The Great Conqueror Chapter 50: Aerial battle song

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Boom …

Strength is concentrated on both feet, a heavy touch, the body suddenly rushes into the air, catching a habitual relaxation, the general bird will always have a subconscious sense of relaxation when flying into the air, and this moment Enough to make an attack.

It is true that even Santa Fe is the same. Five meters is generally a safe distance, and he has an innate talent for flying.

But looking at the figure that popped up quickly on the ground, he was still scared, and suddenly shocked another meter. He was quite thrilled to escape Zou Liang’s quick catch.


As soon as Zou Liang landed, he quickly bounced off, and the ground was swept across by three arrows.

As Murphy said, almost to fail miserably in a very easy task, if it is caught by a master who is good at fighting, Archer will really become the meat of the chopping board.

Santa Fibo, who was shocked by the cold sweat, also ignited. After all, there are two competitors of the same level below. If you lose here, it is equivalent to a level lower than the other party. The World in Orc is so cruel.

Zou Liang, who aimed at the ground, started an unreserved mad shot. Unless you have wings, you will have no chance at all!

In Beast Spirit World, there are ten arrows in each Archer quiver. Unless it falls in the opponent ’s hand, it will return to the quiver as long as it flew out of Combat Altar or landed on the altar. .

Zou Liang also understands this, catching an arrow empty-handed?

He thought … but that was to death!

An arrow of this speed is much more difficult than an empty hand into a white blade, and there are quite a series of arrows between the other ’s arrows. If you try to grab an arrow, you will be hit by the next bow. .

That’s death.

can’t do anything about it, there was a one-sided situation in the battle. Above Combat Altar, the guy called the beast **** performing martial arts was run by the eagle’s Archer. The judgment and speed were indeed amazing, and his movements were exaggerated. They are used together, jumping and jumping, evading with full force, quite dangerous, and several times the bow and arrow are rubbed over the body.

I have to say that his level is indeed very high, which allows Santa Fe Bokong to have a high-attack attack. Without worrying about it, he is also a blind lighter.

Murphy could n’t help but shook his head. “It seems there is really no skill at all.”

This is a draw. Perhaps this meat target ’s combat ability is indeed good, but it is limited by its innate jumping power, and it cannot attack its opponent. For a strong man, failure is failure. There is no reason to use it. Change Cheng is him, even if the eagle family’s limit height is seven meters, under the super jumping power of his beast, it is still within the control range.

This is the omnipotent powerful Rhine.

For him who constantly challenges the strong, a loser is worthless.

Buenavin also shook his head a little bit angrily. At this moment he is on the side of Zou Liang. After all, in the face of this shameless style, no one can can’t do anything about it, hunting shadow is the nemesis of Archer, but yes A flying Archer will have a headache unless it is a hunting shadow equipped with a hidden weapon.

The series of dodge moves are really wonderful. For a hunting shadow, that is quite a longing, but the reality is so cruel.

Santa Fibo who makes continuous shots in the air is also a bit tired. He has to maintain his stagnation. At the same time, making such a powerful attack is also a great consumption of physical strength. It takes a little breathing time. It became the target of the other party.

I really did n’t expect that he could hide in such a strong shooting, it ’s just evil spirits.

Even the attackers are so tired, Zou Liang, who is constantly making thrilling dodge moves, is obviously more expensive.

Many orc warriors no one blame Santa Fibo. The orc was originally a full-play talent. The eagles have such a low-flying ability. This is their own ability, just like the balanced and powerful of the Rhine.

Weak meat and strong food.

Zou Liang wiped his sweat, this warm-up exercise was really energetic. At least three times he set the game to attract opponents to reduce the height, but this guy was not a life and death, he was almost killed.

It seems that he can’t continue to play. He will gather early tomorrow. He doesn’t want to stare at the panda.

Putting your hands together, a crackling sound came out.

For an otaku, playing games while listening to passionate music is undoubtedly a pleasure. The soul will also vibrate with the music, coupled with super refreshing fighting, this is Zou Liang ’s favorite.

And in this World there is a form of expression called-Battle Song!

In an instant, the audience was in an uproar!

War song!

This man is actually a warsong priest!

And it is not any kind of war song that is known. The violent rhythm shocked Santa Febo in the breath adjustment. This guy’s war song interfered with him when he was weak.

The helmets in white suits are added with 1 to 3 arcane meanings, which can be used to withstand the encouragement of the war song and also resist the attack of the war song.

Zou Liang did n’t seem to see the opponent ’s resistance at all. Warsong continued. Murphy frowned. This unknown warsong was still a bit powerful at the beginning.

It’s just that this low depth contains some depression, and Santa Fe in the battlefield feels deeper, because this low war song has a suffocating rhythm that makes his breathing difficult. .

The melody is getting deeper and deeper in Zou Liang ’s mouth. This is his favorite poem by Karl Offie. The depression in front makes people suffocate.

Suppression ~ Suppression ~~ Suppression ~~ Suppression ……

Santa Fibo felt the pain. This breathless feeling made him struggle, but he kept his height desperately, the helmet shone, and he resisted the suffocating war song with all his strength.

But just when he thought he was going to hold it, the melody of Warsong suddenly became high, like a roaring lion, roaring, wild, unstoppable, and the sound seemed to penetrate Beast Spirit World, one wave higher than one wave, all The orcs are crazy about this amazing war song, even the orcs outside the altar are affected.

Murphy seems to have seen the King of Rhine in the vast prairie, looking up at the sky and roaring in the sky, and the sky and sky are dark!

Buenavin felt dreamy phantom dances, endless dances, ghostly steps, shiny daggers, and endless blades under his feet.

And Santa Fibo is the eagle that spreads its wings. The eagle strikes the sky. He wants to challenge the peak of World. Suddenly, thunder thunders through the clouds.

Boom …

When Zou Liang opened his hands and blasted the strongest sound, Santa Febo in the air had turned into a winged eagle and fell straight.

Bang …

Without any resistance, Warsong has directly destroyed his consciousness.

At this time, Murphy just turned around, Combat Altar was completely dumb, warrior? Hunting shadow? Warsong Priest?

Santa Fibo does n’t even have a chance to sigh, the beasts are flying, what is the nightmare of Archer, and what are the eagles most afraid of?

Bismarck Swan Clan, because they have a forbidden battle song!

Now, there is a warsong priest who is not from the Bismarck family, which is unique in the history of the orcs.

In addition to the Bismarck family, there are people who will use the air battle song, which is unheard of.

Murphy feels that the blood of his beast royal family has boiled, this is the opponent he has been waiting for!

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