The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 681: Volcano

Considering the long distance between Lan Guo and the Shawn Autonomous Territory, when East Mist‘s reinforcements were ambushed by the herd several times, I expected to see the scene in sight.

“… It’s really spectacular …”

In the distance, there is a volcano ejecting from the sky. A large amount of gas and volcanic debris are mixed together, and a thick layer of gray smoke rises. Among the heavy smoke and dust, the core emits vomiting. In the flames of lava, the lava slowly flowed from the surroundings, and the high temperature began to burn the entire land.

Strong jets extend the volcanic debris all the way to the stratosphere. The suffocating volcanic ash and pumice turned into stray bullets are everywhere in the sky. Even if we are far away, we can still feel the power of nature.

No matter what is in the middle, I’m afraid I can’t live.

“Chavan Dominion, finished …”

We encountered dozens of interceptions along the way, but the total number of ambush soldiers did not increase for the first time, and how many wandering flying Magic Beast only obviously slowed down our pace. If only this, We should be able to arrive last night, and the volcano should not be activated yet.

However, those Devils actually followed the mountains of the Snow Mountain, artificially created several avalanches and blown up two bridges. They forced us to decelerate around the road. This is a typical Devil method. Not to mention the means, it does not give you a chance to face each other at all.

When our reinforcements were repeatedly delayed, we made the worst preparations for already. As a result, we saw a volcanic eruption in front of you … Gagalol, I will go to your grave today. of.

“… The volcano really erupted, Roland. Crow’s mouth, how do you feel?”

[Ding. The title ‘Roland. Crow ’s Mouth’ was obtained. After being equipped, you can use causal attacks at a very long distance, but it is limited to specific attacks such as ‘I do n’t think it ’s good to have no fire’ or ‘this volcano will never erupt’. 】

I look at the sky with my weak eyes. This is definitely not because of my crow’s mouth. This is clearly the opponent’s plan. Before we started, we would have slowed down one step to make the opponent succeed in conspiracy. How can we blame my crow’s mouth!

“… Gagalol, please feel relieved. Although you have overpaid in the past few years. Even in the face of the surviving family of Lan Guo, I will avenge you …”

“Gagarol wasn’t dead, ours, already, found him. Although very embarrassed, he has a good spirit.”

I just wanted to say a few words of eulogy to make the atmosphere, only half of the words were interrupted by the embarrassment, and the terrible scenery of the distant end of the day, made me feel a little incredible.

“They. How did they survive?”

“… They were all waiting to die. But the beast tide offered to open a passage last night, and someone shouted to let them go. As a result, they really came out all night.”

I’m choked, can I still do this?

“Wait a second, that means the beast tide gives them way … no, that is to say, if they continue to hold on, could they have insisted that we come?”

“It doesn’t matter if you calculate the time. It seems. This is also what the opponent will let them flee.”

I’m a little speechless, and it seems that our day and night journey really works. At least the beast tide and the magical monsters behind the scenes feared our arrival, leaving the Shawen people an escape route.

And from what I know about Gagarol, I’m afraid he won’t hesitate to grab this life-saving straw to escape, even if there is a vague guess that the reinforcements are about to arrive.

“Forget it, this is the case. It’s better to be alive than dead. Is that fat fox okay? Didn’t you want to be completely bankrupt because you returned to liberation overnight?”

The servant’s expression became quite strange, and in the end, it gave me the answer I wanted.

“No, the first sentence he encountered when we scouted was,” Ms. Fortune is up. It seems that I will switch to a volcano tourism business in the future. I hope I can make it back in my lifetime. “

“Well. He even wants to make money.”

As soon as this was said, already laughed around him, and finally made the atmosphere better.

I shook my head, and I was very sighed. When I saw him eight years ago, I was still a visionary leader and counselor. After only a few years of doing business, I became a businessman from beginning to end.

But no matter what, it ’s good to be okay, and now we all start taking off our thick winter clothes. It seems that the weather of this generation is really going to change a lot. Do n’t say, you can really do it well. Starting a travel business.


At this time, the roar of the distant beast caught our attention.

Our empty rides brought back the images, one by one, the flame monsters came out of the volcano, and the nearby magma also jumped out of numerous medium and small fire elements. It seems that the door of the fire element realm already is on schedule. Open, we have a lot of fun.

“Build a line of defense first, alas, it really makes people unable to relax …” ——

Rescue work already has been arranged. For some reasons, Lan Guo’s soldier already is very experienced in disaster relief.

The sudden advance of the reinforcements obviously put a lot of pressure on the black hands behind the scenes. They abandoned the siege plan. Although the Chauvin autonomy was over, the loss of the population was still acceptable.

When the fiery flame elements arrived from different realms, the first thing to fight with them was not human of Main Realm, but beast tide still staying here.

The moment the volcano erupted, the fierce beasts born in the north were out of control. If those magical monsters did not escape in time, I am afraid they will become their own snacks.

The remaining herds were chased apart by flames and eventually fell into despair. It seems that we should not worry about the next year’s beast tide.

In a sense, under the control of Devil, this group of beasts has also become a sacrifice to open the door of realm.

With the strengthening of the northern power, beast tide already is getting more and more not a system problem. There is no reason for beasts to find a way to deal with it. It is not difficult to deal with it. The regular army has no way to fear the beast. It’s not decent, and it can’t cope with the herd.

But beast tide is one thing, elemental invasion is another. The former is an irrational and organized beast, while the latter is an army led by the elemental lord.

“Come on?”

“Don’t be kidding, I don’t have this ability in this state, let alone, it’s not really useful if it’s really coming.”

Looking at the Mountain of Fire in front of me, I regret to give up the desire to ban a curse, and take advantage of my opponent’s instability to blast the Ice Age. It is a tempting idea, but it ’s a pity, but it ’s a pity I do n’t want to talk about the curse now. I ca n’t throw the ice spells above the fifth ring. Even if the other party is stupid enough to let me read the curse for a few days, it just makes no sense to put out the flame in front of me.

The door to the fire element realm must be in the place where the flames are the hottest. Now it should be underground in the depths of the volcano. Even if the curse is banned to extinguish these flames, it will only cure the symptoms but not the roots. Cut the door of realm, the next element creature will be endless.

The biggest headache of Holy War is here. Before Holy War, the door of realm was opened. There will also be many restrictions on the Order rule of Main Realm. Any transmission will have to pay more or less. Like now, once the door of realm opens, the basic It ca n’t be closed. The difficulty of teleporting is like neighbors knocking on the door. The small-scale battlefield of Normal can easily become a meat grinder-type long-term battle.

“Maybe, this is the purpose of Devil, borrow the power of the fire element realm, and hold us …”

already is achieved. Some things are not difficult to guess. To overturn the increasingly powerful Mist Alliance, you must pay a large enough price. However, the residents of the lower realm are obviously unwilling to die with Mist Alliance, but find one. The third one, to give the opponent a little trouble, is the most familiar routine for Devil.

The distant flame is higher than the wave, and the door of realm is opened, allowing the power of the flame element realm to pour into this side. The rapid temperature increase implies the change of the environment, while those fiery fire elements have not left the volcano. Meaning, they are also accumulating power in preparation for the next elemental battle.

“It seems that we need a solid enough line of defense … Reyne, call the leaders of Mist Alliance countries, don’t forget to inform Daxueshan Demon Realm and Contract Heroes union, we need to talk about it. Even if you don’t want to go to the trouble of Chaos , Chaos side will also help you find some trouble. “(To be continued.)

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