The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 638: Godfall

The **** moonlight guides our way. The high concentration of abyss pollution makes every indicator burst. Looking at the beasts on the ground, even the optimistic ones are also tense. “. 》 Mobile Network

This already is the third day after the outbreak of the magic tide. According to the plan, we will arrive this evening, but the plan was originally used to change, and we will encounter several batches of blocking in the middle. If we can arrive before tomorrow morning, Even fortunately.

Looking out, those blocking winged demons and dragons did not come at us, probably just the spontaneous attacks of flying demons in the magic tide. After all, the scattered pieces impacted the battleship group. What do you think? They all seem to be giving away one by one.

No battleship is required, the carrier-based aircraft will shoot them all down with already.

The magic dragons that look very powerful are actually the abyss variants of the sub-dragons like bi-winged dragons. Perhaps the magic tide has given them a stronger body, but they have not given them the mind to avoid danger and engage in air combat.

The flying monsters did not pose a threat to us, but they did hinder our speed. Sending out reconnaissance and adjusting the new engine several times made our already slower than the expected journey by another four or five hours.

As for Effina‘s message to me, “What can I do sooner?” The possibility of confirming the account is too high, I don’t want to take greater risks for unreliable benefits, and still instruct the driver to give priority to safety and stability.

As for whether Elf consumes a little more magic wave. It also makes our arrival more valuable. I said no, does anyone believe it.

Harloys supports my driving philosophy of safety first. I think she just wants to see how many of her enemies die, otherwise her Majesty is really up and it ’s not easy to deal with.

The land below us already is dark, and the dense monsters on it make the scalp numb. It seems that the magic tide does not take the Elf emperor in front of it at all, but spreads its own existence.

I’m afraid the expectations around the human kingdom are missed. Even if the entire army of Elf is destroyed. I’m afraid I can’t consume the magic wave much.

Standing in the corridor of the bridge and looking at the sky outside, there was a scene I couldn’t forget.

“Still thinking about last night’s meteor cluster”

“I hope we won’t come here for nothing.”

The meteor group is a **** meteor group. My already is even less optimistic about Elf. Last night, four dark white giant meteors fell from the sky. All the witnesses knew that it was **** meteor.

New information was quickly delivered. Two weak waiting gods, one Medium God, fell. God’s Obligation is the director of music, patrol, forest stray, and artist’s instigator. It is a second-class oracle, a subordinate **** of art. Without participating in the war, it fell directly with the sharp fall of faith.

It can be said. The small team of art God Faction in Elf God Faction was directly destroyed by the entire army.

Elf God Faction can be called the true god, there are about thirteen, but there are only two powerful Divine Strength, the guardian God of War Silver of Elf Sania and the **** of sacrifice of Moon Elf Sau Mulan, the former is considered a powerful deity. It can also be considered relatively strong. Its God’s Obligation includes war, asylum against Hero, and guardians of ranger.

The latter has always been low-key. It has a close relationship with Ansoro. It is said that he was born of God. God’s Obligation including religion is actually just the supervisor of Elf religious rituals, the guardian of nature, and the pathfinder of the Elf family. Many druids believe in this. The powerful deity of the partial God Faction.

Elf God Faction is not an iron plate. The Wood Elf gods should be counted into the neutral nature camp. Dark Elf looks like the entire army of already is destroyed. The small team of the true **** of silver Elf tends to war and guard. These gods are not related to war. They are all subordinates of Somalan.

They have a good relationship with Moon Elf, and their low beliefs are already in a dangerous zone. Now Moon Elf has been fatally threatened, and their belief safety line is almost over. They are not good at fighting and must be strong. First, the whole army is completely taken for granted.

It is one thing to challenge Danatis in the magic tide and God Lord in the kingdom of God. Any existence below a powerful deity does not have to think about being able to retreat.

And when Danatis really chose to do something, then, what could stop him from knowing if the arrangement I made would work.

The only thing I can expect is that Danatis will not be interested in those Normal Elf but even if he doesn’t act, it seems that these magic waves can destroy everything.

In a sense, when the first wave of the abyss chose the site of Elf as the breakthrough, everything in front of already became settled. This is a game where no hope or victory can be seen .

The abyss is too wide for Elf.

Too many losers in the overall strategy, no matter how hard the individual can only gain tactical short-term victory, from the overall situation, they can only reduce losses as much as possible. war.


A sudden loud noise came from afar, and a brilliant golden beam of light appeared in the sky. It was pure mana light. Shock waves and strong winds disrupted the formation of the fleet.

I looked with open eyes, and my eyes were stinging, while others around me, already covered their heads and fell down. This pure mana light, already exceeded the scope of direct vision.

“Forbidden Curse”

“Impossible, Danatis will not give them preparation time, if they start preparing for the curse, Danatis will launch the main attack without hesitation, that will die faster.”

“What is this then”

All the mana indexes are over the standard. Such a powerful mana impact may have reached the standard of forbidden spells.

Instant forbidden spells ca n’t be mentioned before. If this level is true, Elf will not be forced into this field, then, most likely.

Divine Strength crystal fragments did not expect them to succeed”

The person who knows you best is always your enemy, Harloys actually knows what it is

Elf maintain their belief in the gods and human are completely different. Their understanding of the gods is similar to Mage, and they sneaked into the forbidden area of ​​the gods long ago

Moon Elf was originally the religious director of the old Elf empire. Their understanding of the mystery of the deities has a long history, and the Divine Strength crystal is an attempt to bind Divine Strength with mortal things and let mortals use Divine Strength.

If you can reserve Divine Strength like a mana pool, faith will become another currency, in a sense. Elf people really dare to think and dare to do it.

Previous God’s Obligation players have obtained magic. Often, the “gifts” of the true God must be passed, and the number must be limited. After all, the source of faith must be used to strengthen the oracle itself, which is definitely less than half of the annual tax revenue and the public financial expenditure. The oracle must also ensure revenue and expenditure. Balance and benign development. The divine magic and Divine Strength given depend on the mood of the deities and the favor of the God’s Obligation. The total quantity and quality are discounted.

If you can store mana like Olivia Magic Box, use a fixed container to store Divine Strength. Perhaps, even if the oracles are set aside, they can still use the magic, and the power will theoretically increase significantly.

If successful. Their priests are also almost endless divine magic but this will obviously irritate all the gods. In essence, this is no different from the blasphemy priest stealing Divine Strength.

No, considering that if Divine Strength can be saved, traded, and become a currency, God’s ignorance will be greatly reduced, and the lofty status and status of God will be seriously challenged. I’m afraid this death is more than a blasphemy.

“It’s really wanton, those Elf deities make them so nonsense”

“This is the research project of Gold Elf, only Moon Elf took over.”

Harloys‘s words are full of sighs, and Golden Elf once again demonstrated what it means to be wanton and to die.

I do n’t need to say how Harloys is known. She has a lot of students and spies in the country of Mage. How can there be fewer in the Elf family? Considering that the layout has been at least thousands of years, it is impossible for already to be mixed with high-level staff .

So, the scene in front of you is well understood. The Moon Elf was forced to use a trump card and the reserve Divine Strength was detonated. The pure positive energy’s lethality to Demon is extremely terrible, but this is a double-edged sword. Swords, even through the immediate crisis, the Order gods of human will not let them go.

“The latest announcement of the little fairy, the sacrificial **** Suo Mulan who descended from the body, was still severely damaged by Danatis.

Okay, it seems that the judgment we just made was beaten. What is the Divine Strength crystal there? Obviously it is the last Holy Light of the true god. In other words, it seems that I have not even seen the outbreak of Divine Strength before the fall of the powerful god. It looks like this.

“Oh, Harloys

After the beam of light erupted, the huge white meteorite cut through the sky. It was the already piece of meaningless kingdom of God.

I was looking for Harloys with interest, and I was going to look at her current expression. I just vowed to make an inference now, and that was the moment.

“Somulan is dead haha, that ’s really something to celebrate. No, the biggest reception is going to be held tonight. No drinking is allowed. We are here for strength.”

Harloys already ca n’t find North, the other senior Elf patriarchs are embarrassed, and it is not easy to stop him from coming.

I almost forgot that there are a bunch of Harloys‘s enemies in Elf God Faction. Since the Somulin and Ansoro are so close, most of them are also the great enemies of Harloys.

As for the wrong judgment just made, in front of the good news that the enemy hanged up, her already doesn’t matter.

Looking at people coming crazy, I really planned to pull the Harloys of the party Elf, and I shook my head helplessly.

“It seems she trusts you.”

Didina popped up suddenly, but it was a bit uncomfortable. After all, she was the Lord of the Abyss. I always sent someone to follow her carefully. She also played a role in coming along.

“At this critical moment, she still has no worries. Naturally, she trusts that you can handle the things in front of you, and you don’t know that you will face Danatis”

“Oh, you will see.”

I didn’t say much. Even if her identity is a bit special, trust still needs time to accumulate. Taking her with her is enough to show her face and reveal the next strategic plan.

This is not something to guard against, but the necessary caution of an old churros. Some things, the less you always know, the better.

I can understand Dina’s concerns about the Elf family, but I don’t intend to explain it to her.

“So, can you tell me how you plan to escape from the tide with Elf, it seems that it is not enough to just count on these warships.”

Of course it ’s not enough. Now the full population of the Elf “Empire” is on the moon wheel, even if it ’s full, it ’s definitely not enough. It ’s not even enough to bring children and the elderly, let alone Elf people cannot leave by themselves I can’t go home empty-handed.

And if you open the way in the magic tide with a great migration, then the picture should not be too beautiful.

“Have you heard of the Horet Mountains”

“. Do you plan to cross the cliff but it will take several days to go back and forth, if you repeatedly ship it”

From the human kingdom layer by layer, it is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and dangerous. The Horet mountain range is regarded as an insurmountable mountain range. The magic tide should not go silly to climb snow mountains. It’s safe, and my goal is just to let those Elf live through this catastrophe, and leave them at that time. Those young and promising people can be brought to the north.

As for how to cross the magic tide with Elf and cross the impossible mountains, that’s my own business.

Facing Dedina’s worries, I nodded with a smile. I didn’t continue to answer, and I just got up and left.

It’s almost the same time. From now on, when I arrive at my destination, I should have about 24 hours to prepare.

“I’m out of company, I still have something personal.”

After getting up and leaving, I went directly to Mage Tower of Northern Light Hao. The renovation work started from the departure. Until now, the preparatory work there should end at already.

“So, let me prepare a gift for Danatis. Oh, I don’t know what Elf saw when I saw my gift.

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