The Great Conqueror: Three hundred seventy-six black Bismarck

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Inexplicably more of a tow oil bottle.

Bu Liang scratched his head and said to the ghost shadow and the old evil: “Old ghost, old evil senior, I am anxious to find something to repair the beast spirit, please do n’t.”


The ghost shadow said: “Finally, let’s go together. This difficulty is with us. It’s not easy to catch.”

Although Daikin and Shezhe did not speak, the expressions on their faces clearly showed the same meaning. Everyone is blessed with the same difficulties, since it is a team, the bright things are their business.

“Okay, I won’t say anything about Xie.” Zou Liang smiled at the old ghosts.

Thanks. The old ghost stared at him angrily, and gave a gesture to Daikin and Shezhe: “Come on, let’s see with this kid, what kind of secret realm can make up the beast spirit.” “

Just when Bu Liang brought a pair of well-behaved Shana and the old ghost, they greeted Wuxie and were ready to go to Connect The Heavens Tower to open the trial gate, and Wuxie spoke.

“Wait for old ghosts and Shezhe, you can’t get in.”


“That is a limited-level task. The difficulty is not difficult for you, so it is only for Jinyao and below, your beasts are too strong to enter.” Wu Xie said with a smile, obviously aware of Too.

The ghost shadow is the pinnacle of Jinyao, and Shezhe is Dark Gold Grade, and it must be blocked by the power level.

Some speechless, bluff you do n’t say that early, let them have a happy time.

The most abominable thing is the Augustus. Since he has experienced that trial, he must understand the mystery of the mystery, but he deliberately did not speak out until he finally discovered it.

The ghost shadow tilted his mouth and sipped.

She Zhe wants to think a little bit more. Maybe this is the intention of Augustus. I want to throw Liang into that special environment. But “” “

As a friend, you ca n’t just watch the light and take risks without help.

She Zhe glanced at Da Jin Dao next to him: “I ca n’t get in with the old ghost, Dai Jin you are Jin Yao Junior, let ’s go with Liang.”

“Okay.” A smile on Dajin’s face was simple.

“Let’s go.” It is said that Bu Liang immediately took Shana and Jia Jin to leave. He hurried to the secret realm to find the thing that called Skull Emma. He didn’t want to waste much.

After seeing the three people open the door, a line of ancient text “The Land of Mirror Magic” disappeared after a flash, and ghost shadow and Shezhe both turned their heads and looked at Weixie strangely.

“Old evil, have you long been aware of?”


“Why did you tell aware of about Augustus, why didn’t you tell us, it made us inquire everywhere.”

Wu Xie’s eyes were half-open and half-closed, and an old **** was there, “Is it useful to tell you?”

Ghost shadow utterance … “It is really useless.” Those who can grab things from Augustus are either dead or have not been born yet.

The land of mirror illusions, as soon as Bu Liang and Daikin and Shana entered, it was the endless sea that entered their sight.

The golden sun slanted down from the east, reflecting the magnificent blue sea and the magnificent sea waves. The huge waves rolled up and down, sending a salty sea breeze.

Bou Liang felt very comfortable with the warmth of sunlight in the wind.

Looking at the waves rushing to the golden sands and blowing white foam waves, huā “almost gives the illusion of coming to the Maldives for a seaside vacation.

Daikin scratched his head and grinned at the sun. Bimont is a cold-blooded creature, who likes the warm sunshine and the vast sea.

The young girl of Nikolay ’s family, Shana, walked behind Bu Liang step by step. A pair of big eyes turned like sapphires with crystal clear crystals. “Ying Ying turned, showing her curiosity about everything around her.

Unfortunately, the place of Mirror Illusion is obviously not a place for Bu Liang to come to vacation. This girl is also nothing, feeling a little timid, as if afraid of Bu Liang, just like the girls I usually see. It ’s totally different. ”But for all the warriors that Bu Liang knows, which one ca n’t be described as tough, and the Ministry of Magic Stick never thinks that Augustus has just found a person.

sexual entrapment?

Dare you feel a little new!

A golden scorpion swelled at the foot of a foot, and a black scorpion that was only one metre in length came out of the sand. They have a human-like face, and the scorpion tail hangs like a boom, giving a sense of danger.

Twenty-seventh level monster, red-tailed scorpion.

Can spray poisonous sand, move fast, have mimic ability, and can blend with the surrounding sand and background. The most important thing is that all warrior weapons of the red-tailed scorpion’s shell are lower than Silver Light Grade.

Moreover, the red-tailed scorpions live in groups. When they are sent out, there are dozens or hundreds of them, which is a sea of ​​scorpions.


Poof! !

With a burst of noise, the red-tailed scorpion that crawled out first opened the mouth of the palate, and black sand arrows sprayed towards Bu Liang and Shana and Daikin.

A dozen of sand arrows from the scorpions criss-cross, with almost no dodge dead corners. Faster than bullets.

But, Bu Liang, do they need to hide?

Daikin stands one step forward and lifts his chest.

Awkward, without any effort at all, Biengmeng’s perfect muscles naturally swell, reflecting the sunlight and radiating a golden bronze metallic luster.

Wild to the extreme, full of power to the extreme, completely blocking Bu Liang and Shana.

All the poisonous sand that was shot was flicked together, and the little monsters in the 20s are just scratching for Daikin, Gold Brilliance Grade. Ping!

Da Jin’s careless foot stepped out, and a red-tailed scorpion in front of him was immediately stepped on the meat. The poison hook of the scorpion’s mortal counterattack was grabbed by him casually before Dajin stumbled, tearing with a snap.

As the poisonous scorpion exploded into slime, Da Jin’s awkward face grinned. This is too weak.

Up to a hundred red-tailed scorpions come out of the sand and gather together. This monster is not relying on individuals but on strength to win.

Unfortunately they face Daikin.

Golden Bimon took a breath, the muscles of his body swelled suddenly, and at the next moment, Daikin squatted, punching **** the sand with both hands.

Boom! !

A wave of golden sand waves blasting forward the Shock Wave violently violently triggered by Daikin. “It looks like a small sandstorm. It instantly penetrates all the scorpions and bury them under the sand sea.

Some distant red-tailed devil scorpions were simply blasted into the sea by a wave of sand waves, and struggled in vain to disappear in the waves.

“Dai Kim, you are too violent.” Bu Liang gave him a thumbs up and smiled: “However, I like it.”

Daikin smiled and couldn’t imagine an brat talking to Gold Brilliance Grade Bimont like this, at least Shana had never seen it before.

A place where you can try out special items can never be easy. Just now it was just an appetizer.

“Dajin, you are here”, I look around. “

Bou Liang said that he was walking around the beach and looked at it. Shana followed her like a shadow and did not relax. That was the confession of the ancestors.

Don’t wait for the department to come back, Daikin noticed that the sea ahead had changed. No longer the previous tranquility, but more and more dark and muddy, as if a storm is coming.

It can be seen with the naked eye that some huge creatures like * head whales are looming under the sea surface during the ups and downs of the sea waves, setting off amazing giant waves.

The surging demon power “pushed over like an invisible mountain, pressing the entire space to a suffocating feeling.

“Thirty-level monster, deep-sea fish-human shark!”

Bou Liang just took Shana back in a circle, and Shana obviously couldn’t help covering her mouth with aware of.

“Fishman Shark?”

Bou Liang picked the corner of his mouth, what’s the matter? The shark fin is aware of, even though it has not been eaten in my previous life.

Dajin murmured with his hands in his waist: “This is the hegemon in the sea, which can spray the power of water. And the power in the water is a hundred times that of the shore. Bimeng can’t play them in the water.”

Look at this number “is almost an entire group of murloc sharks, the black pressure can not see the end, when the thirty-level monsters gather more than one hundred heads, that coercion is no worse than a monster monster lord. The clouds above the ocean are stirred by demon power.

The “Black Clouds in the Clouds” with the huge waves and whirlpools set off by the deep sea looks like a mountain, a city, to crush everything and smash it.

It’s not good to stand on the shore and be beaten. You can only play with them in the water.

“Bimeng doesn’t like water …”, Daikin was helpless and scratched again. “He is the strongest here, and he doesn’t like to play with water. He must be on top.

“Wait for Daikin, let me come.” Bu Liang stepped forward and reached out to block him. “He walked indifferently to the forefront of the beach, and at his feet was the increasingly violent sea waves.

He aware of this is the test. “Mirror Fantasy Space has n’t seen the clues yet, but it ’s impossible to leave nearby. It ’s impossible to leave. All around is covered with mist. Obviously two consecutive waves of monsters are this test The test given by the refining field, if you can’t even handle this, don’t think about it again.

Shana followed her with some worry, and stayed less than a meter away from him, and waited obediently.

She is not worried about herself, but this year ’s youth. The ancestors thought he should have been outstanding, but in the face of hundreds of deep-sea fish and human sharks, all of them are level 30 monsters. Is there any way?

The girl’s lips pursed slightly, and looked at the looming sea monster group, which was shaken by the huge and terrifying demon spirit, and turned her head to look at the light that stood still like a mountain, she Keep your teeth clenched.

The monster in the deep sea believes that this little Bill who dares to stand on the beach is their enemy. In this sealed place, they are the king of the sea. All those who dare to provoke, kill! !

Roar! ! !

With a whale-like roar, like a hurricane crossing, like a typhoon landing, a moment of cold and fierce murder carried a huge wave to Buliang and Shana beside the beach.

The two little things are gone, and a wave can’t be beaten.

Following the giant wave, hundreds of monsters, fish, and sharks spewed out of their mouths!

Kiss of the Murloc!

It sounds extremely sweet, but the high-pressure water element that can smash all flesh and blood in the spray.

Even if Bimon ’s powerful body is under the water pressure of hundreds of sharks, it will surely leave him with no skin.

Dai Jin in the back shook his fist and prepared to shoot, but when he saw that Bu Liang was already standing in the front, he gave up the idea of ​​attack and looked at with a smile.

The Divine Stick took a deep breath, a long roar, and the sound of Warsong rose linearly. With his current Warsong strength, he did not need any advanced techniques.

… . n ~~ n 啊 n ~ nnn ~~ nnn

Looking at a giant wave up to ten meters in height, it is about to be photographed in the palm of a giant. “Xia Xia, who shatters the bright part and has a pale face, explodes !!

The ten-meter giant wave exploded into a mist of water.

Extreme Limit Storm war song!

With the details of Bass Artillery and Oscillating Wave, the extreme treble in the first stage of Warsong is easier to use.

Countless water huā shoots down like raindrops, but it can no longer constitute any threat.

Among this miraculous power, Liang is alone, standing with arms wide open on the edge of the sea cliff, facing the huge waves and the sea, “calling the thirty-level monster beasts against the black pressure!

At this moment, he seems to be the true God!

Frankly speaking, the Ministry of God sticks more and more like this po **, and it is easy to release the nose in your heart.

Small girl Shana was shocked by the momentum of the giant wave and a moment of blasting sound, her hands were covered in the exquisite small chest, she looked at this scene with some shock.

, “… Is this the one the ancestor chose?

To be honest, when she was selected, “the whole family was crazy” to complete the task at all costs. Anyone who has been serving Heavenly Umbra Clan today and suddenly can serve the legendary characters like Augustus is a great blessing.

And all this is just for young people today.

The ancestor said it was true, this person is very strong! It’s really strong! Is it just for this?

Heavenly Umbra Clan geniuses come out in a row, much better than this.

Countless water elements and water arrows shot wildly, but under Bu Liang ’s war song, under the waves of treble treble he seemed to have no limit, a close-up immediately exploded and shattered.

The murloc sharks are all angry! They used to run rampant in the past, where would they meet such a person, like a copper bowl of beans, the hammer will not rot or move.

The monsters who reached the 30th level already have good wisdom. The continuous waves and the “Fishman Kiss” failed, but instead they were distracted by the dolphin treble that broke up. All the fishman sharks are Restless, ready for the next big ban.

Group attacks.

When all the murloc sharks gather their power, they can explode no less than the demon lord Lord.

The sea surface instantly changed from extreme motion to extreme silence.

Peace before the storm.

Gradually the sea level is boiling, and huge demon power is accumulated. Use the power of this sea water to make a huge wave! A tsunami that can roll the entire beach into powder!

However, there is no chance.

Just when the murloc shark barely held back the treble of the bright hurricane and accumulated enough demon power to set off the tsunami.

One Bass Artillery “exploded! Every sound is like the strongest note, like the roar of Thor from the distant sky.

In a flash, the sound is gone, the vision is gone, “the perception is gone. There is only one voice in the entire World, that is the heartbeat of God!

Roaring roaring Bass Artillery!

The heads of dozens of murloc sharks blasting together at the forefront blasted together. “The power of Bass Artillery penetrated into the soul and exploded from the inside.

The rest of the murloc sharks can’t stand it anymore. I just felt dizzy and upset when I heard the dolphins’ high notes. Now, with the Bass Artillery together, I feel that my body is about to explode!

This is a fear of death never seen before.

Fishman Ji disappointed in panic, stirred up huge vortex waves on the sea, and the two ends that escaped slowly were affected by the bright Bass Artillery, which exploded in succession, frightening the fishman shark swarm. .

The entire World is clean.

Only Bu Liang stretched out his arms to meet the turbulent waves of the water and the waves of sunlight that broke the black clouds cast on him, like a miracle.

It is indeed a miracle. He can create a miracle that ordinary people cannot do. He is a god.

Shana ’s sapphire-like pupils stared closely at Bu Liang ’s back, her lips slightly pursed, her cheeks red, and I did n’t know what she remembered. Some girls were shy.

“Dai Jin, we’re going to the sea.” Bu Liang turned his head back and saw the girl’s dim eyes. He pointed at the sea and said, “There is an island there, which is the only way out. Check it out. “

Following his fingers, the rolling mist over the ocean spread out, revealing an indistinct appearance of an island.

The appetizer is over, it should be a bit challenging.

Daikin ’s eyes widened, reaching for the distance between the sea and the island, a little bit depressed: “Xiaoliang, Bimon ca n’t fly …”

“I have a way to make everyone levitate.”, Bu Liang has long been confident. “The corpses of the murlocs floating on the sea are ladders. You can go to the island by stepping on them, but the speed is faster and the time is limited.”

After being reminded by him, Daikin was surprised to find that it was really the case.

The bodies drifted away with the current, and unconsciously traversed a distance from the beach to the opposite island. But this time must be hurryed, and the body of the Murloc Shark will be washed away with the waves.

With the help of a floating ring, it should not be a problem.

Daikin no longer hesitated, grinned: “Xiaoliang, come up to me.”, Buliang glanced at Shana next to him, this girl really doesn’t look like Nikolai Family, even shy than Raibbit rabbit clan He would only follow Bu Liang like a young wife, and he had no temper.

If it ’s like a Mikina, it ’s an unruly and capricious type, ”Bu Liangliang used an excuse to chase her away, but Shana was so gentle from beginning to end, and did not add to the chaos, but just followed him, as if she abandoned her, she immediately It ’s like crying, think about the character of Augustus. ”If I dumped her, I ’m afraid it would only cause her trouble. Grandma, this old monster is so cruel.

When the murloc shark set off a huge wave just now, Bu Liang deliberately wanted to scare her, although this girl’s appearance was weak, but her personality was very persistent. I believe that following him will really die.

He is not afraid of the sky, but when he meets Shana ’s type, the steel can only be turned into a finger.

Bou Liang shook his head, stretched out Shana’s arm, and without explaining anything, jumped her directly onto Daikin’s shoulder.

“Supported, Daikin runs faster than the wind.”, “Thank you, thank you.” Shana blushed again, but her hands clasped tightly … Obviously, it was Bu Liang’s waist She was embarrassed to hug a head who didn’t know Bimont … or golden Bimont, this is definitely a big man.

Bu Liang is speechless, what are you blushing …

In the next moment, Daikin grinned and felt that Xiaoliang they grasped tightly. “Bow a body, throw away all limbs and run wildly.

Bou Liang is right, his speed is faster than the wind, because Daikin is a wild gold bimon, he is a hurricane!

Lightning swings in the limbs “brought a turbulent airflow. At the next moment, the huge gold scorpion jumped up and Shana jumped up, stepping on the body of a murloc shark like a shooting star. It is unexpected that these corpses are very stable, even if they bear the weight of Daikin, they do n’t shake, and they do n’t even need to use floating rings.

By leveraging his strength, Daikin quickly jumped to the next punctuation point.

It ’s when Bu Liang works hard in Emerald ’s place for Emma. In the same sky, in the extreme west of the mainland, the elegance of Tantai Mochizuki is still struggling.

The desert leopard seemed to be lost in the direction of this sandstorm. The stars in the sky were chaotic, and the direction of the seven kills could no longer be discerned.

A heartless palpitation in Qingya’s heart.

Fight to star shift, astrology mixed …

“Quick! Hurry up!”

“Did you not eat?”

As the Sirius roared, the dolphins Five Brothers waved their claws frantically, and their goal turned out to be a huge rock 15 meters high and 20 meters thick!

Only by crushing this huge rock will it be considered qualified, otherwise Ru Gou will not admit that there is such a disciple. In the hands of Chu Gou, he will either be a teacher or die if he is not qualified to be a teacher.

This point, Five Brothers is already very clear, and it is very clear, Chugou is absolutely able to do it, to be precise, the wolf family is this character.

“Think about the people you want to follow, think about the shame of the wolf clan in these years, whether it is a waste or a breakthrough, you choose it yourself!”

Astro Five Brothers burst out of his exhausted body with new power, eyes red.

Count! ! ! m

Waving his claws wildly, no matter what the skin on the top is, no fear of any pain, tearing with claws, biting with teeth, as if this is the biggest enemy in front of you.

Men have more important promises than life!

Become stronger and become the most powerful wolf race back to his side!

The wolf family can definitely stand up again!

At the same time, in the snowy plateau in the north, Jin Na and Sharaman, as well as the sparse Apostle List peripheral personnel, are walking hard and shallow in the snow.

The blizzard in the sky almost made people unable to speak. As soon as they opened their mouths, the endless blizzard poured into their mouths like a knife. That’s called a discomfort.

But no matter what, this time the mission is finally in sight, and the information should be sent back to Your Majesty The Supreme Pontiff aware of.

Jina tightened her leather jacket, thinking of Arthur in her mind.

I have n’t seen you in a few months, is n’t aware of, is he alright? Only such a task can relax her, not to mention that time is really the best medicine, at least not so much now.

Unexpectedly, totally unexpectedly.

Tu Liang thought the second pass was on this island, but did not expect that the whole island was a living creature.

An ancient monster with no name can seem to be sleeping.

With the ups and downs of its huge body, you can feel the ups and downs of the vitality and powerful demon power, and the sea water that blows around it also constantly raises ripples.

The hazy sunlight shone down and cast a dappled sun shadow on the ground. Its large body is covered with green plants like an ordinary island, and there are even green coconut trees on the coast.

If you can get a resort here and get some bikini beauties, it will definitely make a lot of money, but this sharply turned atmosphere is really unacceptable.

A stone tablet attracted Bu Liang ’s attention.

“m, fly, …” The desire tends to be serious, there is uncertainty, and it is recommended to deal with it as a failed work. “, The bright part of seeing is a little vomiting blood, and the most critical part …, also blurred.

Dajin and Shana looked at him strangely, and then looked at the stele again, “What’s wrong?” But ancient writing is not good at it.

Bu Liang and Dai Jin and Shana, the good girl, walked towards the island, her ears moved, and a strange sound came from far and near.

“Woo nm”

The dark shadows that cover the sky and the sound of crazy wings.

A dark shadow flew quickly.

Then … the slim figure, the black Swan-like wings.

The Beast God turned out to be black Bismarck!

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