The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 585: Chaser

Hart, the capital of the Yellow Sands, is the only oasis with a distance of thousands of miles. It is the only way for three commercial roads across the desert. It is a veritable golden route. Know how much to collect.

In the past, the owners of the capital of the Yellow Sands did the same. After the rich man Ron took over the city, he reduced the tax to zero. At the same time, the tariff income was greatly reduced, but it ushered in. Ten times more caravans, and soon, this “stupid” policy was seen as the cause of ZTE in the capital of the Yellow Sands.

Some people may say that this is just a simple strategy, but many times good policies do bad things at the end. What fails is not creativity but execution.

In order for the benefits of this policy to be truly realized, it is also necessary to wipe out other factors that hinder the arrival of the caravan, remove bandits, combat competitors, clean up Magic Beast regularly, and open up and maintain rest points in the desert. It is not easy. Thing, along the way, my already has heard Cassandra boast of his father’s great achievements.

But the city doesn’t seem to be as friendly as she says.

Walking in the capital of the yellow sand, the eyes around me are a bit dazzling, and even the guards holding the black magic stick are staring at me with bad eyes.

“I didn’t do anything?”

While watching the pedestrians on the road watching me with vigilant eyes, I finally knew what was wrong.

“This city is too exclusive.”

“It’s not. It’s just that Hart was almost captured two times before. It’s all information provided by foreign spies. Now a strange alien appears on the street and is obviously a soldier.”

Even if she entered her city, Cassandra Caroline wrapped herself in a thick cloak, as if she was avoiding something.

“Why didn’t I get checked when I came in?”

“That’s because when the other Hart was attacked by inside and outside, the spies were locals. Those guys finally found out that as long as the price is good, Tifflin doesn’t have much loyalty, than Foreign spies are much cheaper. “

Well, I almost guessed even stepping into my own city. Caroline Big Young Lady is still hiding reasons.

Is she worried that the person following her hasn’t given up? In other words, she did not believe that Normal‘s city guards could protect her.

But it’s not a thing to be stared at this way. When I walked a corner, there were two more dragon horns on my head. There are also more dragon wings on the back, and a little abyss Aura is being released. All of a sudden, the precautionary look is gone.

But these eyes are covered with cloth strips, with wings behind. The shape of two more horns on the head is so familiar. I want to pose the old stalk of “you are the way to death”, but I feel a bit tired, and it seems that no one here understands it.

“Well, Adventurer, can you send me home? My family should be looking for me, and I will be grateful.”

Cassandra blinked, trying to recall the etiquette teacher’s diplomatic lesson. In his most sincere words, he invited the “blind Ogre” in front of him to be a guest at home, but in reality he was scolding his mother.

“It scared me to urinate and dare to scare a lady to see how my father cleans you up!”

It’s not good to retaliate with virtue, but without getting a chance to retaliate, Caroline, who has always been smooth, feels humiliated.

“No, it’s too much trouble, which one of the most famous pubs, bars, and restaurants is here.”

Even without looking at the twinkling eyes of the red-haired little girl, I know what tricks she intends to play. According to her mind, she is a harmless but disgusting naughty kid(s) prank. It is possible to kill people with a terrible nature.

I refuse. I’m not afraid of this girl, it’s just that one thing is worse than one thing, um. It’s definitely not that I don’t want to move anymore.

“How can this folk restaurant be comparable to my home? My chef is a super chef who has been invited from the most famous hotel in Sarawak. All the food. They are all purchased a short distance away.

“Well, I’ll go.”

In front of the belly, face or whatever, let it go with the wind.

And suddenly. A bad wind came, and I couldn’t help but shiver, as if some evil beast had caught my eye.

I looked up violently, but above the sky, it was a figure I had only seen two days before.


Compared to a week ago, she looks a little embarrassed. The thick black bags under her eyes are a sign of her long-term insomnia. Her untreated long hair is messed up, and her original gorgeous appearance is once again discounted. .

The bandages and blood on her body show that she can’t get rid of the influence of “Stare of the Hell God“. I am afraid that this is why she can’t sleep at all.

“Damn, wasted too much time in the desert?

I do n’t think I may be tracked. No more mysterious prophetic spells can find me in the long river of destiny. Tracking the tracks in the desert is a joke. Then, I ’m staying on this layer for too long. She didn’t give up after coming over, and the city-states looked for it.

Floating on the oasis so carelessly, naturally attracted the attention of others, and the empty knight and Mage already riding the huge bat got together, and had not touched Ras Nina on the clouds.

The king of Devil took a trick, a series of lightning bolts split down, all the empty knights were all ignited, and even the black robe Mage wearing a spell shield, without resistance, directly turned to ashes.

The intruders were full of malicious intruders to show their unmasked maliciousness. The city’s alarm bell rang at once, and the entire city entered a state of war.

The more powerful Mage and the city guards have stepped out of their fortress and Mage Tower, and one by one attack magic is formed on the top of Mage Tower. As the most important commercial city in the vicinity, how could Hart not be guarded by heavy soldiers.

But in the face of the threat, Ras Nina seemed to turn a blind eye. She just recited her curse silently.

The black mana diffused, and the clouds in the sky were actually dyed into black dark clouds. Then, the transition to dark green clouds was realized. From the perspective of the gathered mana, it will soon exceed the world ’s curse on curse. Definition.

“Don’t let her show off that magic!”

It is not the caster who does not know the goods. The dark green curse magic has come down. I am afraid that Hart, the capital of the yellow sand, will really only have yellow sand in the future.

“That ’s how she hunted down? How many towns did she destroy along the way?”

I don’t think she knows that I happen to be in this city, otherwise it would be foolish to throw ** on it. This kind of highly aggressive, wide-range quasi-forbidden spell is more threatening to powerful individuals than Not a single magic of the nine rings, then. She simply wanted to destroy the city.

“I don’t know where you are, but as long as I destroy the town one by one, you will appear in front of me sooner or later.”

Maybe to vent your own Wrath, or maybe to give it away. Perhaps because of the naivety of the other party’s Holy Knight identity, this week, when Roland was in a state of confusion, the “crazy Devil King” already became the most terrible natural disaster around realm!

Because of the existence of the zombie, the kingdom of that level still has Order. That situation obscured the true appearance of the abyss.

In a sense, what happened in this abyss of the unowned is the real abyss, the jungle paradise of weak meat and strong food.

At the countless levels of the abyss, every moment, people and towns are destroyed for various reasons. Many times, the life and death of the weak are just entertainment for the strong.

Curse her! “

“Sir. Please show mercy and forgive us.”

“Why? Why is this? Why attack us?”

The sorrow and roar of the ants are in my ears, but Lassina shows a happy smile. If she is not in a hurry to find the guy, she wants to let the curse be full and extend the life cycle of ants .

Perhaps listening to their misery and curses for a whole year would be a good idea for a vacation.

Why? Need a reason to trample on a group of ants? Do you remember how many mosquitoes and flies that looked annoying when you shot yourself?

Maybe some people will despise the existence of Order. When the most basic Order is gone, when the armed forces are not subject to any restrictions. When the strong do not consider the weak to be the same existence, naturally anything can happen.

Massacre? Nothing, can you find a witness? Is anyone dead? Is that dead?

Blow up peaceful and neutral medical institutions and diplomatic embassies? By mistake, accidentally used maps / wrong intelligence ten years ago. Let me express my regret verbally.

Making disasters and refugees? Oh, that was an unfortunate accident, but who told them to have an evil master!

Apology and compensation? How can it be said that it is an unfortunate accident? Since it is an accident, don’t think too much. Well, let me regret it again verbally.

War crime? Oh, young people, no matter what the world is, wars will always happen, but you may not know it.

When the power of the powerful loses its restraint, and when a simple exercise of force can obtain huge benefits, even the terrible evil can be turned into daily life.

Furthermore, when evil deeds become habitual daily life, killing and destruction can no longer carry the banner of interest and the country, but only pure entertainment.

The war machines that have been obsessed with killing and destruction may eventually be destroyed by more than just himself.

This already is the thirty-seventh city-state that Lassina intends to destroy in five days. From the bottom of her heart, already gave up her plan to find Roland like a needle in a haystack. It is likely that Roland left realm for already.

It’s just that the endless destruction and sorrow made her poisonous pleasure. Watching these ants being trampled to death after begging for mercy, she feels comfortable, as if the wounds on her body are much more comfortable.

For Ras Nina, who has fallen into the dark side for already for many years, the trial from the soul not only did not awaken her conscience abandoned by already, but made her rush to pass on the pain she suffered to more The weak.

‘Hah, cry, scream, and let me die! “

The hysterical laughter resounded in the air over the city, and the next stroke, a transparent ice sword, suddenly pierced through the heart.

When Ras Nina turned back to show an incredible expression, the ice blade protruding from the heart was burning fiercely.

Assassins popping out of the clouds have gorgeous wings, and the War Angel flame-like wings are emitting amazing heat and Holy Light.

The furious roar of the sword holder directly opened the dark green cursing cloud, and the killing intention was like the annihilation of the world.

“Lastina! Welcome your trial!” (To be continued.)

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