The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 599: Dead situation

A cruel battle seems to be coming to an end. already is like a buffalo bleed by a wolf pack. The besieged Devil general already becomes a blood man. The large and deformed body is full of wounds, and blood is flowing continuously. On the metal street of the Ash Furnace. Alas,

The young Tifflin warrior, Alsvin, showed joy, so easy to be able to kill a well-known Devil big brother, what an honor and glory, his already can see his reputation rise and return to his hometown one day … …

“The big devil will be proud of me, maybe he will choose me as a minister …”

When I think of the glory that can bathe the devil, his blood is boiling. As a mixed-breed Demon’s Descendant who has experienced hundreds of years of abyss, after experiencing countless humiliations, he has never had a slight affection for his “relatives”.

In the eyes of Demon and Devil, these mixed-blood descendants are both weak and lacking potential. The pedigree of Demon’s Descendant was also naturally suppressed by the residents of the abyss. When pure blood Demon met Tifflin, it was normal for a bite to slap and abuse. It’s just daily fun.

Except for a few Tifflin gathering places, Devil and Demon are the most common households in the abyss. Alsvin has already. I ca n’t remember how many Demon and Devil insults have been suffered. Now that I have a chance to kill a **** general What an honor and honor that would be!

Sharoll was covered with ice spears and ice arrows all over already, and he became a human-shaped target. The most dangerous injury directly penetrated his right eye. The cave was still flowing with pus. It’s not that Devil‘s vitality is strong enough, and it should have died long ago.

And at this moment, an ice arrow turned and curved from the dead corner of the right eye, and suddenly inserted into Charol’s left eye. Now he was really blind.

“… Sharol, your head, I am Alsvin Dimo ​​accepted!”

Hey. Alswin jumped in the air, and the opportunity for the carp to jump into the dragon’s gate was in front of him. How could he miss it, the man did say that he could not be approached without permission. But Sharoll was blind, and he missed such a good opportunity.

Even a good teammate, this is a fatal blow and a chance to take down the head. How can it be given to others!

“Wen Na, my hometown, is still waiting for me in my hometown. When I become famous, I will marry her back to my hometown … Well, the headless body is familiar, Casio what are they shouting …”


“… Calling me? I … I am dead?”

The human head in the air fell to the ground, but the headless leader was not the head of Charol. With that shocked face, the Tifflin warrior obviously did not believe that already was dead.

The Tifflin warrior who was about to make up for the fatal blow directly turned into a headless corpse with a blood spray. She was killed by Charol.

“Hee hee, this is the first …”

The location of Devil‘s eyes is just two big holes that infiltrate, but Charol smiled cheerfully, licking his dwarf-shaped and deformed right hand with the tip of his tongue, which is still on it. Hot enemy blood.

Squinting, if you are satisfied with the smell of blood, the relaxed expression does not conceal the contempt for the enemy.

Then I opened my eyes again, the eyes of already were regenerated, and the yellow pupils were full of pride.

“It really is a trap. But that guy …”

The sudden downsizing suddenly made me want to cry.

Don’t you say that the good ones are slowly consumed, why is this guy so simple to give the head away, even if you really think that the other party is blind and you plan to attack. Why do you still shout when you rush forward? Still worried that Sharoll won’t have your place?

Demon and Devil are very powerful in regeneration. The more advanced Devil, the harder it is to die. Although these “ice arrows” and “ice spears” are extremely cold ice materials, they will not be touched immediately. Charol’s abilities were destroyed, but they were merely “ice weapons.” There are no special effects that prevent regeneration.

The strongest in the Casio team is probably the fallen Angel, but it is only equivalent to the peak of Saint Rank. It is still 10,000 miles away from entering Epic, and the gap with Charol is even greater.

“If Adam is here …”

The lethality of the weapon is directly linked to the strength of the master. The ice sword is used for Adam. Now it is broken, most of it is Sharol’s head, but for this group of Adventurer, it can probably put a little blood and pierce Pointing the skin can’t cause fatal injuries, and I didn’t expect them to kill Sharoll. The Quest that was previously arranged was only to harass him around the circle after I tested out that he had no long-range attack ability.

Roussall is capable of long-range attacks? Don’t say I won’t call this group of little guys into battle, I will go away by myself, but the match between Xiao Hong and him revealed his intelligence.

It seems that do n’t look at Sharoll’s blood and it ’s very embarrassing. Most of them are the illusion that he intends to attract people. I already said that there is a possibility, asking them to be too greedy, but some people have So easy to hook.

Teammates dies in front of them, even though they are all battle-hardened, Casio still has a significant shake. When the hands and feet trembled and shaken, a lot of mistakes occurred, and sometimes, it was the first half Second is the difference between life and death.

What’s more terrible is the accidental death of this soldier, which made the encirclement apparently flawed.

“An arrow is running out …”

The ice in the extreme cold was all in stock that year, and the quantity was not too much. I did n’t prepare many sets for use alone. The Casio is more expensive when used like an iron arrow.

The plan will never keep up with the changes. Perhaps, when it was discovered that Danatis was actually on the battlefield, the original plan was long gone.


Ice Sword and Tomahawk intersect again, but this time, instead, the jagged Tomahawk of Devil was frozen. It seems that I can only make up for it myself.


Sharoll’s roar is still in my ear, but I shook my hand and already became a dozen ice sword hilt. I lost it and replaced it with a new one.

The guy who played that match suddenly waved nine axes. The physical supersonic speed seemed to be already.

Sharol is hiding so deep, his deformed and strong left body is amazingly brutal, and the deformed right body that is regarded as a failure to mutate is amazingly fast.

Weird body, weird balance, general characteristics of bugs, unpredictable attack methods and one-kill attack ability. It’s no wonder that this guy is obviously not the king of Devil, but there is “invincible melee below God Lord” “Reputation.

I don’t have much time for already. The battle over there is getting fiercer. The huge abyss of war **** already is destroying the entire battlefield. Perhaps, it should be decided early.

“System, Lasnina’s Cursed Stone is pledged to you, redeem me‘ that ’!” (To be continued.)

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