The Great Conqueror: Two hundred and eighty-five brother is studying that student! (After three consecutive changes, ask for monthly ticket)

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North, and north again? !

Zou Liang is wondering on the road, is it the last snow queen? ! !

Zou Liang lowered his head and thought about how he returned to the temple without aware of.

What happened to the north?

Night …

The Hannibal empire, in the vast wilderness, the two armies are violently colliding together.

One party is the Bier Clan Giant Bear Legion, which is a beast change!

Looking around, I can’t see the black giant bear at the end, like a rolling torrent, but like a giant tank run over. All the obstacles in front were violently shot or torn apart, or they were trampled under their feet, and Bill Rumble, who had been transformed by thousands of beasts, stepped on, and could not even see the slag.

The other side is the roaring Rhine, which is the golden legion of the Hannibal empire, the beast changes!

Lion! !

The golden lion tide also swarmed up unwillingly.

Bill’s side has the advantage of size and strength, and often one person collides, and his opponent can be swept away with a wave of palm. But the gold giant is even more violent, and they can use their minions to tear the enemy. And the golden giant lion is more flexible than Bill, and can jump into the giant bear frantically, to bite and desperately!

The black tide and the golden tide are stirring, and you can see countless golden giant lions flying into the bear-changing Bill.

Under the fierce desperation of the Rhine side, the momentum of Bier Clan was dragged down and gradually became weaker and weaker.

Seeing that the overall situation will be abrupt at a fixed time, a roaring beast roars from behind the bear clan.

“Tyrant! Tyrant !!!”

The beast-changing Bier Clan suddenly roared up to the sky, and the Beast Warrior tide in front separated to both sides. When the striker’s golden rhine clan was puzzled, they suddenly saw a scene of madness Beast Warrior that made them tremble!

The violent beast becomes Bill!

The scarlet blood pupils are flashing, they are coming! !

The rumble of loud noises is reflected in the last scene of the golden giant lion inner eyes. On the back of the fierce bear in front, a giant man with a golden armor is standing!

Dantai Wangyue, Wu Xie gazing at the night sky, the starry sky tonight is particularly bright.

Then …

His eyes suddenly whispered, and he saw the astrological change.

The stars that belong to Killed and Broken Wolf in the sky are dazzling like never before … that is the most fierce “seven kills” on the sofa!

The people of the Governor ’s mission came and went quickly, so fast that the parties of Jerusalem did not react at all.

Of course, there are still some influences. First, Baron Lance finally took the opportunity to return to the capital. Then Sara Archon also breathed a sigh of relief and watched the wind to make this sword hanging above his head, he can also breathe a sigh of relief.

Zou Liang’s life seems to have returned to peace. However, his character couldn’t calm down at all. Seeing that the Governor and the Orville red shirt Officiant side will not be affected for a while, he decided to go to Connect The Heavens Territory to break out again.

Challenging yourself and practicing.

The last words of the Earl of Sharaman reminded him that no matter what the political situation is, one thing that remains unchanged is strength.

Improve the strength as soon as possible. This is not only the request of Ernest but also the request of Zou Liang. If you do n’t go into Copper Branded Grade, I am afraid that the knife gas alone will cut the other party ’s Silver Light Grade equipment.

Weapons are indeed king. His dark power is really not as powerful as the equipment attack. Copper Branded Grade ’s weapons and dark power can break the defense of Silver Light Grade. With this trump card, Zou Liang will not owe the sun knight.

If you want to do something in this era of World, you must constantly challenge!

Only a life full of challenges is exciting!

Connect The Heavens Territory, Zou Liang walked in and found that there are still a lot of people today, but those who do not know are curious when they see themselves, and there are a few who may recognize him, who are interested but probably because of bluff The relationship did not cause him trouble.

Ignoring these people, Schoolmate Zou picked up Transmission Stone and called the ghost shadow and Daikin according to the instructions of the last old evil. As a result, everyone shouted and found that there was no response, proving that they were not in Connect The Heavens Territory.

Reliable, these people are really unreliable, even none of them are there, but Zou Liang and aware of ca n’t always rely on them. They always have to challenge themselves to the road of trial. After all, he has come to the a-level road to heaven.

a, B, c, D ……… The latter one must be E.

Schoolmate Zou touched his chin, selected E-level difficulty and walked in one step.

This meal needs to be eaten bit by bit. Try it yourself and try again.

However, Zou Liang did not see it. Just as he stepped into the E-class door, a middle-aged Fouxe warrior standing by the door smiled insidiously and moved his body a step away if Zealot Zou See, you must scold the mother, not E, but B!

He just blocked it intentionally or unintentionally!

In Connect The Heavens Territory, sometimes it ’s not only the monsters inside, but also be careful of people. ”The level of the trial gate can also be random, or you can choose it yourself, but you need a special object. Of course, if there is a positioning You can go to the same place of trial and error again, this is common sense of Connect The Heavens Territory, but Schoolmate Zou this new tender is obviously also used to use the common sense of the earth people, ABCD … to this level, yin and yin It is as simple as eating and drinking. Anyway, in Connect The Heavens Territory, it is either a friend or an enemy.

The young Fouxe family Archer is grinning, Zou Liangzi may not be aware of, he is also famous in Connect The Heavens Territory, especially among the younger generation.

But Le Ji was sad, a slender black figure flashed past him suddenly, and followed the door that Zou Liang entered before it was fully closed.

By the way, I touched the neck of the proud Fouxe Archer, like a ghost, but the Fouxe Archer was alert enough, but when I found it, I could only be sad.

No one cares about such an episode … “

Zou Liang stood in front of a piece of primitive forest. The tree here is called a big one, each one is hundreds of meters high, like a legendary giant tree.

There are monsters, but for the time being they have not found a particularly powerful one.

Schoolmate Zou thought about it, anyway, the time here is very ample, do n’t worry, take a look at the World.

Zou Liang did not notice that there seemed to be countless eyes staring at him in the jungle.

As a test of level B difficulty, this World is not that simple.

Zealot Zou is clearly not aware of this now. He walked around with the idea of ​​observing this space. He was still wondering why he had never seen a powerful monster? Occasionally encounter one or two of the tenth grade or so, “rushed up twice to get rid of it.

This is a wilderness survival, easy and pleasant.

Looking at the strange plants all over the forest, some of them will glow blue, and some branches will bear huge red fruits. If it ’s not for fear, there might be dangers around, Zou Liang really thought Go and try the taste of this fruit.

It is obviously impossible to travel easily, Connect The Heavens Territory will not have this situation. In the third hour of entering this World, Zou Liang had no intention of walking into a valley, and it felt wrong once he stepped in.

Unfortunately, it’s too late!

Something like a sleep was awakened, and countless eyes opened together in the dark.

Zou Liang didn’t have time to respond, and heard a “bang” coming from behind, and two huge stones rolled off the top of the mountain, blocking the entrance of the valley when he came.

The most depressing thing is whether aware of is a monster or something. But obviously, some powerful monsters in this valley have been awakened.

“Boom !!”

The ground is shaking!

A huge claw jumped out of the ground, with huge stones and mud and sand, and it was amazing.


Rock tarantula!

Level 16 monster.

Fortunately “is not too difficult to deal with, Zealot Zou smiled and prepared to blame the fat and beat this guy, and dare to scare himself. I wo n’t find your teeth in a while.

However, he hasn’t had time to rush up, just listen to “Boom!” A few consecutive bursts of sound, another large rock tarantula drilled out. “Pure black” is paired with the previous off-white.

“Fuck, one male and one mother, the son of a son-in-law …”

Zealot Zou shrugged his shoulders, took out the giant axe that Daikin gave himself, and waved at random with a strong wind breaking sound.

Nothing outside can be brought in, but the equipment hit in Connect The Heavens Territory can still be used.

How many rock tarantulas with this axe will be given to the pot.

Schoolmate Zou rushed up.

But soon, he found himself in a little trouble, there are many spiders here …

Not a pair of male and female, nor a bunch of small spiders, but the whole valley is a group of rock tarantulas, not aware of has hundreds or thousands.


Zealot Zou roared with frustration. Those who wanted to practice their hands now, they have no choice but to do tricks!

Schoolmate Zou danced wildly against the rock wolf spider rushing wildly, and then ran away!

He came here to get through the game, but it wasn’t for his life. This is Connect The Heavens Territory, not the underground World. Obviously, the old beast **** he hopes that the soldiers coming here must have courage and more importantly have a brain.

Zou Liang stood in front of a huge stone city. The monsters did n’t bother him, and Schoolmate Zou also determined that this Connect The Heavens Territory test is a comprehensive ability. If you want to kill the monsters, it ’s better to go underground World, in Connect The Heavens Territory Generally, only the completion of the task of the trial road will be rewarded, and from afar, the stone city he wants to pass is a “…, maze.

It’s true.

There will be … in the secret trial field, this stuff, what is it trying to test?

If you change to an ordinary person, you may not understand what are the long or square or curved walls, but for Zou Liang, who was born in civil engineering and has experienced various information shocks in the previous life, it can be concluded that these are The passage formed by the building is a very complicated thing.

This point, you can look at the passage to the inside, all kinds of tangles, it is almost as complicated as some kind of circuit.

It’s impossible to get around.

As soon as Schoolmate Zou arrived here, I found that after coming to this labyrinth, I felt like I was limited by some invisible power. I wanted to get around or go back. The only option is to pass the labyrinth, or to give up this secret test.

If it is a monster you cannot defeat, Schoolmate Zou will definitely give up very wisely, but all the tests of non-brute force: Schoolmate Zou is not afraid, as long as it is not the kind of perverted madman shameless, Zealot Zou can Fuyun sees it.

After all, this stuff of labyrinth is boring in college, and Zealot Zou is studying that life!

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