The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 829: Didina

Time goes back a little bit. About an hour before the gate was opened, the brothers of Abyss Pond fought, and the result was reached.

death penalty!”

When Judgementor knocked down the mallet for the last time, everything turned into ashes, and they were crushed by the ghost.

The two brothers in the battle fell at the same time, and the copies of Roland also vanished at the same time.

The boundless snow quickly dissolves, and the dark temple returns to the world. The heavy snow took away the corpses and ruins, and what remained was only empty halls.


The only survivor in this hall is lying on the ground and vomiting.

It’s not evil curse, and it’s not a **** rookie. It’s just a sudden relaxation after intense fear and daring. The instinct of creature that retrieves a life can make the body a little unbearable.

The frog that the snake stares at, the instinctual fear will make it impossible to move at all. The most cruel death penalty is to inform the time of death, and let his little fear and anxiety step into death.

The gap between Karwenz, Roland and Dedina, already is not a snake or a frog, it is the distance between the Tyrannosaurus rex and the ants, just the hurricane and vibration brought by the action, can bring the disaster to the ant colony. .

“Survivors” were tied to the auditorium. At the nearest distance, they enjoyed the “monster confrontation” stiffly for more than an hour. It was clear that they would lose their bones, but because of the “jury” Identity will not die.

Live to death, live and die again, obviously should die, but because of “the demand of court jurors”, he survived unscathed.

Murderous Qi may be Legend in the novel’s story, but the high-end Demon can dominate and glare to kill mortals and low-level monsters. The battlefield where two God Lords confronted each other, and finally evolved over thousands of God Lord, powerful **** level existence In the dogfight, Dedina countless times would rather die like this.

But the result of the dance with Death God (Grim-reaper) is that the spirit and ** of the succubus surpassed the limit at the same time, for a slightly weaker soul, already ended.

But Dina is still upset.

Stomach cramps, food spewing out, snots and saliva flying together. Even if the consciousness repeatedly tells himself to threaten the already, the body has no control and can only use this way to vent instinctual fear. That embarrassing look would not be a little different because it was a beauty.

Until the stomach was empty, and only water was pulled out, Dedina recovered from reluctantly.

She was paralyzed on the ground, breathing heavily, she seemed to feel alive in this way, and the sweat of the hindsight made her wet from the water.

But even though her feet were still shaking, she still reluctantly moved. Even if her feet were still weak, the embarrassing four-footed landing was barely acceptable.

“Too late.”

Not far away is the twin child **** altar whose already has been turned into ruins. Although the heavy snow left and the altar buried under the snowy field was exposed again, the already at the Broken was countless and obviously could not be used again.

Chaos Summon.”

But most people do n’t remember already. The seemingly fragile Dina is actually a big brother who rules the abyss realm. Although her strength depends on Pet more than itself, she already has the dual Elf empire and Demon. The accumulated Lord of the Abyss is definitely a top spell master.

One by one, low-level, intermediate rank Demon rushed out of the portal, but they were not greeted by killing instructions. The tired Dedina drove them as laborers to repair the altar under her command.

The same kind of summoning between Demon is that the low-level Demon has the most common racial talent, but Demon do not like to use this kind of power, because the price of summoning the same level and superior existence is too great, and then the other party must respond to calling himself , It is easy to fall into the enemy, and what is the meaning of calling Demon weaker than yourself.

The succubus is an exception. For some well-known reasons, they are very open among the abyss gangsters. Many well-known succubuses have multiple abyssal lover, so even the succubus’s combat power In the Demon countdown, still no one dares to force them.

The abyss lord Dina opened the door of the abyss to summon her subordinates and high-level Demon, and the high-level Demon summoned the high-level, intermediate rank Demon again under the command of the host, and the Demon who summoned each other quickly reorganized labor Army.

Seeing the abyss lord, the low-level Demon executed the new master without hesitation, but the high-level Demon saw the exhausted abyss lord, still a succubus who was not good at fighting, and had a lot of careful thinking.

But before they did anything, the experienced Dedina directly found the reason, executed two high-end Demons who were passively idle, successfully killed the chicken tamarins, and forced the rebellious factors down.

I’m afraid no one would have expected that the designer of this altar, the theoretical designer who opened the door, actually didn’t seem to be noticeable at all, Dina, I’m afraid no one would have thought that this is not known as ” “Fragile Succubus” is actually the best master of space magic in this world.

Unexpectedly, only reasonably, only Dina, who has acquired the Elf empire heritage and abyss knowledge, can complete this miracle project.

“Finally, it’s finished.”

The progress of the restoration project is obviously fast, but the anxiety has not been reduced in the slightest. The sudden appearance of Roland still cannot be explained, and Dina still has no sense of security.

“Get away!”

A lash whips away rough-handed temporary laborers, and presses Dina, who can’t bear it, directly to do it herself, acting as a laborer in person.

“Finally, I can end it all, this **** Holy War and reincarnation”

Looking at the twin altars in front of her, Dedina’s expression finally couldn’t calm down, waiting for millions of years, wasn’t it just for this moment.

No one knows. Among the golden pendants that Didina has been holding tight, there is an old portrait in yellow, which is a relic recovered from the ruins of the Elf Empire.

A smiling blond Elf girl, arranging garlands for her parents, was really cute that day, but if she herself, I would not hesitate to destroy this black history.

“Poor Harloys, I dare not recognize you so far. Finally, today, everything will be over, and our long-cherished wish is in sight.”

Inexplicably, the expressionless succubus lord looks like a middle-aged man who has suffered.

Perhaps no one expected that in the eyes of Roland, it was only Dina who had committed the crime, and it was the root of everything!

“The rules of Chaos and Order? Destiny and the Willpower of the gods? The inevitable rotation of the dominant race? From then on, no rule will become the only rule, and all life of Eich will be truly free.” To be continued

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