The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 684: Assassin

The evaluation of politicians is contemporary, because when they lose their reputation, that is, at the end of political life, the result of excessive pursuit of the interests of the “world” is the lack of self, and most of the time Opinion is not the truth, but the one that looks the most correct. ▲ ∴ ▲ ∴,

Thus, politicians supported by public opinion are actually controlled by public opinion. Even the highest level of politicians, the longer they are in power, the better they follow the flow. What they can do in the end is actually not his own. Level and ability, but just to see if the God of Fortune takes care of them.

Politicians are good or bad. It will take a few years or decades to see when their successors and successors do not do well, people will think of their predecessors, yelling ” This shit-like day “, while reminiscing about the past with old friends of the same age.

With the worse days and the stupid new leader as a comparison, I feel that the more difficult the day is, the more people will be surprised to find that the original leader actually did a good job, and the continually complaining and cursing life, It is actually called the golden age. The stupid old man who did a lot of wrong things did a good job at that time. Now, when I look back, the seeds he planted at that time all germinated with already. After a few years, those seemingly stupid practices actually turned out. Let the people benefit, and the plans and goals of his followers, which sound beautiful, are still plans and goals in a hundred years.

There are people besides politicians and politicians.

They themselves do n’t know why they took the lead, and the motive for them to climb up is not even for themselves.

“… The country is finished, the people are not talking, I must expel foreign enemies and return my mountains and rivers.”

“This way, our living space will become smaller and smaller, this will not work …”

“… Working for the rise of the nation, we have to learn from foreigners their strengths …”

Most people who think too much and lack ability are dead on the road. But these people are always talented and embracing other people’s ridiculous, naive, and unrealizable ideals. They finally insisted on it all the way, and they reached the pinnacle like gods. It has done things that others would never have thought of in their lives.

People like this can eventually leave traces in history, or to be precise, they have made history, which is itself a piece of history. If you must find a title, the “historical figure” itself may be the most suitable annotation.

But on the other hand, their own destiny is exactly the opposite.

Politicians always make the most money. They do n’t have the other side of opinion, that is, anyone can pay the price to let them talk, and they always choose the winner. Before they fail completely, I am afraid they will always be at the top of the whole society. And enjoy endless glory and wealth.

Their pros and cons can be seen by contemporary people. The winner in the endless struggle for power, naturally.

And the fate of politicians is different, but doing too much also means more mistakes. Their honor and scolding continue. The end result may be good or bad, but they will do it when necessary. Make your own choices, even if it will ruin your future.

Their achievements will be discovered by future generations. Or grateful, or Wrath, at least, leaving a trail.

And historical figures are even more extreme. They invest a lot and pay a lot, but the benefits may not be great, and often they do n’t even get a good end. Yue Fei, Jeanne, Shang Ye, and so on. Their great achievements are praiseworthy, but they often fall before dawn. Or a tragedy in itself.

They will become history, they will become role models for future generations, and they will also cause countless sighs, and even become the material of creators. The essential difference from the former two is that before the history of that nation or race ends. They will not be forgotten by people.

Eich Continent is very cruel, cruel to make centralized politics into the mainstream, cruel to let the power of power be superior to everything, and the survival soil of politicians is often limited to those specific countries.

Heroes come out of chaos. Successive years of wars have made heroic heroes endless, but there are not many who can leave traces in history. Their common ground is probably for a purpose, but they have forgotten themselves.

Looking at Gagarol’s background, I think of all the acquaintances in the past, Ayer, Aso, Orlos, and Estrada. They all have different positions and have conflicts of interest, but some Things are the same.

They may still be gone, but their ideals and deeds remain in this world, affecting the future direction of this world, and this old fox who sees everything but chooses to give up seems to have changed in his own way. future.

The old fox, who was just talking about his political opinions, turned into a secular businessman in a blink of an eye. Without a little anxiety, he devoted himself to the new job, which made me even more dismissive of Gagalol.

“… Of course you look down on him, he flickered at you easily, didn’t you want to trouble him for selling military supplies? Did you forget these two words?”

Harloys‘s words made me stunned. Yeah, for whatever reason, it is definitely wrong to sell military supplies privately. Mist Alliance issued materials for you to prepare for war. If you ca n’t use them, you should return them to the Joint Military Department. Well, what does it mean to sell privately, all learn how to play like this, what about military discipline?

“Forget it, what to do against the Correct Joint Military Department. I will do anything.”

However, I don’t care if I look at it.

Some people use the usual “folly” to underestimate Shidao, but some people can unknowingly overestimate their IQ and lower limit with propaganda and ancestor protection, in a sense It is said that after losing the sole emperor, the clan system and elder state of Elf became more and more prolific politicians, and even the more and more popular parliamentary and parliamentary systems were the “inventions” of Elf.

In a sense, the Elf state that needs public opinion and prestige support not only has the restriction mechanism such as the Presbyterian House, but also the class existence of clan interests. On the contrary, the kingship is repeatedly restricted. What the king wants to do must first obtain a The support of a series of domestic tycoons indeed meets my politician standards.

I will not say that politicians are nonsense born of shortsightedness, but the elders of Elf are constantly refreshing my lower limit and challenging my reason.

“… The group of Elf and Holy Church are connected? Even the holy alliance plan that restricts Mist Alliance was proposed by them?”

Suanna signed the secret letter in my hand, but the sharp-eared messenger in front of me shivered. The inexplicable cold froze the ground of the tent. The cold wind is just the appearance of Wrath. I am not questioning the authenticity of the information. It is really impossible to evaluate the lower limit of the group of Moon Elfs.

I was only thinking that Northland Moon Elf would be eager to get rid of the jurisdiction of Mist Alliance, would be eager to be independent, but did not expect them to directly “communicate”, but logically, this possibility is indeed existence, nothing more than that ” The extension of the foreign policy of “far-off and close-off”, since they want to get rid of the control of Mist Alliance, under the premise that the Elf gods cannot count on, it seems natural to take refuge in this realm‘s most powerful Holy Church.

And once the sacred alliance that restricts Mist Alliance is established, Mist Alliance naturally has the trouble to devote energy to the south, which also reduces the pressure on them.

“They have another plan …”

The middle-aged Elf courier seems to be hesitant. It seems that some things are worried that the letter will be intercepted and written in, and delivered directly by the courier.

I slammed my finger, the dead cat superimposed the tent on anti-detection, and I approached the messenger.

He glanced from side to side, his eyes were full of anxiety, but I became more and more interested in the information passed on, what made it difficult to say.

“… They are going to assassinate the Queen Harloys, and even already sent an assassin. In addition, they, they …”

When I heard it, I was stunned, and then I felt funny. Harloys is now my demon pet. I do n’t die, she does n’t die, what’s the point of assassinating her?

But the messenger’s words didn’t finish, he looked back at me in amazement and shouted.

“… They also intend to assassinate you!”

I turned back violently, the long sword already came out of the sheath, but there was no one behind it. There was only the clear space where the bright moonlight was blowing, and the next moment, my spine was inexplicably cold.

Under the gaze of moonlight, the seemingly honest messenger rushed up, and the blue dagger was full of deadly toxins!

It turns out he’s the assassin. (To be continued.)

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