The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 60: Charge me!

What is Demon? I am afraid that no matter what race, the first reaction to this question is disgust, extreme disgust.

It is straightforward to say that without creature, Demon will be liked, including themselves, and it will be more resentful and resentful towards the same race.

Chaos, violence, evil, destructiveness, greed, and untrustworthiness. Except for cunning, almost all negative nouns can be linked to them, and no one will sue Demon for deceit, just because of Chaos creature Most of the time, even the interest in communication is lacking. If you can solve it with muscles, you absolutely don’t use language, let alone use your brain to lie.

The same evil Devil, which has many similarities in all aspects, although notorious, is actually more popular than Demon. Devil likes contracts and transactions. It is reasonable. There are some overlord clauses and hidden clauses. Certainly there will be fraud and hidden means in the transaction, but Devil is also known to abide by its commitments, which is much better than those Demon indiscriminate destruction.

Demon They are the first generation of people created by Goddess of Chaos Cynthia. They are the first generation of human. They fell to Devil, and they also made Undead Calamity. It stands to reason that they should be the origin of this far universe Residents are the backbone of Chaos Faction. (In this book, Devil is on the Chaos side, they follow Goddess of Chaos, but because they were Order people in the past, they are acting Order)

But in fact, Demon is the deadly enemy of Devil and the public enemy of undead. Their civil war is the cruelest. All races are extremely disgusted with them, but they still occupy the vast majority of realm and make waves in each realm. .

Without him, strong enough, enough.

As long as Styx River is still flowing, and the dead spirits in it are still being transformed into the lowest level of cowardice, Demon has endless reserve troops. The realm where Demon is located is always in civil war, and after the brutal civil war and devour, It is also destined to create a real strong, Demon and Devil of the same level are singled out, and more than 90% are Demon survived.

Every time, the door of Main Realm Demon opens. Even if only a small amount of Demon enters, it is still annoying.

Leaving the lower layer realm, they will gradually decline, but before declining to death and returning to realm, they will take away countless souls, and souls will always be the most value-preserving currency for realm.

And this time, it ’s really troublesome. The Demon worshipers of the past only dared to sacrifice a few people secretly. The sacrifice of thousands is a horrifying superpower. This time, more than one hundred thousand veterans and over one thousand The Legend strong man undoubtedly set a new historical record. The unprecedented sacrifice let the Count Demon fall with his true body. This is an unprecedented disaster.

Count Demon, it seems that the title is not high, and there are many in the bottomless abyss, but actually already is the existence at the level of the Demon army commander. He goes further and is the Duke of Demon, which is often a realm The lord is enough to confront the true God. (The Marquis and grand duke in Demon are both honorary titles. The Marquis of Demon are those who are much stronger than the ordinary Earl, but without their own realm can not be used by the powerful Earl of Duke advanced. Demon grand duke is enough to despise Normal Duke Demon existence) >

Vitan City already is a mess, the news of the advent of the noble Demon already spreads wildly, even Lorci did not have the effort to control the death of her daughter, after being expelled by the Elf gods, the underground world is her only place and The source of faith, if it was turned into ruins by Demon, she would go to sleep or even fall.

Of course, if it comes directly to Avatar and be beaten into the street, it will be even more shameful. I am afraid that now she is negotiating with other gods in the underground world to discuss a joint military decision.

While the true God will solve the problem, I am afraid that the entire underground world already is a mess,

Space calling and moving are Demon‘s housekeeping skills. Borrowing space points and Demon altars, the door to the abyss is opened.

In response to the call of his lord, the Kaka Geely ’s direct legion rushed into Main Realm, cowardly, quaser, succubus, hunter, hunter, flo, seducer, etc. The Demon, which cannot be classified, flooded into Main Realm madly, until the gate of realm finally couldn’t afford it, and it cracked into pieces.

The entire battlefield, already is a black Demon. Looking at the faraway city, the low-end Demon is full of desire for blood and soul, but under the suppression of the host, it suppresses its own. Instinct, one by one into another permanent space divergence-Liu Huang Mountain City.

The Demon army is huge, and the army formed by their clusters is eroding the rules of realm. The places that they walked through naturally withered and died, and the land became reddish brown scorched soil. It is a strange plant, and most of it is a very aggressive carnivorous plant.

The Demon of the Chaos product, only existence itself caused the rules of realm to be destroyed. At this time, the Demon of the half army came to the world, plus the true body of the Count of Demon. If you cannot expel them as soon as possible, here is realm The rules will be completely distorted and even completely converted into a new realm.

The low-level **** dogs are all red and ugly and bigger than the ugliest Werewolf. They are scouts and hunting dogs. They do n’t have to wait for the army to arrive. They are good at spitting fire and swarming. Just already swept all the ethnic groups along the road. All in a while, when they dragged the newly-feared Dire Beast family to invite their masters, they found that already was blocked by one person in front of the army.

Yes, there is only one figure in a kale robe alone, she is looking at the ancient books in her hand by the ivy stick, even if the **** dogs screamed at them, but did not look up. .


The low-level **** dog was frozen in midair on already, then turned into an ice sculpture, and then broke into ice cubes and fell to the ground.

The attention of Magaret is still in his book.

It was only when the army was approaching that she raised her head and gently tapped the sage stone floating around with her staff.

“Ice Age.”

The forbidden spell prepared by already broke out instantly, the frozen Elf sang in mid-air, and the entire underground world became a place of snow. Endless ice and snowstorms rushed towards the Demon army.


After the blizzard, the entire world has turned into ice. Demon, which is frozen to death, is countless, but Magaret is the most frowning. After all, he just engraved the magic of others, without the addition of Soul Imprint, racial talent and other abilities. Only the most basic power, far worse than the original.

If it is the Ice Age used by Yongye, it will be a bit blasted by this front, even if the Marquis of Demon comes, it will be finished, but if released by Magaret

“Kill her!”

Under the thick white snow, a figure more than 100 meters tall stood up first, it was full of flames, and roared and began to charge.

“Sure enough, is most of the power blocked by this Demon lord?”

Shake his head, Magaret is not discouraged, just a wave of staff, another sage stone shines in the blue-purple space glory, she teleported a few miles away.

“Stupid Main Realm guy, dare to fool the great Kaka auspicious! I will tear you into thirteen pieces to feed the dog, and then roast your soul on the fire for ten thousand years!”

But apparently, Magaret, far away from already, cannot hear this vicious curse.

Most of the power of the curse was blocked by the Earl of Demon. Except for those low-level Demons that suffered double damage from ice, they lost the army a lot, but soon they did n’t walk a few miles. The same It happened again.

“Complex forbidden spell: a collaboration between fire and wind!”

The fire and wind dual-complex curse of the original Ein Mezus brought a whirlwind of flames of hundreds of meters high, and even took the powerful Kaka Geely off the ground for a time, but unfortunately, the results were even worse this time, this magic The wind assists the fire, mainly relying on the flame to kill. Due to the inherently strong fire resistance of Demon, Magaret can only play basic damage. Finally, the number of deadly injured Demon is less than a thousand. The “fragile” Beastfolk cannon fodder is directly involved in the flame cyclone. , More than 10,000 dead and injured.

Then, looking at the sage who disappeared once again in the door of the dimension, the furious Kaka Geely could only grab a few Beastfolks, and chewed and broke her hate.

Strangely, those Beastfolks watched their compatriots being eaten. Not only did they not resist, they didn’t even talk about it.

Moreover, their current appearance is very abnormal, with red eyes full of bloodshot, looking at the front, already‘s huge body is once again bigger, no matter he is of the Beastfolk race, now his skin is all There are unhealthy blood reds, but most strong people have the characteristics of Demon.

“The blood of Demon.”

Yes, as I overheard, as the last choice of Tao, Demon‘s blood already was mixed in this morning’s drinking water, but once activated, Tao will have no escape route.

At this moment, the blood already of Demon donated by the Lord Demon personally was activated and made these Beastfolk elite soldiers stimulate their physical potential. At the same time, their combat power without fear of pain increased greatly, but it also became a puppet in the hands of Demon. .

As for Tao, the assaulting cannon fodder No.1 is all right now, and now he is half burned with ice and half burned, and has not died in the curse, but his life is hard enough.

On the top of the mountain in the distance, looking at the dim Sage’s Stone, a little estimation, the other party’s Magaret was a little surprised.

“If you lose the curse, you will open the dimension gate and run the kite. Mage flow kite. I did not expect that the guy Hu Lai ’s tactics would be so effective. Unfortunately, the reenactment of the curse is exhausted, and then use the conventional large-scale spells. It ’s even harder to see results. No, at least you can delay, they should be here soon. “

Disappeared before the Dimensions again, Great Saint‘s calm eyes, but a little more killing, that is the dissatisfaction of the threatened treasure, now in this position, already can vaguely see Liu Huang Mountain City, if Let Demon army enter Liu Huang Mountain City

“Absolutely no! Absolutely not allowed!”

Unfortunately, things are often not as expected. After the Demon army and Kaka Geely have prepared for this, this kite flow tactic, already can not gain much, especially after the sage profession has used up the magic of reserve and re-enactment. , Most of their own attack magic takes a long time and little power.

Especially after the familiar Abyss Demon Dragon was put on alert, twice, Magaret was almost anchored by the opponent ’s space. If the reaction was slower, it would be the end of the siege by the army.

Finally, consciousness ca n’t be delayed in this way, but after wasting mana in vain, he gritted his teeth and looked at the Demon army that was getting closer to the city, and Magaret was transferred to the city wall.

But surprisingly, already on the city wall is full of people.

Liu Huang Mountain City does not have an army. The Town Security brigade of the reluctantly called army, after being taken away by Wumianzhe (The Indefatigable One) for most of it, the rest are here.

The most surprising thing is the “civilians”.

Engineers of all ethnic groups are working hard to assemble artillery and trebuchets. Did the druid of Wild Bull Alliance put on leather armor and pick up the wooden staff? The students of Nanxiang took the wooden sword to the city wall, and Holy Church‘s Holy Knight, the priests of the temple, are handing their spare equipment to young people.

This can still be done. Those aunts and uncles who wore pots as helmets and their own kitchen knives as weapons made people cry a little.

“This …” Looking at this busy preparation scene, Magaret was a little moved, but also a little speechless.

“Who told you to come, Hu …”

“They are voluntary.” I interrupted Magaret‘s discourse, and on the side, Xiao Hong already was tired and slumped and stuck his tongue out, while Adam sat on a cannon on the wall and peered into the distance, it seemed Very laid back, but I know that all his energy and energy, already locked the tall Demon lord.

WAdam originally planned to intercept the Demon army halfway, but after seeing the endless Demon army and the incredible Demon lord, I advocate waiting for them to come in Liu Huang Mountain City. After all, here is my final hole card.

“Yes, everyone is voluntary, everyone just wants to protect their home with their own hands!” Looking at this busy scenery, Annie is full of fighting spirit, and the red flames are burning on Divine Sword, seeing In this situation, she already vaguely touched her Legend road.

“That feels good.”

Liu Huang Mountain City has many talents. When the news of the infamous Demon army attack spread, this city without an army was not expected to flee, but the powerful strong man spontaneously armed to the wall. The citizens of Normal who do not have the power to take the initiative to serve as logistics. Everyone does their part and works hard under the same banner to protect their homes with their own hands.

Inexplicably, through the obstacles of time, if I see a future that is not too far away, every city is like this. There is no army as an invader. Under the glory of the law, the citizens consciously stay away from evil and enjoy themselves. Enjoy life.

When born equal to reality, the world does not think that race is labelled good and evil. War only appears in operas and Epic. Young people began to criticize the heroes of war in the past, lamenting that heroes were created in chaos, and peace was buried. My own talent, I am too unlucky …

“Oh, it seems that there is no waste in this century. Suddenly, there is motivation again. It seems that there is no problem in living another century,” I turned my eyes to the busy figure on the city wall, and I laughed, happy from the bottom of my heart. Smiled.

Magaret, however, is still trying to persuade those Normal citizens to leave the city wall, but judging from the continuous flow of citizens on both sides of the channel, this attempt is doomed to failure.

The Demons who are looking closer and closer, I laugh louder.

“Those guys seem to be planning to win more. What do you say?”

“Oh, are you going to fight with Undead Emperor compared to the Legion? Your Highness, please let us teach these stinky Demon boys, what is the real military strength, and what is the real senseless charge.”

That’s a tall Dullahan. The polo stick in his hand is as eye-catching as the bald head in his hand. At this moment, the cross-eyes are staring at those nightmares. He already wanted to change his mount. .

“Yeah, the bones that have been turned recently have been sour, and finally I have a chance to take a sword. Wow, and the eight-armed snake instructor, all are handed to me, who dares to steal me! This is a fourteen-armed skeleton general. At the moment, he is trying to replace the pole on the plate with a sharp sword.

“You can finally get rid of that **** colored ball, Your Highness, let me fight, I am your general, not an Pet dog!”

The poor said, but it is a small skull dog with loose limbs, looking at the poor appearance covering his nose, no one would think that it is the most terrible of the seven deadly sins. fury.

Looking around, the high-level undeads behind me looked at me pitifully, and behind them, the flying blue battle flag, and the castle in the hurricane above, made it clear that it was hundreds of years ago. The pattern is even more memorable.

“You all took out the banner of Arashi and pretended to ask me what to do.”

“Oh, oh! Great, the bones are rusty!”

“Long live Your Highness !!!”

Yes, it is His Royal Highness, not His Majesty. They used honorific names for me, not because I was Great Emperor Yongye, but because I was the last dead king of the kingdom of Lan, and they were the last remnants of the kingdom. A group of fools who are unwilling to die and are willing to walk with me to the end.

“My general, are our legions ready?”

“Of course, Your Highness, your legion, whether it was 376 years ago or 250 years ago. Or 130 years ago, you were disappointed that time! Red Hunting Hound 24 thousand One thousand and sixty-two disabled soldiers have been defeated, sharpened their fangs in peace, and are waiting for dispatch at any time. We already can’t wait to return to the battlefield. “

The Pet dog, still dead, is exactly the same answer as that in the undead playground two months ago, but this time, it gave a completely different feeling.

And the burning fire of souls in the eyes of undead, if they are repeating how many times they have failed, they are still willing to follow my determination to the end of the world.

I took a deep breath. The Roland sword around my waist was hot and hot, would undead also be hot? Fortunately, undead would not shed tears, otherwise, it would be a shame.

At this time, my old horse Yongye also came in front of me, leaned sideways, and looked at me expectantly, as if waiting for me to mount again.

Yes, their determination has never changed. What am I waiting for, what are they hesitating, what are they worrying about, what are they afraid of!

“Yes, my knights, you have never let me down. Hit the drums, blow the charge, and raise the banner of the battle of Lan! My knights, charge with me!”

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