The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 748: banquet

On the third day after Master Akama was assassinated, the Mage Country traitor was found. +,

Trant Sodir, a master of the black witch, is good at calling death and casting spells, and is only one persuasive research result from the truth-level Mage.

He was found to have a direct connection with the abyss, and he was driven by a big abyss to kill his fellow master Akama.

I’m not curious how the spies are found out. There are so many casters in the Mage country. There are also Beyer professionals. They even commit crimes under the eyes of Dragon Clan. It is strange to find them.

Compared with the reasoning ability of the famous detective in the novel who wrote the scientific title of the author, the messy magic and supernatural ability are more direct and magical in the investigation.

There are no inhumane or inhumane evidence, no evidence, and the suspect will be half-dead before interrogation. The fantasies / magic potions and vomiting agents will be filled first, and interrogated while hypnotizing, unless Directly exploding the soul into the reincarnation, no one can not fail.

Too much pursuit of efficiency has resulted in many cases of unjust, false and wrongdoing. However, in this case, finding out spies at the fastest speed is undoubtedly the primary focus of comfort.

The message was passed to me, but it was simple, presumably he admits that he was deceived by the abyss and attacked Master Akama.

The Trent, who is good at fighting, attacked Akama, who specializes in divination and prediction. If the attack is sudden enough, he will get a one-shot kill, but this conclusion is unacceptable to many people.

Who is the real culprit? Is there a companion behind? There must be many ideas, but the clue already is broken, before this war is imminent. In order not to shake the army. It is also not suitable for raids.

And side effects. Probably after that everyone will be careful to guard against each other.

Herent‘s request was very smooth. The reinforcements arrived one by one, but I look at this situation. He probably sees it not only as an alliance war, but as a demonstration of international status and influence circle.

“Look, this is our Beyer ally.”

In a sense, this already is not a war, but a show. One must win, but also win a gorgeous, crushing large-scale commercial show.

He used massive resources and funds in exchange for the real and powerful support of the major allies. It was not worthwhile to count it afterwards. At least for now, this scene is quite spectacular.

“Nine people have come to the Truth Council? Counting the former Akama is a double digit, it’s almost …”

Ten years ago, the Truth Overseer of the Truth Council had a total of 28 positions. With the rise of Elemental Tide, the largest theoretical increase should actually be the Mage profession.

Many of them can only be used as research on paper theory. With the activation of Elemental Tide, it became a reality. As a result, several ** divisions not only took control of the truth in one step, but their strength also increased.

Today’s truth council, truth-level Mage thirty-one, it seems that the number has not skyrocketed, but actually changed twelve newcomers …. Don’t think wrong, Mage is not a gladiator, Mage retreated I just tried to shirk my responsibility as a member of parliament.

The members of the Truth Council are the highest authority of Mage Country, but for many Mage monographs, they are just endless troubles. They have to use the time for research to deal with boring government affairs, although they can take the opportunity to corrupt research funding. , But overall it is not very cost-effective.

Except for the ** teachers who have a huge expenditure on research, other ** teachers don’t pay much attention to this position. Since there are juniors willing to top, they are naturally willing to give up their positions. Many people even give juniors and disciples. Let them take over.

But some things are recognized. The total power of Ainro Dante, the country of Mage, has doubled at least ten years ago. They are the most full in Elemental Tide.

Not only is the growth of high-level combat power, the Mage professional advanced that originally controlled the power of the element is the most difficult. After the Elemental Tide skyrocketing, the difficulty of advanced of Mage people fell most ridiculously, even the strange situation of hundreds of people a day and advanced.

Another aspect of the soaring elemental strength is that many drawings, taboos on ancient books, and virtual structures can be turned into reality. Those Alchemy masters and puppet masters just pass the carnival every day, and the summoners call out the differences. realm creature can’t even handle it by himself, that is, the taboo Necromancer has grown significantly with the establishment of Hades.

The Mage Country, which was originally a superpower, has a very small land, and its combat strength depends on the Mages. Now the strength of the Mage has soared, and the national strength has naturally increased. It is said to be twice that of a decade ago, or a conservative estimate.

But unfortunately, there are still things that have not changed, such as the organization of the loose sand …

According to the latest assessment records, after so many years of accumulation, the country of Mage should actually reach more than 200 casters. However, in fact, no more than 50 people can find a way of contact. They can dispatch, There were probably no more than thirty people dispatched, and they were all driven by human trading and knowledge.

In this case, ten members were dispatched at once, and a few truth-level Mage members who did not become members were accompanying. It can be said that more than half of the highest combat power was sent.

“So generous, what benefits does Herent grant to them? It will not cede the land or the like, no, the land is only a burden on the land of Mage, most of it is ancient knowledge or the like. It can make these old guys fall in It ’s not a good thing to be dispatched. “

As I mumbled, I looked at the group of teachers in front of me.

It is the court dinner organized by Herent, and foreign guests are coming one after another.

Because of some past events, such as spreading a few times on the truth council … Well, I mean, I have had friendly exchanges with the truth council, and many of them are old acquaintances.

Aroso of Austrian Blade, Frozen Mage, a rare and good-looking man in the ** division, with a big belly, is seriously licking the strawberry-flavored ice cream special to Beyer … Seeing me look at him, old face The child turned red, turned his fat body, and continued to lick his head.

The mentor of Magaret is always used to pretend to be the apocalypse of Astral Enlightenment … I mean the young and beautiful sister Amara, please take back the monster in the shadow.

The unrecognizable white-bearded old Mage smiles at me, and proudly points to the badge of truth on his chest …

“Who are you? Don’t be so pretentious.”

“You, you, Roland, I’m Kaid, ** 4 Kaid, soil ** teacher, how many years old classmates have you been with!”

“… Loli Control Kaid? Are you still alive? Are you here to pay me 100,000 gold coins?”

“Of course I’m alive! I won’t die if you turn to gray. No, wool, obviously only 100 gold coins, oh, no, obviously you owe me money, almost you were crooked, ah ah ah , Here you go again. I am not a loli, old man, what ’s wrong with little girl (loli)! No, I ’m not a metamorphosis! ”

“This familiar serial vomit, it really is Loli control Kaid.”

I looked at the old white-bearded man sympathetically, and then kindly handed him a drink.

He was too old to say too much in one breath. already kept coughing, but he didn’t find his colleagues around him silently away from him. After he returned, I was afraid that all little girl (loli) would go around him.

“Oh, huh, thanks to your conscience … oh, what is this!”

After I finished speaking, I fell down. When I fell down, my old face was still red and hot.

Look at the label. Oh, Dwarf Ente? The famous dragon killing wine? Who threw it at the dinner.

Looking on the ground, showing a mysterious smile, but also constantly reaching out to grasp the old Mage in the void, and the weird expression of those around me, I think from tomorrow on, not only all the little girl (loli), little girls will stay away Kaid is that all women will stay away from him.

“Poor Kaid …”

I made a cross on my chest and it was a prayer for him.

“He’s the poorest, I know you.”

The dead cat vomited in time as usual, but today she is very different from the past.

The good-looking face has a proud smile, and the blond hair of the extremely waist is smooth and bright like silk. The black dress and the golden moon earrings match well, making it look noble and mysterious.

As the empress and truth teacher of Elf, she is undoubtedly the focus of everyone, and considering the diplomatic impression of the Elf country, she can only appear in this manner in public.

But there is no doubt that adult attitude is more easily valued by others.

If for me, only a part of the truth Mage are acquaintances, for Harloys, I am afraid that there are only a few people who are not very familiar.

She can call the nickname of the teacher at will, and talk about the scandals of their apprenticeship, but it will not hurt her face and cause a burst of good laughter from the people around her.

It is indeed an old churros who have been fooling around for many years alone in the country of Mage. She adjusted her age and took advantage of the past. Very soon the truth Mage became a piece. Its amazing erudition and connections made people Very sighing, already around her is a circle.

This is extremely rare for most Mages with a “special” personality.

In fact, my popularity in Mage is not low. I do n’t talk about the identity of undead master and ice master. I predicted the danger of Holy War in the Cloud Tower public occasion and promoted the magic guide technology, which all left to Mage. deep impression.

With the confirmation of the prophecy, and the infinite possibilities of the magical technology gradually proved, as an excellent foreseeer, I naturally also received the due reputation.

After I “killed” Kaid, the ** master who originally planned to chat with me, kept the distance sensibly … these days, Pet is more popular than the owner.

In a rare time, a familiar child voice sounded behind my back, making my scalp numb.

“Dad, Mom, please come over.” (To be continued.)

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