The Grandmaster Strategist Chapter 1: Disappeared scholar

     sixteen years of showing virtue, he wanted to take the imperial examination with the cloud, so he left Jiangxia and went to Jianye.

  –“The Southern Dynasties Chu History·Jiang Suiyun Biography”

  The world is still in chaos for sixteen years since Southern Chu Xiande, but the situation is much clearer. Most of the south of the Yangtze River is occupied by Southern Chu, and Jiangbei is the world of Dayong. Jiangxia is a strategic place to defend Dayong. , And the Zhenyuanhou Mansion that guards Jiangxia is a heavy military plane, so it is always tightly guarded. Although my position is not low, I have to obediently bow my head and obey orders. Try not to go out in the study to avoid getting into trouble. While flipping through the books, I figured out when I could eat. There was no way. Hou Lu Xin in Zhenyuan was an important military minister. According to Nan Chu’s practice, his family had to stay in Jianye. Only the fifteen-year-old son Lu Can was taken Lu Xin was appointed as a guard to stay with him. This court allowed him. Although Lu Can followed me to learn literature, the children of the military commander’s family would naturally also learn military. Today is the day when the governor Lu Xin held a military meeting. The attendant was taken to the auditorium, so I had to wait for him in the study. I had planned to have dinner together. Unexpectedly, today’s military meeting was not over after midday, and all the people who participated in the military meeting didn’t use food. If Xi Xi is full by himself, he will yell jealously when Lu Can comes back, and then find a chance to play against me, I’ll wait for him. Thinking of this, I touched my flat stomach and sighed helplessly. You said that the difference between father and son is so much. Lu Xin is generous, but Lu Can is careless. Last time he was punished by Lord Lu Hou, I couldn’t help but sneered and was seen by him, so I lied to me the next day. , I said that I have been keeping filial piety for three years and I should go for a walk, but I was tricked into the Yanyue Tower. If I hadn’t strayed quickly, I would have been snatched the first time. While thinking about it, I flipped through the books boringly. Alas, although the study in Zhenyuan Houfu is good, I have almost finished reading it in the past three years. After all, I am a family of military commanders, so they are all relatively easy to see books. The bookstore gave away all the books. Otherwise, how could they even have the almanac, but there are no real treasures.

   I was looking at the Sunshade to calculate the time. At this time, Lu Can’s attendant, Lu Zhong, came and told me that the military meeting had ended. Lu Xin invited his subordinates to accompany him, so that I would not wait for him. I happily agreed, no matter the food was cold, I went to devour it. I was eating very happy. Suddenly, there was a noise in the hall in front of me. At first, I didn’t care about it, but then the sound got louder and louder, and only the deafening “grabbing assassin, grabbing assassin” sound was heard. I was shocked. It’s awful. There are assassins here. In all likelihood, Zhenyuanhou is assassinated. He is my patron now, and he cannot be killed by the assassin. I knew I didn’t have the ability to protect Zhenyuanhou, so I’d better hide, but I was uneasy and picked up a delicate crossbow from the bookshelf. This is a refined crossbow made by the Southern Chu Ministry of Industry. It has a range of up to 100 steps and can shoot five consecutively. The crossbow arrow was originally a gift from Lu Xin to Lu Can, but Lu Can didn’t like to use the crossbow bow because it was not bright and upright. On the contrary, it was cheaper for me. Who would let me know how to martial arts, bow and arrow would definitely not be able to use it. It’s my favorite. I put the crossbow arrow up and opened the window to look out. The study I was staying in was not very far from the front hall. I saw a lot of swords and guns outside, surrounded by a lot of red soldiers. Two men dressed as servants were fighting each other. After a while, I saw Hou Lu Xin from Zhenyuan coming, accompanied by his generals. His right arm was wrapped in a white cloth, blood stained, but Lu Ping, a confidant who was often around him, was nowhere to be seen. Lu Xin’s face was pale, and the one holding him on his left was Lu Can. His expression was very angry. Seeing this, I guessed that it was the two assassins who entered the Hou Mansion. It might be that Lu Xin had a banquet for his subordinates. When disguised as a serving servant, and then suddenly assassinated, I guess Lu Ping has done his duty loyally.

   I was looking energetically, I saw that the two assassins suddenly made a color with each other, and suddenly took out two black round beads from their arms and fell to the ground. The white smoke billowed suddenly, and the radius was more than ten feet in a moment. The space was obscured. At this moment, I saw a fierce light flashing in the eyes of a general wearing a general uniform not far from Luhou, and a dagger slipped from the cuff into his hand. I knew it. No, I quickly yelled: “Hou Ye be careful.” While shouting, he shot a crossbow arrow, and a scream sounded. When the smoke cleared, the horrified crowd saw that the two assassins were still surrounded, and behind Luhou, one fell to the ground with an arrow in his heart, while he still held a dagger tightly in his hand. , The blade of the dagger glowed with blue light, and it was less than half a step away from Luhou. In this case, even the blind knew what was going on.

   Seeing that the two assassins were unable to break through the encirclement, and finally died in battle, Lu Hou ordered the generals to deal with the aftermath and summoned me to the Baihutang where he handled military affairs. He looked at me with a complicated expression, and asked, “Thank you Suiyun for saving my life.” I humbled and said, “It’s all because of the profound merits of Lord Hou to avoid being framed by the traitor. Late birth is just a fluke.” Lu Hou asked suspiciously, “How does Suiyun know that the man is going to assassinate Benhou?” This was a question he couldn’t understand. How to know, of course I saw it, but I can’t say that. This is my magic weapon for self-defense. My six senses are naturally different from ordinary people. Let’s put it this way, my ears can hear fallen leaves within a hundred steps. Feihua, my eyesight is visible within a few miles, my sense of taste, anything, as long as I touch my lips, I can distinguish clearly, my sense of smell, as long as a trace of smell, I can follow him for miles, Sometimes I doubt if I am a human being, but I also know that if those things are known to others, people will hate others, and you don’t want to have someone who can eavesdrop on your whispers. In order to keep them as a self-defense weapon, these I never tell anyone about it, except for my dead father, no one knows. So I made up a lie and said: “It’s also a coincidence that the late birth was originally holding a crossbow for self-defense. Seeing the smoke from the two assassins, I couldn’t help but feel strange. I want to come and no matter what the two assassins are capable of, it is difficult to get out of this situation. , The smoke must be released to create opportunities for others, so I thought that there must be an assassin hiding around the Lord Hou. I yelled out anxiously. I remember that there was no one behind the adults. I think if the assassin wanted to assassinate and then come from there, So I shot an arrow indiscriminately. Fortunately, Lord Hou was able to kill the assassin.”

  Lu Xin nodded suspiciously and let me go out. Later, I heard that the assassin of Lu Xin was Dayong’s assassin. They bought the general and wanted to assassinate Zhenyuanhou. Then they attacked while Jiang Xia Qunlong was headless. Who knew that the foolproof plan of assassination failed, so their army again Returned. Afterwards, Lu Xin saw that I was so smart and wise, he wanted me to enter his shogunate, but I thought, he and Dayong are across the river, and he often has to fight. If unfortunately, what should I do? And, if Dayong knew that I saved Lu Xin and sent an assassin to kill me, what should I do, so I refused. Of course, I can’t use this reason. It’s because my father was quite infamous during his lifetime, so I Decided to participate in the imperial examination, this is a high-sounding reason, no one can stop me from making progress. Therefore, Lu Xin not only sent people to my hometown of Jiaxing to obtain the qualifications for me, but two months before the entrance of Enke, he sent me entangled and asked me to go to Jianye for the test. For my personal safety, Let me go with their munitions personnel. In desperation, I had no choice but to follow them on the road. Fortunately, I thought of a way on the road, saying that I occasionally felt cold and there was still time, so I took two days off before leaving. So I finally regained my freedom. I am not an idiot. Nan Chu proclaimed himself a minister to Dayong in the 9th year of Xiande, and went to the emperor to be called the lord of the country. Now there are rumors that the lord wants to restore the title of emperor. Dayong’s, there will be continuous military disasters in the future. Although I don’t want to go to war, I know a lot about the art of war. People Dayong is a soldier and a strong horse, while Nanchu is a monarch and minister who is drunk and dreams of death. The general is greedy for life and fear of death. Under his command, I heard that there were also many cowards who were so angry that Luhou had to cut them off several times, but due to the power of their family, they had to be raised. At this time in the imperial examination, I still don’t want to be a minister of the country.

   sitting on the deck of a passenger and cargo ship with knees, I comfortably enjoyed the fresh river breeze at night. This medium-sized ship has a bottom compartment full of cargo, and the upper compartment is divided into Some small rooms are for guests. They are definitely more comfortable than those of special passenger ships, but the price is much more expensive. However, now I have a few hundred taels of silver in my waist, which is enough, so I will be extravagant. Looking at the cold bright moon and the sparse starry sky, I could not help but prosper in poetry, chanting: “The fine grass and breeze shore, the dangerous canoe. The stars are flat and wide, and the moon is rushing to the river. The name is written, the official should be old. Retire from sickness. Floating like a sand gull in the sky and earth.” As I was chanting repeatedly, I only heard someone behind me clapping and applauding. I looked back and saw a young man standing there. Although the moonlight was dim, I could rely on it. My eyesight clearly saw a handsome and mighty young man standing there. Although he was wearing casual clothes, he was extraordinary. No matter how I looked at it, I felt more majestic than Lu Houye, and he seemed to have an amazing charm. It’s like a spring breeze, and I look at myself with a little shame. The figure is ordinary, but it collapses without the wind. Although he looks pretty and handsome, he is a weak scholar in every way. Nowadays, the most attractive thing for girls is A handsome man with both civil and military skills, he is a martial artist. Even if he doesn’t know a few characters, he can attract girls’ eyes even if he is a little more gentle. Asking how I know, of course, it’s because the maids in Luhou’s Mansion are never correct. For my sake.

   I stood up, and I apologized: “I’m sorry to disturb you.”

   The young man shook his head and said: “There, if I hadn’t rested, wouldn’t I have missed the good poems like Gongzi? Could you please tell me the works of Gongzi?”

   I was happy in my heart, but on the face I said in a humble manner: “A clumsy work is hard to be elegant, you laughed.”

   The young man looked at me up and down for a long time, and then said: “The son is so young and the literary talent is so outstanding. I really admire him. Under Li Tianxiang, the king of Shu governs and commerce. This time I went to Jianye to do business. May I ask the son? , What is going to Jianye?”

   I muttered in my heart, although this person has a Shu accent, but I always hear something awkward, but I take care of so many other people’s affairs, so I politely said: “Late Jiang Zhe, the words follow the cloud, this I went to Jianye for the exam this time.”

   A weird look flashed in Li Tianxiang’s eyes, saying: “The young man is so talented that he must be the Toad Palace. It’s easy.”

   I smiled awkwardly. If it weren’t for the lie, I wouldn’t want to take the scientific examination. Anyway, I have a way to avoid being raised, and others can’t say anything. Li Tianxiang saw that I was embarrassed and did not talk about scientific research. He said with emotion, “Well, this time I came from Shu, and saw that the situation in the Central Plains was tense, and there was almost war in Jiangxia. Now business is getting worse and worse. A while ago, the Nanchu Kingdom made an order to increase tariffs. Fortunately, the Shu Kingdom’s chief sent an envoy to the South Chu to negotiate, otherwise our cargo ship will lose money!” I said casually: “In fact, the Shu Kingdom Lord doesn’t have to bother, Nan Chu The country of Shu is dependent on each other. As long as this relationship is explained thoroughly, the country’s owner will definitely reduce tariffs and even provide trade preferences?”

   Li Tianxiang smiled and asked: “How do you say this, I don’t understand it below.”

   It’s rare to meet someone who wants to know my opinion, and I proudly said: “This has to start with the situation today. Today, Nanchu and Dayong are facing north and south, but this is only a superficial matter, regardless of military strength and public opinion. Nan Chu is not as good as Da Yong. It can only defend, and cannot attack. The so-called toughness cannot be long, and softness cannot be defended. Everyone knows that if this continues, Nan Chu will perish sooner or later. Therefore, today’s lord of the country will seek peace and go to Emperor It is called the lord of the country for peace, but now the situation is different. Under the rule of your country, Shuzhong is equipped with good soldiers and sufficient resources. Although the country of Shu can only be a peaceful pattern due to geographical restrictions, it is for me, Southern Chu, But it is condescendingly strong. If the Kingdom of Shu and Dayong are united and Dayong storms the Yangtze River, and the Kingdom of Shu is facing the river, our southern Chu will inevitably perish, and Shan Ruoshu strictly guards the middle of Shu, and our southern Chu and Dayong are in the north. The Han united, once the Yong army attacked the South Chu, the North Han echoed the South Chu from the north, and Dayong faced the natural dangers of the Yangtze River. As long as it stayed for more than March, Dayong would inevitably retreat.”

   Li Tianxiang’s face was solemn, and it took a long time to say: “If this is the case, wouldn’t it be difficult for the world to unify forever? It’s just that we ordinary people have suffered.”

   I comforted him and said: “What I’m talking about is just an ideal situation. Now the kings and ministers of Southern Chu are a little arrogant, thinking that the Yangtze River is dangerous and the crisis is hidden. If Dayong has wise men, there is still a possibility of reunification. .”

   Li Tianxiang seemed to be a little curious, and asked: “Didn’t the son just say that Dayong is unsustainable? Why did he say that Dayong might dominate the world?”

   I rationalized my thoughts and said: “Although Dayong is in a land of a hundred battles, it has obvious advantages. There are kings and wise ministers on the top and millions of troops underneath. As long as the strategy is correct, it will dominate the world in twenty years. In the current situation of the world, the land of Shu is the key. It’s just that the middle of Shu is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If you want to seize the world, you must first form the Northern Han Dynasty, stabilize the rear, and then leave the middle of Shu.”

   Li Tianxiang asked suspiciously: “There is still a way to make a good relationship with the Northern Han Dynasty. The Chu and Chu are close to each other. How can we separate?”

  ”What’s so difficult about this? I heard that some people in the Southern Chu Dynasty wanted to restore the emperor title recently. If Da Yong’s performance at this moment is so restrained and difficult to fight, the Nanchu emperors and ministers will inevitably be confused. If Da Yong sends fine works, The willingness to bribe the favored ministers urged Nanchu to regain the title of emperor. Then the estrangement between Nanchu and Shu will inevitably increase, and even the Northern Han will be suspicious. At that time, Dayong will temporarily admit that Nanchu is emperor, and the two countries will be divided. Jiang Erzhi, and then joined forces with Nanchu to attack the Kingdom of Shu. The monarchs and ministers of Nanchu are short-sighted and will inevitably be deceived. Although Shu is difficult to attack, it is also difficult to resist the offensive of the two countries. At that time, the Kingdom of Shu will definitely hate Nanchu, as long as Da Yong’s strategy is appropriate. , We will surely be able to get most of the middle of Shu, and then the two sides of Da Yong will inevitably destroy Nan Chu. At this time, you can recharge your energy and break the Han in one fell swoop, so why not worry about the world.”

   Li Tianxiang was excited when he heard it, and said: “It seems that as long as I am in the middle of Shu and Nanchu, it will be Dayong’s ability, and there is no way. Fortunately, Brother Jiang, you are not a citizen of Dayong. If you go there Dayong is reused, and our Kingdom of Shu is dangerous.”

   I lazily said: “I’m not going to Dayong. I heard that military service is the most important place. Weak scholars like me can’t afford to eat when I get there. After a few years, I will earn more money. Buying a few acres of land in the countryside and marrying a gentle and virtuous wife is the joy of life?”

   Li Tianxiang smiled and said: “Then I congratulate your Excellency on your wish, but according to your plan, Dayong shouldn’t need twenty years.”

   I already felt sleepy, and said: “It was originally unnecessary, but if it is about five or six years before the conquering of Nanchu, I heard that the Emperor of Dayong is already high in Spring and Autumn. Although the prince Li An was the prince, his military merits were far inferior to that of the second son, Emperor Yong Li, Li Zhi. When the first son of Yong Emperor Li Yuan was established, he was given the title of King Yong with the national title because his second son Li Zhi had a high merit. This meant that afterwards, the Great Yong dynasty and chapter systems were all in place. Li Yuan also established Li Ang as the prince according to the system of establishing a magistrate. Therefore, the chaos of Xiaoqiang will inevitably arise because of this, and it may not necessarily be the case that Dayong will fall apart. I said that for 20 years, the civil unrest will not be too wide.”

   Li Tianxiang lowered his head slightly, and said for a long time: “Yes!”

   I didn’t understand what he meant, and I didn’t bother to think about it, so I left and returned to the cabin. When I got up the next day, I heard that Li Tianxiang had disembarked early, which was really strange.

   My plan was good, but who knows that God’s will is unpredictable, I became a pauper the first day I arrived at Jianye.

   Looking back at that I saw Jianye for the first time and saw the capital city stumbling across the dragon. I was really dumbfounded. So after I left the shop, I went out to play in the Confucius Temple on the Yonghuai River. I met a lucky star, and of course for me at that time, he was my disaster star.

   I was walking along the street when I saw a bunch of people gathered in front of me. I couldn’t help but got in curiously, but it turned out that a child was selling his body to bury his father. I suddenly remembered the death of my father. It was not that I had the opportunity to enter the Zhenyuan Hou Mansion. I was afraid that I would have to sell myself to bury my father. On impulse, I took out a hundred taels of silver and gave it to the child. His delicate face showed a grateful look, and said respectfully: “My son, wait. The little one buried his father and went to serve the son. Where does the son live?” I smiled awkwardly and looked at the jealous eyes shot from the surrounding crowd. I thought I had already committed the old admonition of not revealing money. Tell people where I live. I didn’t answer, and ran away in a hurry. In order to get back to the inn quickly, I lowered my head and walked quickly. When I reached an alleyway, I felt someone leaned up behind me. I didn’t have time to look back. I felt that something stiff was against my waist, so I was taken into the alley honestly, and then I felt that I had been hit in the back of the head. When I woke up, I was already lying on the ground empty and crying and returned to the inn. I am very lucky to have deposited a dozen silver coins on the cabinet, but I can live with this amount of silver for at most one month. What should I do? After tossing and turning for a night, I thought of the only solution, that is, I take the scientific examination seriously, and then take a ranking. Then I have the official salary to spend, and I can live in a mansion given by the government. I want to come to Nanchu. The country won’t die soon, right? When I earn enough silver, I can resign and go into seclusion. By then, no one should have trouble with me, a person without official positions.


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