The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 490: Tracking

“How is the camp?”

already is empty. From the traces on the scene, it seems that when Dragon Lich came out, it retreated directly. Even the traces of the campsite were not cleaned up. It was probably scared by this level of mana. From this point of view, their strength is not strong.

“… Abandon the pawn?”

I nodded thoughtfully about the two cultists who were locked in the basement and looked depressed.

Suddenly, the window crackled outside. When the window was opened, a white eagle fell from the window and landed directly on the back of Harloys. It disappeared without a trace.

It seems that Harloys Avatar detection and animal shape changes are becoming more and more proficient.

Although waiting for the reply from the small town Public Security team is also possible, but in the ability to gather information, novices and veterans are very different. Superior‘s jungle ranger can track the prey profession from the severity of a broken tree branch , Characteristics, physical data, the sophisticated Wood Elf and Druid can let the trees and plants act as their own eyes and eyes. Teachers who can trace the scene of time can directly review the past on the spot, but the rookie who just came out can follow the footprints and lose. The rookie detectives are not helpful except to disturb the scene and step on clues.

So when I guessed that most of them had companions, I let Harloys send out Avatar for investigation.

“About forty-six to fifty people, with more than two hundred sacrifices, should be mainly human, the number and the intelligence of those two guys are right. But there are a few people in black It feels threatening to me. It may be high-end undead creature. If these guys didn’t hide it deliberately, they wouldn’t know. “

“Is it possible to catch up?”

“No, the other party ’s experience is very old-fashioned. already went deep into the mountains. It seems that they should still have a professional ranger profession. It may be dark ranger or the like, I dare not follow too closely. Go again Going forward, Avatar will also lose control.

Harloys‘s Avatar is also limited in scope. Coupled with the Avatar‘s negligible combat power, it may even be killed by beasts and raptors on the way, which is indeed inferior to professional scouts.

But there are other magical uses …

“Hey, help post it quickly, we need hard labor support.”

I handed the letter to Harloys, she did a trick, and this time she appeared on the palm of the hand, a white carrier pigeon.

Due to the natural limitations of Avatar. It is not necessary to let it leapfrog the national border, but following the official route, it is possible to deliver to the post office in the largest town nearby.

Of course, the normal mail carriage will not be considered. When the letter reaches Beyer, it may start the spring next year. The company that mailed the letter this time is the Leprechaun Air Express Delivery Service Company, referred to as the Little Monster Express.

Well, there is nothing wrong, it is air express, which is also the latest service project launched by the little fairies. And it was extremely hot.

In war, intelligence and information are more valuable than gold, as mentioned before. In order to convey information, the goblins use the hired air knight to deliver newspapers and important letters, and in order to serve other races, there is the goblin express, an expensive but efficient messenger service.

Of course, due to limited resources, small towns like Anton have no site, but capitals and commercial towns in various countries are definitely available.

“… We don’t have much time, and we should be here soon.”

“You left the magic signature of ‘Unbreakable Roland‘ under the paragraph. Considering your reputation, I think those goblins will treat him as an important military intelligence. Delivery by air ride should be soon Just come back. But you leaked your identity. Really not to save money on express delivery? “

“I … keke, let’s discuss how to share the gambling money that has just come down.”

It seems that the dead cat already sees through everything, but I am speechless, but these goblins are really dark. Even if I use all the gambling funds that have been hacked today … I do n’t have much leftover money. .

“… Are you buying me? Okay, this season’s latest fashion gown, the purple rose suit.”

“I can’t afford to sell it all over me …”

I helplessly rolled my eyes. Those so-called fashion dresses are expensive. If you buy them, you might as well obey the postage. But looking at Harloys who ca n’t hold a fashion magazine, I suddenly laugh. She also stretched out her hand to compare her height to my waist.

“Well, even if I bought it for you, you can’t wear your baby’s figure. Otherwise, find a piece of children’s clothing for you.”

After hearing the words, the dead cat’s face suddenly changed, and the appearance of gritting teeth was a little scary.

“It’s not your fault. I’m unlucky at home with your demon pet, and you won’t be constrained to under ten if you’re stronger. Children’s clothing, let’s go for the golden pink that is the 06 pink wings! It ’s the classic model in the Black Forest Fashion Monthly, a pink lace Princess skirt!

“The one with diamonds? Do you want to mail order again? We have no money for already! Damn leprechauns, and indeed businessmen in the world are generally black. Are these cheap weekly magazines backed by advertising? A little buga You can sell tens of thousands of gold coins with a few buttons, which is a hundred times profit, which is faster than the robbery. “

In fact, the mail order service only started from the little fairies, and the complaint I just said about already has been said by countless male compatriots.

The exquisite poster beauties and fashion dresses in the weekly magazines are a selection of Charm masterpieces by women from all over the world. At the same time, women from the entire world are obsessed with it, but they drain the pockets of their fellow men.

Of course, the requirements of dead cats are destined to be unsatisfactory. Needless to say, I ca n’t afford them at all, but at this time, I once again saw the lower limit of Harloys, and women were crazy for the so-called fashion.

Harloys, can you be a little bit a bit rude, leave” Demon Professor Harloys “next to my signature, even if you add the empty knight who will hijack the courier without giving the ten latest fashion dresses to your letter? Real robbery? Terrorist who hijacked the airliner? Can you show your face? The brutal men on the Scourge list threaten the robbery for a few clothes? I’m all shameless.

But apparently, the dead cat wasn’t moved, but just twitched the corner of its mouth, gave me a disdainful glance, and said the banter that hurt men’s pride most.

“Hum, you are not poor.”

“I … wait, no, I’m not your man! I have no obligation to buy clothes for you! Cats need only feed.”

“Oh, poor ghost, is it enough to eat enough? Savages who do n’t know fashion.”

“… you said the last thing you should say.”

While we are noisy here, the bald guy on the other side has been scrubbed by San Guan, and only knows that the pupils look at the ceiling indifferently.

“Child, do you understand?”

The old Barton nodded his face painfully, and was buried again in the tender **** in the laughter of Winlay, and this time, even if the old dragon paid attention, the old Barton‘s struggle was more intense , The expression is even more contradictory.

After all, Sanguan is more ruined than a beautiful grandmother more than three hundred years ago, that is, he is actually your grandfather …

On the other side, the team already, which is about to set off in pursuit of the perishable party, has assembled and is about to start. (To be continued)

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