The Great Conqueror: 406 Lost Shana

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Sixty-six lost Shana

Just as the hunting figure flickered, ready to explode for speed kills, Long ~!

Zou Liang’s Bass Artillery!

This time is far beyond the expectation of Gold Brilliance Grade hunting shadow, the body is shocked by the sound bō of Bass Artillery.

At the same moment, Shana’s figure brushed past him.


A fire blazed across the armor of the Gold Brilliance Grade hunting shadow.

Quickly! !

The faster is Mikina, her figure almost turned into an illusion, and her left finger touched it, just like Fuqin let out a “church” in the air!

A plume of blood blooms from the arm on the other side of Gold Brilliance Grade Hunting Shadow.

With armor, I ca n’t stop it!

Zou Liang ’s eyes narrowed, and he saw the Mikina ’s fingers wearing gold finger sleeves, special equipment!

He is not idle, no matter what the enemy is coming from, call back first!

Boom! ! !

Zou Liang did n’t want to hurt the enemy at all, just hindered. This battle was inexplicably fought, but a momentary delay was enough.

After the other party feels the rapid breath near the back, they are even more soulful!


Gold rushed like a golden ball rolling, and a loud bang made it hit the Gold Brilliance Grade hunting shadow directly.

The shattered armor and blood in the air spattered, and the other party ’s stern roar came: “This account man wrote down!” The sound dropped far away, and the other party did not stay on the ground after falling for tens of meters Convergence Archer, which was also beaten by Daikin, was lightning away.

The sudden outbreak of battle came quickly and ended quickly.

Zou Liang ’s Bass Artillery was not only useful for hunting shadows, but also strongly interfered with the enemy ’s Archer. Moreover, close combat, the golden ratio overwhelms almost all occupations.


But things do n’t seem to be over.

Xia Na ’s big blue eyes stared at Mikina, and Daikin ’s golden pupil narrowed. All eyes are on Mikina, and the atmosphere is strange and quiet.

Obviously, the two Jin Yaoqiang came to Mikina.

Mikina, I need an explanation.”

Zou Liang said lightly that he would n’t mind blocking his enemies for his companions, but only if he was wrong.

According to the previous sons of Mikina, whichever one of the other ’s questions is, answer as you like, and flash people if you do n’t. Didn’t even the previous two Jin Yao get her carelessly?

However, facing Zou Liang’s calm gaze, Mikina somehow seemed to feel a little wrong. Patting iōng Preserved slightly spit out his tongue.

The corners of the demon jīng ’s mouth curled up playfully, and under the watchful eye of Zou Liang and Shana, they shrugged their shoulders: “Okay, people recruited, and the equipment that the two guys hit was robbed by me Here it is, this is it. “

Talking, she opened her left hand to show them to Zou Liang.

The **** and index finger of the left hand are each wearing a gold finger sleeve, and the front end is sharp like a hook, which is quite sharp at first glance.

This gadget is definitely more powerful when used as a hunting equipment. As for the specific equipment, of course, it is not easy for everyone to take a closer look, but it is certainly not bad to see that they can hurt the other party through the Gold Brilliance Grade hunting shadow armor.

“Bright, pay close attention to your business.” Daikin doesn’t care much about this. There are many things robbed at Connect The Heavens Territory. Weak and strong food, the winner is king. Two Gold Brilliance Grades were robbed by an Copper Branded Grade Heavenly Umbra Clan. , That’s really white grab.

However, the other party’s Mikina is really bold and dare to do anything. Although the death in Connect The Heavens Territory is not real, the beast spirit will also be traumatized, and sometimes even lose his talent.

“Oh, who are those two Jin Yao just now?” Zou Liang thought about it and asked, he had already engendered hatred. aware of Who is the opponent, so you can save yourself aware of what happened.

Mikina twisted his nose and thought for a while: “It seems to be north, I heard the name of the hunting shadow seems to be called Kydiki.”

Kydiki? !

“Assassin’s family in the Kingdom of Wind, Liang, I will have a heart in the future.”

Da Jin Shen Sheng said, carrying Zou Liang and Shana on her back, followed by Mikina.

Obviously, even with a very good Daikin, I feel that Mikina has a headache, and iǎ 妖 jīng is totally not taking it seriously. It seems that she does n’t care much about that strange finger cuff … Is it just to grab something? Have the fun offended the two masters?

In the middle of the forest of jīng spirits, a curved river like green belt divides the forest into two sides.

Under the moonlight, the river is quiet and peaceful, shining with the light of the mí people, and it is the mother river of the jīng Ling family in the realm of life.

The upper reaches of the jīng Ling River where the nest of the spirit race was established.

When they arrived, Zou Liang did not see the quiet side of jīng Linghe, but saw another hot scene.


The entire jīng spirit clan’s nest is a tree house formed by leaves and vines on a giant tree, just like a huge bird’s nest. But at this moment, the giant trees on the jīng Ling River were blown up, crushed and dumped one by one.

The fire is skyrocketing!

Countless jīng spirit warriors rushed to the enemies and defended their homeland.

The enemy ’s situation is a bit complicated, not one but two groups.

A group of three Gold Brilliance Grade fighters can be seen as a fighter, an Archer and a hunting shadow.

The team of the Kingdom of the Wind, Gold Brilliance Grade warrior Salem, Gold Brilliance Grade Hunting Shadow, and Gold Brilliance Grade Archer Illusu.

Another enemy is the forty-seventh level iǎ Lord Beast, Griffin Beast!

With a giant eagle-like body, with a lion’s head, two claws can easily crush rocks, two wings like iron, spread out ten feet, and can easily cut steel powerful monsters.

Talent power can be used as wind power! Good at flying!

Last time I chased a Griffin Beast in the Kazemen Silver Eye nv demon space, but that was the 30th level, and it was not in the same order of magnitude as the far-reaching 47th level iǎ Lord.

Zou Liang saw the scene they were more engaged in. The three Gold Brilliance Grade strongmen desperately attacked the Griffin Beast, while the jīng spirits chased behind and attacked the three Jinyao. The situation is quite the same

Bright? “Dajin turned his head and looked at Zou Liang.

“No hurry, let’s look at the situation first.” Zou Liang pulled Daikin and Shana, and Mikina, who smiled like a fox, waited quietly in the woods.

Okay, no one will be stunned to rush out at the best time, and there is no benefit at all. And inspired by the previous Mikina, some things needless to say …

Still wait for the three Jin Yao to get rid of the forty-seventh level Griffin Beast, and then go out and grab something.

Connect The Heavens Territory is originally a completely real competition World, and murder and robbery are also common. As long as you have enough strength and enough brains, you can get the most benefit. Rather than letting others grab yourself, of course, it is better to be a winner.

This is why Mikina smiles so sweetly.

This iǎ 妖 jīng is the most dangerous poppy uā. For her, the greater the danger, the greater the bet, the more interesting, and she is not afraid of losing at all.

“How did those jīng spirits attack the three Jinyao again?” Xia Na asked, very strangely. The jīng spirits were obviously not opponents of the three Gold Brilliance Grade powerhouses. If it were not for Griffin Beast, they would attract the three Jinyao. The main attack is afraid of being hit hard.

Mikina has a crescent-like crooked eye path, Shana, huh, it seems, you are really the same as the rumor. “

Xia Na smiled, her beautiful big eyes filled with mí mang. RA

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