The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 723: Incurable

The best conspiracy doesn’t need to be seamless and unquestionable.

All it has to do is do the “right” thing at a critical time, and then everything goes with it.

San Antonio is messed up.”

Even passers-by and children can reach this conclusion.

The original Maria force directly contracted its sphere of influence, abandoning the large perimeter, and giving way to the most precious treasure of San Antonio, the golden plain on the mainland.

Duke Batello ordered a reduction in the scope of defense, and within just half a month, weirdly reached some sort of agreement with the demons in the Safiron mountains, and the front line was suspended.

Now, his forces are conscripting and preparing for war crazy, but this time, his opponent may not be alien.

On the other side, Prince Winston, facing the two fronts, is afraid that already ca n’t sleep at night. As his backup, Holy Church is also serious this time.

It is said that not only two whole Holy Knight regiments were dispatched, but two oracles were also dispatched.

Wendy, the **** of forgiveness, and Fein, the **** of wheat (harvest), are the weakest new gods, but they come down, but the true body of the true god.

One Sealed God one hundred and twenty years, one one ninety-five years, are all Holy Light followers.

The evaluations given by the little fairies are all transcender level 5 that has just reached the real standard of Inferior God, but in the realm of the world ten years ago, they must be the strongest invincible. It is difficult to say now Already.

The true god’s demise also represents the escalation of the war again. already directly transitions from the war of mortals to the oracle where the oracle ends in melee.

Although there were high-end combat capabilities in the Elf country before, that is the old practice of the magic wave.

And this time. It is said that it was because the abyss side first used the top combat power. Undermine the hidden rules.

The top combat power appears in the assassination? Now the goblins are spreading news everywhere. The real assassin was the prince of the abyss Karwenz. Except for the Duke of Batero, who was the bitter lord, other forces also mostly accepted this explanation.

After all, in the eyes of those in power, Roland did a lot of things in already in this Holy War, and existence in Mist Alliance also determined where he should be.

Perhaps this is the explanation most human kingdoms are willing to accept. After all, the location of Mist Alliance is becoming more and more important.

In this respect, Beyer, Mage, and Auland have done the most. They have supported my innocence on various occasions, boasting that I don’t recognize them.

It’s a little bit moving, but I also know that it’s also because they are increasingly tied to Mist Alliance. Such an explanation is beneficial to them.

But unfortunately. Onlookers are looking at the innocence of both parties. But they couldn’t see it, pretending not to see it, but couldn’t explain it.

And the intelligence of the Duke of Butler has also been unearthed. Butler Case, the contemporary family of the Case family with more than 500 years of history, is also a very powerful Demon warlock.

He used to be a strong supporter and suitor of Maria … When I saw this situation, I also felt that this guy’s taste was really heavy.

Anyway, it’s nothing more than a rotten set of princes who will have Xiangning, and the emperor’s position is replaced by someone.

“It seems that San Antonio is messy.”

I thought about it carefully, figured out the resources available at hand, and finally gave up my intention to intervene.

San Antonio is the faintly strongest country on the mainland. It has a big tree and a big wind, and the sky is tall and tall, and now the world is chaotic. Naturally, he is the first to suffer.

The sudden violent extermination of the former emperor, using the power of the abyss Princess and the civil war of the prince representing the traditional knight class, laid a shadow of disagreement on already.

This is not an individual’s accidental contradiction, but it is determined by the national conditions of San Antonio.

The country is vast and the resources are vast, but it also needs sufficient strength to guard it.

The general ties are slow in this era, so that the command of military forces is only possible among local generals, sending a message from the capital, and waiting for the border, two months have passed.

It is impossible to remotely blindly command in the capital. Therefore, the knight class of San Antonio is quite pure, and is united by Prince Iron Hat at the border.

Anyway, there is always someone in charge of the town to give outsiders to their loved ones. San Antonio is in the fortresses of various borders, which is the land of the princes.

Contemporary, there are 12 princes of San Antonio. Most of them were born as second sons and lateral children of the royal family, and then blossomed on the border and continued to this day.

It is easy to seal a prince, but it is difficult to have one less prince. The inheritance system of the eldest son of the territories and the eldest son is the cornerstone of feudal society. Why do the descendants of the prince give up the lands of their fathers?

In recent years, the royal family has also seen problems, and there is no new prince, but it is too late for already.

The knight class, to be purely professional soldiers, requires military merits, and they want to work on the border, but the most important thing is not the royal family of the capital, but these princes.

Over time, the royal family and the prince of power on the border naturally have cracks, but this country is large enough and stable enough, and the royal family has been careful to handle it, and there have been no major problems.

At least, because the princes are also existence and Zhi Heng to each other, the royal family is also the strongest nobleman in the country. Before the royal family did too much, no one was stupid.

But in recent generations, the royal population was not strong, and the princes were very excited.

By the time of the previous generation of emperors, it was still barely able to maintain, but the princes already were eager to move. According to the noble heraldic method, when the bloodline of the lineage was cut off, it was natural to find the heir in the branch.

So, almost two months before the old emperor’s sudden outrage, Maria’s only brother died unexpectedly.

Winston is the leader of the princes, but he is also the agent of the entire knight class and the noble class.

Princess stands for supreme kingship. All those who are loyal to the kingship are naturally united around her, but she has done a lot more to hold down her ambitious uncle and uncle in order to strengthen the kingship.

There are casters, military knights of civilian origin, small merchandisers, wizards and Demon warlocks who are regarded as dangerous elements. As long as she is loyal to the king, she does not pick any origin.

The nature of the new and traditional forces is not the same. The battle between them is only a matter of time.

The accidental violence of the old emperor is the fuse of the civil war.

Before the outbreak of Holy War, the two sides reluctantly reconciled. Now that Mary is dead, it is equivalent to completely tearing down the foundation for peaceful settlement of civil strife.

Once the banner of revenge for the Lord falls, the reformists lose their so-called righteousness. As San Antonio people, they should obey the new royal family.

Daiyi may sound nihilistic, but it affects everyone’s heart.

They were forced together by Maria, and they will fall apart quickly, but obviously, those innovators who have changed their fate with great difficulty are unwilling to accept such fate.

One side is the gallows after being liquidated, and the other is the founding hero after hard work. How to decide, already has been proved by facts.

Batello is still preparing for war. I do n’t know the day when the civil war started, but the day that it ended, I knew that both sides bleed, the city became ruins, and the civilians to the ambitionists suffered heavy losses. Nor can I accept the pain of war, so it is possible to sit at the negotiating table.

The covenant between Duke Barthello and the Chaos forces makes the truth more blurred, and everything is in the mist.

How many conspiracy calculations there are, I’m afraid that everyone can’t figure it out, but it’s a big draw. San Antonio falls to such a point, I am afraid that it is the result of joint planning by all parties.

Well, now the major powers of human are not rushing to prevent the collapse of San Antonio, but are busy holding celebration banquets.

San Antonio, already is not saved …” (To be continued.)

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