The Great Conqueror Chapter 245: Science Fiction Movies

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Chapter 245 The Second Science Fiction Movie

“Hey, Yang! Magic Yang!”, “I want your signature! Thank you!” ……

The main hall of the Toronto Convention Center is lively, or young or middle-aged sci-fi gangs are sitting in groups, resting in chairs, standing, laughing and discussing, all waiting to enter the venue. The 61st World Science Fiction Convention is being held in this eastern city of Canada, from August 28 to September 1, for a period of 5 days, during which the Hugo Award of 2003 will be awarded, and this time is a display event of science fiction imaging products .

From the sunny Bahamas, two days back to Los Angeles, Wang Yang went to cool Toronto again, and his shirt became a coat. When I saw several shadows over there, they shouted enthusiastically, accompanied by two tall bodyguards, Wang Yang, who was about to enter the field, came to the front of several people and took out his signature pen to unopen the “Ninth District” they handed Sign on the collection DVD.

Young movie fans smiled and blessed: “Congratulations on your successful marriage proposal.” Another white man with glasses nv smiled and said: “I wish you a happy marriage with Jessica.” Wang Yang signed while writing Nod thanks: “Thank you, we will.”

The sci-fi mís who come to participate in this exclusive event have a certain degree of enthusiasm, and they received the DVD with the signature of the magical Yang. The signature of the best director of the science fiction Oscar, this is a real trip! He thought to ask: “Magic Yang, when will you make science fiction films again? What fun is it now to make those commercial films?”

Another white fat young man with golden curly hair, Garrison agreed, saying, “I bought the Collector’s Edition of District Nine and read it three times; but the regular version of Hangover is enough for the time being. “Of course, there are also films that only read” District 9 “once, and several others. However, nv Maggie also nodded and said: “I prefer shocking science fiction and magic Yang, do you have any new plans?”

Everyone knows the speed of Miracle Yang, and he had already finished the film “The Devil Wearing Prada” as early as June.

“Almost! I promise you will be aware of soon.” Wang Yang smiled and waited for the next exhibition, he will announce the plan of “Fireflies” with Joss Whedon, and officially open this science fiction movie. Publicity work.

Bliss and others suddenly looked excited, and quickly asked: “You mean you are going to make a science fiction film? What kind of genre? The future?” Garrison remembered some previous news and was surprised: “Oh I have heard that you want to shoot spaceships, interstellar sci-fi, right? “Bliss asked again:” Will it be like “Star Wars” or “Interstellar Airlines”? “Wang Yang laughed:” Yes , Spaceship roaming the universe … I ca n’t say much. ”

“Wang Yang, the Hugo Award will not be given to you!” At this time, a middle-aged white man in front seemed to find Wang Yang and walked very excitedly. He wore a black shirt and a denim figure and shaved a bald head, but with a beard. His shout caught the attention of everyone around him: “George Lucas should take Oscar! Kubrick, Redelisko T … Spielberg, George Lucas! The Oscar should n’t be given to you, you ’re a kid! ”

The two bodyguards immediately stood in front of them. If the fat man had any intent to attack, they would shoot. However, this kind of shadowy curse generally stops at the curse. Wang Yang whispered “i.” And continued to meet the signing requirements of the shadow mís who came around.

No matter what the award is, it ’s just a situation where the hero is created, and he ca n’t generalize anything. His Oscar award does not mean that he has surpassed Stanley Kubrick and others. They did not get the same importance in the science fiction film industry; just Take it, take it.

“I suggest you talk to the judges!” Bliss, who just got the signature, was very disdainful and said to the fat man: “We don’t care about the Oscars.” District 9 “is a classic movie!” Maggie also A little excited, shouting: “Sir, who are you? No matter who you are, there is some politeness!”

“Boo—!” The fat man booed his thumbs with both hands, staring at Wang Yang who had n’t seen it, and mocked himself: “You are a toy compared to Star Wars! Only play What viral propaganda! Will you make a movie! Will you make a science fiction movie !? You iǎ child go back! Do n’t want to take the Hugo Award !!! “

All signed! “Wang Yang smiled and nodded at Maggies and other film mís, collected his signature pen, turned and looked at the fat man. aware of had many Star Wars sci-fi mís that were dissatisfied with his award, they were not angry, only a full of confidence Firmly, he smiled and said, “That man, I will make movies and do publicity. And I’m here to get the prize, haha ​​bye! “

Finally, Wang Yang took the lead in the hall of the venue, followed by two bodyguards. The fat man still pointed at his back, scolding something: “You can’t beat Star Wars, the Hugo Award won’t give you …” Bliss and others were very interesting; Maggie wowed, excited Let’s take a look at the friends: “It’s so cool! He is Magic Yang, and I finally saw it!”

In the meeting place, guests sitting in advance sporadically entered the stage. There was something on the stage directly in front of the staff, and the big screen was dark.

Jos. Wang Yang saw Jose Weiden in the seat over there and greeted him with a raised hand. Joe Weiden wore a brown shirt and a cowboy heard his voice at a glance, and got up and walked: “Yang! “

The 13th episode “Waiting Wings” of the TV series “Angel” directed by Jose Weden won the nomination for the best short-form video production; and his 7th episode “Buffy the Vampire Hunter” The Dialogue of the Dead “is also on the nomination list, but the specific nominees are director Nick Marsack, producers Jane Panson and Drew Goddard. He came to attend this conference, except for the nomination because of “Firefly”.

Although the Hugo Award is called the “Oscar of Science Fiction”, the protagonist and video production are supporting roles, and the media attention is not too high. If there is no publicity plan, not all nominees will come to attend. Steven Spielberg, who was nominated for the Minority Report, and Chris Columbus in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets were all absent.

“Yang, congratulations to you and Jessica.” Joss Whedon smiled and gave blessings, Wang Yang nodded and smiled, “Thank you! Oh, I am in a state of excitement these days, Unprecedented. “He thought about the mood since the marriage proposal was successful, and said:” Your aware of and the whole World are different. It seems that you have given yourself a clear life signal. She is the most important person. “

Jos Weiden, who has been married for many years, naturally understands his mood and laughs: “You have such an idea, then I don’t have to worry about you.” Wang Yang couldn’t help but laughed a few times, shrugging: “Of course! It is that I suddenly have a different understanding and feelings for many things. I think it should be deeper. I used to think of family from the perspective of child nv, and think of other family corners from the perspective of reason. But I am now a husband. Haha! Fortunately, the person who acted was not me … “

“Family can change a lot.” Joss Whedon nodded. For directors and creators, the change in life stage brings a lot of new feelings and makes thinking more further onwards. The two spoke to the front seat, and Wang Yang said: “Jos, I have some new ideas about Marl these days …”

After “Firefly” talked about the purchase of the script, Wang Yang has been thinking about how to put it on the big screen, how to make the story and details more people, the main line of the story is very clear, from the brothers and sisters of Reva boarded the Tranquility At Mar, everyone revealed the purification plan of Xingmeng. The question is how to connect and choose. With less and less work on hand, Wang Yang wants to put its preparations on the agenda. He has invited Wu Yanzu to gain weight for the audition, and Wu Yanzu readily agreed.

Science fiction fans and journalists will soon enter the hall. The audience seat of hundreds of people will be gathered together. With a round of applause, today’s science fiction video product exhibition will begin. After playing some of the nominated film’s exciting ng color clips, Wang Yang, the biggest player in the audience, stepped on the stage and introduced some of the special effects technology of “The Ninth District”, how the shrimp and insect people became vivid from the 3d model, motion capture technology, etc. ……

The next is the most exciting link for science fiction fans and fans of “The Ninth District”, which is also the focus of the event propaganda of the organizers of this conference. Some of the “Ninth District” were released on the big screen at the scene The theater version also does not include unpublished video clips included in the DVD. In addition to the protagonist Wiggs with the team’s demolition work in the ninth district, the extinction test of the secret research laboratory, there is a different ending.

These videos were discarded in the post-editing. The first reason was to take care of the film length of the theater version. The second was to increase it. The review rating was basically level 7, so it was very cruel and disgusting. Without a soundtrack, it was bone-wrenching. Horrified, the audience watching the audience was dead.

“The next show, yes! Yes! It is very popular with everyone! He debuted for ten years, he is our superstar, the magic shrimp man …”

The big screen picture is a big stage with dazzling light. The host in a black suit holds a microphone and shouts hysterically: “Have you please-Christopher Fussen !!!” With his The sound, a thunderous applause sounded, and the red curtain of the stage rose slowly. All the brightly dressed audiences with brilliant smiles applauded. It seemed to be very respectful, and it seemed a proud look to watch a good show.

A shrimp-and-worm man in a funny costume dragged a long chain on his foot and came to the stage. He bowed to the humans under the stage, his eyes looked full of smiles, and his tentacles moved in a funny way. Come and go.

“Hahahaha–!” In the human laughter, the camera zoomed in on the eyes of shrimp and insects. The bigger the smiles, the more they disappeared, and finally the coldness was dead, and a loud whistle suddenly came Sounds and the image ends.

“Oh my **** …” A low buzz sounded in the audience immediately afterwards, and the movie “The Ninth District” all felt an unspeakable taste. Bliss and others also unnaturally Adjusting the sitting posture, Maggie who shed tears when watching the theater version last year sighed, and the heart grabbed again. Needless to say, the shrimp bug was definitely Vigers! She shook her head: “This ending makes people see little hope.”

Bliss grabbed the DVD in his hand, looked at the Shrimpsman on the cover, and sighed with a smile: “Fortunately, Magic Yang chose the theater version of the ending, otherwise it will be too scary.” Garrison stalled: “This ending Is it just tormenting us? “

The film critics present are also a little bit different. The moral of this kind of handling story is completely different. After ten years, Wiggs did n’t wait for Christopher Fussen to say that he would come back three years later, but he walked out of the tenth district. He chose to become a human ugly, in order to get a little sad freedom. Is this a compromise or a struggle? Is it isolated in the dirty tenth district, living with the “same kind” shrimp and insect people; or put on the shackles to board the beautiful and gorgeous stage, and return to the “heterogeneous” human society?

They thought maybe this was the content of “Ninth District 2”? It is not that Christopher Fussen, who is generally imagined, has arrived with a fleet, and that humanity is in a tragedy; but Christopher Fussen has missed the appointment. Like “Transfiguration”, Wiggs died in despair.

However, many things ca n’t be said to be absolute. The public always has an ability to withstand the bottom line. “The Ninth District” has a very Hollywood ending. If this ending is put into the theater version, the desperate and angry audience will Smash it, aware of film critics This is the reason why Miracle Yang made his present choice.

With the thunderous applause from the audience, Wang Yang and Joss Weiden walked onto the stage. The applause everyone was a little puzzled. What did Joe Weisden follow with Miracle Yang?

“Everyone just saw one of the endings of” The Ninth District “.” The two came to the middle of the stage. Wang Yang took the microphone handed over by the staff and looked at the many faces under the stage and laughed. : “Yes, we made a lot of endings, in addition to the theater version, the second of the ordinary DVD, the third of the collection DVD, and the one just above. There are many more. We tested a lot of effects … good Well, it’s actually to increase the gimmick of DVDs and attract everyone to buy. “

The audience suddenly gave a chuckle, and Joss Whedon looked at him with a smile, Wang Yang shrugged: “Am I like Vickers just now? Hi humans!” The laughter from the audience again There was a sound, he continued to say seriously: “The fourth ending was just ready to be included in the” Super Collector’s Edition “, and now you read it, you don’t need to buy it. But no problem, because I want to see the fifth ending. , Please purchase the ‘Ultimate Collector’s Edition’. “

Among everyone’s light laughter, Wang Yang looked back at the big screen and laughed: “But the finale of the theater version is still the best and the brightest and coolest. I also like it the most, even if you are in the darkest In the situation, we must keep hope, right? “

“Yes!” Maggie and others shouted with applause. I saw Wang Yang nodded on the stage and said thank you, and said, “It’s a thing of the past to shoot” District 9 “. 1 year, 2 years. During that time, my whole person was often in a more pessimistic and depressed mood, and sometimes I was so irritated that I wanted to hit someone. Fortunately, I live to the present, and there is no chain Standing here. “

Several cheering loud whistle sounded like the image just now; there was also a fat man’s voice: “You talk too much, go on!” But so as not to be taken out by the security guard, he also Don’t dare to shout too loudly.

“Maybe everyone aware of, maybe everyone is not aware of, I proposed to my nv friend a few days ago, now she is my fiancee, and I will soon be her husband.”

“Congratulations!”, “Good luck to you!” The audience burst into loud applause and some blessings that were heard, completely covering up the pounding noise; Joe Sveden also turned his head to congratulate, Wang Yang Laughed at the microphone: “Thank you! This means a lot to me, enough to change a lot, a lot of things. But what hasn’t changed is our love for science fiction movies. Friends, I will make it with Joss Whedon. A new science fiction movie. “

A cry of exclamation suddenly sounded! The science fiction fans are all excited about look at each other in dismay, Bliss and Garrison and others already can’t help but high-five to celebrate, and then laughed happily, magically want to make a new science fiction movie! ! The reporters all opened their eyes, and now they got the news. The first to get the second science fiction film of the best director of the Academy Awards by the science fiction film! It is together with “George Lucas of the television industry” Joss Whedon!

“Directed by Yang Hui, we co-produce and write.” Joss Whedon raised the microphone in his hand, with a smile on his face and excited expectation, he finally entered the big screen and entered the film industry! He said from the beginning: “I found Yang in New York a few months ago. I said that I have a script that is perfect for you. Then we hit it off. Yang is an incredible guy. He made the whole script wide and amazing. Ideas and settings, we have a great idea. “

“And on the lens, I saw several conceptual drawings he painted, very, very bāng!”

Joss Whedon exaggerated his tone with exclamation. This is not compliment and propaganda. It is his heartfelt truth. After reading the conceptual maps full of artistic conception, he has a way of understanding how to combine the rugged western and eastern aesthetic ; If you think of the content of the script, just looking at the concept picture, he has the feeling of being touched. Magic Yang fully understands his mind and has more wonderful ideas.

He believes that this must be an unparalleled classic science fiction! Thinking of these, Weiden said with certainty: “I am looking forward to the beginning of this movie, it is crazy and incredible!”

Although enthusiastic applause sounded from the venue, the science fiction mís were all excited by Joss Whedon ’s words, but they inevitably had a trace of doubt, did they say it so well? Every movie likes to tout its own, this is a convention, no one will start saying “I want to make a bad movie!”

“Thank you, thank you Jos! I am a bit embarrassed, is it so powerful?” Wang Yang laughed self-deprecatingly, and the exposed audience could not help laughing, Joss Whedon nodded and laughed. Tao: “Yes, I’m an honest man.” Wang Yang smiled and said, “Okay! This movie is called” Firefly “. Today we brought a conceptual picture of it. Please appreciate it. Thank you! “

On the large screen behind the two, a picture was released. This is one of Wang Yang ’s most recent conceptual drawings. After years of study and hard work, his painting work has long gone. Than, plus the team artist’s beauty is beautiful enough to enter the gallery.

The upper part of the picture is a vast blue sky, and the lower part is the barren and open cliff on the right. Looking down on the vast loess, a simple and broken iǎ spaceship parked on the cliff, it seems that several people are standing On the edge of the cliff, I looked at the sky with respect to military salute, and the sky was full of take-off spacecrafts, sprayed with blue and red flames, and flew to the universe beyond the sky.

“Wow! What a beautiful concept picture, what are you doing !?” Bliss widened her eyes in excitement. Looking at this picture alone, he was so grand on the scene of the aware of movie! He said anxiously: “Isn’t it deceiving? Really?” Oh oh my god, Magic Yang can’t write a short check! “

Other sci-fi mís also feel bloody, and there is an excitement all over them! A lot of spaceships! A lot of crew! It seems that this will not be the earth background of “The Ninth District”, nor will it be a one-man play by Vickers alone! Miracle Yang really has to go to the stars to play! Garrison also looked intently and said, “Wow! This scene is like the Loess Plateau. What style is this” Firefly “? What is the story?”

“I don’t aware of!” Maggie raised her glasses and said with excitement: “I think it will be very exciting! Look, why not aware of, I think this picture is very desolate, maybe it will look like” District 9 is as shocking as possible … “

Someone has taken out the camera and ignored the etiquette, but the reporters do n’t have to worry about aware of. Since Miracle has released this new work “Firefly”, with his emphasis on propaganda style, its official website will definitely come out soon. It will be online tomorrow, this concept map can definitely be freely downloaded on it, and there will be screen wallpaper styles with different resolution ratios.

But they also quickly recorded the news, as if afraid to turn around and forget, this news is definitely a super powerful bomb for the science fiction movie world! Explosive news! Take a look at the science fiction mís around here, all happy to have a distorted face!

“Fantastic Young and Joss Wyden teamed up to launch a new sci-fi work,” Fireflies “, beautiful concept maps, ambitious big scenes …”

The reporters are flying like a pen, and the sheets in their hands are constantly increasing, “George Lucas in the TV industry”, more importantly, the super monster in the movie industry, the best director of Oscar, the two combined What will happen?




: On the first day after the time adjustment, when I was late for one iǎ, wow was sorry! However, I also hope that everyone can drop a few votes and rush to the fallen recommendation list. Thank you! 0A

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