The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 714: San Antonio

San Antonio, an ancient and powerful class empire, a strong candidate for the 6 strongest nations. ? · Want a to see h?

His area is huge, including the golden plain of Beastfolk‘s hometown, the vast mountains of the south, and even the waterfront wetlands near the river. It can be said that it is rich in products and has a large population.

Among the great powers, he is relatively moderate to foreigners, and because the land is too vast, there are large areas of alien gatherings, dwarf gatherings, and dwarf gatherings on the edge of human. The potential for war is extremely amazing.

Their royal families of the past have also been extremely enlightened and have a strategic vision. They are different from the strong traditions of strong countries such as Beyer, Auland, the Solomon Confederation, and Xiluo. They prefer to use strategies to solve problems.

But compared to Elf, who always hits his feet, their diplomatic strategy is quite smooth.

For example, in the north, they fostered the Kingdom of Kasolan (Principality), and their grand duke also had the identity of the San Antonio aristocracy, which is equivalent to building a city wall to defend Beastfolk in the north, and a nail was inserted in the north.

When the fusion of already in the north was unstoppable, under the pressure of other great powers, they gave up Cassolan simply, and even recalled the generals and San Antonio nobles who were still in the north.

Strategically, this is undoubtedly extremely correct. It should be a good thing to shrink your defensive position before Holy War, and the northern Beastfolk is not necessary for defense, but it can discard the extra “limbs” without hesitation. “But it also proves the wisdom of decision makers. ??

At the beginning of Holy War, they also fought several foreign wars and embezzled several small countries, but when the crisis of Holy War was determined, they did not hesitate to spit out the territories of those small countries.

The largest population, the largest food exporter, the strongest industrial potential, and the largest economic market. In all aspects, San Antonio has a candidate for a world seat.

But in recent years, an incident has greatly weakened the national power of San Antonio.

Civil war, besides it, what can weaken national power faster.

The former emperor, Hunt II, was suddenly violent. The prince of power Winston and Maria Princess fought for three and a half years. In the end, there were no winners.

The situation is getting worse. Let them finally choose to shake hands and make peace. If I remember correctly, now San Antonio is divided into two parts by the Golden Waterway and the Golden Plain. The upper part is Prince Winston’s and the lower part. It was Queen Mary.

In nominal terms, Queen Mary is the only orthodox, but her decree can only be effective in 40% of the country and 35% of the people. Prince Winston is the first phase of the empire, but in his territory Everyone sees him as emperor. c

It is worth mentioning that Prince Winston is also the leader of the Imperial Knights. At least 70% of the Imperial Knights are loyal to it. Queen Mary is the most powerful Demon warlock in the world. The caster group and the magic army are also the 6 largest caster groups.

The original nationals were disgusted with Queen Mary’s Demon Warlock status. However, in the **** wars of these years, the Queen Demon used countless Demon heads to prove that she and the abyss are not the same. She used the power of the abyss to defeat the abyss and the effect was very good.

The most incredible thing for me is that Maria is still Ayer‘s God’s Envoy, that is to say, she has won the favor of the former Death God (Grim-reaper) Ayer, and can even borrow the power of Ayer, which makes me a bit incomprehensible.

I asked Death God (Grim-reaper) of Hades, but I didn’t get the answer. And Ayer did not intend to introduce it to the side of Hades, and when someone asked, it always smiled mysteriously.

But now that Maria can borrow from Ayer, she is treated like a daughter … in private, there are indeed boring rumors of illegitimate girls. But no one took it seriously.

Closer to home, now the entire San Antonio is under the coalition invasion of Great Demon and Demon.

The main enemy of Queen Mary is the flame and fire Great Demon coming out of the Sapphiron Mountains, where the volcanic belt already became an abyss of fire, from which the polluter and incinerator were ignored, and the emperor herself They are all Demon warlocks that should be purified. The relationship with Holy Church is so bad that there is no assistance at all,

Amu Mountain is actually the site of Prince Winston, where already is a veritable Big 6 first meat grinder. The main battle group of Great Demon is there, and the chief of Muerkin is also there, Holy Church is there. A line of defense was built, but Angel was there, but the entire already army was destroyed three times, and even the fortress was lost.

In such a background, every day, there are knights and mercenaries who ignore the pursuit of their dreams. Every day, countless incomplete bodies and corpses are carried off the battlefield. My arrival is the arrival of a Normal human Holy Knight. Did not stir a wave.

“War? Far away, trivial things, San Antonio will win the final victory.”

“Have you heard, Her Majesty and Prince Winston Xu Chengruo, whoever achieved the greatest results in Holy War, who is the only master of this land after the war.”

Step into the capital city of Kesdan, the original capital of San Antonio, but it is not a panic scene. The entire country has just started from New Year Wake up, a scene of peace and prosperity in the city.

Even a lot of San Antonio people thanked Demon and Great Demon for their arrival. At least, they were freed from that **** civil war.

Their self-confidence and disapproval are assured. One of San Antonio‘s powerful comprehensive national strength is one of them. The war has always been restricted to remote mountain areas. The nobility and lords have not participated in the battle, which proves their confidence.

The first thing I did when I arrived in the city was to gather all kinds of information.

It’s not the golden armored demon knight who has itchy hands and wants to do anything, but the maps and information from the sun **** Arroyo are too old, at least tens of thousands of years ago, maps and information Coordinates, which are already 108,000 miles away from reality, I need to find relevant maps, history, and geographic information to find out the specific location.

In terms of materials, historical books are abundant, and there is a place comparable to the Royal Palace.

So, I went straight to the door and just met Prince Winston here to see what kind of person he was.

Unexpectedly, in the palace of San Antonio, the first one you met, you could meet an unexpected object.

“You are …”

That is a kind-hearted old man, the Holy Light rich flash eyes in the forehead, people can’t see the face.

Although I have n’t seen it before, his photo is full of big 6s, and I ’m unlikely to admit it.

“Pope of Holy Church? Kaloma I?” (To be continued.)

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