The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 756: Victory

There are two kinds of people who start a big move without saying a word on the battlefield.

One is a novice who is dead, and he can’t wait for all his eyes to turn to himself, and then take the street for an instant as a matter of course.

A kind of veteran who is pretended to run and run … I mean a strong faction who is confident in calming down the audience and dares to perform.

The dawn of Holy Light shook the whole scene. This is a strategic weapon specially prepared for the cruel Holy War. It has a large range, large increase effect, long duration, and low consumption. It has many advantages, although it can only target undead and Demon. Weakness, but compared to its advantages, it is completely acceptable. The only flaw is probably …

“……… just a little ridicule.”

The first thing that came to me was a Bone Dragon and two squadrons Gargoyle, Beyer‘s Dragon Knight and Griffin Cavaliers, and they did not successfully intercept all undead air forces.

But this level of opponent, if it used to be, I still need a little time, now …

Holy Light.”

Speaking in praise of Holy Light in a low voice, the sword of dawn in mid-air emits more dazzling Holy Light, but this time, it is a concentrated beam.

One, two, ten, and one hundred tracks were traces of golden beams in the air. Those flying units of undead only found themselves already attacked after they were destroyed.

While I have to maintain sacred sword , it does not mean that I am defenseless.

The light is pulling in my hand. Every time I click and move, a beam of light hits the target.

Every bright trace has witnessed the effect of the attack. The target of each bright trace is a high-level flight undead.

“1 to 71! Anticipate, aim, hit.”

In the Holy Light lighthouse (turret) mode at dawn sacred sword , the battle has become a simple point-and-click game. The attack speed exceeds the reaction speed, and the named flight undeads have fallen directly to the ground.

A beam of light forms a web of light. The golden explosions in the sky are the most beautiful sparks. Under this deadly firepower net, there is no room to pass at all,

This is probably the easiest battle I’ve ever experienced, shooting down hundreds of high-end undeads in an instant. But despite the gratifying results, I have no intention of chasing to the end.

“It’s too hard to consume energy …”

In just half a minute, I used 312 beams of traction. As a result, the Holy Light of Dawn sacred sword was directly consumed by one third, and it came again twice. It can be turned off.

Dawn sacred sword is a part of my body. In a moment, I wasted more than one-third of the power of Holy Light, and I felt a little bit empty.

But my goal already was achieved.

The first wave of undead raids were all killed. With this time difference, human side also slowed down.

The jungle of thorns is full of me, one cannibal warrior crawls out of it, and the royal Dragon Knight soldiers also arrive in front of me with Dragon Knight soldiers.

The slowly rising sun dissipates all darkness, understanding of Chaos, and pursuit of Holy Light. Let me shape this Chaos natural enemy sword.

“Pure Holy Light, please give me strength and dispel that darkness.”

Knelt down, pray with piety, strengthen the link and fit with Holy Light in a self-hypnotic manner, and the surrounding Elemental Tide begins to roll, gathering more light frantically.

The Holy Light sun in mid-air starts to recharge and shine again.

“…. This is too exaggerated. This Holy Light reserve has affinity with Holy Light, it is almost a pope.”

At that time, the illegitimate child known as Holy Light had a reason. The originally unscientific affinity of Holy Light, under the blessing of the power of Angel of Arbiter, evolved to the limit.

Holy Light. How is this possible …”


At this time, even the most devout God of Holy Light believer. They will also question their beliefs.

The wings of light behind are unfolded. They are the wings of light of War Angel. Numerous points of light are gathered on the wings to the extent that they can be seen by the naked eye. This summons the elemental affinity of Holy Light, which is beyond the reach of the highest order Angel.

Holy Church is considered a heresy by evil heretics, and it is such a powerful Holy Light user. The doctrine of “religious Lord Holy Light, the Lord will give strength to the devout believers” became a joke.

“This way of using Holy Light, why is it so magical …”

“Don’t be blind bullshit, do you want to enter heresy?”

“Nothing wrong, this is how to manipulate Holy Light by operating elements.”

“No prayers, no religious hymns, no links even Divine Strength …”

The comments of the teacher are in my ears. After I have demonstrated my Holy Light usage at close range, starting today, they will probably treat Holy Light from a different angle.

And this is what I want to see.

The rain stopped suddenly, and the dark clouds in the sky began to twist, seemingly shrinking existence.


The screaming dark cloud turned into a huge grimace, and the battlefield was under his shadow, but that face made me feel familiar.


These are not in the materials. I can feel the extremely deep magical magic of water element. It seems that this Undead Emperor has hidden a lot of things, and then there are new talks.

As for the hatred of Shupunos? Do you hate me less?

Unlike the information, it is that Shupunos did not lose his consciousness. When the heavy rain and dark advantages on the battlefield were dispersed, the tens of thousands of undeads could not be the opponents of the human coalition.

Glancing at me at last, the dark clouds shrank as they drifted away, and Shupunos retreated.

The high-level undead also began to retreat without hesitation, but those low-level cannon fodder were left unattended on the battlefield, and they were forced out of their final potential to cover the wisdom undead retreat at all costs.

This is why Undead Calamity is always making a comeback. It is meaningless to kill some high-ranking undead and undead lords, and to destroy some cannon fodder, and more than 90% of the undead legionnaires are only cannon fodder.

From the results, the human side has achieved a brilliant victory … but from the serious expression of everyone, no one will think that this will be a victory.

undead side used human coalition forces for less than one-tenth of the force, causing a lot of damage. On the battlefield, the wounded were stiff and call for help.

This is a great hit. I learned the lessons of proud human and Undead Calamity. It is definitely not a mess. Even if the strength is superior, this is definitely not a show or an outing. It will still be destroyed by accident.

I was surrounded by the teachers, and I guessed what they wanted to ask.

So, I took out a handwritten manuscript. This is a book that will be published by Goblin next month. Its name and content are destined to cause a shock to the whole world.

“It is time to step down from the altar and discuss the nature of Holy Light. 》

Perhaps this will be the last time I dig a corner of Holy Church. Once the Holy Light master stepped down from the altar, naturally there is no need to continue digging. (To be continued.)

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