The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 613: New goals

From the beginning, when Heng was constrained by destiny in the land of Hades, her defeat was decided by already. 》

I once gave her a chance to coexist peacefully, and even opened up some research materials and permissions for Yongye City to let her have a place of residence, which is equivalent to actively releasing goodwill.

In fact, I sent goodwill, not just Heng, an individual, staying on the line, but also for the sake of seeing and getting along with Heng in the future. When I negotiate with the undead Republic in the future, I have an extra hand. A hole card.

Actually, my scout ’s Tali Republic ’s clerk did n’t have a big grudge against me. Even if Aso died because of me, Aso died in their consciousness. The executives looked at death very lightly, but they had some recognition of me as a “descendant” who could drive the sacrifice of the seniors.

“As long as you achieve this level, you can be called undead Master-Undead Emperor.”

Because of Aso ’s last bequest, when Dreamland Forest, I found that Normal ’s high-end undead even agreed with my undead‘s identity, except that I was “the enemy of the enemy”, and even undead regarded me as Aso. The successor should inherit the legacy of Aso.

This is the world of undead. Valuing competence and strict levels, if the ghoul apprentice of Aso does not confirm that he is better than me, then his identity of Aso heir will not be recognized in the undead world.

I am not hostile to undead. I still have some sympathy and admiration for those executives who still care about the past and insist on rebuilding the country. But for the competition of living spaces in multiple countries and races, personal intentions are meaningless. Not stupid enough to be a peaceful martyr.

Now that the undead army and the human kingdom are fighting against you, the two sides have no intention to stop fighting for survival space, and when both sides cannot afford the loss of war. Perhaps, I, “the heir of Aso” and “the strongest undead master in the new generation”, may be a suitable mediator.

“I can find you a new‘ Main Realm ’, a rich new land that can be used to rebuild your republic.”

Providing Spring Land as an alternative is my greatest sincerity. Especially when I learned that what Aso hopes to recover is a country where the living and the dead coexist.

But I also know that only Eich is the native land in the eyes of Undead Emperor. This is sincerely after the undead Republic has determined that the return of Eich cannot be considered by those Undead Emperor.

I took the initiative to express goodwill. Naturally, I look forward to receiving a goodwill response. I am satisfied that Heng can become a bridge between the two sides, but when she betrayed our covenant on the battlefield and decided to join Devil to kill me, our There is no possibility of reconciliation.

I’m not a saint who slapped his left face and stretched out his right face. There is also no intention to step in twice. After the personnel are neat, I was the first to clean up the aftermath … Big deal, I communicate with other Undead Emperor, maybe I will communicate much better than this crazy woman.

So, after Heng lost the role of the Tali Republic Bridge, she probably left her own value.

Kill her? That is impossible, a God Lord-level existence is too difficult to completely eliminate. Not to mention a lot of tricks for the high caster to escape death when her soul fire goes out here. There is a good chance that a new soul fire is lit somewhere.

Considering that her soul is bound here, it is very likely that the newly born ** will also be revived or forcibly transferred to the place of the soul, but there is still a chance to let it escape, I do n’t want to take this risk.

Even if she is reborn as a Skeleton Soldier, in a hundred years, a more powerful Undead Emperor will return. Even if I’m not afraid of trouble myself, I have to think about future generations …

Why, I think too much? For my luck, there can be no children or grandchildren …

I … I will have a wife and offspring! Even the malice of the world can’t stop me! Big deal … Big deal, I’ll go find a son!

Cough, get down to business. The only practical way to deal with such troublesome guys as Fu Heng is to seal them like the cursed king before and let them sleep for 10,000 years.

But before I can make up for my loss, I can’t just let him sleep well.

It’s two different things to exchange research data with each other before. You are now in my hands. If you don’t spit out all the research results, how can I be willing.

The last reason, okay, this accounts for at least 50%. I admit that I have no confidence in sealing a God Lord. The four-element seal is indeed very powerful, but the number of God Lord is too small to be clearly identified Cases of seal success.

The seal’s ruggedness is like an iron lock. With its advanced design concept, its ruggedness will also control the ability and materials of the manufacturer.

If I really want to semi-permanently seal a God Lord, I will prepare a better four-element God Armament, but that is a lot of investment, and I have to wait for me to enter the demigod stage.

In a sense, God Lord is really a trouble, it’s hard to die clean and not say, once you escape, you will have a lot of fun, and how to deal with it is not proper.

But in history, it seems that there is really only God Lord who was killed in battle. It has not been captured, especially the precedent of low-ranking ones. It is not good to deal with it, but it is not wrong.

“Look at the treatment of the top caster first.”

The caster without mana is waste. A mana pool for extracting Mage mana is very simple. There is a precedent for Mage in the country of Mage to punish mistakes and commit crimes. The mana extraction room plus the mana pipeline prevents it from accumulating a trace of mana.

“… The mana pipelines will not spit up. Isn’t this a leash on the neck? I also painted a three-headed double-headed Wang. Are you afraid the dog will lose it?”

The magic ring on the neck is a special Magaret. I am very happy to reinforce it with the frozen ice with many secrets hidden in it. In order to worry about the depression, I also painted my cutest The image of the two-headed dog Xiaobao and Xiao Bas, I am really kind and treat the captives too kindly.

“You look at that look, she definitely wants to kill you at all costs, no, she should want to die with you.”

“I’m used to it. The guys I was locked into in the dungeon all had this virtue.”

As for other dirty tricks that are extremely effective for prisoners. Taking the experience of building a dungeon under the house at that time to extract points is really not enough to tell others, and Eliza already is preparing … I suddenly feel that Eliza is also a good thing, at least many things are helped.

Cough, that ’s all for Heng, let time prove it all.

“Our next target. Arroyo, the sun god, he should be on the abyss 372.”

I haven’t forgotten the fundamental purpose of the abyss. Although I was provoked several times by Devil and Demon, it is the most important thing for me to complete the Epic weapon as soon as possible and reach the peak combat power to cope with the future.

After so many years of accumulation, I have the strongest blood ability in history. This time I am looking forward to how far I can go.

“Arroyo? Who is that?”

“The supreme sun **** believed by the ancient Zion, but that race was extinct in a Holy War once more than 20,000 years ago.”

It’s surprising. Although most people do not know the name of Arroyo, Magaret knows the name. Is there any record of the country of Mage for such a long time?

“As long as existence passes, there will be traces. And this race is a bit special. The Zion ancients with eagle heads have a lot of achievements in calendar and astronomy. Our current star chart is based on their achievements, and In their text, they directly called the star ‘Arroyo’. How could I forget it. “

I have forgotten that Magaret is probably the only one of us who can use a few hands of prophecy and divination. And those **** sticks like bullshit to talk about astronomical phenomena, what a disaster is a meteor down, two more black spots in the sun can ask mortals for blood sacrifice, anyway, I have never heard of a good thing predicted.

I suddenly feel that these stars are very pitiful. When I put on my own makeup, I have become a symbol of the end of the world, and after a long distance, I have turned into a symbol of destruction.

Always being pulled to say nothing. So many mortals and messy things, can they finish it in two flashes, how concise it is.

Yes, it is said that it takes time for light to come from the stars. Then, the flashes seen by stargazers are sent many years ago. How many years ago can you predict trivial matters that have nothing to do with you? What a boring egg pain … cough, I mean power, do the stars have the ability to predict.

“… You are prejudiced. Our gold Elf is also good at astrology. This is a very esoteric magic. It requires a high level of talent. You can’t touch the fur in your life. The prophets make disasters. The prophecy is to avoid the worst outcome. “

Inexplicably, Harloys‘s teeth are itchy, how can I offend her?

“The prophecy of making genocide back then was my mother, and it turns out that I did not make a wrong prediction …”

The voice is getting smaller and smaller, it is no wonder that she is regarded as a Princess and a bad luck for her country.

“… haven’t tried to avoid prophecy?”

Harloys shook his head, but it does not mean that they did not avoid the worst result.

“Every effort has made predictions come true faster. Our efforts may be part of the predictions. From that day on, I swear that I will never stare again.”

Would you rather know nothing about the future than face a future that is bound to be destroyed?

It seems a little uncomfortable, the dead cat jumped off the shoulder and turned into a human figure and went straight upstairs.

I suddenly felt a bit scary. It turned out that the world’s number one crow’s mouth was always lurking by my side. Fortunately, she had nothing to do with a prophecy. I suddenly chuckled again, at least I wasn’t the number one crow’s mouth.

“Is there anything special about Arroyo?”

Xiao Hong‘s words evoked my intellect. Looking at her who seemed slightly drunk holding the wine barrel, I shook my head with regret.

“An ancient shrine is so easy to deal with?” Xiao Hong was surprised, she just asked casually.

“Really, why is the Magaret so fast and so rare? It only lasts for a few days, and I plan to find a painter to remember …”

The next time I woke up, it seemed that the chicken and the duck spoke, and we were not talking about one thing.

“Ah? Very good? No, he is very difficult to deal with, if it is not wrong, it is likely to be more difficult than Heng.”

Arroyo is the original **** who boarded Godhood/Position by his own strength. Before that, he was still a God Lord-level big man. Perhaps he has lived in already for countless years and has no reputation, but his strength may not regress.

A God Lord-class sun god? Was it the supreme **** of a race? This is not much different from God of Holy Light. It makes me feel scalp just thinking about it. I still hope to be able to solve the problem through transactions and communication. In case of inconsistency, at least I must retain the ability to withdraw from the whole body. This is also my life these days. Holding a reason for Heng Lian’s hand.

“You can’t fight, at least you can escape. And he hasn’t shot for so many years, he should not be a combatant.”

[No, he also has the God of War’s God’s Obligation, how could he be uncomfortable. And considering your usual luck, it is that his already has become uncomfortable … it will definitely cause some surprises in the end. 】

“… It turns out that you are also a crow’s mouth! But it makes too much sense to refute what to do.”

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