The Great Conqueror: 207, Brother is back!

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Zou Liang appeared. When he stepped out of the door of space, the whole person felt a sense of collapse. In fact, he stayed here for an extra second and he wanted to vomit!

While rubbing rubbing light, does the surrounding grandma Bill, Jin Yao dark gold meet? ? ?

Except for the three ghost ghosts, no one else has seen it. Now I have seen with my own eyes that this young man who has gone through two levels has turned out to be a young man who has no professional attributes or even engraving. desire.

“Little brother, my ghost shadow, be my apprentice.”

“Go away and be a Jin Yao, be my apprentice!”

“Damn it, whoever robs me again, I will destroy his whole family!”, Augustus has also been soaring.

Old Fellow” is not afraid of the wind blowing his tongue! “, You can not buy it.

The overwhelming voice seems to be accepting him as an apprentice. Zou Liang doesn’t think there is anything in the world that pie drops. Except for this part of his body, it seems to have no value. This World has no love for no reason!

Looking at the fierce and evil eyes around her, “Zou Liang’s first feeling is that 36 measures are the best policy.

Suddenly, Zou Liang pointed at the sky, his eyes shocked, like he saw a monster!

Everyone suddenly looked into the air, “including Lao Wuxie, what can make a young man who has passed the A level two levels so shocked.

“Airplane!”, an airplane? ? ? what?

Everyone is stunned. Is this a legendary spell? Or is it some kind of monster above level 100?

Suddenly, everyone found an unforgivable problem “The kid is gone!

“Grandma’s, I even cheated even the old man, so take a good look.” See where you are going, this apprentice is settled! “

Augustus left Beast Spirit World without saying a word, and even made an appointment with Rugou to be too lazy to ignore it.

The powerhouses leave Beast Spirit World one by one, and it seems that no one intends to look at their expressions, especially the golden warriors smirking in their hearts. If they are fighting head-on, I am afraid they ca n’t compete for dark gold, but in reality, who will find Who will belong!

The calm Armond beast **** continent suddenly surging, and several big powers secretly released a peculiar “wanted”. Instead of being wanted, it is better to find someone. Those who provide clues will be rewarded with heavy rewards. No reason was stated.

Augustus is losing his temper “” You fools “can’t even draw a portrait!”

“Old Ancestor, this, your description is too simple.”

A branch of Heavenly Umbra Clan. Suddenly the legendary ancestor came. This is a huge event. ”The result is to find someone to draw a portrait, but he is not satisfied with how to draw.

“Old ancestor, I heard that someone in the underground World is also looking for a young man with very similar conditions to you, will it be the same person?”

The young people said respectfully.

“Oh, oh boy, you are very smart, I am optimistic about you, and show me the portrait!”, Heavenly Umbra Clan is very efficient in handling things, and soon a portrait is delivered to both Augustus and Augustus. Can’t help laughing, so good, it’s no effort to break through the iron shoes and find nowhere to go, although Augustus is good at everything. “However, painting does not have anything to do with him.” He can’t describe it.

However, this portrait has seven or eight points, which came out from the ghost shadow. “It ’s just that any underground World movement is hard to hide from Heavenly Umbra Clan.

“Immediately pass this picture to the branch of Heavenly Umbra Clan in each empire” and tell them “Who can find this kid, I will win the prize, remember!”, Augustus laughed wildly.

Others look at each other in dismay, although they did n’t do what happened to aware of, they could only respectfully nod, head, what the young people have done today ”actually led to the arrest of at least three empires and offended the ancestors.

Mengjia Empire, Nikolai Family also got the same news. Although they are all distant blood relatives, Augustus has a great influence on Heavenly Umbra Clan. This ancestor has been in pursuit of heaven for a long time and has not been in contact with the family for a long time. However, in order to find a young man today and promise a heavy prize, even the unwilling Nikolai Family had to be cautious “for the favor of the top dark gold warrior” enough to resolve a family disaster.

Gregg is looking at the portrait in his hand “” Why did the old monster look for this man? Is there any secret in him? “, Nebello glanced lightly at the mediocre face above,” Maybe I wanted to accept him as a disciple. “” Cut, we Heavenly Umbra Clan talents come forth in great numbers. What kind of genius does not exist, you still need to go outside to recruit students and make jokes. “But you have to do me a favor in this matter. Find this person, I owe you a favor.”

Gregg licked her lips. If you can please the ancestors, let ’s not say that the family has a big promise today. You may be able to learn one and a half tricks by yourself. The family also attaches great importance to it. If This person is good in Mengjia, no longer also can’t do anything about it, Nikolai Family has mastered the information network has spread “but after all is only a part” If there is help from the Sanchez family to grasp it will be even greater.

As long as he is Mengjia’s, it is difficult to fly wings!

“OK.” Nebello is very simple. Okay, enough brothers, I heard that Subaru is going to take the disciples and apprentices to the emperor to receive the reward, and the kid also came to “I will help you adjust him, be regarded as a gift service.”

Gregg said.

Nebello smiled slightly, not sure. “That Arthur is just a minor adjustment in his life, and he is not qualified to make him pay too much attention, but Gregg is willing to help, and he will not stop, Orixia awakened, this That ’s the big deal. The naughty little girl used to be just a huā bottle. Although the Gabriel family is very powerful ”, it is not the only choice. His Nebello wife must be a strong enough person in order to maintain the excellent lineage of future generations.

Of course, things are also very ups and downs. The Gabriel family is also split into two factions. Some people think that the strong team “comes with the times, but there are also pedigrees that insist. The nobleness of Bismarck Swan Clan cannot be destroyed by the hands of their generation.

In fact, intermarriage can only grow. This principle is the same as Heavenly Umbra Clan. aware of used to be the same as Swan Clan, but although Heavenly Umbra Clan prohibits ordinary intermarriage, it does not prohibit marriages of comparable strength, which also makes Heavenly Umbra Clan now powerful.

And the conservativeness and pride of Bismarck Swan Clan also made them fall into the disadvantage. In the past, the Sanchez family was just watching, but now the Sanchez family has become active.

Zou Liang slept for three days and three nights. The consumption on the road of trial was quite huge. Zou Liangguang awakened for a long time when he awakened. He was consuming everything he got.

The most important thing is the change in thinking “until now, he thinks that the previous life is the” true “real. This life is the” true “real, but the fifty years spent in the illusion” One more chance to choose. In the previous life, he was just an otaku. He could end with loneliness and failure, come alone, go alone, but here, he is not alone “He has brothers” and friends, There are younger sisters, confidantes, and even servile slaves. He is a man and a strong man!

This kind of mental maturity is not something that can be expressed in the data. Although the road to trial is extremely perverted, now I think about vomiting, but I have to say, “The achievements brought forward are really indescribable.

The crowd stared blankly at Zou Liang. Since he woke up, he kept his eyes open and kept thinking, and everyone dared not bother.

Until his eyes begin to roll.

“Brother, are you better? What happened?” AiWei Er‘s voice is so gentle and full of concern. “It’s like a trickle moistening Zou Liang’s dry heart.

Zou Liang hugged AiWei Er, it really seemed like a world away!

“Five sisters, you, great!”

AiWei Er was stunned and blushed. She could feel Zou Liang’s cherish and touch. No matter what happened to “Big Brother”, I was your fifth sister. “,” Haha, Ernest, remember to protect Lou in the future! “Zou Liang gave Ernest a bear hug.” He reported all the huge Ernest. The younger brother, who didn’t talk much, was better than his brother, although he had no blood relationship.

Zou Liang hugs Randy and others one by one. “Even if Ji Na wanted to, she also brought a bear hug.

“Haha, it’s very good, I’m alive again!”

“Boss, have you taken the wind?”, “Oh, almost, I sleep too long for fifty years!” Although it was a dream, Na Lou’s impression was too deep and terrible .

Fortunately, strange things often happen to Zou Liang, and everyone is accustomed to it, and Schoolmate Zou often uses the beast **** as a pretext. This time everyone thinks that it may be the beast **** again. His old man is looking for Zou Liang.

Everyone was chatting, Zou Liang felt that he did n’t listen to anything, but he was extremely happy and fulfilled. The whole person was full of vitality and energy, subconsciously silently surveying his own animal state, Grandmother Biare (Dammit Biare) “I was tossed three souls and lost two souls. What benefit should this **** way of trial give?

Zou Liang looked for a long time, “almost slammed, and didn’t add any attributes, and showed no signs of improving towards Copper Branded Grade.” Even if the level of his own trial is relatively low, he will give something!

Zou Liang always believed that the path of trial he took was the easiest, but for the orcs, “they are not afraid of fighting”, the most fearful thing is this intangible mental test, if they do n’t have the memory and firmness of two lifetimes The will, like the road to trial, can’t pass at all. In fact, if Zou Liang sees the detachment spell from the stone monument at the door, he can’t pass it, which is really abnormal.

Zou Liang does n’t think he ’s special, but in fact, everyone ’s focus is different. In the past, Zou Liang did not seek perfection in order to practice a continuous stroke. He spent two months and used four keyboards. It ’s just that it ’s not a good idea. It ’s a kind of perseverance. He must get what he wants to pursue.

Zou Liang really did n’t believe this evil spirit. ”After working so hard for so long, and having spent the terrible fifty years, he almost tossed himself to waste, but there was no benefit ??

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