The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 619: Fate and Elf

“Mother God cares most about her favorite child Elf.”

If the creator also has his own preference, then the Elf family is undoubtedly the most favored child.

The handsome and long-skinned life is strong and the talents with a preference for magic and martial arts may be superior to Elf and royal Elf. They all have the potential beyond the ordinary. All of this comes from the creator’s favor.

And these graces have also created a unique Elf culture, a talent for combat and a long life, allowing them to reach the pinnacle of the multiverse in magic and martial arts, and form a highly hierarchical but tightly divided social structure .

Born with a beautiful face, coupled with the sensitivity and relentless pursuit of beautiful things, their art, music, and literature have reached a point of extravagance and waste, and this has also given them a long-standing ethnic culture, following the long ice age. As for falling apart.

Elf, the most beloved child of the Creator, this is the truth that no soul can deny.

No civilization has such a long history. The oldest gold, Elf, was a gold citizen born with the first batch of Ancient Dragon Demon. It can be said that it was born at the beginning of the world.

Elf has played against Great Demon in the history, exchanged technology with sage civilization, and even taught ancient human what is magic in modern times. Their glory is too long and too long.

“Don’t discuss history and art in front of Elf, just like bragging about courage in front of Beastfolk.” This old proverb may say a lot.

Holy War is cruel. Other dominant races lose their “protagonist” status and often die in history, such as the Great Demon Empire Sage civilization dwarf city-state undead Republic, and Elf that has experienced several Holy War, but only gradually Exited the stage of history.

This is not only because of the creator ’s grace and the potential of the race, but also because in the past Elfs were very good at dealing with other races and stood on the side of the winner at many key points in history.

undead Republic sage civilization human Mage country in modern times, they have all been more or less favored by Elf. Under the guidance of the gold Elf, the Elf Empire always expressed puzzling friendliness to the new and noble races other than Great Demon.

But perhaps Correct because of this slightly weaker style of work, let the gold Elf gradually be eager for greater glory and forever higher Elf opposition.

“Why should we lower our heads to treat those inferior monkeys”

“Why do we move into forests and mountains?”

“Why can’t we simply eliminate those inferior races?”

With the passage of time and the coming and going of Elemental Tide, Golden Elf, like other races from ancient times, has come to an end. The decrease in elemental strength has caused the fertility rate of the golden Elf, which is an ancient race, to gradually decrease. In the last generation, the birth of each golden Elf can allow the Empire to hold the grandest ceremony.

On the other hand. The previous Holy War race wars damaged the top gold Elf immortals. The spiritual decline caused the seniors Elf to fall into perpetual sleep, and the young generation was insufficient. The other lower Elf upper Elf naturally gradually occupied the upper class of society.

Are you familiar? Yes, the current Moon Elf silver Elf society is also facing the same problem. The number and quality of the lower races have come up. Naturally, the upper races that are getting weaker and weaker are naturally not used. This has nothing to do with the stupid and intelligent decisions of the upper races. What is happening is that as society changes, the power of all social strata is rebalanced. The new mainstream class has re-selected agents.

It is as if the change in productivity has led to a change in society. In the magical world, the replacement of upper-level combat power and strategic personnel naturally leads to social change, or the whole society is calling for change.

At this time, no matter what Gold Elf does, it is wrong. Therefore, the high-ranking Elf holding the banner of freedom has rebelled collectively. The rebellion is not only a mortal thing. The big shuffle of Elf God Faction is the key. The end result was the demise of all members of the gold Elf, the death of the mortal mortal, and only Harloys re-Wake up after a few hundred years. But already things are wrong.

However, Cheng He also defeated Xiao He. The golden Elf family who ruled the Elf family for many years is obviously wise. Even if they must decentralize, they have given the country’s most important military religion, people’s livelihood and diplomacy to different superior Elf. Although such a political structure has led to the emergence of family groups in the higher Elf, it also allows them to restrict each other.

Also. Also buried the cause of future destruction.

When the top existence, the golden Elf, fell, the four top Elfs with similar strengths faced the most headaches. They are not far apart from each other. No one wants to be a subordinate willingly, but if they immediately pull the knife and It was too stupid to see, so for a while, the parliamentary system and the patriarchal system seemed to be the only options.

Result? Now the scattered Elf tribe and Elf kingdom are proof. Some things just need to look at the results. From Elf to decline, the turning point lies in the collapse of the Elf Great Emperor country. The loss of the balance and lubrication of the gold Elf can only make everything start to get out of control.

Dark Elf and Lorci were exiled as defeat losers. Wood Elf and the Druid Alliance withdrew from the Elf empire to join the neutral natural camp. Other high-ranking Elf‘s crusade against Wood Elf, Moon Elf, and silver Elf broke. If the gold Elf is still there, these historical events Nothing will happen.

When the top of the head was taken down, the upper Elf and Elf gods all swelled after they tasted the joy of victory and the right to power. They all thought that they could replace the “corrupt and weak gold Elf” to lead Elf. A better tomorrow … Then the superior Elf, which was originally different in nature, began to intervene in the opponent’s field, and the constant friction eventually escalated into a civil war, followed by another Holy War, which caused the Elf Great Emperor country to return to the tribal system.

If the prodigal is a swift one, I am afraid that few races can compete with the superior Elf. Of course, they will not admit it. Everything is “other people’s fault”, “all this world’s fault”, ” It’s all a conspiracy of gold Elf “… Although there is more or less the responsibility of gold Elf, but everyone will be dug out and shot, which is really quite miserable.

When the branches of Elf were branch family, everyone was very happy. The idea of ​​”at last there is no such drag” is probably there, but the days are getting more and more sad. Naturally, some people will miss the old dynasty. The entire ethnic group was surpassed by “short-lived monkeys” such as human and became more and more marginalized. The life of Elf is getting worse. Began to miss the era of Great Emperor.

With the accumulation of difficult years, more and more high-level Elf miss the glory of the past, and then in the eyes of some old antiques, I feel a lot of irony of fate.

And now. Elf have once again reached a turning point in their fate.

Moon Elf has established a new Elf empire in name. It is regarded as fulfilling the wish, and at the moment, the fulfillment of this wish is indeed of practical significance.

First. It nominally ruled all Elf, then, when the emperor was threatened, would Elf strongmen be obliged to rescue? And if someone escaped the capital of the moon at this time, can he be said to be a deserter and a shameless traitor?

The answer is yes. There is no shortage of old-fashioned and dogmatists in the Elf family. The Moon Elf have not given up hope. They long for only a hint of hope.

Every day, there are countless reinforcements from all over the world to the capital of the moon. There are Wood Elf druids and ranger coming out of the forest, Demi-Elf and human mercenaries admiring the Elf culture, and young fighters eager for merit and glory.

“Maybe the information is wrong? Maybe the magic tide is not as desperate as in historical records? Maybe we still have reinforcements, we have the care of the gods, we can survive this magic tide, we can survive this disaster Ugh. “

Perhaps this fluke seems silly, but if you think about it, there is a very accurate prediction that an island nation on the earth is about to sink into the sea in ten days. What will happen?

Because there are too many people and too short a time, the great escape is too late, and even those islanders who fled to other countries are kindly accepted. It has only become a refugee, and the country is completely over, and even the homeland is gone. Is this nation still considered existence? Even if existence, is he free?

And if it ’s like Elf, the national Elf is still the most valuable slave in the eyes of human. The actual situation is even more terrifying than just assumed.

If there is a great escape from Elf and countless Elfs flee to other countries chaotically, will the border line of human jump out of more than a dozen slave-catching squads? Count on the discipline and lower bound of those human nobles?

To be honest, such assumptions and decisions are too difficult to make, but no matter how you look at them, no matter what decisions Elf makes, it is a scene of despair.

If the decision to escape is made, it is tantamount to announcing the end of the Moon Elf empire in advance, and the ensuing Elf catastrophe and humanitarian disaster, but any Elf executive cannot bear the historical responsibility. In their eyes, that It is also equal to the chronic death of the entire Elf family. It is better to face the doomsday crisis together.

Furthermore, driven by various luck attitudes, already rumors spread that the magic wave will not appear in the capital of the moon, this is just human‘s rumors to break down the Elf empire,

Don’t say, this rumor is circulating. Many people really believe it. After all, people always like to listen to what is good for them.

Now, all countries in the world are stunned by Moon Elf. They do n’t have any rumors. This seems to be an official acquiescence. They are actually whitewashing peace?

Moon Elf‘s attitude is very clear. Now I have at least rebuilt the Elf empire and left a trace in history. I was addicted. If I can survive it, I will make a lot of money. If I can use Dayi to recruit some reinforcements, maybe The chances of getting through the crisis will also increase a lot.

In some people ’s eyes, this kind of fluke mentality is the most stupid, you are all in a pit. At this time, pulling people into the pit together, is everyone happy to die together?

The most sensible at this time is naturally shouting “don’t care about me”, and then obediently go to the pit to die, so that you can keep the Elf bone blood as much as possible, but many times, especially when life is threatened, wisdom creature‘s perceptual instinct will far exceed rationality.

Perhaps, those split silver Elfs have seen through all this, and chose to go north, but they seem to be too late for already.

Perhaps, it was the creator who did not want to see the Elf tribe collapse, and only then drove the invisible hand of fate and touched key people at the critical moment.

“Come here, Roland, I found it here, it’s very interesting.”

At this time, I was a bit surprised when I heard Harloys‘s exclamation, because there is a rare surprise and joy in the soul link. Is there anything that can make the well-known Harloys so happy.

I don’t look forward to the treasure house of the succubus lord too much, because these old guys have a habit of not putting the real treasures in their own homes, or being robbed by the enemies is not just a loss of people and a fortune … Well, I admit that I also dug a lot of treasure trove. Draw a bunch of real and fake treasure maps.

As for the treasure house at home? How much to keep something, so that others will not be empty-handed to kill and vent their anger, after all, no one can really succeed in preventing thieves.

I looked at Didina in surprise. I didn’t expect her to be so “new and tender”? But then. From the unsurprising surprise on her face, it seemed that she was also very surprised.

Into the treasure house, I didn’t accidentally see a bunch of golden light with flashing eyes, but without my identification, those gold coin mountains are not fantasy gold coins of little dwarfs. It is the cursed gold coin of Devil.

In the midst of golden light, Harloys and Magaret are busy around some shabby antique furniture. Among them, a white oak classical dressing table is repeatedly wiped with a wet towel.

Roland, this is the dresser I used in the past”

Harloys only showed me the treasures, maybe I saw that my own supplies were too exciting, and my mental age seemed to show signs of deterioration.

Find me just for this? I said angrily.

“Yes, yes, the furniture of that year can be super antiques, and you have further proved your fossil age … Strange?”

At this time in the past, the dead cat already incarnation flying cat bit over. Today, she was a little excited and strange.

“Huh, you know you don’t know the goods, look at them.”

Harloys stood in front of the dresser’s mirror, and apparently transformed into an adult form, showing in the shabby mirror, but the young blonde Elf.

She took a deep breath, her fingertips lightly mirrored, but there were ripples slowly.

She touched her neck, and the girl in the mirror did the same. However, there was one more golden yellow sapphire necklace, and the next time, the same gold necklace appeared on the neck of Harloys.

She nodded her forehead playfully, and a small and lovely golden crown appeared in the forehead.

She reached out her hand into the mirror. Shake, no matter inside or outside the mirror, there is an extra golden scepter.

“The last gold crown of Willpower of tears of Elf emperor of Avis … Gold Elf royal family’s God Equipment three-piece suit lost Elf emperor’s certificate”

Didina actually recognized this already treasure that disappeared in history, and I re-estimated her age and value, but this time, I felt inexplicably wrong. Seems super troublesome already ridden.

Looking at the smiling Harloys, I should have found a baby accidentally. I should be pleasantly surprised, but this series of “coincidence” reminded me of the previous God of Destiny conversation with Catiro.

“Catillo, can you really control your destiny? So, can you help me change my fortune … I do n’t need fortune or anything, just give me a little woman and give me a slightly normal woman Alright … “

“… I feel a bit shameful, can I pretend I don’t know you?”

At that time, the underworld already was established. The two talked privately and secretly. Cartier was in a good mood, but it was a rare joke.

But I was n’t kidding at the time, a dry daughter was still playing the same old place x, saying that already is not shameful but terrible, I want a normal girlfriend to form a normal family With two normal children, is this excessive?

But then, Catiro is coming, and now that fate is mentioned, it must be taken seriously.

“Change of luck? Other people may be able, but you are not possible. Each individual is led to bullshit by countless lines of cause and effect. They yelled to get rid of the fate of fate, but did not know that it was part of fate. “

“Each existence has its own destiny, or ordinary life, or hero I, in the river of destiny, but there is no essential difference. The silk of this destiny is determined when they are born.”

At this point, Cartier gave me a playful look, as if there was something in it.

“As the guardian of the Temple of Destiny and the River of Destiny, I can cut and relink the line of cause and effect, but to give an individual good luck in certain aspects, naturally I will give him equal weight of doom. This is destiny. Ground rules. “

“This change is limited. The destiny line of others can be watched in the long river of destiny, but after I leave, I automatically forget it and cannot reveal the slightest change. No matter what kind of change I make, it is part of destiny itself. . “

I’m not surprised when I hear it.

“It doesn’t matter if you have a lot of money, peach blossom is enough.”

“Maybe this can be regarded as changing destiny. And you, from the beginning, were not in the river of cause and effect. You can change the destiny of those around you, but you have no luck at all. You should be no luck. … Saying the worst of luck.

I still remember him seeing incomprehensible sympathy in my eyes.

“I can implicate the marriage of other people to you, but this is equivalent to challenging the original rules of the river of destiny, throwing cause and effect into the void, and not only will I be punished, but the peach blossom will definitely become a peach blossom. … “

“Then you have a hair use? The Lord of Destiny is so useless? Thanks to you, you are still a powerful deity, so useless.”

I was very upset at that time, and all yelled out, but Cattil then laughed.

“Yes, God of Destiny is really useless in the face of the invisible hand of fate, in the face of the inevitable confluence of countless accidents …”

It is obvious that he is weak, but the master of fate seems to show off the greatness of fate.

“… No matter how I change and layout, I can’t afford the fate of that fate. Roland, I give you a piece of advice, maybe you are not in fate, but the people and things you brought bullshit to are also in fate. In the long river, unless you are willing to cut off all concerns, in the end, you still cannot escape. “

The funny smile made my scalp numb, and I once again determined that the most annoying thing in this world is the magic stick, especially when talking about half of the magic stick.

Now, looking at Harloys who is showing my baby to people, I feel more and more scalp.

“Dammit, where have I been pitted again?” To be continued.

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