The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 818: fraud

Looking at Karwenz with a big belly in front of me, even if I know that he is currently holding the magic fetus in it, I still feel inexplicable …. Feeling happy?

“Say you always make other people’s belly bigger, how do you feel now? Do you want to vomit? Well, men can experience the feeling of pregnancy, and you are the only one.”

“…. Don’t be blind bullshit, how can there always be? Oh! Roland, you are really cunning, and you still want to talk about this time.”

The anger in Karwenz‘s expression does not seem to be false. I nodded slightly, which is undoubtedly good news.

Although the direct descendants of the big Demon are their property and reserve *, the birth will also really weaken his strength, the number is absolutely limited, and since Karwenz has no other spare tires, then …

“Although I’m sorry for Leona …. Exploding, realistic.”

After a ringing finger, Karwenz in front of him exploded with a sound of shock and disbelief, but it broke apart instantly.

“Leona” ‘s head fell to the ground, her eyes were dead, and she stared blankly at the sky …

“His Royal Highness!”

On my side, Imi Smith sent a terrible scream, crawling crazy towards the wreckage of “Leona”, it seems that scene just now, ruined everything.

“Well, it really didn’t die … the one over there, don’t pretend, I have n’t hung up yet, Karwenz hasn’t died, and I can go back to Styx River to take a bath. I don’t think you will even know this.”

Even though I said cold-blooded words, I was still on guard.

Yes, since already knows the nature of the Demon blood vessels, and since already knows the special characteristics of the fetus by dissection, how can I not prepare well before having the opportunity to dissect.

Considering that when this spare body is activated, Karwenz should be able to have her, and the magic power on his hand is very full. Common tactics in the past can’t hide these Demon, so I do it … Gnome bomb.

One of the undead spells is bone witchcraft. In fact, it is the operation of bones to make bone spear attacks, bone wall defense, and the like. The basic foundation is to extract bones and adjust the shape of bones.

undead masters of bone department can **** out a person’s complete skeleton only through contact. Although I don’t have much refinement of the bone department, the basics are still done.

Surgery, using undead witchcraft, I replaced some of Leona’s bones with several metal tubes surrounding the bones.

Several small cans of the pinnacle of the special Gnome project are buried in the metal tube. The power is unquestionable, and because it is a pure physical product, it will not be dissected, and the conventional magic experience can never be found.

This is a handy backhand. If it can’t be activated, I’ll wait for it to come to an end. After that, I will dissect it again and replace it with bone.

“It’s a pity.”

I look indifferently at the flesh and blood in front of me. I won’t say nonsense such as “your sacrifice is meaningful” or “your death will save more people”, even if it is true.

This is killing. It’s a selfish act. It’s my choice.

Imi Smith in front of her, holding Leona’s head, crying loudly, crying like a child, but …

“No, no matter how good the relationship is, Imi Smith, the king of Devil, will not be so fragile, and will not be exposed to me.”

So, I draw my sword again indifferently.

Imi Smith, are you pregnant? Let me check …”

Needless to say the rest of the already, Imi Smith left the head without hesitation, turned around and crawled towards the wall of the abyss.

“Well, it’s really cunning.”

The slyness I’m talking about is not worth Imi Smith, but Karwenz pretending to be a quilt. At this point, how could I still not see clearly.

Since she is also trying to cross the wall of the abyss, then the Imi Smith who has been staying beside Karwenz is also the daughter of the abyss and is also pregnant with a magic fetus.

“…… it’s unpleasant.”

Although this job is unpleasant, my hands and feet ca n’t be stopped. The unfolded wings gave me explosive power. In a flash, I rushed to the front of Imi Smith with broken legs.

“It seems that a broken leg in advance is a correct preparation.”

I watch her silently, but the power of Holy Light converges before blade edge.

Roland! You Bastard, you must not die!”

Oh, it seems that even the King of Devil still behaves like a woman at this time, and there is still nothing new about scolding people.

Speaking, beheading his brother-in-law and nephew, killing one and chasing the other is indeed an evildoer’s act.

As for me, I have to die … I have died many times. It seems that I haven’t lost the end of my life once, and purgatory has been visited more than once.

“My ending? At least, you have no chance to see it.”

Holy Light focused into the blade of light and fell at a high speed. Even the king of Devil, this knife is still enough to turn it into ashes.


But this time, the blade of light was blocked by a gray-black Magic Sword.

Imi Smith” glared at me, then, a smile appeared in the slender beauty, the corner of the mouth slightly raised, the familiar smile …

Karwenz !!!”

“Yes, yes, brother, that’s what I look forward to, let’s fight well!”

Laughing Imi Smith‘s cheeks are flushed, revealing a puzzling madness, and I know that this is a serious performance of “Karwenz“.

Different from Leona ’s fragile and weak body just now, Imi Smith is the king of Devil. Although it is not God Lord, it is also the top creature of this world. Even me, it is very difficult to defeat her. I can win, more It is by restraining her dawn sacred sword .

Now, when the core of God Lord level is replaced, and the same type of magic fetus is used as the source of strength, I am afraid that the Imi Smith already in front of it cannot be the same day.

At least, it makes no more sense than me.

“Come, brother, we’re almost there now, let’s have a good fight!” (To be continued.)

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