The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 664: Gap

Not long ago, in the abyss battlefield of San Antonio, the Holy Church camp suffered a big loss. In the face of the resurgent Great Demon empire and the Demon army, the Templars and the low-level Angel legion suffered heavy losses, and the actual losses can be borne, but Holy Church It’s hard to make up for the damage to reputation.

At this time, on behalf of the Hades and the northern forces, a brilliant victory was won, and the loser appeared to be more incompetent … Yes, in the eyes of the world, in the face of the magic tide and Danatis, they can fight With this result, already is considered a victory. As for the fall of the Elf deity, the magic tide opens here, and already is destined to be hit.

Everyone is staring at the battlefield. On the one hand, they suffered a big loss at the beginning. On the other hand, they lost a lot on the front battlefield. On the other hand, the battle was full of fruits. Not only did they keep the Elf family of fire, they also moved to the north with the heritage of the Elf empire. Next, naturally hit the prestige of Holy Church severely.

Some people have lost money and lost face in the foreign war. They don’t think about how to find their place, but they must quickly suppress their allies and subordinates, so that they will not be artificial because of lack of prestige … I just talk about it. , Absolutely did not think of someone who wants to go outside, must first settle the captain of the transportation brigade.

The rise of the southern sect, the action of the Lord of Holy Light has been blocked several times, the reputation in various countries has continued to decline, and even the parish ’s faith has been reduced. This is shaking the foundation of Holy Church. Therefore, within the church In the eyes of some forces, the side of the Hades and the man hiding behind their own development is more hateful and more dangerous than the side of the abyss.

It ’s logical to understand that “the outside must be inside first”, and the construction of an isolation zone and a line of defense is a test of the Templar camp, but if we deal with a panic, this line of isolation can play a big role Then, it really becomes a solid defensive Great Wall, exiling us “barbarians” to the northeast corner of the world.

Once the blockade is formed, Mist Alliance is also strategically passive. Mist Alliance must break through the blockade to the south, and let “the Yankees fight for themselves. Give us enough space and time for strategic preparation.” Cardinal ’s recent mantra, and if the blockade really takes shape, the actual effect will far outweigh the gains on paper.

It’s a threat to the North. This is mainly reflected in the fact that the Northland is not self-sufficient at present. Grain sales, arms sales, weapons, equipment, cotton and timber must be traded with other countries. Once interrupted, the impact will be great. Now the return team of Northern Elf is on the way. Once the owner … Never underestimate the lower limit of Holy Church. The combination of mad believers and greedy **** sticks can do any immoral behavior like good deeds, and they can treat each merchant as a Demon believer. In the end, we need to plan for complete isolation.

And if Mist Alliance really wants to support an ally, let alone the ground troops cannot go south, even the air corridor will encounter the interception of the Angel legion. It can be said that it is strategically completely isolated from the northern Mist Alliance. Once Mist Alliance intends to forcefully break , Go south first. Then the stigma of the invaders and the civil war would be left on his head.

In a sense, such as on paper, this conspiracy is indeed cunning and insidious, but let me say …

“Is this planner an idiot? He really treats other countries as pawns and fools? This strategy clearly shows the strategy of pit people as cannon fodder. Will someone be fooled?”

I’m very surprised. This is simply forcing those small countries in the south to make choices in Mist Alliance and Holy Church. The confidence from Holy Church believes that they can win a great victory. The strong dragon also has to give the face snake a face, Holy Church no matter how strong its foundation is also in the central area of ​​the mainland, this north is still Mist Alliance.

“… No, they are not idiots. They just didn’t wake up from the glory of these years, and thought they were all ten years ago. At that time, Holy Church said nothing, and the kingship could only tremble under divine power. In their eyes , I sighed, those northern barbarians didn’t hurry to kiss their boots. “

Glina‘s words are full of viciousness. But the truth was told. The principal of Holy Church probably felt that he was stationed in the north with a powerful army. Coupled with his superiority in religion, he could naturally make small countries yield.

“Maybe, a total of twelve countries, other countries did not give me information? Their plan is not already most of the success?”

The words of Reyne directly shake everyone ’s heads. Without support staff, this guy’s political vision may only see the front foot part, and he will be beaten to know that he has been counted.

I’m sure once again that there must be an administrative expert to help Reyne, and now the emergence of that princess is indeed a relief, and now, Princess Aiwei secretly pulled the corner of her “husband”, Beckoning the other party not to guess and talk, while telling the last possible truth.

“No, they are just waiting, waiting for us to open up their chips, waiting for the two countries to ask for directions, and waiting for us and Holy Church to have a ‘winning’.”

It takes courage to make a decision immediately. No matter what time, the wall grass that sways with the wind is the most. If you force those small countries to be too hard, it is equivalent to giving the wall grass to the other party.

I have a headache. The situation has changed again. If the two countries are simply joining, we can refuse for various reasons, but if they refuse now, it will be equivalent to pushing the neutral party into the arms of the other party.

If it is reluctant to answer the request of the responding party to join, it is a good thing from the long-term development of Mist Alliance. After all, we can get the food production areas we need most, but it is a devastating blow to the entire defense strategy. Suddenly the defense line will be extended to the south and give up the natural danger to defend the plain? This is really a big loss.

Maybe the dead cat met the dead mouse, or maybe the other party really counted this step. At least the Holy Church hand really made us feel a little uncomfortable.

Here is the conference hall of the Royal Palace of Lan Guo. It can be said that all the high-ranking people of Lan Guo attended the meeting, but when I put this issue out, I also mentioned the overall defense strategy of the entire Northland, and there was no voice. .

In order to increase the persuasiveness, I threw out the prepared documents and materials for them to check. In the next half hour, the conference hall only had the sound of flipping books.

When they finish digesting the information at hand, my eyes look abnormal, probably “how did you say so early”, “how can you say so?”, “you just do n’t trust your allies ? “,” Do n’t you have any confidence in the war? “, And the problems in front of me were all in front of them, all frowning.

Then the meeting went into garbage time without progress. Some advocated accepting the new ally. Someone would immediately ask him what to do on the line of defense.

Someone even put out a fraudulent method and promised to talk about it, but the fool was kicked out directly. Is it easy to earn some credibility these years?

Finally, I shook my head helplessly.

“… Drag it first.”

This matter really is in no hurry. It takes time to unite our opinions. Opposite integration also takes time, but at this time, maintaining a fairly friendly relationship with those small countries is necessary.

The people at the meeting are almost gone, but my heart is still calculating.

Is there really no way? Maybe, I have more bad ideas here. I have a solution that can only be found by each other for ten years, but now I have a stable picture, it is easy to pit people, and the end is troublesome. I value Holy Church and other Order sides more than us. Hostility.

Moreover, this hostility is not limited to the Holy Light God Faction on the side of the lord of the temple. Even the neutral God Faction and the dwarf God Faction have been distanced from us in recent years, let alone not being friendly eight years ago. . Vigilance and preparedness are becoming increasingly apparent.

“… Zha is too big.”

I have a number in my heart. This does not mean that we are not doing well. On the contrary, it is because we are doing too well.

The nature of believing in God determines that both population and belief are a kind of resource to oracles. Then, since it is a resource, the share of some people will increase, and naturally there will be fewer people.

We had such a good relationship before, except that our ideals were close to nature. More, because we have common enemies, we must fight against the oppression of the Holy Light camp within the Order camp, and externally. There are deadly enemies on the Chaos side.

Now, the God Faction on the side of the underworld has been on the stage for less than ten years, but the other God Factions have been out of breath. Successive results and victories have not only put too much pressure on the Holy Light side, but have also caused some damage to the neutral side The fact of staying away from the Order side. There are also many concerns on those neutral sides.

Besides, Elf God Faction was indirectly folded in my hands the other day. If other God Faction have no idea, I can’t believe it.

It’s mediocre to make a big move and not to be jealous. It’s easy to say, but it’s too aggressive to make the world the enemy. It’s also extremely stupid.

This is the internal hidden rules of many God Factions on the Order side. This is the proxy war under the premise of not being able to directly fight, or the right to fight with blood directly. No matter who is too strong, it will naturally be subject to other The coalition of forces was just not expected to come so fast.

I was expecting that I was wrong. This time the trouble was just a separate act of Holy Church, but my spy gave me information. The natural camp has recently come close to Holy Church, which makes people wonder.

“… Sister Laughing? Hey, it’s Aemila‘s fault …”

This time I did not throw the pot casually, and the gap between the natural camps is getting bigger and bigger, more than 70% of them have to blame Aemila.

The emergence of Wood Spirit has more natural authority than those born in ancient times. The activities of Wood Spirit and Aemila in these years have greatly expanded the authority of Hades, while at the same time in terms of nature, life, and plants. The level of display, already far exceeds the miracles of the natural camp.

Some things are difficult to explain, especially in God’s Obligation

“You say you are the master of the ancient tree? The king of the tree people? The towering tree of Wood Spirit is several times taller than your tree.”

“You say you are the guardian of life? Can you reshape your limbs? What, you need sacrifices and dedication? Need to make great contributions to the true god? False god! Wood Spirit only need a little Justice Points to be able to break from Limb remodeled! “

Too many things have happened. I can fully understand the troubles of natural God Faction. I also know that natural God Faction has sent God’s Envoy in order to show friendliness. I hope Aemila can accept natural God Faction God’s Obligation and become a member of natural God Faction.

Actually, it ’s not bad to hang a name in the natural God Faction, but the problem is …

“This is Aemila, that crazy witch …”

She not only swept out God’s Envoy, the words spoken at that time are now known to the world, and those three difficulties still prove the incompetence of natural God Faction. Every time she is mentioned, she is actually sweeping the face of the natural camp.

“God of nature? Hehe, as long as you can do the three things I do, how about becoming a member of Nature God Faction?”

The first problem, the mystery of life, the birth of the mortal body with the body of the plant … This is beyond the scope of nature God Faction, and the **** of nature cannot do it.

The second problem, the mystery of nature, allows the apple tree to bloom day by day, bear fruit in one day, fall in a day, and grow in a forest … This is something that can be done by a natural deity, but this forced the reincarnation and violated The basic law of nature is the taboo of natural God Faction.

The third problem, the mystery of the soul, allows the soul of the son of nature to obtain eternity in the forest (Wood Spirit is immortal in the forest of dreams, and the soul falling from the physical body can be regenerated) … This clearly breaks the cycle, nature Even if God Faction can do it, dare not do it.

These three puzzles undoubtedly prove the abilities of Aemila and Wood Spirit, but they have also become a shame for the natural camp. Many Daruids are still racking their brains and trying to do things without violating the teachings of nature. Three puzzles.

Well, the face is so direct and so vicious, Aemila has not become a natural camp. The enemy already can be regarded as the side of Hades. After all, for the gods, sometimes face (reputation) also represents faith, which is real. The benefits and strength.

Druids and natural sacrifices that have defected to Aemila in recent years have exacerbated the enmity between the two sides, and this animosity has naturally been implicated in Hafu God Faction.

When I think of the increasingly erratic temperament, I have a big head. The public enemies sound terrible, but in other words, everyone crosses the street and yells. I do n’t want such a development trend.

“Maybe, it’s time to be” lost “. Compared to the end of Mu Xiu’s demise in Lin Feng, it’s not necessarily a bad thing to be crushed and eaten at this time … but my Roland is not so cheap Yes, beware of spitting out more than eating. “

After clarifying the general direction, it’s easy to make a small idea. I took out a pen and paper and started the first overcast of the new year … I mean planning. (~ ^ ~)

ps: Then, Happy New Year, thank you for your support as always.

I know it is a double monthly pass now. Please ask for monthly pass support. This month’s update should be more powerful than before.

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