The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 672: Contracts in the shadows

Negotiations are, in essence, compromises. They are an agreement reached by both parties after paying a certain price.

Therefore, during the negotiation, if you accidentally leak your own chassis, already will fall into a passive situation, and if it is the key of the opponent’s card holder, it is natural to lose.

So, when I knew Sandru’s desire. already was doomed to occupy the top of the negotiation. When the chips in our hands are not equal, I will not be able to lose.

He needs my help, and I, without him, do not care about him, not equal, negotiating status, let me not only master the initiative, but also free to price.

“… At least I know that Aso is desperately not a country of the deceased. He spent so much thought to corrode the entire Beyer in order to build a country where the living and the deceased live. The pure lands of the dead are in Main Realm. It will not last. “

The kingdom of the deceased has broken samsara from the beginning and cut off the source of faith. Even if the gods can tolerate it, the natural balance of this land will eventually collapse.

Undead Emperor is Mage. They cannot fail to study these. Even in the peak period of the Tali Republic, they were not stupid enough to transform everyone into undead, which is equivalent to severing the future and hope of the entire country.

“… Then, you have only one way to achieve the resurgence of the Tali Republic. Instead of working hard to build a site and then exchange countless years and goodwill for reconciliation with human, it is better to go directly to my ship, anyway Mist Alliance already has accepted Xiluo Empire, why is it impossible to have another Tali Republic. “

Under normal circumstances, to achieve the resurgence of the Tali Republic, you must first win in Holy War, obtain a piece of land in the battle between the two camps of Order and Chaos, and then re-establish the country. The relationship depends on the attitude of the new gods.

Think a little. It is the difficulty of Epic level, Undead Emperor are definitely not weak, those old guys are enough to deter the deities and God Lord, God Lord level Heng is definitely not the most difficult to deal with in Undead Emperor, as far as I know. Sandro in front of him is more dangerous than the ten constants. But even if the Undead Emperor are working together, the most optimistic is not afraid to say that they will certainly win the Holy War.

The undead legion is very strong. It must be high-level and high-level, and strategic weapons must be strategic weapons. The artillery fodder is endless. Their biggest weakness is the inherent hostility of the living to the dead. It is impossible for them to have strong enough allies. The giants have to worry about being made into a skeleton giant. Dragon Clan is inherently hostile to undead due to Bone Dragon, and the oracle is hostile to these undead that breaks cycle and wastes faith.

They do n’t have a stable place yet, and they are still in a weak position. The whole world has not paid enough attention to it, and even regards it as a **** that can be used. If they really occupy enough areas and areas, they will rebuild the Undead Emperor country. Presenting a trend of benign development … the whole world will become their enemy!

At this point, Xiluo Empire has the most say. For so many years, none of their allies has said that even if the territory is a desert or death swamp in the restricted area of ​​other living beings, other countries are still full of hostility and always alert them, as long as they dare to attack any human country, welcome Coming is definitely a “justice coalition.”

This is not fair, but it is a fact. Compared with similar racial discrimination, the discrimination of life and death is put on the cloak of righteousness and absolute justice, and the behavior of the history of undead and Necromancer also gives This discrimination and prejudice is supported by sufficient facts.

“… Unless you also find a no man’s land, the undead Republic cannot be re-established.”

I don’t believe I can become a wise man of Undead Emperor, I will not see this.

But it can break through the theoretical impossibility and become existence of Undead Emperor. I just found a way. Yes, it is Aso.

Aso‘s plan is very comprehensive. He slowly laid it out, and then parasitized into a certain country like a parasite. By the development of the other party ’s shell and international relations, the living and the dead mixed together, and the dead gradually became a country. The high-level backbone of the country, let other countries first default the existence of the undead country, reduce the hostile process, and find a suitable time before changing the skin … It looks similar to the establishment of a pseudo-policy in the enemy country? It’s really the same thing in terms of reducing hostility and reducing variables.

But now, already is not possible.

It can be said that the undead invasion failed inexplicably most of the time when Aso fell. With the analysis of its memory and knowledge, the more I admired him, the more I learned that he gave these memories Give me “heart”.

The Mage‘s country Cloud Tower targeted the “nuclear bomb” of the Parliament of Truth, a Alchemy formula that can be undeadized to Beyer nationals, control over Orlos, already, and high-level officials in various countries who were seduced by immortality and undead. The list, these gadgets are all big killers, if it falls into the hands of ambitious ambitionists, what will happen already Needless to say.

For Aso, this is a gamble, it is “There is no worse option anyway, it is better to throw the nuclear bomb button to another Undead Emperor to try it.” There is a choice of winning or losing, if I am a Normal Undead Emperor … No, it only needs to be a undead monarch like Harloys. No, even a Normal human, what do you get when you get these chips, just think of it is scary.

“I” took over Aso and implemented the nationwide undead process on the Beyer intelligence network. Using the control valve in his hand to control Orlos Great Emperor, he directly grasped the entire Beyer kingdom. By the way, a nuclear bomb could end the high-level Mage Country, completely ending the most dangerous outside. Threat.

Then … and then wait for Holy War to really come, one by one Undead Emperor, Undead Calamity is here.

In this series of processes, “I” will gain a lot, and can even master the strongest country in the entire continent and become the supreme king, but then, with the Tali Republic in a strong base, already has successfully recovered. More than half of the time, the Republic also got a golden start, Undead Emperor will not miss such a good opportunity, the possibility of division is also greatly reduced, and the ideal of Aso has also been realized.

This is not my random guess. With the analysis of the memory of Aso, I not only found the reason for the slow analysis process, but also the analysis key set by Aso, “The desire for stronger and more powerful rights.” . “

“Hungry for power, long for a higher status, I will give you supreme chips and power.”

It sounds like a second, but this is the key set by Aso. When this treasure is in front of us, how many people can resist the temptation of instinct.

The desire for power and more power is simply the instinct of creature. The ambitionists will naturally use the chips from the previous step and the goal of Aso will be achieved.

It can be said. If it weren’t for me, I was a little weird … cough. I mean it’s different, I’m afraid he really knows his way.

And if I do n’t have that ambition (which is incredible for an Undead Emperor) and the parsing speed is naturally slow, then the nuclear bomb left in the Truth Council may really be detonated by his backhand, ahead of time Destroy the large Mage group of Undead Emperor who are most likely to encounter human after the invasion of Beyer.

The moment before death. This completes the layout of deep grasp of human nature. Regardless of whether you win or lose, you can achieve your ideals, even if you destroy your ideals. Even though I have raised my evaluation of Undead Emperor Aso countless times in already, I still have to say a word of “service”.

Cough, bullshit is far away. From another perspective, when the Aso was killed, the blind cat encountered a dead mouse, and the Aso fell. It also announced in advance the obstacles to the recovery of the Tali Republic.

Undead Emperor can’t be fools, on the contrary. They are definitely the pinnacle of the multiverse in terms of wisdom. They are willing to agree to the Aso invasion because of the possibility of success. Now the success rate has greatly decreased. Naturally, they have played their own abacus. , Just dispersed.

Although they all know that if they go on like this, they will go home separately, but this result seems acceptable, at least better than betting the whole family on a gamble with a low win rate and losing everything. … Actually, when I think about it, I feel that sometimes people are still stupid. Many stupid people finally achieve their accomplishments that “smart people” ca n’t do by their will, and many “smart people” who could have done it. “, But felt” cannot waste life and time “and gave up the opportunity that originally belonged to him.

But in a sense, undead‘s demand for Main Realm is not big, which is the root cause of their lack of fighting spirit. They are not as eager as other realm invaders, eager for the future of living space and race, except for a few existence Most of the Undead Emperor returned to their hometown only because of the honor of their home country. After a little setback, they retreated and settled.

Keke, it looks like bullshit is off, let’s just say the conclusion.

The accidental fall of Aso directly caused the original plan to fail, and also let Undead Emperor have their own ways of making a living, and the wither in front of me found me.

“What do you think of the Tali Republic? The revival you want is the inheritance of civilization, or the return of that country name and the undead governor, which directly affects the possibility of our future cooperation.”

In fact, I asked nonsense. If it was the latter, he would not come to me at all, let alone the surprise and shock of the undead being on an equal footing with the living. What he wanted was more civilized and cultural. inherited.

But at this time, as long as he said it, it was tantamount to putting forward his purpose in the negotiations in advance. Then, it was my turn to open the price at will.

Sandru the witherer moved his mouth, but there was still no exit. When I was wondering if he was going to harden or new negotiation skills, he slammed his hand, the mummy translator jumped out, and then He just gasped in his neck.

Then I understand. I speak too few times and I do n’t know how to use it. This excitement will stop talking …

In the past, he probably presumed that already used the command of the language of the soul, but for our existence whose body is the soul, to open your own soul at will is a provocation, and the danger is extremely high, which can avoid natural avoidance.

“What His Majesty desires is the inheritance of civilization. At least, the history and culture of the Tali Republic will multiply on this land …”

Finally, this mummy’s mouth is still sharp. This supplement is very timely.

I can understand this mentality, because this is also the original goal of Aso. He originally planned to force the introduction of the ancient language of Tali in newborns after the undead controlled Beyer, and the promotion of undead magic and the history of the Tali Republic. The study of the curriculum extends to the humanities of politics, philosophy, and art, and then gradually realizes the recovery of the entire civilization.

This, for other countries, must be based on conquest, but for us, it is not difficult to achieve.

Xiluo Empire originally had a mixed living of undead and human, and they had no culture or heritage. The introduction of Xiluo Empire can achieve some of the goals.

Mist Alliance already makes the practice of undead magic open and normal. Even Elf Great Emperor countries can recover. It is also necessary to revive a Tali republic. It only needs to give up some resources from Xiluo Empire. Compared to what can be obtained The huge benefits are really not a thing.

Moreover, if the Mist Alliance can laugh to the end after the war, there will be a lot of open space at that time, and it has no resistance or hostility to undead, and there is nothing wrong with reviving a undead republic with many living beings.

“… Mist Alliance is the only mainland country that can accept yours. You have also seen the popularity of undead and undead magic here, but how much you can finally get depends on your efforts.”

We have enough chips on our side, but we do n’t have to pay much. How this looks is a business worth looking forward to.

To be honest, I think that as long as Sandru is willing to contribute, already is worth the fare, not to mention, at least above the combat power, this one is also the highest in Undead Emperor.

Of course, I won’t tell the truth. To revive a country, this thing cannot be a one-stop sale.

It is impossible for us to sign a written agreement this time. On the bright side, Undead Emperors are still attacking Beyer. After these messy things have spread, they will not only shake the military hearts and morale of undeads, but also cause collusion and aggression on Mist Alliance. Stigma.

At that time, let alone international isolation, Holy Church had a reason to conduct the Northern Expedition.

“Some things you can only do, you can’t say …”

Since the Tali Republic intends to rebirth in the Northland, it will certainly send precious treasures such as personnel, magical data, historical documents, etc., and the Northland will prepare space and personnel to accept these materials and arrange for orphans and young people to study Republic’s greetings, when the progress of the resurgence of the Republic is in front of Undead Emperor, already comes naturally.

If they are satisfied, it means that they have recognized the new Tali Republic. Whoever moves north will be equal to their lifeblood.

As for the other Undead Emperor, we will not control it, and allied with me, only the Sandru in front of me.

Of course, these things must not leave words and evidence. As for the rumors that may be caused by the leakage of information … There are so many rumors these days.

The privileges of the superpowers are not just professional foreign exchange hooligans. They just deny some rumors by speaking in plain language. As long as they are not caught, the propaganda caliber and diplomats of the Mist Alliance are simply too easy.

Finally, Sandro opened his pupils, but it was blank, but the outstretched arm and the hard-squeezed smile were undoubtedly a sign of “deal”.

When the dead and the living hold their right hands together, even if the covenant in the shadow is reached. (To be continued.)

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