The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 438: Origin

When Great Dragon was wandering in the sky, the entire earth suddenly couldn’t stop shaking, the wind also brought the roar of Wrath, all the means of communication with Main Realm were broken one by one.

But I do n’t care too much about the Great Dragons in the sky. After all, they are only a small trouble for the enemies and troubles we are about to face.

“Small trouble? Of course it is a little trouble. If I had a bad relationship with Great Dragon yesterday, I’m afraid it would be very troublesome. Maybe all of us will be kicked out or directly killed by Great Dragon. But today, the situation is completely different. It’s over. “

As the top gangster on the Chaos side, the little Tias head of the Devil Nine Kings is a God Lord-grade existence on the Chaos side, but he is coming now, but it is the body that has not moved for thousands of years.

With a kind smile, according to the simple middle-aged Gentleman, with his right hand on top of his head, and greeting Great Dragon hovering in the sky, but none dare to come down.

Devil There are three existence of God Lord class among the nine kings, and two of them are on our side, although another representative “Desperate Lord” is not present now, only this “King of Lies” The town has to live.

On the Order side, there are only seven God Lord existence in total, which also includes completely unreliable “neutralists” such as Ayer, while there are thirteen God Lord grades on the Chaos side … plus Karwenz, it is now fourteen .

Yes, from the perspective of outsiders, the king of Devil and Death God (Grim-reaper) Ayer are the same existence, and they are as powerful as God of Holy Light, Demon prince, Elf God Lord to an incomprehensible level. When a dragon recognized the Devil in front of him, Guys, naturally dare not come down.

The existence standing at the peak of realm can change the sky and realm rules with Willpower alone. How strong is already beyond expectations, Dragon Clan may also have existence comparable to God Lord. But I don’t think it exists here, otherwise they should have come up against Titan.

The gate to the abyss has not been completely closed. Numerous Devils have emerged from them. They are either tall and burly, or small and eerie. Each individual has a clear gap from existence. In the standardized rank and type of Devil race It is incomprehensible.

Devil has evolved step by step. From the small Devil to the strong war refining magic, even the Devil lord. They are step by step as if they are professional upgrades. This is the most obvious difference between them and the chaotic Demon.

But it’s easy to think about their background.

“Is the Supreme People?”

In the ancient history books, the Takayama clan was the original human group. They are generally more than two meters tall, tall and burly, and very warlike. In the ancient ice age, they could only hunt with thin animal skin clothes. Powerful Ancient Magic Beast.

The current barbarian tribe always likes to emphasize that they are descendants of the Takayama clan, but as far as I know. This is just pure gold on the face, because apart from those Alpine clans that have fallen into Devil, all other first-generation humans have been exterminated and Judgementor extinct. The Order camp will not show mercy to the traitors.

Then these endless and weird Devil are the oldest people from the ancient times. Only this possibility can explain their appearance, type, and ability characteristics that are completely outside the Devil system. After all, their existence is earlier than the Devil system.

Everyone knows that as long as bullshit has ancient and ancient affixes, it will be unclear, and this massive Devil is all the ancient Devil that has experienced countless Holy Wars. Let ’s estimate it a little , I feel terrible enough, and can retain so many ancient Devil in Holy War. It also confirmed from another perspective that the Devil monarchs have always been unable to work, and it is no wonder that the abyss is increasingly favoring Demon. After all, those bloodthirsty and violent guys are definitely a little qualified cannon fodder.

Of course, taking such a big risk, letting these Devils enter this realm, in addition to their commitment to Ayer, more, but we really need enough combat power.

There is no airtight wall in the world, neither the true **** nor the higher existence is a fool. They will soon notice that the situation is wrong and do something. At least until this realm is completely disconnected from Main Realm, the pursuit and sniping are predictable. By that time, these ancient Devil were the guardians of the Hades.

Now, stepping into this vast and primitive land, these ancient Devils have not shown the slightest slackness and excitement, most of them are fully armed. And those seemingly hands-free homes are actually more dangerous, but after they came. With a tense look on the left and right, there seemed to be some doubt, and then he turned his vigilant eyes to the Great Dragon in the sky, but did not launch an attack.

“You know, the more a person knows, the more likely it is to leak. The order they get now is just to attack a unique realm, and under the final order, no one is allowed to attack.”

I nodded. At this moment, I also feel that the King of Lies is a little closer, after all, we are indeed a kind of people.

“Of course I can understand, after all, I am the same …”

Yes, here we know that all the plans are only Harloys which is in touch with my heart. I think it can’t be concealed. The letters to Estrada and Orlos only said a small part, and they died. It will not leak the slightest, and even worry that Eliza leaked on the side of the abyss. I didn’t tell her a word. If she did n’t take the initiative to ask her, I would even throw her into the abyss … It seems that I have found her angry.

Ah, let ’s get back to business. I made so much preparation in the north before, so that Reyne and Glina can stand on their own, and they are equipped with enough powerful auxiliary forces, and as much as possible to rectify the surrounding situation, let Mist Alliance take shape, that is, Let it be able to face the increasingly severe without me

After all, although you are in a remote area, no one knows what will happen in the future. If the news leaks, you may even get revenge.

If the plan is successful, it is estimated that it will be a few years after our return. Then Holy War should be heated. The two queens must be able to carry the banner. If we fail, the burden on them will only be heavier.

That’s why I made so many deployments in the north before. There is our foundation. Even if the plan is successful, there is nothing to lose.

Reyne and Glina know that they will get angry.”

Glina is okay. Your final duck-feeding personal education is like a confession. She vaguely guessed. As for Reyne, I think she is completely angry. She estimates it from beginning to end. Did not expect what his Roland Brother was planning. “

Yes, I am even “, as for Reyne. I even said one more word, and I was afraid that Karwenz would be able to guess something from it. After all, my brother’s wild intuition sometimes caused headaches.

“It seems to be too much for Reyne.”

Recalling now, considering the look behind that, I not only kept it away from all the secrets and important matters, but also flickered two lie in front of her from time to time. I also lost the nerve of Reyne. If you are careful Eliza, I’m afraid I have been running small shoes for a long time.

“… It seems that the eyes behind are colder, and it is amazing to forget her instincts. Especially when I say bad things about her.”

“Be serious, you are fighting.”

“Oh, everyone said that Dragon Clan is just a little trouble, it won’t work … at least for the time being.”

Dragon Clan is not a fool. The strength of the Devil army is amazing, and the leader is God Lord existence. The magic contract, which is a mercenary contract, is flashing and shining. At the same time that I have been brushed by me, I naturally have the good luck. Whether it is just brushed in the contract, these reinforcements can still be used.

Therefore, at least until it is determined that there is an irreconcilable conflict of interest.

“Finally … the wind has changed.”

I lament that when they first came to Dragon Realm, they were regarded as redundant existences, but in fact for a long time. We have always been regarded as irrelevant outsiders.

The Dragon Clan and Titan giants originally “contended” for this world. From the beginning, we were taken as an optional helper. From the perspective of Dragon City, this is true. After all, this world has to Speak with strength, but for our desired goal, this is not possible, from the beginning. My goal is this world.

It’s very troublesome to explain, but in a sense, the plan is just a simple outline with a purpose at the beginning, and when a design goal is proposed, the industry needed to achieve this goal The basics and design principles must be followed step by step, but one point is essential-raw materials.

“It’s two difficulties to come back and modify on the original basis. The dragon world is necessary for us. The unstable material structure will be the best world fragment generator. Our raw material library in Hell’s Hell.”

The crumbling world is the most suitable raw material and filler, and our next goal is to use this as a raw material and gradually fulfill the steps in the plan to create a new world.

I’m afraid to start from the beginning, to talk about the principle of the composition of the world.

In that world, the Dong Fang Buddhists paid attention to all four things. They are earth, water, fire, and wind, and they think that they are the basic material factors that make up everything. It is surprising that they originated in Greece, which originated in Western civilization. The origin of the world is quite long. Time is also the four elements of earth, air, fire and wind.

This may seem surprisingly similar, but in fact there are some reasons, because they are the ancients to observe the results of the world with philosophical idealistic events, they try to classify all things in the world, find out their essential attributes, and then analyze Return to the basic elements of the origin to analyze the composition of the event.

Perhaps, the observation method already in that materialistic world proved to be inefficient and wrong, but the Eich world is idealistic. There is magical existence, Willpower and soul that are all real. Power, that paranoid idea can even create something that is not as scientific as the world.

On that day, the system gave me the “free” knowledge of advanced, but it was the nutrition I needed most. It was more precious than any treasure, and I couldn’t understand where it came from.

“Principles and experience of the world composition? The original four-element seal? Everything is back to the original point?” (If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest Power. For mobile phone users, please read at m.)

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