The Lame Daoist Priest: Four hundred and twentieth quarter, compare intelligence with me?, the fastest update of the latest chapters of the Taoist priest!

While flying, we chatted.

Xu Xiaoling asked: “Xiaolong, can you tell Skyfire they can jump out?”

“Why do you ask him?”

“Well, I’m thinking, maybe you can still use your identity. If Skyfire is not dead, he will definitely give you a good word in front of the vice president, and we may be able to dig out more information at that time.” Xu Xiaoling is careful Analysis Road.

I am very satisfied with Xu Xiaoling’s carefulness, and smiled and said, “No, I’m sure we have the most intelligence! Although I don’t know what the letter is about, I can be sure that The information must be very valuable.”

Xu Xiaoling suddenly thought of something: “Xiaolong, that person just said bad things about you, don’t be angry, and don’t do impulsive things, I know you can kill him easily, but Samsara City doesn’t allow it. Soldiers fight privately, it’s not worth causing trouble for him.”

Xu Xiaoling really considers me everywhere, and I kissed her lightly on her cheek: “Ningrou, in fact, there are many people in the city of Reincarnation insulting my team, I will not take it seriously. When I become the squadron leader, It is equivalent to slap them in the face. This kind of revenge is very good, and the soldiers are not bloody, and it can also make them unable to lift their heads in front of me.”

Xu Xiaoling muttered: “When you become a squadron, many people are jealous. When you become a squadron, there are probably more people who are jealous.”

“The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it. I understand this truth, and I will converge in the future.” I smiled and comforted…


Five days later.

We returned to the city, one step faster than Li Andel!

Under the cover of Ningrou, I returned to the hotel, took out the communicator distributed by Samsara City, dialed Locke’s communicator number, and soon, Locke’s three-dimensional image was projected from the communication: “Captain , Where are you?”

“Me, I’m in a hotel, and I just broke through the sixth level and 9th dan. Where are you? Have you found any information these days?” I pretended to ask in anticipation.

Locke said in a deep voice: “The subordinates have neglected their duties and have not received any information! But the other squadrons and squadron captains seem to have obtained some. We are about to arrive in Bertram City. Please wait for us at the teleportation array. Return to the city of reincarnation together.”

“Okay, then I will go over now, wait until I meet…”

After waiting for half an hour near the teleportation array, a group of people came over. It was Liandel and his party. They didn’t look very good. After seeing me, Liandel didn’t say anything. The team leaders snorted coldly. The other team members ridiculed me. Locke tried to do it several times, but was stopped by me.

I won’t try to take advantage of them. When I get to the city of reincarnation, everything will come to my mind.

Leander showed his token, our group went on the teleportation formation and teleported to the nearest’Katrina City’ to the city of Samsara. After leaving the city, the group flew to the city of Samsara… …


One day later, in the commander’s office, Leander and ten team captains stood in the house.

The commander looked at Liandel with a gloomy expression: “That’s the only thing? I’ve known this information! Your squadron has been there for a month, and you only brought back such a small amount of information. It really disappoints me! “

I was just about to speak when a team leader next to me gave a soldier salute: “Report!”


“Report to your commander! This time we got such a bit of information because some people did not cooperate! When there was a major incident, some people were not present! And the communicator was also put in by him. Space Ring, I can’t even contact if I want to contact!” The team leader said angrily, as if this failure was all to blame for the “wicked man” in his mouth.

The commander asked with a gloomy expression: “Who dares to be so bold?!”

“It’s him! Three Fatty Jin!”

The commander looked at me, I shrugged my shoulders, and made a soldier salute: “Report to the commander, some people who are clearly unfavorable in doing things, but always like to make excuses.”

The commander asked in a low voice: “Did you put the communicator in the space ring when you were on the mission? Why did you do this?”

The guy who gave the small report continued: “Report to the commander! He not only put the communicator in the space ring, but also gave all the soldiers in their team three days off! Let those soldiers go home to visit relatives!”

“Bastard!!” The commander slapped the table: “Jin San Fat! I have always been very optimistic about you! Today, you won’t explain it clearly to me! I will withdraw your team leader! Let you serve permanently in Reincarnation City !”

“Master, please calm down your anger first.” I sighed slightly and said: “There are some things that I didn’t want to say, but he forced me. I also have a few small reports that I want to tell you adults.”


I sorted out the language and said: “A month ago, the adults sent us to perform the task of collecting intelligence. On the way, Captain Liandel asked our ten teams to act separately, because if we are together, the goal is too big. This suggestion is very good, I agree with both hands. But what did the other nine squad leaders do? Instead of monitoring the enemy, they sent a lot of manpower to monitor the movements of other squads! Why did they do this, I don’t need to say more. , Adults, can you guess it? After all, the rewards given by adults are too tempting.”

I paused and continued: “So I gave the soldiers a holiday and let the soldiers go home to visit relatives. There are only nine people who are monitoring us. It is impossible for nine people to follow 50 of us at the same time. I just want to do this. Let them go back and do their job well.”

The commander looked at the other nine team leaders: “Is there such a thing?”

The guy who made the small report wiped his cold sweat and explained: “My lord, this is the way things are. We have long felt that Jin San fat is unreliable. We are afraid that he will cause any trouble and expose the goal. That’s why we sent someone there. Guards nearby. My lord, I think we should deal with his problem first. He did not participate in the action, which led to the mission failure!”

I snorted: “You have always looked down on me, not to mention that I am only a sixth-level 9th-level cultivator. I am not the same as I am? You should learn from Liander Squadron Captain, he never finds Excuses.”

“When is it your turn to teach me? What are you?!”

“Shut up! When this is the vegetable market?!” The commander’s face darkened: “Jin San Fat, I ask you, what are you doing these days? Why put the communicator in the space ring?!”

“Report your commander! I broke into the enemy’s interior! It’s not convenient to carry a communicator! You know, the communicator symbolizes a certain identity. If you keep carrying it, I will expose it! If you follow Captain and they keep in touch, and I will expose it too!”

Everyone looked surprised.

The commander’s expression also eased a little: “Infiltrate the enemy? Then what information did you get?”

“Report to the commander, the information you got, you must like it!” As I said, I took out the phantom ball and played it on my own. The phantom ball released light, and a three-dimensional image was projected in the room. A man and a woman are fighting in the living room… that’s right! I unscrupulously released the Skyfire version of the “pornographic film” for everyone to study and discuss, and then released the dialogue between the vice chairman and me.

After watching for several hours, the commander said: “Okay! Jin Sanpang, in just one month, you got so much information! I didn’t think you were wrong!”

I said modestly: “Master Xie praised, in fact…I have a more important piece of information here! It is a letter from the vice president to the headquarters of the Twilight Association. I haven’t opened it yet. I don’t know what is written in it. , But what is certain is that the information inside is definitely important news from the Twilight Association!”

The commander was shocked. He didn’t expect that I would still have it, so he urged: “Hurry up!”

“Wait a minute, Commander. The reason why I can get this letter is that the squadron captain has a lot of credit!” With that, I briefly said about my experience these days, and then said that Leander’s plan, I came up with a trick, and deceived this letter.

Of course I did this to make Liandel a good friend. In any case, he is also a squadron captain, and he is daring to be a man. It is definitely good for me to befriend this kind of person.

This kind of generous approach will also make the Commander more agree with it, and at the same time it will make other team leaders admire it. Ningrou helped me think of a good way to get more birds with one stone.

Liander gave me a strange look, but didn’t expect that I would give him the credit.

“Well, remember them! Get the letter out quickly,” the commander said.

I submitted the letter. The commander opened the letter and read it for a minute, and then said with a smile: “Good! Good! Good! It really is the internal information of the Twilight Association! Three fats, you have done a great job! Hmm… Of course, since you are willing to give credit to others, you will be rewarded for all! Each team will be rewarded with 50 five-level demon pills! Each team leader will be rewarded with a five-level protective suit and a five-level weapon; Liander rewards One level three protective suit! One level three weapon! You have the most gold, three fat, and you should give you some rewards. Let me think about it. You will come to me tomorrow morning.”

“Yes! Commander!” I readily agreed. But my heart is not happy.

Why didn’t he reward me for the position of squadron leader? Could it be said that there is not enough intelligence? My generous performance just now wasn’t enough to impress him? Forget it, I’ll know tomorrow…


Coming out of the office, Leander nodded to me: “I, Leander owes you a favor.” After speaking, he left. I knew that he was like this, and he spoke very little.

The other team captains thanked me one after another. Of course, except for the guy who gave a small report, he was embarrassed to come and talk to me again…

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