The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 629: Resurgence of chaos

I originally planned to record the ceremony of the resurgence of the Elf empire. After all, no matter from that point of view, this is a super event that will be recorded in history.

In order to cooperate with the propaganda, I even intend to use this familiar “eight-strand essay” to write about this historical event and analyze its impact on the entire world.

“In fd8, the ceremony for the establishment of the Elf Empire led by the Harloys Queen was held as scheduled in the small town of Cindir. This ceremony symbolizes the establishment of the Northern Elf Empire and has extremely important historical significance. Participate in the ceremony and serve as the top four Elf stands for Wood Elf for Kelly, Feng Keer, Dark Elf for Diana, Victoria, Steele, Moon Elf for Suanna, Mullster, Silver Elf for Celtis, Carl K. The ceremony ended in a solemn and solemn atmosphere , It took eleven minutes and seventeen seconds … “

Sorry, I ca n’t edit it anymore, because I really do n’t know how to take a whole process of 27 minutes, and 70% of the time is used for the solemn and serious bullshit ritual written by the full name of Elf.

If you have to record, you can probably only write down these processes.

The ceremony was announced and everyone applauded.

The emcee began to read the list of the main personnel at the meeting. Everyone first heard it carefully. After all, these names may be the first founding heroes in the future. Then the emperor retells the surrounding Elf with perfect rolling tongue. But just to shout out the name of the glorious aristocracy in the opera tune, a large number of onlookers below went to sleep and in a daze.

Considering that time is limited, the emcee only read the name of the main representative, which must be registered to represent the pillar class of the Elf empire, but it still took twenty-three or four minutes.

If it ’s a meaningful speech, it ’s okay to say, but the whole process is a roundabout and meaningless syllables, and all kinds of unnecessary etiquette words, I am afraid that Elf itself will feel boring … well, Elf are boring and boring I don’t know, as the ritual witness, the first row of Adam fell asleep, and the Elf next to him was staring at him.

And finally it’s time for drama. Harloys came to power, put on a gold crown, picked up a cane that symbolized royal power, and gave his first speech after taking office.

“Swear in my father’s name. I’ll do it well, that’s it.”

Well, just this sentence, and then there are amazing cheers …

“Is it finally possible to cook?” Adam woke up at this time, drooling. The surrounding Elf looked at him with disgust, although everyone was very boring, but this was the one who couldn’t sleep without face.

I’m going to write a note for him here, and I will send it to the little fairy newspaper tomorrow to make him famous!

“How did he offend you again?”

“This guy said he was going to have a dozen kids, form a basketball team, and also said that it is not safe now, and he will be born after Holy War! It was enough to leave the group alone, but he was happy in front of a bachelor. Huh? I want to make him famous! Make him think that ugly manners offend those sharp-eyed sharp ears.

‘……. What do I think the Adam flag is still the most dangerous one. “

“Well, why are you … have you become a cat again?”

I just found out that the golden Elf on the stage is gorgeous and noble, but it is just an Avatar, and the real Harloys falls on my shoulder.

“Avoid being attacked by snipers, the average tenure of emperors and queens these years is too short …”

I said something I didn’t believe. The black cat leaned against my cheek, rubbed it twice, and licked it. Cool, itchy.

“I think it’s more comfortable like this.”

“… You are so cunning.”

My words stunned Harloys, and she looked at me with surprise. It seems like I have seen something rare, such as blooming iron wood, falling meteor showers, and the like.

“Did you know?”

“Well, I haven’t been stupid … What is ‘swearing in the name of my father that I will do well’? If your dad falls into reincarnation and there is no news, probably you will take it seriously, but this is the case. Not equal ‘I swear in the name of Dedina that I will do my best, and I’ll find her whenever things happen’. You are not cunning. “

The dead cat laughed suddenly, it was very happy, and then I also laughed …

“Go there, bit me what I do!”

Then I added another cat ear cap on top of my head.

The ceremony is simple, but the symbolic meaning is not simple.

First of all, when the Emperor Elf and King Elf inherited the throne, they wore crowns, but they were replaced by gods such as Elf God Faction and high priests. The king and emperor also thanked and worshiped the Elf gods. Symbolism naturally means that the kingship is under the supervision of theocracy.

And this time, Harloys puts on the crown directly, there is no Elf gods to visit during the whole process, and those who are not invited again are beaten back. There are two incarnations of the gods of the underworld as the audience. What is the symbol? Needless to say more.

After completing the ascension ceremony for only half an hour, the interview work continued until midnight. Thanks to these activities, I could do it on the floating ship. Otherwise, it would be really painful to waste this time.

Yes, interview. Maybe it ’s more appropriate to divide the loot.

A new empire has been established. Although it is a member of Mist Alliance, it must still have its own territory, organization, and people. Then someone has society, and society has exploitation and class … I am Talking about the division of labor.

Perhaps merging Mist Alliance later can break the border. At this time, don’t irritate Elf too much, follow the ancient system first.

According to the Elf empire of the Elf ancient law “revival”, the four upper Elf support the rule of gold Elf, and also divided the royal rights and glory. Then, the positions, rights and responsibilities of the four upper Elf must be To divide, maybe time is not enough to reach the individual, but drawing a large frame is necessary for the peace of mind.

“Others are killing and killing you, but you are decentralizing and decentralizing, isn’t this what divides the loot?”

“…. Obviously under the guidance of the gold Elf, the major Elf fulfilled their destiny according to the talents given by their creators, and guided the Elf to the revival. What a bright and honest thing came to your mouth It’s so dirty. “

“Come on, look at the guys who have suffered, but they are greedy and innocent. What’s the difference between sharing the loot? I just always tell the truth.”

Harloys is dumb, the appearance of Elf in reality and Elf in fairy tales are no different, but there is a huge difference between them. Careful eyes and vanity are the nature of these sharp ears. The upper Elf has been standing above Normal Elf since birth. already is accustomed to various forms of struggle for interests, how can it easily make concessions.

All night, sharing the spoils … the interview operation never stopped. But what made me unexpected was that none of the top four Elf “temporary patriarchs” was mine.

The patriarch of Wood Elf is “Mori no Elf” Feng Keer Wen Cazorla (a bunch of provinces), is the famous Druid in Wood Elf, and is also a moderate party famous in Druid The coexistence faction was taken for granted as patriarch.

He is only over 400 years old, and is a ruddy Wood Elf big man. As a Wood Elf big druid, he should just be in his prime, it is a little strange, and I seem to be a little shivering.

“… Your Highness, we met once. I was just a druid shortly after that. You left a very deep impression on me. And Voice of Nature is telling me that your soul is stronger than it was then. It’s over. “

Have you seen that year? I don’t remember seeing the Wood Elf Arch Druid. Hey, your staff has dropped? Why did you run away.

“… Ah, I have heard of him, he is a survivor of the Ice Age, and it is said that he has fallen ill, and will not be able to stop when it snows, and now I am seeing you …”

The true body of Harloys is on my shoulder, but Avatar is still meeting other Elf. It can really be distracted, but her words made me understand instantly.

“Oh. This is the conditioned reflex that when I was a kid, I used popsicles to get my teeth, when I saw popsicles, I would get cold automatically? I understand.”

“Absolutely not the same thing! You make popsicles in your Ice Age … Damn, you were brought into the ditch.”

Looking at my druid who still can’t keep peeping at me in the distance, I feel a little uncomfortable … This is not to fear revenge. Just being so secretly targeted by a middle-aged man, his face suddenly turned red and red, which made people feel a little sick.

The temporary patriarch of Wood Elf is really a “temporary”, because the number of Wood Elf in Northern Elf is not much, it is mainly just a number, and naturally does not have any permissions. But the other three races are not a minority.

Dark Elf Patriarch Steele, without a surname, is said to be the younger sister of the Lorci virgin (Lorci illegitimate daughter) that year, the unlucky egg that was captured by Harloys, but she does not have the bloodline of Lorci … Considering Dark Elf‘s circle is so messy that it ’s impossible to tell who ’s father or mother. The circle is so dark that everyone is black inside and out. Elf ’s social style, just from these known things, the inside story. There are probably a few novels about resentment and resentment.

Victoria has always been ambitious. Her blasphemy sacrificing profession already has been played with flowers. The entire Dark Elf society already has no deities, but there are a lot of pan-beliefs, and even the penetration of Ansoro has failed … I think again Regardless of her after two hundred years, Sealed God is taken for granted at any time.

Aside from my support, her biggest hole card is that she has a good sister who is excellent but not ambitious. Today’s Diana and already are more and more like Dark Elf.

It can be said that Victoria already has the strongest military and religious power in the Dark Elf society and is a veritable uncrowned king, but she is obviously cunning enough. She has no intention of taking the position of patriarch, nor has her sister who is not good at politics … … She is really forcibly superior, I will take precautions, maybe I will do something, she also knows that I am wary of her, I have always maintained a humble and prudent behavior, and does not interfere with Dark Elf too much, but she does n’t know, But the more she played this way, the more I felt that she was deep-hearted and really dangerous. Considering the glorious past of “His” in “History”, if I hang it up and no one can hold it back, I am afraid that something will happen.

“Alas … sorry, sorry, accidentally telling the truth.”

Looking at the Dark Elf patriarch girl who was crying in front of me, I quickly and sincerely apologized, but as soon as I apologized, the girl really shed tears.

But do n’t worry about this girl. In fact, Dark Elf in Northern Elf is the strongest family. Their heritage is still there. There are many people in the underground world. The racial talent of Anti-magic will be extremely useful in the fierce future of Elemental Tide. With a complete system of power, as well as powerful combat positions such as blasphemy and anti-Holy Knight, the rise is almost inevitable.

“It seems that for the sake of balance, it is necessary to suppress Dark Elf … Ah, I have said it, I’m sorry. Little girl, don’t cry, I won’t hit you, just suppress, suppress.”

Yeah, crying louder, okay, already scared the two patriarchs into tears. I’ll just rest.

Silver Elf‘s patriarch is Celtis. Rufen. Kamsey. Silver Gun (a dozen dozen in the province), a handsome **** handsome Elf, he is a hero of the battlefield in Silver Elf, and a young military officer. The core is also one of the culprits of the split of silver Elf … but Harloys‘s look at him is extremely unfriendly.

“Silver Gun Family …”

I will not forget that it was the Silver Gun family who rebelled against Elf in gold. The two predecessors were still on the Harloys kill list, but now the silver Elf has just returned. Naturally, it is the original leader. There is no sufficient reason. I just ca n’t change it.

“Well, there are double electric eyes, and we are still dedicated to Harloys (Avatar) ……. Harloys, how do you feel as an onlooker and party?”

“Silver gun, silver gun, silver gun …”

Well, Avatar smiles like flowers, seems to be amused by the joke, the real body Harloys is still tangled, and it will probably happen if you don’t grit your teeth. It seems that in the future, the nobleman of the silver gun family will enjoy a treasure trove of top bosses. Little shoes too.

The last Moon Elf is the most troublesome.

They have not yet decided who will be the patriarch. The kings of the three Moon Elf kingdoms in the north can’t reach a consensus, and the most recent Suanna, we have firmly rejected the request to be the patriarch.

“I am undead, how can I care too much about the power of the living. Now that my tribe already has passed the disaster, my already intends to resign to His Highness.”

But the problem is that there are only three Moon Elf kingdoms in the Northland. Originally, joining Mist Alliance was very reluctant and the general trend. The internal situation is extremely complicated. In order to trust each other, Suanna is the only person that both parties can accept.

“Do n’t you go, who do we look for to carry pots and be a buffer wall? These four receiving bags are hard to find”

After thinking about it for a long time, I said a word, but it attracted everyone ’s attention, or in more detail, it scared a group of people.

Suanna, do you want resurrection? I can do it.” (~ ^ ~)

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