashlight to stick it on the roof, and it illuminates the elevator very brightly, just like a room where the lights are normally turned on. The little nurse also relaxes and sits there playing with her mobile phone.

When I was pacing back and forth in the elevator for about five minutes, the little nurse raised her head and said, “Hey, what are you doing? Walking up and down, you are not tired and I am tired.”

I stopped and looked down at her. Since her nurse’s uniform was a bit loose, I saw her chest all of a sudden, and then my eyes condensed, and my eyes could no longer be removed!

I am not a pervert!

I’m very satisfied with a beautiful and gentle fiancee like Xu Xiaoling. The reason why she stared at the little nurse’s chest like this was because the skin on her chest showed a purple-red color, which was different from the skin color of her face and neck!

Corpse spots! !

That’s right! I can be sure! That’s a corpse spot! She is a dead person! !

Actually, the position where the plaque is formed is directly related to the posture of the dead body. If it is a corpse lying on its back, the plaques will appear on the back, waist, and buttocks. In a corpse lying on the stomach, the plaques are distributed on the face, chest, and abdomen. In standing corpses, such as hanging corpses, the plaques appear on the lower limbs and lower abdomen, and are mostly purple or dark purple; and if they died due to gas poisoning, the plaques are fuchsia. Generally, the color can be faded by pressing with fingers within ten hours, and the pressure is removed and restored; if the corpse is turned over, the original plaque gradually disappears or transfers, and reappears in the new lower part.

Therefore, when a forensic examiner examines a corpse, it often judges where the corpse is parked based on the location of the plaque. Corpse plaque is one of the earliest corpse phenomena. It usually appears 2 to 4 hours after death, and develops to the highest height after 12 to 14 hours. It is fixed for 24 to 36 hours and will not be transferred until the corpse is corrupted.

In other words, the little nurse is also a dead person! And when he died, he was lying on his stomach, so the corpse spots appeared on the chest. However, she did not see the corpse spots on her face, and there was no bruising in the corners of her eyes, which made me more curious. But the three groups of sun fire on her shoulders and on top of her head were burning very vigorously! How could it be a dead person? ! !

But corpse spots don’t lie. If it is not a dead person, corpse spots will not appear.

I was trapped in the elevator with a dead man! And she can also play with her mobile phone… The low groan in the medicine cabinet in the nurse’s duty room, the old man who escaped into the elevator in the middle of the night… This hospital is full of weirdness!

It’s just a dead person. Of course I am not afraid. Although I was trapped in the elevator, I still didn’t change my face and asked faintly: “You said, when will the elevator return to normal?”

“I don’t know, I don’t repair elevators.”

I chuckled and said, “No, you know, let’s go, when do you plan to restore the elevator to normal?”

“What are you talking about? Are you crazy?” The little nurse said with an innocent look.

I held my shoulders with my hands and said: “Although I don’t know how you did it, I can be sure that you are a dead person. The only thing that puzzles me is why you have sun fire on your body, and ghosts are afraid of sun fire. This One thing is an unchanging truth, why not only are you not afraid, but you can also let the sun burn on your body?”

Her face changed: “How did you see it?”

I clicked on my chest and said, “Corpse, I see a lot of this thing. It’s a corpse or a bruise, I can tell at a glance.”

She used a finger to pull the clothes on her chest to look inside, and then said: “It’s a carelessness. I just don’t let the corpse spots appear on the face, but ignore the chest.”

I squinted my eyes: “Let’s talk, what do you want to do? Our meeting was not accidental, but inevitable. You were waiting for me here on purpose. Even if my mother didn’t faint and was admitted to the hospital, you too Will wait for me elsewhere, am I right? Who instigated you?”

The’little nurse’ stroked her hair: “It’s okay to tell you, anyway, there should be a success, haha.”

My eyes narrowed slightly: “What have you done to my parents?” I am not too worried about them, because there are fox monsters, they should be fine.

The’little nurse’ said: “It’s nothing, just let you experience the painful feeling.”

The only people I hate and hate are Zhou Chengwen and Gao Yu, but both of them are obviously dead! Are they hi yo accomplices? I used Zhou Chengwen’s only illegitimate child to threaten him a few days ago. He has no reason to tell lies… I frowned and asked: “Who made you come?”

The’little nurse’ said: “You once let someone lose a hand and threw the hand into the sea. At that time, that person was afraid to attack you because of your background. But now, you seem to have lost Backer, and he also grabbed your handle, so he dared to retaliate against you. Do you remember who I am talking about?”

Xia Chaoran…

Yes, more than a year ago, he tried to kill me with a bomb, and then Chen Haotian led someone over, chopped off his hand, and threw it into the river. I thought he would settle down, but I didn’t expect that he would dare to trouble me!

Unforgivable! !

Although the fox demon is also in the hotel, it is in the parents’ room, and she doesn’t know about my going out, Ningrou may be dangerous! I took out the dagger directly from the space ring! Inserted into the elevator door and pried it up!

The little nurse leaped towards me from behind and pinched me on the back of my neck!

I turned around and kicked it flying, then stretched out a single palm, and a dragon flame sprayed out! Directly hit her face!

She screamed a few times, and a soul that did not match her body floated out of her body! And there is also sun fire on the shoulders and top of the soul! As for the corpse below, there was no Yanghuo.

I finally determined that her ‘sun fire’ was a fake and used to confuse me. In fact, it was not a real sun fire, but an illusion. She was still afraid of the real sun fire.

I am anxious to go back to save people, and now my mobile phone has no signal and I can’t contact them, so I didn’t have the slightest nonsense, and directly sprayed out dragon flames and beat them to death! The **** kid, I was instructed by Xia Chaoran to pester me. If I didn’t beat it to death, it would definitely interrupt me to open the elevator door. The longer I dragged on, the more I worried that Ningrou would be in danger!

I used a dagger to pry the elevator door open a gap, I reached in and pushed **** both sides. After four or five seconds, I finally opened the elevator door completely!

I shook the flashlight and found that the elevator stopped in a good position. The bottom half was the wall, and the top half was the elevator door on the fourth floor! I can pry open the elevator door on the fourth floor to get out!

Just do it!

I inserted the dagger into the crack of the door and pried it up again. And just as I was prying the door, a few strange noises suddenly came from the elevator roof, which seemed to be the sound of the wire rope about to break!

There are ghosts on it! !

The elevator is closed, and I have nothing to do with the ghosts on it! Although I don’t know how it did it, the elevator rope is indeed about to break! If I don’t get out soon, I will fall down with the elevator!

So I hurriedly stepped up my efforts, pried the elevator door on the fourth floor open the gap, and then pushed the door open to both sides.

The abnormal noise coming from the wire rope became more and more rapid, and I hurriedly climbed out…I just climbed out, and only heard a ‘pop’! The elevator rope is completely broken! Falling down with a harsh voice! It almost fell on the soles of my shoes! If I slow down for a second, my legs will be amputated, so dangerous!

(Refer to Baidu Encyclopedia for information on corpses.)

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