The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 589: Retaliation

Three illusions in life, “Someone rang my phone” “She likes me” “I can fight back” …

But when Harloys informed me that Xiao Hong was actually Wake up at this time, I was sure this was not an illusion.

“The opportunity is here, I can really fight back”

I know the strength of Xiao Hong. The foundation of advanced is to retain the ability of the past, and most of the opportunities will only become stronger. Then, I add Xiao Hong to the possibility of successful anti-killing.

The dragon egg in the backpack keeps beating. The red mana wave can’t stop jumping like a wave, but the strong vitality is about to erupt like a volcano. It’s not wrong. Xiao Hong already has completed advanced and will break out of the shell.

Looking at the approaching chaser, as soon as I gritted my teeth, I threw the dragon egg out.

The extremely high mana response made Ras Nina also quickly avoid it. She also had to guard against things like forbidden scrolls and magic explosion spar.

“It’s you, the Steel Tyrannosaurus … the little fire dragon?”

Sure enough, in the sky, a cloud of fire covered the dragon’s egg, and what appeared in the sky was a mighty and overbearing … small fire dragon …

Less than one and a half meters in length, swollen belly and head, the red dragon wings are slowly fanning, a yawn spit out a small flame, it is indeed a cute little fire dragon.

Ein Mezus?”

The confused little dragon turned his head, as if a big question mark appeared above his head, no matter what her advanced is, such a cute form is obviously out of the question, right?

There is a strange calm on the battlefield, and the next moment, the magic blade already in the form of a serpent is covered with the entire sky, and Ras Nina will not be in a daze on the battlefield.

Seeing the menacing female Devil, the Xiao Hong that had just passed by God was a stun. Then he panicked.


Strange words, is it that the fright is too sudden, Xiao Hong has lost the ability to speak.


The sudden development just astonished me. But I know that if you wait a few seconds, I’m afraid it’s murder.

Silver sword light and blood red Magic Sword collided violently. The knight of the dragon armor stared at the snake blade and rushed to the front of the little fire dragon. This was the first time that Rasina and I were fighting hard.

No need to look up, there are whip marks all over the sky, and there are dense curses of creature group behind them. Only after the fight is completed, already finishes falling into the downwind.

“Too fast …”

The Magic Sword already of Ras Nina surpassed the limit that Normal creature can reflect. The warrior top swordsman of human is in front of the Devil King who has been polished for thousands of years. But it’s not enough.

The side-by-side beating scene is re-enacted. Magic Sword seems to be disgusting like Lassina’s giggles like ubiquitous flogging.

The next moment, an ice wall appeared in front of me. Although I was smashed by Magic Sword in an instant, I got a chance to catch my breath.

Forcibly holding a spell when attacked by the King of Devil, I have no such ability.

The red fireball, the black gravity bomb, and the white ice bomb. At that moment, the entire sky was filled with various attack magic.

Harloys …”

Looking back, maybe this time the opponent was too troublesome. Perhaps today’s Harloys finally has enough power. The flying black cat floats in the air, but there are dozens of magic circles behind it that can’t help vomiting various magic balls.

The black cat with bat wings is like the witch black cat in western fairy tales. While holding her little wand, her cat’s claws kept waving, and she was wearing a magic hat and a small cape on top of her head, and another flashing claw was holding the silver mana sand.

That looks a little ridiculous, but more, it’s cute.

The dozens of magical arrays are constantly turning, as if they have vitality, but in fact they are under the control of the cat, blending and changing in the collision.

Fireball bursts with fire cone flame array dragon breath. After the lightning strikes the lightning ball and serial lightning, the same magic circle is combined. However, a higher level of attack magic appeared, and it was the most incredible. But it was these magical arrays that did not consume her mana, and entered an infinite self-cycle.

Harloys‘s shot made me take a step back and step into the dead cat of Epic Rank. already is no worse than her past. Considering her past experience and “age”, maybe already exceeds Xiao Hong.

mana version of the perpetual motion machine? What a joke?”

“It’s just a simple application of the four-element balance. Oh, don’t study it anyway, you can’t learn it forever.”

The low-level elemental magic of PuNormal is played more by Harloys. A little identification is beyond the scope of conventional four-series magic. The difficult Elf secret moon moon magic Alchemy warlock metal breaks down. Solution, Great Demon Witch Doctor’s Hex Curse.

When the dead cat has no limit to the body of the dead, Harloys‘s accumulation of millions of years has erupted, and the various magic bullets in the sky are like expositions of the magic system.

Each kind of magic comes from a different system, and different types of magic bombs also need different ways to deal with it. The time-lapse explosion curve attacks the split-mother bouncing bouncing, the sky becomes a drawing board, and a wayward child graffiti on it.

Looking at the dizzying magic array and the magic of the sky, although most of them are middle-to-low order magic that does not exceed the fourth ring, but still more than half of them are beyond my comprehension.

I’m sure once again how the title of Harloys‘s “Knowledger” came from. Perhaps this dead cat finally turned over after playing soy sauce for so many years due to its strength limitation.

The artillery bombardment of this scale, even if it is a Angel legion, will probably be completely destroyed in an instant … but the king of Devil is more difficult than the Angel legion.

Crazy Magic Sword begins to whip space again, the space cracks are torn open at will, countless curses creature fall from it, some of them become Ras Nina’s meat shield, while others actively meet the magic and devour those Pure mana up.

Perhaps these magics need special skills to deal with them directly, but summoning cannon foe sacrifice seems to be the simplest and roughest way to deal with it.

Harloys also seems to know that the magic bomb can not cause any fatal threat to Ras Nina, but still chanting the mantra while holding the curse, but the soul link, but outraged.

“Stupid, don’t stand and watch the show, and don’t see me cursing, just give me a cannon fodder … the role of a meat shield”

Yes, the sword skills are suppressed, and the mana level gap is crushed. It seems that my best shot now is this turtle shell.

A bitter smile, the next moment, but already flashed in front of Ras Nina, this meat shield had to be.

At this time, the little forgotten fire dragon Xiao Hong suddenly appeared in front of Ras Nina, and a fireball squirted out. To be continued

ps: Well, still a bit stuck

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