The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 503: Artificial soul

Familiar faces, slightly familiar voices, and completely unfamiliar physiques are the first feeling Timirette gave me again. △

“The letter was sent directly to you? Didn’t I leak here?”

“Of course, I came straight after I got the letter. There is really Ham … the relic of the sage civilization?”

“Of course, why would I come to you. The maid with me should be a pure artificial soul, you didn’t find it?”

“It ’s true and false. I ’m not in the same direction now. I ’ve heard that the research of pure artificial souls has not been smooth. Are there any results now?”


To be able to get to this point, it ’s strange that Timmy is n’t secretive, and the stilts in the soul ca n’t be concealed, but there is no need to tangle things to the end, especially after reaching a contract with the **** of wisdom. Cooperation already reached a new level.

And when something is spread on the table, Timiret’s identity is not a big deal, but after knowing his identity, I was surprised that he didn’t know the research of artificial soul.

As far as I know, among the spiral towers of the largest relics of sage civilization, there is a tombstone engraved with the three “crimes” of this race, and of course, the results are right-“the whole family Immortality, artificial soul, life creation. “

But now Timirette tells me that their research on artificial souls is not smooth, which no doubt caused my curiosity.

“Well, it has been very unsuccessful. In fact, it is still impossible to get around the essence of the soul. No one can create the essence of the soul from nothing except the creator. Pure accumulation cannot reach the level of the soul. You want to create an artificial soul. .To activate him. Let it be a living soul, with various emotions and the possibility of evolution, and can only be integrated into more natural souls. Obviously already has stepped into the evil way. “

“… Isn’t that the same as Necromancer?”

Using the soul as a material to construct new soul creations, playing with the structure of the soul and sex, wasn’t it the patent of Necromancer in the past.

“Yeah, the hard-working innovations are actually left over for others to play. It’s a mockery of the sage civilization technicians, but as far as I know, at least before the end of civilization, There should be no leaps and bounds in technology. “

I nodded. I can barely be an expert on the study of souls. I can also make some guesses about the technology of sage civilization to build artificial souls. From Timmy ’s words, it can be seen that their artificial The soul uses pure computing power to form logical abilities, but like computers in other worlds, more calculations are accumulated. If qualitative change cannot be formed, it still cannot be called a complete “human”.

“Say this. It’s similar to Taling, able to make logical inferences, but without self and feelings.”

“What is similar is a set of technologies. Do you think those Mage will not steal the grave.”


I laughed out loud. Those wise men wearing gold robes and robes were suddenly replaced by the thick and thick men with Luoyang shovel and shovel.

In fact, many ancient techniques and magic come out like this. It ’s true that Mage is good at bad luck. Some lucky thief, mountain people, and farmers found the ruins by chance, and then the news spread out. Those Mages Running faster than anything, in other words, this time is not far from the country of Mage, there will be no Mage organization to participate.

“If that’s the case, shouldn’t taboos be touched?”

In my impression, the sage civilization was destroyed by divine punishment, and because of the existence, which regularly cleans up the system, Holy War, the **** ’s discomfort to mortals is still very high, and the general death is not directly punished .

“The pure technology is okay, but they have developed the artificial ** and soul preservation technology. You know the Tongtian Tower, um, it’s the Cape Tiantian Tower, that’s actually the soul preservation center. , Among countless small compartments, the brains and souls of wise men are kept, and they can still study in them, just waiting for the regeneration sequence. “

Reproduced sequence? It seemed to hear an interesting word. Under Timiret’s explanation, I finally knew what the big engineers had done that year.

Different from the mainstream of Mage ’s archeological discussion of this civilization. Since they are known as sages, those great engineers are not stupid without vision, nor can they do stupid acts like immortality for all people. After all, people with a little vision know the world. The load range is limited.

But they are still doing too much. They evaluate the value of “people”, and those who reach a certain threshold can get immediate immortality. Others wait in the queue for regeneration in the Sky Tower, and determine the interval of rebirth according to the value. And the number of years of survival, according to the needs of society to increase the population, reduce the population, in this way, the speed of expansion does agree with the population, but one thing is that they have not figured it out.

“So, isn’t it equivalent to all souls being imprisoned in the tower of Heaven? Only newborns who have emerged from reincarnation, but no dead who have returned to reincarnation, the total number of souls possessed by sage civilization will continue to increase, That will definitely cause the balance to be destroyed. The Chaos side cannot allow a large unified civilization to appear. The reduction of the dead directly leads to the reduction of Styx River resources, which will directly threaten the circulation of the lower realm, the gods on the Order side … ”

“How can the seekers of truth worship the gods, and how the restricted worldview explores the truth of the world, so Mage and engineers only show respect to the gods. Similarly, the sages do not believe in the gods, and even already someone began to study Gods. There are gods who catch and believe that there are gods who lack faith and there are several who have seized Godhood/Position. There were not a few gods who fell because of that.

The rest of the words need not be said more. People will die if they die, and they will offend the two camps at the same time. By the way, they directly understand the foundation of Holy War and determine their fate.

“At that time, the Seven Great Towers of Heaven seemed to have been destroyed. All of them thought that already had acquired an immortal soul, and all of them reentered the reincarnation at the same moment. All records were gone. Even if they could live under the punishment of God, they targeted the race The deadly plague has taken everyone’s life, and the sage civilization has come to an end. “

Timilet ’s words are a little sneer, but there is not much grief to experience it personally. For him, he just inherited the knowledge and memory of the sage, not his own experience, but more just Lament those lost mysteries and knowledge.

There is no need to mention the past, but if it is related to the future, it is necessary to ask more. Since Caterina comes from that ruin, there must be something wrong there.

“That is to say, the artificial soul of the year was just a technology similar to Taling. Need to invest a lot of natural soul in order for the artificial soul to gain self?”

“Yes, but it ’s also hard to say clearly. After so many years, maybe the technology is more perfect. By the way, we also had talin, and the Mage Tower‘s talin was used as our Tongtian tower. Spirit, he is the highest masterpiece of artificial soul, with extremely amazing computing power. He can independently manage countless living compartments in the tower.

“Does he have a self?”

“No, that is strictly forbidden. First of all, we must create an artificial soul with self and emotion, and we must destroy other natural souls. The more powerful artificial souls, the more natural souls we need. It is equal to a large-scale murder, and once the seven star sages … are the names of the seven towering towers and super towering spirits, they have gained ego, and who dominates who really does not know. “

When I heard the words, I suddenly laughed, worrying that I would be killed by the artificial intelligence I created. It really is not only the earth human family, but human nature is really universal.

“Ha, this plot is really familiar. The next scene will not be the Terminator of Skynet.”

[Beep! Crow’s mouth title is activated. 】

The system is always making such a boring joke. I’m a little tired. Now, in retrospect, the crow’s mouth and everything are pitted by the system.

[No kidding, the sage civilization back then had more than seven Tongtian Towers, the eighth … that is the largest Tongtian Tower, already is not far from you. 】


[How do you think Caterina came from? 】

“I x, can’t you say such a big thing earlier?”

[You didn’t ask again, cough, it should be said that you did not meet the conditions to trigger Quest …. How many messy things do you think I have in my memory bank. 】



At the deepest part of the mountains and canyons, the relic of the number z-8, the already started to operate.

The “Civilization Reconstruction Plan” is his name. For confidentiality, those who have nothing to do with the plan have no knowledge of this tower.

The sage civilization has no shortage of wise men. The insight already peeked into the destiny of extinction. How could he not prepare? This towering tower can only be activated automatically when the other seven tower spirits fall 2,000 years behind .

For some reasons, the first Wake up of the Tongtian Tower z8 was not smooth, and was quickly put to sleep again, but a dozen years ago, a reckless Adventurer entered the ruins, taking away an important Components, so that the entire tower can be started again.

The Tongtian Tower even extends underground. It should have been filled with the souls and brains of engineers, elite workers, soldiers, but more than half of the compartments, already, were empty.

In the deepest part of the ground, at the spire of the underground tower of Tongtian Tower, in front of the soul throne of z8, several black robes Mage are moaning in pain, their cranium already is opened, and the bare brain is stimulated by the current Reveal all the secrets

But the host already ignored them, its eyes already turned to the void, where, there is a distinguished guest, waiting for its invitation.

“Her Majesty, maybe we already have a common goal.”

After a long time, there was a response on the other side of the void.

“At least, we have common enemies in already, the vain and hypocritical gods!”

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