The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 752: Public enemy

I was on the blacklist of all kings, dukes and patriarchs as early as already, because every time I speak, I bring bad news and bad luck. ≤,

While trying to refute me and mocking me, they were finally proved shallow by time and facts.

Holy War‘s predictions, Undead Calamity‘s predictions, and Elf will encounter a magic wave … It is actually very strange to say that the predictions are based on the information I have obtained, and then I will inform others and let them Be prepared.

But sometimes, people who tell the truth are the most annoying. Some people refute and scold others’ opinions, but they do n’t just have their own opinions and enough dry goods, just because they hate that person. Or, that “prophecy” broke one’s psychological expectations and touched his own interests.

So, the end of most true prophets and diviners can only be chosen from the gallows to the crucible.

Although some people may be annoyed sometimes, regret why they did not obey the prophet’s opinions at that time, and may even be held accountable for the idea person at that time, but what is the significance to the disaster facts caused by the prophet himself and already.

Actually, I can make advance predictions and provide intelligence support. already is an individual limit. I think I have done a good job. You ca n’t expect me to fight to the end with an individual, a country, and a world-class disaster .

Gathering information and burying seeds is the norm, and when necessary, it is public, fraud or inducement, to guide the situation to the place I expect, and it is also the norm,

In a sense, I was lucky.

Although the reputation of “Great Emperor Yongye” is very poor, the declaration of a notorious Demon King is more important than the prediction of the hermit prophet of an unknown generation.

Several prophecies are unknown, from the beginning of smirking and believing, to the doubtfulness of the latter, to the current “that **** crow’s mouth”, “Let’s hear who this unlucky egg is.”

My efforts have not been in vain. Perhaps it is only seemingly insignificant intelligence support. Only me who knows “history”. Just know how much already has changed.

Holy War‘s advance warnings and warnings from the abyss have hindered the human countries that are eager to move. The catastrophic human civil war in “history” has not occurred.

It’s both wrong and positive. The invasion campaign of the underground world was eliminated at the beginning. The entire Order camp was not consumed before Holy War, which is much stronger than in “history”.

With the progress of Holy War, the emergence of more and more powerful enemies and the invisible future of dawn have made leaders of all countries remember my previous predictions.

Maybe they still don’t like me. But at least, they will listen to me.

The countries of Beyer, Mist Alliance, Auland, Wood Spirit, Mage, etc. The leaders of these big countries have signed this joint declaration. Karwenz and his little friends have become public enemies of already all over the world.

The interest will lead to struggle, and the struggle is also for the benefit. On the side of Karwenz, what interest is there?

He expects to open the door, then the closed cycle and Holy War will become meaningless. The future of all life will become unknowable, which sounds good, but on the premise that in ancient times, Eich was almost destroyed by outside invaders. In most propaganda and fairy tales, no mention of “outside” What, we must mention, will also lead bullshit to those dangerous dimensional invaders trying to destroy the world.

But as a caster, reason and knowledge are the most fundamental weapons, and it is pointless to oppose it in order to oppose it.

We can assume. What will be outside.

Most likely, as in the War of the Ancients, a group of hungry beasts are waiting for food.

The whole realm will suffer a catastrophe. Supporting the past, at the same time that the closed natural circulation chain of Eich is broken, our world is also embedded in the existence of the multiverse, which is a good thing for the entire Eich world. The closed evolutionary road is reopened, and technology, magic, and civilization will There was a big explosion.

Can’t stand it … In fact, it is the same as the abyss realm eroded by Demon. There should still be aboriginal people alive, but it is really unclear how the whole world will become, whether it will become a slave or food.

But regardless of whether it can support the past, Normal human without power will probably lose a lot. Since it has entered the natural cycle of weak meat and strong food, the awareness of being eliminated must be there. I do n’t know how many people will die in the entire realm, but the first one will die. The one who dies the most is definitely a plane without strength and status to protect himself.

Of course, it is also possible that the hungry realm beast already leaves and there is nothing outside, which is equivalent to opening the door in white, and Karwenz is equivalent to busy in a field.

The realm wall was sealed by two goddesses. The world ’s creature is theoretically impossible to go out … do n’t ask me how that guy went out, he ’s done it super-theoretically many times.

But my unreliable outside. I noticed that the realm was closed mainly to prevent outside, and there is still some permission to go out, but it is absolutely impossible to enter again.

If Karwenz has information that can explain the situation outside, I am afraid he has shown it to me and tried to persuade me.

I can’t figure out, in this case, what benefits can Karwenz‘s “sublime” goal bring to his little friends.

Yes, it only refers to his allies and companions. I can understand the goals of Karwenz. His Willpower cannot be shaken at all, but what can he give his allies who follow him and cooperate with him?

A ticket before the end of the world? I think it should be the ticket to open the end of the world.

Higher status, more money? Under the premise that the entire world could be destroyed, these status and money already lost its meaning.

A stronger power? This has some meaning, but aren’t most people pursuing strength just to live better, and is it possible that the power given by the abyss can make it through the doomsday crisis.

Without words, what meaning does power have?

I can’t figure out what promise Karwenz can give to others. No matter what alliance is, the common interest is the most necessary bond. When an ally’s interests become “murder” others, this alliance will naturally have nothing. significance.

It can be said that since Karwenz leaked and announced his goal, he became the enemy of the entire world.

From knowing his goal, all his allies already have betrayed him, and “hypocrite” is carefully weaving his deadly trap to kill him.

His subordinates should also have a floating heart. Except for the pure lunatic, I can’t figure out the reasons for others to follow him.

I, who is trying to obscure my position, must also stand opposite him in the face of this matter, even if he is killed by blood relatives, there is no way.

“Is it worth it? Even if the world is the enemy, even if the world is destroyed, the goal to be accomplished?”

When we met, everyone’s faces were ugly. It seems that they already understood the dangers of Karwenz.

I mentioned that when a diviner was needed to help me find someone, several of the leaders of the truth council agreed. Not only would they send out the best combination of diviner and prophet, they would also use the Mage Country God Equipment reserve and Cloud Tower. mana Hai, find Karwenz and his conspiracy at all costs.

Leprechauns will clap on the spot. Tomorrow, next week, next month, all headlines will be the news. The world will know the evil behavior of Karwenz.

Herent makes a promise, Dragon Clan will pay close attention to this matter and pursue it to the end.

Of course, there are more substantial things, whether it is Dragon Clan, Mage, Wood Spirit, Elf, human, these arrogant and powerful people have given me their commitment. As long as the situation is urgent, a notice, they will take it seriously when necessary. Shot.

Sounds nothing? This is not the same thing as soy sauce and sign-in on the battlefield of peace day.

While there is no special reason for the transcender strongmen in different countries to fight each other on weekdays, as long as the difference is not too large, there will generally be no casualties.

I have lived for so long, I ’m all old churros. I will keep my hand where it does n’t matter. The curse wo n’t be lost. What ’s upright is good-looking. Hit mana to reserve more than half and props to consume more than half. Just say goodbye, without chasing, everyone goes home.

The most obvious and shameless is probably the confrontation between the previous Undead Emperor and the Truth Council. Both sides are top casters. The double-digit top-level Mage has been playing for almost half a year, and there have been no casualties, regardless of the battlefield. How beautiful the fight is, there is no corresponding casualty number and results, already explains everything.

But since the other party’s conspiracy succeeds, there is no future, so they give them a reason for desperate effort, but the power they exert is inestimable.

It can be said that I was weakly backed by countless backings, and Karwenz, which was originally strong, is gradually becoming lonely.

Sure enough, early the next morning, the latest Scourge list was updated. The Karwenz instant rocket rocket that had not had much record in Main Realm kicked off the super nightmare that won the top spot for more than half a year and went straight to the top of the list.

But when I look at the list carefully, my mood becomes very bad.

“Isn’t your ranking dropping by one place, why are you still unhappy? Do you want to hit the top of the list?”

It’s not only these that make me unhappy …

“Stand by my danger, even if you do n’t let me go down the list, it does n’t matter if you do n’t discuss it with me and give me a new title. Why does Karwenz have the title of“ Abyss Destroyer ”as soon as I list it, and But we need to add the weird names of ‘the disaster alerter in the night’ and ‘the catastrophe to the dead bird’. What do you mean by such a shameful title. “

“What a mess, this is not the style of a goblin, let me see … the disaster alerter of the night, the catastrophe against the dead bird, oh, understand, the front is’ black ‘, the last is’ bird ‘This is scolding you Crow Mouth. “

“What? This group of little Bastard! I’ll dismantle their newspaper.” (To be continued.)

ps: What the hell, really good card sf0916

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