The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 570: New goals

To be able to meet Xiao Hong in the abyss so quickly is an unexpected surprise.

The “knock-off” of the powerful King of Red Dragon has also made the dwarves surprised that the power of the other party has expanded to such a degree, and they have become more dependent on me.

But unfortunately, I didn’t find materials suitable for forging sacred sword from their warehouse, but there are many materials with dirty and negative energy.

But if you think about it a bit, it would be strange if there is holy material in the abyss. The material on the dark side grabs a lot of it. Do I have to change another Magic Sword? But there are a lot of other shortcomings. If you run into a different road after a little difficulty, you are constantly escaping.

“You didn’t prepare before? Those Epic strong can prepare half a lifetime for advanced, and your family base should not be thin.”

“Gold and silver treasures were collected a lot, but they were not very useful. The real good materials must be selected according to your Epic weapon design concept, and even started to be built in advance. For example, the undead lords slaughtered the city to collect Soul, sacred sword ‘s best material is the unyielding Holy Knight soul willing to sacrifice self, these are not able to be bought and collected. “

Harloys is a wealthy family and probably doesn’t feel the difficult growth of the Normal human strong.

“Not to mention that some concepts have special needs and special needs, such as the heart of a betrayal, lustful lotus and other things that are very familiar with the name, and even the materials have to be created by themselves. If it is not Adam ‘immortal’, ‘fire ‘The demand for the concept is particularly high, and we didn’t need to provoke Phoenix that year, it was the most difficult game in my memory.

I paused, if I could do it for other reasons, but …

“The most unlucky. I learned too much …”

Harloys realisation. I’m afraid this is the key. Although Holy Light, ice, and death are not unpopular concepts, Roland has limited time and energy, and it is impossible for him to collect enough high-quality Epic materials.

Everyone else takes a path all their lives. Naturally, all their efforts revolve around that, and there must be a lot of reserves, but Roland has taken four paths, the pace is fast, and the accumulation is too shallow. Instead, they couldn’t keep up, and finally encountered a bottleneck.

“How did you get it back then?”

“I? The biggest advantage of Necromancer is that only bones are needed, and there is no shortage of materials. Seven Sins is my Epic weapon. The original desire of the soul is the concept itself. They are the Avatar of my soul. It ’s a coincidence, but I did move to the demigod level with these. “

The concept of “weapons” in Epic weapons is “aggressive appliances” and does not necessarily need to be weapons. A magic that combines powerful “concepts” is also a Epic weapon, a complete mental world that fuses concepts. Naturally.

Harloys is silent, and she wants to know why.

“Lord undead, it’s enough to kill …”

Some words do not need to be understood too clearly. Seven Sins is used as a weapon, and the material is countless dead souls and corpses. The equivalent exchange is the same truth in undead science. The deeper the soul, the better the material, but Unless I am willing to visit the larger Undead Calamity again and make countless grievances by myself, there is no material.

In a sense, those storybooks that jumped out to destroy the world’s Demon King without any problems have at least a little normal motivation.

I am most satisfied with the design concept of the death Magic Sword. The theoretical power calculated on paper is incredible, but I do n’t want to talk about the material gap.

My theory on ice magic is the shallowest. I haven’t made clear the design idea of ​​ice Magic Sword. It is estimated that I will go to the front in the end and tend to be practical.

The path of the law was initiated by me, and research is deep enough, but it is really more important because of the accumulation of depth. I intend to make it the core and fill of the strength system, and the materials must also be found in Liu Huang Mountain City and Hades, although already getting rid of the person concerned is not a matter of a short while.

On the contrary, the design concept of the Holy Light sword is very clear. Whether it is a theory or a missing material type, it is considered to be the most complete.

“The sword of Holy Light is not a pure attack Magic Sword. If it is designed as a pure attack weapon, it will waste the multiple features of Holy Light‘s auxiliary, healing, guarding, and purifying, so I plan to make it a composite Magic Sword.”

“So, what are the requirements for the material?”

“The more sacred materials as the basic material, the better, but there are two core points in the design. Special materials are needed.”

I clarified the design concept again before finally speaking it out.

“If the light of redemption is widely transmitted, if it can continuously radiate the light of redemption to the general lighthouse, it can weaken all undead and Demon opponents within a large range. To realize this design, I need a ‘Light source’ shaped materials with concepts such as ‘diffusion’ and ‘propagation light’. For example, ‘immortal lamp’, ‘eternal light crystal’ and other gadgets. “

There are such things in Main Realm, but the lack of aggression also represents the lack of practicality. They are placed in the church as sacred objects of God of Holy Light, and they are amazingly glowing and brainwashing. Too wasteful.

The characteristics of this material are not very strong, but they are in line with my design philosophy. It is essential, and the formation of Epic weapons is so troublesome. It does not require particularly powerful features and strength, but it needs to be especially suitable for you. Characteristics, luck is more important than anything.

To be honest, if it is not for the special “comrades” relationship with Holy Church, and their eyes are staring at me, already robs me at the door … if I really ca n’t find one that meets the requirements Material, in fact, masked robber is not impossible.

Now speaking, I also hope that the well-informed Harloys can give me a reference.

But after a few seconds, Harloys with a thoughtful expression still shook her head with regret. There is no similar God Equipment and treasure in her memory.

I sighed. Although it was expected, it did cause some regrets. I know that even if the Elf empire really had such a thing at that time, it should only be used as a plaything or sacrifice item. The possibility that Harloys knows is not Big.

“What is the second required concept?”

“If the first one is divergent light, the second one is naturally concentrated light …”

The sword of Holy Light is still a sword. Since it is a sword, it is not possible without a sharp blade. It is obviously stupid to waste Holy Light‘s powerful killing of undead and Demon. Pure, high-concentration Holy Light can condense. The light of holiness that becomes an entity is the other half of the Holy Light blade that I expect.

“Are the concepts of concentration and diffusion, introverted and radial, completely opposite? But they all belong to the category of light, and they should be able to integrate success and great ideas. At the same time, they have the ability to weaken opponents and attack toughness on a large scale, and they are also practical. Strong. “

Harloys affirmed the design concept, I am more and more confident, but we still have no control over the materials, and this is still the most complete of several Magic Swords, and I am not sure about the sword of death. I have no confidence in finding the oldest Demon.

“… It seems that Holy Church was robbed when I could only return to the ground.”

This is really not a joke. Considering that the owner of Holy Light has monopolized the concept of “light”, even if Main Realm has such natural products, it is mostly accommodated by it.

[Actually, Holy Light is not the first **** of light …]

The insertion of the system interrupted my thoughts. She is not a person who likes to take the initiative to explain the background.

[… Before him, the ancient **** of the sun in the first generation of gods, the natural harmony of light and the harmony of the second generation of gods all have God’s Obligation related to “light”. 】

I heard that I was a stunner first, then realisation, I do n’t have to stare at the Holy Light Lord. Since the light of redemption is a variant of Holy Light, I need to adopt the characteristics of light. I can find one that is ” “Light” instead of “Holy Light“.

The God Equipment of the ancient gods, or their Epic weapons, is likely to be able to meet my requirements.

“Then where are they?”

[Since the Lord of Holy Light has come to power, where else can the deposed Light God go? The sun **** Arroyo is on the abyss at the 372th floor, and the light of harmony is reclusive at the 16th floor. Arroyo was once God Lord. 】 (To be continued …)

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