The Lame Daoist Priest: Introduction to the Tomb in Section 20, the fastest update of the latest chapters of the Taoist priest!

The other black bear turned around and ran deep into the jungle when his companion was killed so quickly!

Who said that wild animals have no wisdom?

The bears were driven away, everyone went back to their tents to rest. Seeing Xiaohui and Xia Chaoran walking into the same tent, I could only raise my head and look up at the starry sky, dilute melancholy and depression with tranquility, and dispel confusion and calmness with calmness. Sad, a lone star hangs in the distant sky, just like me, always so lonely, always alone…

The next day, we set off early. According to Ms. Jiang, this area has a very good Feng Shui pattern, which is very rare. If there is a tomb, it must be nearby.

After these few days, I know that there are not many people with special abilities like me, but they will not easily disclose their identities.

Xia Chaoran is indeed born with dark eyes, and I can see ghosts directly, but because of his poor mental endurance when he was young, he begged the Jiang family to “seal” his dark eyes. It wasn’t until four days ago that Miss Jiang unblocked him, so his pupils turned green. It is said that the natural dark eyes are very powerful. For example, I can see ghosts after I ‘open my eyes’, but if some high-level ghosts deliberately hide their shadows, I can’t see them. Congenital cloudy eyes are not the case. Under these eyes, all ghosts can hide themselves.

Chen Haotian’s abilities are indeed powerful! If it were me, he could barely avoid the black bear’s attack, but he indifferently gave the black bear a shoulder throw! Whether it is reaction speed or psychological quality, Chen Haotian is second to none.

Chen Haozhe only knows to flirt with Sasha all day, and he has not shown any ability at present, but this person has a sinister personality and a feminine temperament, which is annoying.

As for Zhang Zixuan, no one is sick or injured yet, so no one knows the ability of this genius doctor. He is about twenty-three or four years old. He is of average physique. He is not a martial artist. He has a flirtatious personality. Like Chen Ershao, he often flirts with his female partner, but he occasionally talks to me.

As for Ms. Jiang, her ability is more mysterious. What exactly is the legendary “seal technique”? Moreover, she is also proficient in Qimen Dunjia and Feng Shui, which is not to be underestimated. As for physical fitness, this woman is not a martial artist, and her physical fitness is not much better than Zhou Huiqing. She often ran to the back of the team and asked me to tell her about the experience of ghost hunting, but I had never experienced it a few times, so in the past few days, everything I could tell her was finished.

Is there a tomb here? Chen Er Shao is not sure, nor does he know where he got the news. But fortunately, there was Miss Jiang in the team. According to her command, she digged in a clearing. When she digging to a depth of more than three meters, she really found a bluestone slab!

Obviously, there is indeed an ancient tomb here, a large ancient tomb!

However, the bluestone slabs are all made of cement, and they cannot be moved or moved. No one knows how to enter the tomb.

At this time, the sky was also dark, and Chen Er Shao decided to set up camp first, and then everyone discussed how to enter the tomb.

After all, there are no professionals here. In the end, I can only decide to use explosives! It will be fried tomorrow morning!

After a few days of getting along, I knew that they would not be against me, so this night, I decided to have a good night’s sleep, after all, tomorrow may encounter all kinds of unthinkable situations.

But because I get up on time every morning to exercise, I woke up naturally at 3 o’clock in the morning the next morning, simply stopped sleeping, opened the tent, and started doing push-ups outside.

Three hundred push-ups. After doing this, the whole body feels comfortable. Then he sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes and vomited. Although it is summer, the early morning here is still very cold, but the sun is strong in my body, so it has little effect on me.

After sitting for about half an hour, I stood up. The sound of bodyguards walking nearby made me unable to calm down, so instead of meditating, I took out my black backpack and started to organize things. Take five each of Yang Fu, Yin Fu, and Qingxin Fu and put them in your trouser pockets in case you need them. The shadow sword is attached to the belt of your trousers. These commonly used items must be carried with you. Otherwise, when the crisis comes, it will be too late to go from black. The backpack is taken out.

Today, everyone got up very early and simply ate breakfast. Several bodyguards took out C4 explosives, detonators and wires and arranged them around the slate under the pit.

After finishing the arrangement, everyone is hiding away, and C4 detonates! There was a loud bang, the ground was trembling, and a lot of howling beasts sounded nearby. It was obvious that they were also frightened.

The slate was blown up and all fell into the tomb, but it is still not possible to go down, because the tomb has been buried in the ground for many years, the air is not circulating, and there must be toxic gas inside.

Two hours later, Chen Haozhe ordered a bodyguard to go down. If it sounds good, it will be called to investigate the situation. If it is bad, it will be let him try. Will it be dead after entering? The bodyguard didn’t say anything, and jumped directly with the flashlight. Going down, the bodyguard stayed there for five or six minutes without any abnormalities. Chen Er Shao said, “You can go down.”

Connect the rope, ten bodyguards jumped down the rope, then Chen Haotian, I…

Under the shining of a flashlight, this tomb room clearly appeared in front of you.

The size of the tomb is about six meters by nine meters. There are many stones and soil on the ground. There are a few hanging paintings scattered on the walls and the ground. The paintings on the ground should have been shaken down when the tomb was exploded. Chen Haotian and I looked at the paintings on the wall, then picked up the comparison of the paintings on the ground, and found that these were portraits of people. There were a total of seven portraits, depicting the same person.

A man.

The eyes of the man in the painting are full of aura, the eyes are clear, the depth is not bottomless, the nose is tall, the lips are thin, the sword-like eyebrows are slanted * sideburns, and the facial contours are perfect and impeccable! The jet-black hair is in a bun on the top of his head, holding a folding fan in his hand, and a piece of beautiful jade tied around his waist, his temperament is natural, he is really a handsome man! Any actor in a costume movie does not have this kind of temperament.

Seven portraits, five in brocade robes and two in armor, riding on war horses. From this point of view, this man is still a general of the ancient army.

While we admired the portrait, everyone else jumped down and admired the portrait. Ms. Jiang said like an idiot: “A handsome man…Is this Liu Bowen?”

“No.” Chen Haotian said lightly: “Look at this portrait of riding a war horse. The soldier behind him is holding a flag, and the flag is written with the word’Dragon’. In ancient times, under normal circumstances, the soldier On the flags held up, all the names of the generals are written. Look at this portrait with the folding fan opened, the lower right corner of the folding fan faintly has a traditional Chinese character’Dragon’.”

“Brother Chen, can you see such a small character clearly?” The genius doctor Zhang Zixuan took out a magnifying glass from nowhere, and after looking at it for a long time, he nodded affirmatively: “It is indeed a traditional Chinese character for dragon.”

Chen Ershao said: “Sister Jiang, don’t study the portrait. Since you don’t come in from the entrance, there are stone gates in the front and back. Where do we start? It is estimated that there will be a lot of fun in this ancient tomb. The agency is waiting for us. If you choose the wrong one, you will have to pay a price.”

Ms. Jiang still looked at the portrait intently, and said absently: “Ask Zhang Xiaolong, he is a Taoist priest.”

Seeing that everyone’s eyes are looking at me, I helplessly said: “I’m a ghost hunter, not a tomb robber, so this question shouldn’t be asked to me. If I have to choose, then go with my right hand. The side door is ready.”

After I finished speaking, the audience was silent! From everyone’s eyes, I understood what they mean: numb, you just say go to the right, what if there is a mechanism on the right? Isn’t this asking the brothers to die?

Feeling that the surrounding atmosphere is not right, Miss Jiang finally looked away from the portrait: “I don’t know the layout of this tomb room at present, so I can’t calculate the direction, so I can only inquire while moving forward.”

“Then go to the right, you guys, go and open the stone gate.” Chen Er Shao pointed to a few bodyguards and said.

On the wall next to the stone gate, there is a gold turntable the size of a child’s palm. Three bodyguards walked to the stone gate and winked at each other. One of the bodyguards went to turn the mechanism, the other two were hidden by the door, and the others Everyone avoided the direction that Shimen was facing. Because if there is a mechanism, it would be no fun to shoot a few poison arrows at the moment of opening the door.

As the turntable twisted, there was a sound of gears, and the Shimen opened upward!

It is still unclear who the owner of this tomb is. Chen Ershao said a few days ago that it might be Liu Bowen. Unexpectedly, the people of that era knew how to use gears to make mechanisms that could pull such a heavy stone gate onto it.

The Shimen opened, and no poisonous arrows came out. After a few more seconds, the bodyguard hidden on the left side of Shimen carefully shook his flashlight into the door. After shaking for a while, he raised his foot and walked in.

But as soon as he stepped in with one foot, he heard a soft bang, and the stone gate above fell down instantly!

A **** scene appeared! The bodyguard’s head was smashed in half! His neck smashed into his chest, his legs were kneeling on the ground, his leg bones were broken, and the bones came out of his pants!

Because it hit a person, the stone gate was not completely closed, only half of it was closed, and the other half was stuck by the body of the dead bodyguard.

The audience is silent!

Everyone held their breath and watched the **** scene.

Next, there was a voice of vomiting. Ms. Jiang, Zhou Huiqing, Sasha, and Xia Chaoran all vomited.

I also resisted not vomiting it out. After all, I had seen the horrible look of the female hero and the face of the wooden comb female ghost before, so I was more or less resistant to this. The bodyguards probably had seen **** scenes a long time ago, so they didn’t vomit. As for Zhang Zixuan, he was originally a genius doctor, and he was also used to this thing. The Chen family brothers have always been calm, especially Chen Haotian beside me. At this time, he said: “The mechanism is on the floor of another tomb. As soon as his foot stepped on that floor, he touched the mechanism.” /

Ms. Jiang leaned on the wall and asked while wiping her mouth: “Brother Chen, if there is an agency, how do we get in?”

Chen Haotian said lightly: “The corpse is supporting Shimen, we can just crawl over by the corpse.”

Ms. Jiang began to vomit with an expression of pain after hearing these words…

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