The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 798: Reinforcement

The battlefield of Beyer is not the whole of this world. Although the news of God Lord‘s continuous fall is eye-opening, new news has also come from other battlefield areas.

Among the many pieces of information, the most eye-catching is probably “the Battle of Xidi, the undead legion of different realm raids Great Demon, helping the San Antonio human defender to win a great victory.”

In the report, “These undeads claim to be the legacy of the ancient human empire, now return to realm, the capital is extremely northern Iceland, and already and the northern Mist Alliance have established formal diplomatic relations.”

At this time, Sandru and other Undead Emperors finally made a decision and decided where to stand.

The extreme north Iceland that they say is actually not specifically named geographically, that is, the far north of the mainland is farther north, across the icy ocean, there is indeed a continent, but because That extreme temperature, probably only where polar bears and snow monsters can settle.

“And Adam, he and the indigenous snow Great Demon are simply a family.”

I mentioned the glasses a little. Although the words of Magaret are calm, I can feel the grievances in it. It seems that the journey to the extreme north before that time did not leave her a good impression.

However, if you can get lost to the glacial continent that is far north, this already is not a sense of direction, it is totally a curse.

The return of Magaret and Adam also made me feel relieved. It is always a good thing to have trusted comrades around, and the support of Mist Alliance comes with it.

Magaret just started to put in the heavy rescue work, but at this time, Adam was uncharacteristic. He was troubled by boredom, and was knitting a feather broom that looked extravagant.

But we all know that this is just an illusion.

“…… Adam, can you stop doing things? Yesterday Arthur God’s Envoy already called me and complained. Even if there are more feathers in Angel, they will always be bald after plucking.”

“It’s just a warm-up. I can’t stand the thought of the next battle! It’s a rare encounter with such a high-quality opponent. Don’t worry about accidentally killing it …… well, I should go to the Angel again. Warm up! I went, I won’t come back for lunch at noon. “

The more and more excited, the flames rose from his head. It seemed to be looking for Angels for three days at any time, and then hurried out.

If I hadn’t received a report saying that rare auction items such as “Burning Angel Feather Fan” and “Tearing Angel” appeared on the Cloud Tower black market, I would have believed it.

As for a poor light egg that suddenly has money, it has generously wiped out some kind of small news such as the book market. I will not manage such boring things, but I will pass it to Magaret for processing … The red light of the night was so bright. The desperation of a man called “My Collection” was indeed sympathetic. Many married male compatriots left tears of sympathy for the sick.

More pitifully, maybe he thought that the new collection was just an accident, and actually planned to resell rare items such as high-end Angel feathers and restock it … don’t come back for lunch at noon? Let’s hurry to replenish it at noon.

“Really, you are fighting now. Can you be serious? As soon as the market resumes normal supply, you will start selling these?”

I’m still thinking about whether to perform the duties of a member of parliament to investigate and deal with these messy businessmen, but I can see in the corner of my eye that the mouth of Magaret is twitching? Is this a smile? Magaret actually laughed so happy? Well, everything is seen through, Adam take care of yourself.

Forget it, I won’t remind him anymore. When the mood is depressed, it should be pleasant to read the joke.

Angel? Yes, today’s Cloud Tower, already is stationed in the high-end Angel of the two legions, although in a sense they are really annoying, but as a temporary comrade in arms, it is very reassuring.

While we are actively preparing for war, the battlefield in front of us has not returned to peace. At this step, Karwenz is equivalent to declaring war on the entire world, and the conspiracy already of the destroyer is in front of us.

As the parties, we have n’t had time to say anything. As the leader of Holy Light as the “Jie Zhu of the world”, we can’t help it. The bombardment of Avatar and already is the most serious challenge. “Opening the door” directly threatens the Order of the entire world. For his mechanical thinking, already is the highest level of threat.

So, the master of the impersonal Holy Light did not hesitate to abandon all his restraints. The gods of Holy Light God Faction and the Angel dumpling-like descendants. The War Angel legion was thrown into the battlefield and saved for more than 1,000 years. It all fell down.

The Chaos space created by the fall of the gods has no possibility of truce. Holy Light God Faction and Angel battle group already did not hesitate to invest in this chaotic war zone. As a cloud stronghold near the battlefield, Holy Light God Faction also sent two Top battle groups and dozens of affiliated battle groups settled in. The scattered Angel was more than 30,000. The God’s Envoy Arthur who led the team seemed to be a historically well-known Legend character.

As for whether these two top battle groups are protecting the cloud fortress or deterring us, “heretics must not act arrogantly”, everyone knows.

This obviously touched on the dignity of the Mage, but I persuaded other members to accept their presence. After all, it is foolish to contradict the main brain of Holy Light at this time. In case the logical thinking of the machine is a “out of the way” “We must settle down first,” turning our guns to attack us, we are in great trouble.

Besides, such cherished single-cell thugs are hard to come by. Even if they let them explore the road, it’s a good thing, just be patient for a few days.

The result is that every morning I can see Angel flying overhead. These guys really treat themselves as the masters of this city, completely ignoring the moral bottom line of the Mage ……… Hey, it is The low- and middle-level Angels on patrol are steadily disappearing at a very even rate. The high-level Angel often inexplicably encounters the challenge of the strong, leaving the Arthur God’s Envoy busy every day.

As for the experimental product of the mad Mage, it still fell into the black market … In fact, considering the sufficient supply and the falling prices, I all want a cheap Angel maid, although there is no emotion Some regrets, but the absence of feelings also means that you will not be lazy and will not need to pay. It is also very eye-catching and good long-term labor.

But recently Arthur God’s Envoy came to me every day and complained. Once I bumped into it …. At this critical moment, I still better not cause new diplomatic incidents.

“You can ask Adam to buy one for you, and you can also watch a joke by the way.”

Harloys‘s words made me stunned, then I laughed and gave my thumbs up. I gave thirty-two likes for this proposal.

I just started writing to the messenger and brought it to Adam, using a special stationery that would self-destruct.

“… My friend, please be sure to choose a young and beautiful Angel maid, I will drag you over Magaret …”

I, as everyone knows, never lied.

Magaret, give me face. Let go of Adam this time, man? There are always some fresh needs. This is not infidelity, but normal male needs. At least, he has not bought the hottest recently Angel slave. Slave. “

“…. Your face? How much is it worth?”

The Magaret with a sneer raised the staff and went out. It seems that my words not only did not extinguish the fire, but also poured oil. From the look of her face, her already was not far away from the storm.

Okay, my already is “dragging”, but unfortunately I didn’t drag it on, so my friend, please ask for blessing.

Roland, do you seem to have a grudge against Adam?”

“… when you are desperately fighting on the battlefield, your buddies mingle in the outfield with girls. When you meet, they will tell you about your travel and leisure experience, and you will continue to add,” Unfortunately you did not go “How happy would you be?” What would you think? “

“… I understand.”

The dead cat nodded, and continued to pretend to sleep. There was only a rustle in the room across the paper.

There are more than a dozen letters on already on the table. There are also letters and replies. In order to mobilize all the power at hand, I have been busy these days.

Suddenly, the dead cat looked up, and our eyes also looked out of the window. In addition to the familiar starlight falling, it was because a long-awaited person finally arrived.

“Sandrew, since you are here, it seems that you already has made a decision (to be continued.)

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