The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 472: Ambition of the betrayer

When talking about the impression of Sea God, people will always think of the current Sea God Osveya. Even if the ocean area of ​​the Eich world is not outrageous to several times the land area, the ocean dominance that is almost equal to the land area still makes people With respect.

Osveya rarely appears in front of the world. According to legend, he has many incarnations. When the mood is good, the beautiful sea swallow will take the trek ship out of the road, and when the mood is bad, an unusually large ocean floor Great chapters can silence the island directly.

Storm Queen can only grasp the areas around the coastline and those who were once terrestrial aquariums. Osveya actually controls the territory equivalent to all terrestrial races, but adopts a governance method similar to doing nothing. Although there are many legends, but In fact, very little credible information is circulating.

Able to stay out of the Holy War several times, and can ignore the requirements of the two camps, but already shows his strength. From the ancient deities, I know that the depths of the ocean are completely another world, where there are still various The deep-sea sea tribe and the marine God Faction, their civilization already is free from the implication of the mainland.

And the mysterious and powerful Osveya, even his grandfather ’s Sea God, was once only a subordinate of the ancient Sea God Siduweira. It is said that there are some relatives. I am afraid that in terms of seniority and glory of the year, none of the existing God Lord is comparable Got Siduweira.


The trident condensed with ice water slammed on the ground, a large amount of ice and snow melted into ice water directly, and the pillar of ice adjusted its color as if echoing. The frosty white brilliance has an extra bit of kale, and the heavy snow falling in the sky has turned into icy rainstorm.

In the realm of Siduweira, take a shot to change the natural environment around you. But just incidentally.

A more weird scene followed, and a lot of strange water suddenly appeared in the heavy rain creature. There were dolphins, whales, seals, whales, etc., and even more rare deep-sea sea monsters suddenly appeared in large quantities.

The gray-black sky common in purgatory, already is stained with cabbage. The inexplicable ripples split in the sky, as if the entire world had been transformed into sea areas.

“The sea.”

No extra eulogy needed. Just speaking words casually, the whole world changes.

If the heart-like world is a miracle that distorts the normal world, at the level of Siduweira, it is “I am the world”. The territory of his ego began to expand, and the endless ocean spread around.

And as a reinforcement on the side of Hades, he gets more than that.

The Ice Tower, one of the four pillars, has opened unlimited support for it. The entire world has been painted blue directly, the terrain has been rewritten, and the mountain trend has naturally turned into a wide bottom. Cistern template, a lot of rain could not fall, even Karwenz‘s knees were flooded by sudden rising rain.

The trident made of water is swung again, and the water just accumulated has turned into a beast shape. Or dolphins, or sharks, but those sea beasts in the air are combined with water beasts. Turn it into something real.

A floating shark and water beast, less than two meters long, comes with multiple auras such as bloodthirsty, enthusiasm, and fangs, just like a super-level auxiliary priest.

A floating whale-shaped water beast, seemingly small and exquisite, suddenly opened his mouth wide. There was a silent sound wave, and the whole field was shaking. And that sound wave is a direct attack on the soul.

The level and strength of these temporary water beasts displayed far surpasses the so-called strong ones, just like the ancient sea strongmen reborn by corpses.

“Coordination of the soul’s deposit with the ability of creation? No, it’s just the simple realization of memory.”

How can the Siduweira of resurrection alone bring other strong souls, that is just the reappearance of the influence of sea monsters and sea powers in memory, and relying on personal memory and cognition to restore the ancient existence battles Ability, already is completely beyond the understanding of modern strong.

But after the initial surprise, Karwenz shrugged, yawned, and seemed to be struggling.

“… I originally heard about your reputation and thought there were a dozen of them. With so many tricks, it seems you don’t even consider God Lord now.”

The words just exited, Siduweira gave a meal, and then slammed the trident violently. More sea beasts appeared in response to his summons, and all of them rushed to the opponent, and a full-scale war began directly.

For the ancient Sea God, who used to look down on other existences, telling lies is an insult to themselves, and the silence itself already is the default.

Yes, not only is he not God Lord now, strictly speaking, even powerful shrines are reluctant!

The backhand he left before the demise did take effect. Even if he died, the Stonewell’s Ocean Bottle saved his soul. Under the guidance of the system, a large number of Divine Strength marine systems of Storm Queen became nutrition for the soul recovery. .

But Storm Queen itself is a fast and powerful Divine Strength. After another resale and attribute conversion, Divine Strength can stay to one-third and already is a blessing. Finally, the Divine Strength given to Siduweira will probably let his soul be able to Act slightly.

Originally, there is a follow-up of the Quest of the system. By hunting and catching sea beasts, looking for the Sea God **** blood, restore his * to make it more perfect resurrection, but now obviously there is no such time, the * used by Siduweira is still cold The temporary grant of the Ice Tower was not the same as his heyday.

Able to act or even fight, or because he is a one-step-up general. If he is a fast-growing rookie who believes in Sealed God, Divine Strength is not enough to support the soul, and it is the end of sleep forever.

If he has any God’s Obligation or something like that, it ’s okay to say that the original “Ocean”, “King of the Beasts”, “The Only Master of the Sea”, etc. God’s Obligation have all been divided up. Now he has no God’s Obligation, There are no believers and no territories, but they are gods with a certain Divine Strength, which fully meets the definition of evil gods.

“Oh, the evil **** Siduweira is really miserable …”

Karwenz really does not open which pot, and he is very important to deal with those sea beasts. Even the long sword was still in the scabbard, and the water block was easily broken with a single blow.

Karwenz does look through. If Siduweira is still in its heyday, the trident has already fallen down, and it’s straightforward, why bother playing these seemingly “gorgeous” tricks that are actually less lethal.

But judging from the increasingly ugly face of Siduweira, Karwenz does say that it hurts.

The deities are a kind of “conceptual” existence. God’s Obligation and teachings are the shackles that bind them, but they are also the foundation for interpreting their existence methods and spreading their “concepts”. Now all the Siduweiras that have been divided up by God’s Obligation don’t even have their own concepts, already has become an evil **** with no foundation. If it is not strong enough, I am afraid that already will start to dissipate naturally.

If he still has a physical body, it’s okay to say that now he has completely interpreted what is called Luoluo Pingyang and being bullied by dogs.

The ancient gods of resurrection will encounter such embarrassment. They often lurk in Main Realm, develop their own churches and believers, and capture other deities like God’s Obligation. Unfortunately, Siduweira didn’t have this spare time and he was dragged onto the battlefield.

“Arrogant young man …”

The ancient gods are roaring, but the new God Lord who just came on the stage is not serious. Instead, he is boring to spare his head and feels that it is a waste of time.

But suddenly. There was a voice lingering on the battlefield … well, I admit that I used Avatar to find out.

“How about the **** of Styx River?”

Ayer left with a neutral position. But I do n’t have the ability to enclose the **** of Styx River. What I call Styx River is the river of soul that runs through Hades. If you become the God of this part of Hades, you will naturally get God’s Obligation like “Dead Evender”, naturally Also detached from the embarrassing identity of the evil god.

“Let us be your thugs? Think of it!”

I admit I’m not at ease. But Siduweira is worthy of deep experience, and see through my layout at a glance. If he agrees, while acquiring the concept of “urgent need”, he will naturally become a member of the gods of the Hades. The first concept of the gods is his root, and once it is decided, it is difficult to modify.

“Then the only river **** of all the rivers in the Spring Land, let’s make use of it …”

The Creation God created the world in seven days. Our battle already does not know how many days and months have passed.

On the Hades, Titan already completed the rough welding of the continental plate. Since there is a mainland, even a life with natural circulation realm is about to be established, and there are naturally oceans, lakes, and rivers, so it is natural to place a river **** Yes … but why not Sea God? Because the fragmented continent has not yet built a region called Shanghai.

I sent the new map directly to each other. There were countless broken gaps between the patched up continental plates. When these gullies were filled with rainwater, the total area formed by the countless tributaries was probably okay. Barely compared to the ocean, becoming the continent’s total river handle is also very suitable for its current ability.

Siduweira is hesitating. He knows that the concept of the **** of the water system can be extended. The guardian of a river becomes Sea God. It is a logical advanced road. With this concept as a springboard, there is still a chance to challenge the current Sea God.

Of course, the first concept is difficult to revise. Since it has become the river **** of the spring continent, it is naturally related to the Trinity’s Hades crystal wall system bullshit. Although it is not under my jurisdiction, it cannot be completely abandoned. The realm was just a hand-turner. It was still my thug.

But I don’t think Siduweira can sort out the relationship between Hell in Hades and Spring Land. Mostly because he is a separate river **** of realm, he has nothing to do with me. ,

This is also my favorite negotiation technique. First, say a proposal that has obvious pits and is absolutely impossible to agree with, and then throw out a proposal that seems to be acceptable, but it is actually not substantially different from the previous proposal.

If you are seen through again, you will make a suitable concession, but in fact it is still a pitfall proposal … What other party will receive in the end, in addition to strength, depends on whether the head is good.

But obviously, if Siduweira is a good head, it won’t fall into front of your eyes.

Glancing at the God Lord Demon, which has the highest growth ever in front of me, I feel that the other party is unfathomable, and I glance at the pillar of ice behind him. The only concern in this world is behind him, Siduweira nodded, even that The third proposal, which is still a pit, has no opportunity to export.

“I … we agreed, although we were the masters of the sea, we also knew that it was not wrong to stay in a trickle during the storm. As a leader, I temporarily endured humiliation. Post … “

For the time being, no matter what the “Ao Jiao” scene is full of, or how blind this behemoth is, Ao Jiao, when he decided to accept the post of the river god, the crown on his head was re-edited, a little luxury, more There was a trace of simplicity, but the temporary body made of ice and snow had a more authentic taste.

At this moment, all the rivers in the spring continent have a master, and on my chariot, I have a strong thug.

existence was successfully interpreted, the power circulated in the chest, the blood veins were more condensed, Siduweira raised his hair and roared, his body swelled a circle, and he took back some power.

Although it is only a river god, it is much stronger than the unconceptual evil **** already. existence is power. The powerful Siduweira just wanted to start to crusade the “little young” who has no respect for his predecessors. Seeing that the other person suddenly returned to his sheath with a sword, he spoke words that everyone in the audience could not understand.

“I surrender. Brother, I helped you pit this guy in front of you, it’s a small gift. Now that we are out of breath, we can talk about it. Maybe we have common enemies, such as … such as Said that Cynthia’s mother who destroyed Lan Guo! “

Speaking of this, there is more fanatical and joy on that cynical face.

“The essence of Chaos is unknowable, unpredictable, and uncontrollable! There are those who have control, or what is Chaos. With the abyss of Willpower, it is also called Chaos abyss? It is time to let the abyss return to Chaos, Let us be truly free! “(To be continued)

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