The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 700: Broken Disaster Bottle

In the sea of ​​boiling flames, the whole world is burning. ▲ ∴ ▲ ∴,

The war between the elements has just begun. Various flame monsters fight each other, and the flame lords are fighting each other in the hottest areas.

Some are in order to capture more territory, some are able to invade Main Realm for elemental warfare, and some are simply venting instinctively destructive desires.

Peace has never been suitable for the militant innate flame creature. Just as the flame cannot maintain normal temperature, the fighting instinct of the flame creature is bursting at every moment, and at this time, the empty crown makes the elemental war more intense.

The elementary door that is not open enough to let them pass, they will kill themselves and themselves. No one and who are allies, the child of the last element of fire will become the new child of realm.

And among the many flame lords, there are many Demon and Devil lords from the lower realm. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the higher ranks also likes to kill them.

But one of the newly appointed flame lords has shown her endless potential. The flame creature that fell in front of her will become a part of the endless sea of ​​fire. She is the Marquis of the Sea of ​​Fire Eliza!

Swallowing, strengthening, the Lord of the Fire is getting stronger and stronger, the marquise’s unique ability to make it stronger and stronger in the flame realm, countless Elemental Lords joined her army in another form, perhaps, the new Flame of the God is about to be born shortly. Perhaps, at that time, the entire flame element, realm, will also be only one of her.

But at this moment, standing on the sea of ​​flames, the huge ghost image transformed by flames is full of blankness in your eyes ——

In a sense, when I returned from the elemental battlefield, and when the bottle of dead potion reached the result, I made countless estimates and made my own plan.

For example, the final winner is Krose, Victoria is completely runaway, Dark Elf and the Church of the God of Law are evil. Then things got out of hand.

All, I ask Harloys to notify Diana, and if necessary, take coercive measures. I believe in the character of Diana, and I believe that she is crushed when facing legal profession.

For example, the winner is Victoria, Church of Law … A celebration party will be held to celebrate the beauty and purity of their goddess, and then Krose will cry completely. It seems that this ending is the most acceptable.

“Hey, Harloys, you can’t say in advance, in the end it won there, so I have a psychological preparation.”

Harloys‘s Avatar already sent her a message, but no matter how I asked, the end result was a mysterious smile, which was really guilty.

And before I reached the front of the flame, a transparent ghost stopped me.

“He” has no trace of revenge, and it is unbelievable to be clean. The pointed ears and handsome face showed that there was an Elf in front of him.

“Her Highness Roland.”

Elf ghost smiled bitterly and saluted to me, but the Elf court etiquette was for women.

“Some kind of banshee … my one! Suanna?”

Suanna laughed more and more bitterly, and some of them were miserable,

I was shocked first, but then I was happy … Hehe, don’t blame me for not having a discipline. Suanna‘s strokes are probably the least harmful. Although the ghost can also change gender to make people feel a little weird, but her words are easy to deal with.

“Rest assured, I will remake a body for you, a female body. Although it will be a little strange in the future. For example, the posture of going to the toilet will be a little instinctual, but in general, it’s okay!”

“It turns out that the lucky value of Suanna is even lower than those two unlucky eggs. Is this the malicious nature of the world, or is it natural that undead is generally lucky?”

Of course. I won’t tell these truths directly, but just comfort each other carefully and promise to help them solve the problem.

At this time, there was a light rain in the sky, and the ghost body of Suanna was rained, but turned into a female appearance again. Isn’t this the characteristic of a female drowning spring? Isn’t the Suanna dripping male drunk?

“System, what did you do wrong?”

[My product is not the original version, but it is a gender re-regulation directly from the rules. This kind of water-saturated degeneration does not occur at all, how can this happen? 】

When I went there, even the system itself did not know how this happened. Is it the legendary fake medicine deterioration?

“… Actually, I came to stop you just to ask you not to go back, otherwise there will be big trouble.”

Suanna ’s attitude is sincere, but I ca n’t understand it. Is n’t the most terrible male drowning fountain used on you? Why are there any big troubles? Even if there are troubles, the two unlucky guys are looking for you. .

Then I glanced at Harloys by the way, she knew it anyway, but planned to watch it lively.

“Actually, this is …”

Actually, after I left, two bottles of potion did cause a fight, but both sides also kept restraint, at least not named …

“The entire defense zone has been razed by a third. The lords of all countries have read the joke …”

The next thing is very bizarre. Both sides can’t argue. In the end, I don’t know who thought of a crooked idea …

“Since this is a magic potion, let’s find a professional Alchemy warlock to study it. The best Alchemy surgeon in the world is in the North!”

“Wonder Alchemy Warlock Olivia!”

Name of man, shadow of tree, today Olivia Not the rookie of the year Alchemy Teacher, when her Olivia Magic Box Laid the whole Magic Enginering After the foundation, she herself already Became a household name Alchemy division.

So, she carried out research with great joy, mixed sampling, purification, etc … Well, I am afraid that everyone has forgotten that she is famous for Magic Enginering, and her pharmacy Alchemy technique has always appeared various Famous for special effects.

In the end, when she found that she was unsure, and left the book after leaving, there were only three bottles left at the scene. At this time, the bottle already had no label and color.

“Wait, you mean three?”

“Yes, no one knows what the big Alchemy division Olivia did. When the lab opened, there were only three bottles on the table.”

When I go, countless unknowns are covered on my head. Two bottles would have been deadly enough. One more? Can be more powerful.

The commission is probably to let her copy the mother’s spring, but the result is mixed and cannot be separated, so that the effects of the mother’s spring and the male’s spring occur at the same time?

So, this trait of water degeneration is also added by Olivia? She is really a Alchemy genius, she can play anything.


“The Lord Olivia failed, and those people started to snatch. One of them was hit on my head …”

Looking at Suanna who wanted to cry without tears, I can understand what it means to be free of plagues, but only then will not stop me from letting me into the city.

“A bottle was grabbed by Her Royal Highness Princess Reyne, then she‘ slipped ’and hit Her Highness Reyne …”

I go there. Is this hand sliding? So accurate, does anyone believe this?


In the farthest distance I can see, a blonde knight rushed over on the steed Murderous Qi. How was that face so familiar! I went there, just like me!

“The last bottle fell on Gagarol, the lord of the former Chauvin Dominion who came here to persuade …”

“Your Highness Roland, help!”

I saw the giant “beauty” who was more than 1.8 meters tall and weighed 200 kilograms. The fat shuddered. I couldn’t help thinking of the pig head in the slaughterhouse, and then I just turned around and ran.

“Whoever I go to, who said that **** is a beauty is a woman! This is prejudice!” (To be continued.)

ps: Nah, there is something to do with the family on the first day, rest for one day, and update on the second day.

Well, I wish you all a Happy New Year, a happy smile and good health in the new year. sf0916

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