The Great Conqueror: Forty-fourty-one Pope’s Prestige

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Strength, glory or something, this was not what Orixia wanted. She actually only wanted to live a plain life. She likes a small city like Jerusalem, warm, and silly Arthur, But what she could not change was her destiny, a member of Gabriel.

The door opened, and her mother must have come in at this time.

At the moment when Orixia turned her head, Bi Xiu fixed her eyes, that expression, Bi Xiu aware of, the seal was released.

But she has no guilt, all this was originally for Orixia, and weakness is doomed to failure.

“Tomorrow’s final, Arthur and Murphy, whoever wins, will get all the glory. Are you going to be at home, or go and see.”

Bi Xiu’s voice seemed strangely soft and abnormal.

Olysia looked at her mother quietly, “I am at home.”

Tomorrow Emma will definitely go, he wo n’t need her to go, it ’s just sentimental. After so many years, Orixia has matured a lot.

“What should you do at home, you should go, even if Arthur has defeated you, but we Gabriel should have this mind, go.”

Bixiu seems to be a little impatient, and Alicia looked at her mother quietly. Is this a hint?

Think also, if Arthur can really defeat Murphy and stand on the pinnacle of the younger generation of Mengjia, does this meet the standards of his mother? In the cooperation with Zaches, Gabriel is very passive, And this is not what Bi Xiu wants. One more option can at least bargain. Leo Lixia smiled, showing a desolate, “Mother, I will not marry Nebello. If you force me, you will be without me. Daughter. “

Bixiu didn’t take it seriously, “I will talk about it later.”

Orisia looked at herself in the mirror. Maybe, she should decide her own destiny.

Bixiu still treats Alicia as a child. As everyone knows, people will grow up.

When Buenavin was invited by the Blue Spirit, it was really overjoyed, but the situation was not as he imagined, not a date, but an invitation from the Ficklow family, and the Blue Spirit was also a member of the Ficklow family. .

The fact that the big family can stand up is their solicitation of talents, especially the young talents of the same family. Undoubtedly, Buenavin is already qualified to enter their vision.

Buenavin is also a wise man. If he wants to have a better and stronger future, this road is probably the best right now, and joining the Ficklow family can also get along with the Blue Spirit day and night, and there are many opportunities.

Buenavin did not reply immediately. He had to think about it and never make any decisions when he was emotional, let alone such a thing.

Not only Buenavin, this time, the other young people were also invited by the forces of the children. To master them is to master the future. Those who have a little brains are aware of. Keep a favor, and you can talk in the future. God knows, when you can use it.

What is the fastest? The fastest time.

Growing in a trance ……

The splendid arena is filled with more than two hundred thousand orcs, and the emperor is caught in a carnival, unconsciously, this battle brought the same effect as the grand festival.

The streets and alleys of the imperial capital are shoulder-to-shoulder, near the splendid arena, and even more lively. The entire arena is already full. The big figures are also enjoying privileges at this time. The more people, the more they feel this superiority The stronger.

Everyone with a little identity in the emperor is proud to be able to witness this moment. People are looking forward to it. Can they perform a miracle?

Another overcrowded place is the strongest beast shop. No matter the success or failure, this outsider really opened the eyes of the emperor, and today, either a super rich or a slave was born in a flash.

Ice and fire are twofold.

The streets near the shops are already full. This situation is very oppressive. The staff in the entire store have lost their usual smiles, and they ca n’t bear them because of their affordability.

Maru is also here. In fact, he was sent by Thomas red dress Officiant. This is also quite a big thing. Everyone who knows Arthur is aware of. He can toss, but this time he played too hard. In fact, in terms of achievements, he entered the finals, no matter the success or failure is already very good, but this bet, but the chain is tightened at once, the strongest beast store is not just to make money, this is a twist, contact Arthur as Many relationships of the axis, if this chain breaks, then many things are broken.

I have to say that Arthur is too good to toss, but the wood has become a pill, and Thomas can only say anything and can only pray.

As far away as Jerusalem, countless people flocked to the gate of the temple. News from the imperial capital kept coming. Although it may be a long time before aware of results, they came to the gate of the temple to pray for the Arthur priest, especially those People who have been helped by him.

Thomas is standing in the temple hall, looking at the people outside, and looking at the distance. In unconsciously, this kid has already had such an influence. It really has grown up. Everyday, everyone Talking about Aji, the trainee priest who always caused trouble, unconsciously has become an empire hero and needs to look up at the strong.

Who can think of it?

Thomas remembered the first time I saw Arthur, that silly Bill, with a sly light in his eyes, thought a little fool who could deceive everyone, beast god, please listen to your servant pious Pray, please rate Arthur.

Lu Yao was not on the VIP seat because it was inconvenient to do first aid. Murphy has always been Arthur ’s enemy. I am afraid that this battle will not be easy. She needs to stand near the competition field in order to treat her in time , This wouldn’t work, but with the Pope’s special approval, who has the curse?

The battle hasn’t started yet, people’s hearts have begun to boil, and finally the sun has reached the top of the head. At this time, Nebello raised his hand and the player entered the field.

Golden Lion Murphy, the pride of the Rhine, the continuation of Golden Lion ’s undefeated glory, can he reach the top with the next Nebello?

Arthur Hebrew, a real combat priest, a brave priest who created one by one miracles, and today, here, facing the strongest warrior, can he continue to move forward?

A perfect day, countless people witnessed this great moment together.

But at this time, the wind started, and gradually the sky black clouds gradually increased. This season is indeed prone to thunderstorms. It is indeed a bit of a landscape to see the game start.

At this time, Bang Liang and Murphy are also walking into the arena and looking at the sky. They don’t care about the weather, but they do have a cave atmosphere.

“Your Majesty, the thunderstorm is coming, I see if it is postponed for a while, in case of heavy rain, it is very troublesome.”

The big Archon said that no one brought rain gear, and the heavy rain this season was fierce. Besides, there are many nobles. The heavy rain will make them lose their image completely.

The Pope glanced at the big Archon and slowly stood up. When Benduma XV stood up, all the strong men above Jin Yao were moved!

This half-dead old man has an unspeakable and powerful momentum, this power? ? ?

This momentum is indescribably powerful, from a half-dead old man? ? ?

The pope stepped out, and in a flash, the huge splendid arena shuddered, and the old finger pointed to the sky: “I said, there must be light!”

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